Day 1
18:50 2Optimizing Your System
11:30 3The FCP X Interface
43:20 4Importing and Organizing Media
1:05:14 5Projects/Timelines
43:06 6Working with Clips
37:22 7Editing Audio
1:00:09J and L Edits
15:49Day 2
9How to Dissect an Edit
1:24:19 10Let's Edit Something For Real
1:18:45 11Introducing Music
1:18:56 122:45 pm - Audio Mastering
1:22:18Day 3
05:14 14Color Tools and Effects Part 1
1:07:44 1511:00 am - Color Tools and Effects Part 2
1:07:44 16Effects and Titling
1:17:04 17Exporting
47:49Lesson Info
Working with Clips
Let's say, for example, we're down here on our primary storyline and yes, I want to work with something over here I don't want to work with it over here and I don't even know why yet who cares? I just want to work with it over here. Well, if I do this well it snaps back that's a really kind of annoying and I can't drag any of these clips over there because it's not gonna let me go past anything on the primary storyline I'm literally being stopped from moving that any further than that point okay won't it's not magnetic up here but it won't let me go pass that okay, I can bring this down to the primary story line but it's going now its magnetic now with lips sorry. Now, it's snapping now it's just gonna it's gonna go right back to where you know where the last clip was. So if I want to work with something over here or if I want to put gaps in between these clips, we have to use something called the gap. Okay? Um gaps can either be generated on their own or they can be generated by using...
my favorite tool in all of final cut pro ten and when I discovered this tool, it made me say, you know what? Yes, I can use this program if I come up here to my tool pallet drop down this this dialogue you'll see that we are right now working with our standard selection tool this is what we call our a select tool all right in addition to that we have what's called the p selection tool or pee or position tool this is your best friend when dealing with the magnetic timeline if I click on that position um tool I now have god power over this highway right now I can start breaking some rules watch this if I were that p selection to make sure you've got a selected if you do not have that selected and you try to start moving things around you're going to end up in a world of hurt make sure the p selection is selected watch this I'm going to grab well, let me let me do it without this first a selection tool if I try to grab this clip with its connected clip right here it snaps back if I grabbed the p tool or just type e to select it watch this okay what did it do differently? Well, it just added a gap this gray bar right here it's what we call gap gaps are good okay gaps are good gaps give us space to work to put other things and if we need thio it can act as a placeholder for something that you might use later on there's many many different ways we can use gaps that's just one way so I was able to break the laws of physics down here on this on the primary storyline and move that clip over and I can continue to move it wherever I want I can even overwrite stuff over here if I wish okay I'm just gonna undo all that okay notice what happened when I drag this in the middle of the gap it allows me to place it there but now I have two gaps okay you must always have something down on the primary story line at all times okay if I have something here at this point in time and there was previously something down here there must be a gap and at this point it's not even serving is a gap so much as it is just black video it's now extending the length of my of my primary story line if I get rid of that okay and I press play by hitting the space bar and I let it play out to the end watch what happens it stops okay but if I have a gap there and I play it back it continues on okay gaps will serve his black video member in the beginning we talked about not having any pre roll here right well if I put a gap in there and I could just move things over oh and by the way check this out this is where the magnetics are the primary storyline is really cool if I move something around it will shift other things and allow me to place it down be careful you're not losing sync we'll get to that tomorrow you'll see you're going to see all this in action like heavily tomorrow don't worry I'm just trying to give you an overview here now we've got some pre roll here to play with now I've got some black and then my video will start okay this by using gaps so gaps can be generated by moving things around with the p selection tool okay hippy you move things around or they could be generated another way I'm gonna delete that gap I'm gonna put my play head down between these two clips and I'm gonna hit option w and it creates a gap ok just be careful when you're doing that because a lot of times it'll split clips into if you don't have it in the right place so for example I would definitely recommend using my up and down arrow to get my play had exactly where I want to be between two clips and then insert my gap by hitting option w and now you'll see it didn't split anything it just put a gap between these two video clips does this um black in there okay you can trim up gaps the same way you trim anything else you can use precision trimming by using the comma period or we can just drag and shrimp gaps however we want if you want to remove a gap just hit delete okay so that's cool stuff another way to insert a gap if you don't if you don't remember the keyboard shortcut file I'm sorry ed it in sir generator gap ok gaps are good get used to working with gaps get used to working with your p selection tool they are your best friends when working on the primary storyline it will save you hours of going howthe why's everything out of sync you know that happens if you're using only your a selection tool and you're not careful I mean I can easily that that's not worth supposed to be it's supposed to be here so you have to be real careful owe everything to shift it over on me I don't want that so you have to be real careful about whether you're using your mp so I've gotten really adept and making sure my eyes go to this all the time I'm always referencing my eyes while I'm editing back to this toolbar because I want to make sure I'm on the tool that I need to be so need to be working with right so okay that covers that any questions about gaps good okay p selection tool great great great tool to use get used to using it okay we have a lot more to cover here it's it's it's very very difficult to kind of work in the timeline and keep all this stuff square in your head okay but if you want to make drastic changes when you're editing is a couple more things you need to know let's say for example I no longer want a part of this video clip down here on the primary storyline okay I no longer wanted here I wanted to be up here because I need it for some reason I just needed to be up there so I could do some other type of editing to it all right well I can't just drag it up because what's gonna happen what's well let's see what if I just try to drag it it's either going to snap or it's gonna you know accidentally shift out if I move it too far and my shift at us out of where it's supposed to be so I need to cut this portion off and then remove it it's a two step process we're going to use what we call the blade tool we can access the blade tool by coming up here to our toolbar and clicking blade or we can simply type be on the keyboard by default and it will give us our bleed tools a little razor blade you'll see there's a little play head that goes along with it it's a skimmer shows me where I am in my video clip just by skimming I can choose where I want to cut this click and it will cut it now I have this video clip cut at that point all right, well what happens now? Okay, well, now let me try to lift it off the primary storyline I don't want it there anymore. Well, what just happened? It shifted everything over it rippled the entire timeline if there were stuff back here it would move all that too well, we don't want that because it's possibly five music down it's probably going to shifted away from where I you know wanted to be so we have to use something called lift from storyline. All right, this is accomplished a couple different ways we can either right click on the clip come down here to lift from storyline watch what happens when I do this it lifts this part that we blade it off up off of the primary storyline and put a gap in its place that is really, really important when editing in this program because like I said on demonstrated before if we just take this clip on blade it off and pull it out everything is now out of sync. All right, we gotta be really vigilant with that so let's be careful about that and not do that and instead we're going to use lift from story line the other way to do this is this simply use keyboard command option command up arrow right now, it's also lift from storyline. We can also overwrite two story line if I want to put it back aiken, right, click over right to primary story line. It will put it back for me without moving anything out of the way or anything like that. Okay, it's gonna undo or I can do the same thing keystroke wise option command instead of up arrow this time down arrow and it puts it down the primary storyline really helpful stuff keep things in sync when you're editing when we edit an actual video tomorrow and actually at the end of the day to day, I am going to do a basic edit of this footage as I would as if are really doing it on dh you'll see how I use these tools in real time x I know we're still in there, we're still in the get familiar stage so I'm just trying to overview you give you give you a synopsis of all this stuff so overwrite the primary storyline and lifting primary storyline are very, very important. We have to be careful with how we use them, okay, let's, we talked about gaps, there are these things called placeholders which are kind of cool. And let me just show you what they are I don't use them often, but they are very cool to use, so I'm just gonna overwrite this I'm gonna put this back down on to the primary story line and I'm going to zoom in here so I can kind of see this area between this cliff in this clip and again it's a magnetic timeline. So if I move this stuff, it just snaps back into place. If I wanted to move it, I'd have to use my position tool and then drag it, okay, but instead let's just say, for instance, I want to put a placeholder here because I know I want to put a shot there, but I don't know what shot I'm going to use yet I know I wanted to be three seconds long and I know that's where I want it. Check this out. Come up here to edit the same place where we found our gap before. Insert generator placeholder. Okay, now it moved things out of the way here. I knew it was going to do that, but what took this little thing now this is kind of cool, right? This is a place holder, it just means it's a place for something to go later on so you can continue editing down the line so we can set this up for a couple different things. We can actually come up here to our video inspector, if I click this and come up into our inspector window over here on the top right. You see a tab called generator? Well, this is a generator. Okay, this placeholders considered what we call a generator it's, not a video clip. It's on audio clip it's a generator. Okay, I can set this graphic to change according to the shot that I want to put in there. So let's say I'm going to continue editing, but I know later on when I'm almost done, I need to come back here and put in a close up shop. Well, this is telling me that this is a wide shot of two people. I don't want that if I come over here to parameters and shoes close up, watch the image change close up. Well, it's only gonna be one person not to change people tto one and it's going to be instead of a sunny day outside it's going tio cloudy day great well, novelty ish, but it's helpful. I mean in this if you're cutting together a short film or something like that and you don't know what you're going to put it in a place that's a great way to do it notice how it's being rendered here watch this little this little thing here see how it's moving and it just it just background rendered that generator that's the power of final cut pretend we haven't even talked about background rendering it but I saw that happen and I was like you guys got to see that all right cool so that's background rendering so that's placeholders and now remember I said I wanted it to be three seconds well what did we learn from trimming if I grabbed this clip and I just drag it to the beginning you see the number on the left there zero zero zero one I'm going to drag that to be three seconds long one two and twenty four frames per second so it goes to twenty three and then pop there's three seconds I know that clip is now three seconds long and I have my place holder there on my timeline I just want to show you that cause it kinda goes hand in hand with gaps placeholders and gap sort of are you know they're located together in the menu so I thought I'd be a good thing to show there but that's how placeholders work okay, any questions? Questions? Let's take some questions if we haven't because I want okay all right? So I'm not sure if you've told lee cover this and this is this might be a little specific but if this is happening this person if I happen many people when zooming in and out of the storyline using the keyboard shortcuts sometimes the right sometimes right after trimming a clip, I'll hit the keyboard shortcut to zoom out to see the whole timeline but half the time it seems to the main viewer window instead yeah, this happens even if I've previously highlighted story window how do you make that work correctly? Don't quote me, I just think it's a programme bug okay, I think I think that's a programme but that's that's my assessment and may or may not be maybe something the way I work around, I'm not good with that it sounds like a bug issue because they're sometimes we'll also where I will use command plus and minus and if you see here is zooming the in and out of my timeline sometimes when I do that it shows me a misrepresentation of what's actually there and show me clips that are out of place and things like that that I know is a program bug so it's possible that that's okay let's, move on so we covered about we talked about getting clips down to the timeline howto work with clips down the timeline we talked about the primary storyline the magnetic timeline, how we use the p tool to get around this mag crazy magnetic timeline and we talked about gaps that's all good it's all good stuff you need to know let's talk quickly about navigating the timeline and different ways to navigate the timeline you just saw how I was zooming in if I had z you see now I have a little magnifying magnifier little magnifying glass icon that allows me to zoom in now if I command plus and minus on my keyboard, I can zoom in and out or I'm sorry equal sign forgive me well, no that's the same thing same keep plus and minus this is just showing it as equal sign on the exposed so okay, so we can zoom in and out that way or we can just select our zoom tool either by hitting z z or just clicking it here and just clicking in left click to zoom in or hold option and zoom out just like that. Okay? I'm also using there's another thing I like to use I like to use the wheel on my mouse or a magic mouse just the kind of scroll around my timeline. So if I'm zoomed in such like this and I've got let's, grab a bunch of let's say I have a bunch of other clips down here let's say, I've got one here and maybe they're stacked up and I've got like another one here and maybe another one okay, so let's say now aiken I want to navigate the timeline I'm just scrolling with my finger on the mouse just like this just moving it back and forth okay and that's allowing me to just move around my timeline very quickly and this really helps and you'll see me uses a lot tomorrow when we're really editing or maybe even later today um you have to get around quickly there's also the hand tool this is kind of good recovering a lot of these different tools in here the hand tool either by selecting here or hitting keyboard shortcut h allows me to grab the timeline and just move it around. This is a safe way to move your timeline around without moving an eclipse and I'm just clicking and dragging with the hand tool if you've ever worked in now, they'll be photoshopped or any of those programs that handle works the exact same way we're just moving around on the timeline very easily and safely to get where we need to look without moving clips around that's very helpful, okay, one more thing I want to talk about tool wise that we haven't really got actually it's two more things that we haven't talked about I want to get into they are the trim tool which can be accessed here in the menu by hitting trim or by using keyboard shortcut tea and the range selection tool which can be used in both the project timeline and the event browser. So let's, start with the trim tool. Remember, we talked about trimming before I'm going to zoom here. We talked about trimming before by grabbing clips and just dragging the ends of the clips. Right. The trim tool on hit t on my keyboard is going to bring up my trim tool allows me to grab the clip somewhere along the middle of the clip and notice what happens up top there. We now have two up display. We have two windows. Well, what what were those two windows? The window on the left is the first frame of this clip. The right most window is the last frame. So it's just sort of showing me where I am in this clip. So instead of having to kind of judge where I am by trimming, I can simply just duel. This is what's called a slip at it. A lot of times called slip at it. We're just adjusting these parameters without having to adjust both the front and the back of the same time. It's useful? I use it once in a while if I want to make minor adjustments to a shot if maybe I cut to a shot and it shakes a little bit. Like sometimes you cut to a shot it's a little shaky. Well, I know it gets steady so I have to do is use my trump tool and it's kind of a just that a little bit and it fixes it so the trip was kind of cool, right? The troops will come be used anywhere on the on the project timeline. The next thing we want to use is owned by the way, with the troupe tool selected. If I do it much frontal selected and I grab the end of the clip notice what's happening here it's rippling everything before it. Just be careful of that. Something just to watch out for it can be useful if that's something you want to do if you want to repeal the whole front end of the timeline and bring it forward use the trip though when you can do that again, this is all gonna be circumstantial, it's all going to be dependent upon what you're trying to do in program. Okay, but it's something to watch out for. The next thing I want to talk about is the range selection tool. The rays selection tool down here brings up this little glowy yellow range timeline thing and this is great for selecting a range of of of shots or clips if I want to let's say, grab just this point to this point over here, I can do that just by using my range selection. Told to grab that part. Okay. And that sort of gives me a reference of what? Of where, you know, the part of the book that I wanted to use. Let's. Say I won to cut that. Now I can use my blade tool and just go to the ends and cut it. And that will help me to kind of know where I needed to cut so rain selection to alchemy work could be used on there. It's also used for exporting let's. Say, for example, I only want to export this part of my project right here. Well, by using the range selector and just highlighting that range when I goto export my project it's on ly going to export this part right here. So if let's say, for example, you have a movie and you have several scenes in your movie and you only want to export one of those scenes, you can use the range selection tool to select that scene and then exported. No, we haven't gotten exporting it, but that's one way to do it. Once we have a range selected, we can adjust the range by grabbing the beginning in the end and by adjusting it. The range tool has a lot of different applications again it's all gonna depend on what we're using it for and as we're gettinto seymour involved editing will definitely see it come in handy and in different circumstance is another great thing that the range selectors is great for is audio and when we get to audio you'll see that work okay the range selector can also be used up here in the event browser I could take my range selector tool and it basically works just like clicking and dragging up here on the top so the race selectors a versatile tool that can be used anywhere in the program very cool any questions so you know what that's good we actually were able to cover all of these tools here in the tool bar which is fantastic. So just to recap trim will help you to trim your clips by doing slip at its position tool will help us to move things around on the primary storyline the range selector tools great for selecting only a part of our project that we need to work with at the current moment in time blade tool you know what there's one more thing on this I want to show you blade tool in addition to being able to spice clips in half we could also spice multiple clips and half a cz well, let's say, for example, I wanted to cut in half both this clip and this quick beneath it I can hit be for my blade toll I'll hold down shift and now you see I have two blades they're my icon kind of shifted to two blades now aiken blade and it cuts everything down that line so if I had multiple clips there can do it right here for example, we have four clips stacked on top of each other if I hold shift and cut, all four clips were cut at the point where the play had touched it. So that's the blade tool very, very helpful are zoom tool as we already know you've seen a thousand times just zooms us in that of our timeline. Okay, what little zoomed in here? It's a little confusing. There we go. And then our last tool is the hand tool which allows us to navigate around on our timeline without worrying about having to move too many clips around. Okay, so now that we've covered that kind of stuff let's just make some basic edits. I'm just gonna do some quick editing here to show you how we kind of use a lot of those tools combined in an actual work flow, so I'm gonna I'm just gonna start from scratch that's just wipe this out, okay? Let's, come down here, I'm gonna leave this gap and you know why I'm gonna leave that gaps? I want a couple seconds of pre roll before I start my video and that's purely optional. You don't have to do that. We can add free role later if we wanted to. I'm just gonna leave it there for the sake of having it there right now. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going I'm going to actually grab some usable interview shots. And I know my vanessa interview is in vanessa interview. Um and the thing with well, actually, you know what? Let me go up into this finished yoga event because I have, instead of listening to vanessa without the actual sound, will listen to vanessa as the sound was meant to be so here's what? Here's, what it sound here's what venice's interview sounded like before we attached the real audio. This is what it sounded like during this four rumors. A four day workshop is its four mornings. Okay, it's a little echoey, right? Because that's coming off the camera. That audio, right? Well, if I come over here, this is what I've already I've already sync it up, and we're gonna get into thinking later, listen to the difference now in your life I've caused by photography will way to the next clip pops up we'll get into what I'm looking at here this is a combined clip of video and audio that we sync up we're definitely going to get into this because it's really joined me for four mornings of yoga for photographers that can read deuce and a lot different much, much higher quality audio let's work with this so we actually have a representation of something that would be really so this is interesting now we're no longer in our tutorial event army I am now grabbing a clip from a completely different event and using it in this project timeline that's associated with a different event that's the power of final cut pro aiken news media from other events in this event so I'm just going to double click this clip right here and it's going to open it up in a separate time line so I can pull down some video clips vanessa and bring them into our other project time so I don't want to get too far ahead and this is a little bit more advanced but I just want to kind of show you what that we can do here so let's find some sound bites from vanessa will bring them into our other project and then we'll add some b roll connected clips and things like that and show you a real workflow so let me just play this and I'm going to see what I need to use the difference here is I'm not searching for my clips up here in the event browser, I'm actually using this timeline that has the video and audio merged find my video clips so let's, just go through this all of the symptoms that photographers have back pain, elbow pain, hips, knees, all your joints. Okay, so I'm going to grab that statement she just said here, so I need to grab from this point right here. All of the symptoms that photographers have back pain, elbow pain, hips, knees, all your joints. Great. So I'm gonna go back to the beginning where I know I want to start when he was my blade tool and I'm not just cutting the video on cutting the audio too, so I need to hold shift. I'm gonna blade it divided both of the clips. Don't do the same thing at the end your joints right there. Blade tool it shift cut it. And now the soundbites separate. I have my video and audio and I can bring this now into my other timelines. So I'm just gonna you know how you copy and paste on any program like a text program command seek man v come and see it's gonna copy that clip, remember, we talked about the timeline history button right here let me zoom in so you can see it timeline history, but this is the last time line that we were in while the last timeline we were in is our tutorial timelines. If I click that now I'm back in the my tutorial project, right? Here's, that pre rolled gap that we used. Okay, zoom out. I'm gonna go to the end of my pre rolled black command v shift z to zoom out to see the whole thing and there is no copy that soundbite video and audio into this timeline, and now I'm ready to start placing some b roll on top of this, we have some nice video. Nice audio. Don't worry about the context at this point, all of the symptoms that guitar great it's there. So we're gonna go back into our tutorial event where I had the b roll and now we can start using are filtering and marrow of our great filtering tools that we have well, let's, let's, use it, let's, go into I need shots where they're laying down. Did we actually separate any? Yes, we did there they are. Perfect. Come up here to the top. I didn't mark in his favorite, so we'll find one let's just hit r j k and l keys l a to start that shot looks good to me. I'm gonna hit oh to sethi out point and I don't want the audio you heard vanessa talking here I don't want that I just want the video I'm going to hit shift too that changes this area right here to blue which means I'm on ly taking the video video on lee and I'm gonna connected I don't wantto overwrite I don't want to put it on the primary storyline my b roll will always go a za connected clip in the wild wild west so I'm going to choose a point in my clipper I want that to show so let's see all of the symptoms that photographers have back pain elbow pain okay, so maybe where she says back pounding so prefers have back right there perfect command one will bring me back up and activate my my browser window my event browser window and now I can hit q to connect that clip there it is I play this back argh refers have back pain, elbow pain, hips, knees there it is I've just made a connected at it a b roll at it on top of our primary story line and the main action which is vanessa talking the clips a little bit too long I don't want to be that long let's just trim it I'm just going to grab it here and I'm going to drag it to trim it, making about that long right there perfect back pain elbow pain hips, knees all your joints perfect let's go grab another cut from vanessa now we get to use our timeline history forward button okay, there is a keyboard shortcut for this by the way, if you want to use keyboard shortcut command right bracket it'll accomplish the same thing it'll go back and forth between the timelines you see how I'm doing that they're so command right bracket brings us into this other part let's grab another clip from vanessa here we're going to address all the different problems that photographers tend to have by doing really easy, simple moves that you could do by herself at home. Okay, let's see what else we got and there was a lot more to this let's go over here and notice how I'm using a little roller on my mouse just to navigate the timeline. I could also use my hand told by hitting a gin just dragging so I'm just kind of demonstrating all the little things that we taught you a selection tool let's go back to the beginning here and see what she says just kidding you don't have to do that, I swear we really will be using yoga moves that are easy even if you think you're out of shape or you can't even touch your toes okay, well, I don't need the part where he says that's just kidding so it'll have to do that I swear we we now I want to get the prophecy says we but it's kind of wedged in with some other stuff so I was going to use my arrow keys to navigate back frame by frame and we'll play it back again pacific and nail this down I swear we we were right about there I think will be good. Ok, we'll set a little marker there just by hitting em put this little marker this little blue marker here just kind of marks off the spot. We'll get into markers in much more detail later we really will be using yoga moves that are easy even if you think you're out of shape or you can't even touch your toes perfect right there is good blade tool by hitting be come over here hold shift to cut everything do the same thing over here in this other marker looks good, eh? Selection tool I'm just going to drag and select these clips. Command see will copy it timeline history back now we need to put this over here at the end okay, well, I could drag and put my mouth down and hope on being accurate for I could just use my down arrow key to get me to the next point because that's where I want this sound wait to go on the primary storyline with the audio command v there it is perfect now let's play it back and see what happens their joints we really will be using younger moves okay it's a little rough it's a little rough there is a little clean a little audio clean up we got to get into so we're going to get into that also in the next segment I'm just kind of setting the stage for the next segment has been work with audio so let's let's just play this back again real quick and it's listening sneeze all here joints we really ok know this would happen when these two clips when they when they when they cut her head jumps wei don't want to see they don't want to see that's called a jump cut you don't ever want to see that video so we need to put a connected clip here to kind of be roll over that so let's find a connected clip let's come back up here let's tie pin ball remember we had these look how easy it is the search for clips right and if I had all of my clip segmented like that well you know I think they'd be a good place for ex clip just type it in boom you're already on it you don't have to go back through here okay well I'm gonna take this off going heroes or images and you know it's just a little easier to just to do it by searching so fast so ball pool there it is, right? Grab that. I'm going to use command to to activate my timeline. See, watch did you watch the change in the gray area down arrow? What? Sorry up power was going to bring me back to the edit point where I want that b roll to go command one reactivates my events window and I can click or reckon press q to connect the clip there's my connected b roll that's what we call a cutaway you're cutting away from the main action, which is a jump cut and covering it up with this beauty shot. You come back here and play it, nis all here, my volume, knees, all here joints we really will be using younger moves that still requires a little bit of audio work, but at least we covered up that jump cut. All right, so you're starting to see how things really play out let's add a bunch of b roll shots in here, so let's, go down arrow so that's where I want my next shot to go, I'm going to go command one back up here to the top and I don't want to use the ball shot so let's just grab shots of solo shots and let's see what else we have notice when I clicked on this key word collection that nothing showed up this hangs up a lot of people they'll go understand no clips match the current filter setting oh I have to take off where I typed in ball because when I clicked on solo shots there's no clips in there titled ball so I have to just ex out of that now I can see the clips that are in my keyword collection okay so let's just grab a shot here all this six shot of vanessa doing this crazy move here we go hour alright, that looks good so again I'm just using by j k nell to navigate space bar to play said buy in and out using I you know and obviously using cuter connected there it is we're trimming up done right so in a nutshell I just tried to illustrate a lot of things that we were teaching you about working with clips on the timeline if I want to start moving things around what do I have to do? Anybody? What gaps? P tool right? We have to be careful not to move these things out of sync. You watch what happens here if I say so and I grab it ok it's going to grab all my all of my stuff for me but if I grab my pencil and move this clip now it's going over white things now we have some audio doesn't belong there is now playing under this other other audio so just use a lot of caution when you're working on the primary storyline okay if I wanted to lift this up from the primary storyline option command up arrow will move it up and now I have some space down here for whatever you need to do and we're gonna get maurin deep end detail about the reasoning behind this when we get into editing theory tomorrow but this just gives you an overview of howto work with clips down on the timeline one more thing I want to show you before we wrap up this segment take some questions I want to show you something cool called the precision editor if I wanted to make a precision edit because we know the audio here doesn't sound that great let's play this back we'll listen to it again hips turn my audio up sorry pain hips knees all your joints we really will be okay if I is to get this little pop here comes up a little bit too loud if I double click right here where these two clips meat it expanded what we call the precision editor the precision editor is cool because it shows me so here's the point that's where this clip right here okay and this clip connect everything past here that's ghosted out or great out that's what lies beyond that point? So I just I just actually shouldn't have shifted something by mistake. I can make precision edits by dragging this little tab and it will automatically change the in the out point of the first clip and the point of the second clip at the same time. So it helps me to get precise when trying to fix things like this. So it's not really the video that's the problem it's more the audio that's the problem, right? So we kind of have to do a little precision editing here. I'm just going to open that up your joint we really will be using now it sounds a little bit better so the precision editor will help me to kind of get in here, get things right where I want them to be so they could be precise when they cut it's great! If you have, like a sloppy shot cutting into a sloppy shot kind of clean up both of them. Another segment full of a lot of information, right? I'll be honest about the precision tool. I don't use that a whole whole lot but it is great to know that it's at your disposal, sze.
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Crispino Dourado
I've been using FCP since 2013 or so I thought! Until I went through the lessons here and boy was I hooked on! I've learned a ton of stuff that I can use from this course! Really awesome course for beginners to professionals and a must for wedding cinematographers! I loved every bit of this course! Thank you.
Ryan Pierson
Rob Adams and Vanessa Joy are incredible speakers and thoughtful educators. In three days, they take you through the basics of editing theory and explain everything you need to know to dive into FCP X. Rob even details how to do advanced color grading at a pace that is clear and easy to understand. Without a doubt, this course has done more to improve my personal and professional use of FCP X than five years of experience working with video and audio. A+ great course.
Simply brilliant! I had no idea where to start with FCP and even though I am now using an updated version... this course has been invaluable!!! Thank you Rob and Vanessa!
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