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Demo: Add Warmth With Acrylic

Lesson 13 from: Getting Started with Acrylic Paints

Mary Jane Begin

Demo: Add Warmth With Acrylic

Lesson 13 from: Getting Started with Acrylic Paints

Mary Jane Begin

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Lesson Info

13. Demo: Add Warmth With Acrylic

Lesson Info

Demo: Add Warmth With Acrylic

Okay, so that feels better to me for the cube. Alright, so now for this orange ball, I want my brush that I'm gonna use to be really, really clean so I'm gonna choose something I haven't really used yet, and I want it to be round 'cause I'm gonna just go right over this. Now I am going to choose, I have I think cad red, I've got orange here mixed with this red, which is kind of a cad red. I'm going to use some gloss medium to make this glaze, and I'm gonna use not a lot of color, at least initially, because I can build that color up. I'm mixing it right on the surface. Now that's kind of pinkish, I think I want it to be more orange. I'm gonna go over here, yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about. So glazing allows you to see right through that color to what's underneath, it makes it more vibrant. Clean my brush. I wanna remove some of this color here, 'cause I want this really to feel like a shadow. I wanna use that color underneath to tell us about that. And I'm gonna add a little more pi...

gment, it's still, I could still move it around. I can still use that streak and that stroke that I like to make that color, but I'm gonna add a little more physical pigment to this side, yeah, so you really see. The thicker and the more opaque it gets, now I'm not gonna do impasto, but I'm tryna use this almost like the way oils are used, and I've glazed over this ball to make it a little more orange. I'm gonna use a little medium to thin it out, not water. Oh, I don't want that edge there. Now I'm gonna show you something too or I'm gonna mess this up on purpose. If I push too hard, the color lifts up because it's still pretty malleable. So you really wanna pay attention to, you can't tell by looking at what I'm doing how heavily I'm moving this paint around, so I am using a very light touch to move this pigment around, and the lighter the touch, the less you see the brush stroke. So that's something I want people to understand, and you wouldn't know that just by looking at it that the touch of your hand changes how the mark is moving across, and it's particularly because this brush is a stiff bristle brush. You push too hard, you're gonna push that paint around and I could show you just if I graze it, it gives me just a lighter touch and more of a smooth and even application.

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Ratings and Reviews

Nick Kadetoff

Good basic info but not well structured. There is no clear learning agenda, no meaningful project, and no end ( video just ends abruptly). Overall, you get a bit more airtime than watching similar videos on Youtube. With a better learning agenda it would have been much better course.


Great class with all the fundamentals!

anshu priya

Very thorough . perfect for someone who wants to start painting with Acrylics.

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