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Getting Started with Acrylic Paints

Mary Jane Begin

Getting Started with Acrylic Paints

Mary Jane Begin

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Class Description

Are you interested in working with acrylic paints but not sure how to get started? In this course artist and illustrator, Mary Jane Begin will introduce you to the world of acrylic paints. This class is perfect for beginners looking to learn the basics of the medium in order to begin a painting practice. By the end of this course you will be equipped with the know-how to pick up a brush and start experimenting with acrylics!

In this class you’ll learn:

  • All about acrylic paints and how they work
  • Which brushes and papers to use with those paints
  • How to begin making simple marks and shapes to familiarize yourself with the medium 

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Ratings and Reviews

anshu priya

Very thorough . perfect for someone who wants to start painting with Acrylics.


Great class with all the fundamentals!


Nota review but a suggestion. Use a table knife to remove paper from bloc. No curling of edges.

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