Lesson Info
The Anatomy of Color
All right, let's talk about shades, Hughes and tents. So when we're talking about a color, right, a color itself, that's the hue. So blue blue is a hue. A tent of a tent of blue is basically you're adding in white toe blue at 10% intervals. A shade of blue is your adding in black at 10% intervals. Let me show you exactly how this works. I'm gonna jump over here into Illustrator for a second, and I'll just create a brand new document. If you want to follow along with me, you can create a new document. Doesn't matter how big or how small. And let's get some of this stuff out of the way. Reset everything there. You okay? So what I'm going to do here is I'm just gonna grab a square and throw it out like this. Okay? Get rid of the stroke. And let's give this a color like blue. And then we'll move this over, you know, duplicated, duplicated by hold down the option key on the Merkel cam PC clicking and dragon. All right. It's not three square out on my canvas here. They're all the same color ...
blue, but What I want to do is I want to create a shade in a tent of this blue to show you what I'm talking about. So let's just do this. Blow those up a little bit. Me moving to centre. Here we go. OK, so this 1st is gonna be our base color, so we're gonna leave that alone. But we're gonna create here. We're going to create a tent of that color. Now, if you remember from our presentation earlier, the tent means adding 10% increments of white. So that's what we're gonna do. Area select this one here. I'm going to double click over here on the color picker, and that's gonna bring this up. Remove the seeking. Cassie, what's going on? Okay, now, in order to do this, what I would do is come over here and notice if I move to the left. I'm introducing White into the equation. I'm not necessarily changing the hue, just changing the white value there. So I'm saying now, another way that you could do this kind of simulate it is to use the opacity slider. Check this out. So, for instance, if I want to create a tent of white. I go down to, like, 90. So that's a tent. Go down to 80. That's a tense. Yeah, it's just It's introducing more white, basically introducing more light into it. So it's goodnight about 60. There we go. Okay. And then let's also do a shade of this, and this is gonna be a little bit easier. I'm actually gonna add black ink into it. I'm a double click here inside of the C m Y que values right there. I've got 0% black right now, remember, we do in 10%. Let's go 10% up. And I just did that by heading shift, impressing the up arrow on my keyboard. So you see that again? Notice, as I'm doing, that's getting darker in the preview window here. Not going to see it out here. Then when I hit, OK, there we go. And so now I've created this monochromatic color scheme just simply buying, creating a tent and a shade of this original key color here. And it's not a bad color thing. If we take a look at this here on the shrink these down and how I would present this normally to a client would be something like this and I would probably actually use. This is the top color. With that in the place, There we go, something like that. And then I might have some of their assets or something out there to showcase how I'm using that color throughout it. And another color you could throw in there cause it would probably make sense, would be something like a light gray or maybe even a white color. And so you can kind of play off of that. But using tints and shades is very, very easy to create multiple colors out of one single base color. And remember, when we're talking about Hughes, we're talking about the solid color. So that's the blue that I started with. When we're talking about a shade, that means we're introducing black. And when we're talking about tents, that's means we're adding in white or increasing the amount of light that's inside of the color
Ratings and Reviews
Natalie Santana
Great discussion about the creation and use of color pallettes.