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The Order Stage

Lesson 17 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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Lesson Info

17. The Order Stage

<b>In this lesson, Mike shares his best practices for communication during the order stage.&#160;</b>

Lesson Info

The Order Stage

1 The second stage is the order stage. 2 Once the order is placed, now you're in the driver's seat. 3 Your goal as a seller is to make sure 4 that the buyer is comfortable with your process. 5 Here are some suggestions that I would give in order 6 to keep the buyers happy. 7 During the order process, 8 you wanna keep the buyers informed about what you're doing. 9 Depending on how long your gig is, 10 I would give them one to two updates every single week. 11 Keep them updated on your progress. 12 Ask them how they feel about certain parts of your gig, 13 just so that they don't feel buyer's remorse. 14 Also, if your buyers have any questions, 15 clarify it as quickly as you can, 16 and remember that feedback is part of the process. 17 Revisions is a natural process of the order. 18 If you're comfortable, set up a Zoom call with them 19 to better understand their process and how they communicate. 20 This will also save you a lot of time going back 21 and forth with the buyer. 22 You c...

an refer them 23 to your initial agreement if there's any abuse. 24 Sometimes the revision process can't be salvaged. 25 In which case, you may need to use Fiverr's support feature. 26 If you set up crystal-clear terms, 27 then nothing should be a surprise. 28 The best way to avoid a long, lengthy revision process 29 is to offer a great service. 30 Be proactive in addressing your buyer's concerns, 31 and then propose the proper solutions to fixing that.

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Ratings and Reviews

altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.


I found this class very very useful. It was short yet very complete and clear. I can't wait to start implementing all the suggestions Mike Shu provides. Thank you CreativeLive, thank you Mike!

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