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Canva for Work Account

Lesson 8 from: Graphic Design Made Easy with Canva

Matt Stevenson

Canva for Work Account

Lesson 8 from: Graphic Design Made Easy with Canva

Matt Stevenson

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8. Canva for Work Account

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Canva for Work Account

There's another feature about the account that I want to talk about, and that's the can before work side of things. I pretty much exclusively work in Canada for work. It's what we use as a creative brand agency for our business with our clients. Andi want to talk about the difference between a free general account and the can before work account? The first difference clearly is cost. Um, in order to, uh, purchase the can before work account in your in your private account, you're gonna click on this button down here that says upgrade and then you're gonna get a prompt. Um, it's going to say, Do you want to buy? You want to buy a year's worth or do you want to go month to month? It's about $13 a month on a pretty substantial savings if you purchase a year. So for a year for one user, it's about $120 on prompt you for your credit card. Now, what's cool is that you do get a free trial so you can try it for 30 days, is not in charge. Your credit card and then you could cancel at any time a...

s typical with an offer like this. Um really, really, really important thing to note. For those of you out there who work at a nonprofit or or an association or or an NGO, um, I encourage you to contact can va uh, and asked them about a free for work account. Can VA will work with you to identify if you're a candidate to use can before work for free, which they do for non profits because they love them so much they want them to use Canada. And they think that nonprofits deserve the kind of design that private corporations and companies get a swell. So please do that. So, uh, we'll go back to our dashboard and we'll talk a little bit about about the difference between camera for work and the general. Um, let's see. So one of the first things that we need to distinguish is what kind of account were in just by looking at the dashboard the way this is set up and you'll see the difference in a second. This is my personal account. When you sign up for Canada, you get a personal account when you purchase Can va for work, you keep your personal account and then you get a I guess you could call it a sort of a second account. And the way to get to that second account is to click on your name up here and here. You'll notice I get an extra button below my profile that says the name of the team that you're on. So when you purchase a A can before work account, you're a member automatically of, ah, of a team, or and you can also create more teams. These are teams of people who also have canvassed for work, and you can invite them to your team to work on designs. Collaboratively. Um, it's a It's a little It's a little complex, but I encourage you to. If you purchase camera for work, try it out. Um, for 30 days, work in a team, set up a team, and we'll show you how to do that in just a second. So I'm going to switch from my personal account here. It says the word personal. I'm gonna switch to, uh, my Canada for work account. You'll notice that now I have a little F here. It's F for my team named Fathom Creative. And that tells me that's one of the things that tells me that I'm in my camera for work, account some of the other things. I have some more links here, have some options that weren't there before. Not only do I still have my designs, my designs my, which, by the way, have all changed. You'll notice the difference set. I have my share with me. But then I got to new things, your brand and team stream, and we'll go into what those mean later. It also gives you a tour. If you want to go through that your own time. It's very similar to what we're gonna learn here today. On it just walks you through some of these features. Um, the background here's changed. I'll tell you why in a second, the first things that tell us to clue you in that you're not in your personal account, but it also reflects the color of your brand, and we'll get into that when we talk about the your brand section. So I'm gonna switch back because I want you guys to see the difference again. So here colors different, different set of designs different set of, you know, last menu options. But let's go into the camp back into the camera for work. So first questions. But wait, what about your personal signs? What if What if you accidentally designed something in your personal account that you actually wanted in your and your team? Your four work account. No problem. So you can actually import your personal designs. So the very last panel of your of your, uh, your design stream here, you can bring in any of the designs that you did from your, uh, your team. Yes, would be any different from sharing it with yourself from your business account to your personal account. You could do that. You could share as an edit herbal link, but that's a little bit roundabout. That's that. I guess you would do that. I can't think of an instance where you would want to do that instead of doing when you share it like that, it's still creditable. It is still at it, and it will create. It will create a copy just like this creates a copy of it so that you actually have it in both accounts. You'll have a different version in your four work account so I could bring in. Let's do that, actually, because this this design says, fathom creative and it's my fathom credit accounts. So let's bring it in so you can bring him multiple ones. You can click to check, mark or uncheck the ones that you want to bring in on. Then click finish. It's taking a little bit of time. It's thinking again. It takes. Sometimes it takes a little bit for the thumbnail to update. Don't worry, it'll it'll be there in a little bit. One thing that I did not mention is there is a little wing menu over top of your designs in your stream. I want to explain what that does. You can copy a design, so save out a version of it without having to open it up again. Or you could just delete it and get rid of it. Um, I I we'll go into version control, but that's it's a rare case where you're gonna wanna delete of design unless you really know you're never gonna need it ever again because there is no undue for deleting. Ah, design like that. Eso so just be careful when deleting things always try to save different versions how they're using pages or or creating copies. Um, so let me refresh to see if that, uh, sometimes it takes a little bit, but if I open it up, let's close these guys, I can see the design that was in my personal account is now in my work account, which is great. Um, so close that, uh so the other really, really important part of the Canada for work accounts what's called your brand. So currently, I'm working with a team. Um, that team all has access to this set of four options. If they click on your brand here, I can see my team name. Uh, I can edit this and we'll go into that in a little bit. But most of my team cannot, because I'm the administrator of the team. The person who creates the can before work team is automatically the administrator. You can pass that privilege on. I will show you the second. So along with my brand, I get templates a brand kit, and I can see who are members of my team. And then I can also do the billing as well and adjust that if I need Teoh. So here are templates here I have one template. I'll show you guys how to add things as templates. A template is a design that other team members can use, and when they click on it, it makes a copy into their Canada for work account. So it's a great way to set up a design. Like, for instance, this is for a this for a race in Chicago. Um, and we do it every year. And I knew that I was going to reuse this design this year. 2015 based on one into their fortunes, created a template. Any one of my team members can go in. Click on this template, and it will save a copy for them, and they can manipulate it as they want. So it's a great way to make the same layout across different team members, so we know what team members I know. Obviously your designer, you have a team, but car we also talking about clients to so is that is that interchangeable? And also my other question is so I get a canvas for work account right, and I want to share what I'm creating for my client with them. Do they have to have a camera for worker? Can I set them up on the free one? They do not need a candle for work account if you want to share inevitable version of what you created. However, um, it, uh it's tricky because things can become inconsistent. You're actually giving them a version of what you created. So if they go and change it and they say, Oh, I like this one, it's now different than what you have here. So we want to be careful of those of those versions, will get into Teoh version control and how the label your files properly. But it really it really depends on whether you want the client to be able to edit it or not. Um, ideally, everyone has Canada for work accounts. That way everyone can pull from the same brand elements that will will just go into right here. But you don't have to have the camera for work. A counselor to share those designs. Okay, cause I'm thinking I work with small businesses. So in the beginning, like if they're not familiar, it's a great way to introduce them. Yes, I set that up on the free model. In that way, they can see what I'm creating and okay. Yep, it's a done. And then as time goes on, they would probably by the camera for anything that would actually be there. Yeah, Canada should act as the hub for the brand that you're creating. So all of the elements, the logo, the colors, they all come into Canada. And that's a great segue because they live in this tab here. Just the brand can and and I would have the brand kit and they probably wouldn't if they had the free version. Exactly. They would not get to edit this or use elements from this brand kit in their designs. That's that's this is really what the team is centered around. It's getting everyone to align on all of these items here so that they're all the same, and we'll go into brand consistency in the in the canvas pie for business segment. So I've emptied this out. There's this is what it would look like if you were to create a brand kit from scratch. We have, um, three parts to a branch. It we have the colors, the fonts and the logos. The colors are you know it. It tries to make it as simple as possible, just the big plus sign. If we want to add colors to our palate again, it gives us the wheel with also the option of putting in hex codes again if you need to transfer a different, uh, you have a color and a different format or a different code. Definitely search online. There's lots of tools out there that can convert something hex. So let's pick a color for our brand. Let's do through the fathom creative branch. So I have prepared I have ah set of have a Photoshopped file that has our brand in it. And I know what the X colors are. So I just sort of pull this up here and Photoshopped. All right, so, um, this Fathoms brand is made up of three blues. This is a monochromatic brand. Um, if you want to learn more about colors here, I'll show you. If you want to learn more about colors, you could You could click on this link here and it opens up suggested color, uh, inspiration and again go to the design school. They have tons of articles on how to pick the right colors for your brand to what the colors may mean. And how many to pick. A lot of times, brands don't really don't know how far to go in the amount of colors that they have. Fathom keeps it very simple. We have three. So I copied that hex code from Photoshopped, so I'll just actually Will that work? And I actually company that right? I can. Great. So, um, that first blue and they they have these great names for colors, so they call it Dodger Blue. Um ah. I think that name just automatically comes with that hex code, which is cool. It's like a little bit of brand personality I didn't expect. Let's take a look at the medium color here so I can just pull this. This is just text in photo shop. You can pull the text from the Web or anywhere else. Uh, right. Dark slate blue and my last one rides. So take this one here. It's my favorite. I love this deep blue, right. Dark slate grey. Awesome. Well, so this is our brand colors. We can always add more to delete a brand color. When you hover over them, you're just going to click on the little X and they will go away never to be seen from ever again. Uh, so that's colors the next brand element or visual brand element that we could add our funds. Here we have three different kinds of funds. By the way, these three fonts match up quite well with something that we've seen before. I'm gonna go back and show it to you. So if I go to my designs and then I'll go to any graphic that I've created, Um, do you guys remember the text drawer where we had three things here and then a whole bunch of, like, pre made stuff? Check out these funds. So this is like, kind of a thin five. This is a thick, bubbly font, and then a normal sort of san serif. Um, if I go to, I'll go back to my brand, which we were just working into the brand kit that matches up suspiciously with what's here when we have a canvas for work account. And we changed the fonts here, which you can do just by clicking on the little pencil. Uh, and let's say so. The fathom farm is remote. Saraqeb on Let's to it's a tear line for the header, and then I can change the subhead to Let's keep it in Montserrat and same thing down here. You don't you don't just you don't have to just change the fund. You can also change, whether it's bold or italic and also the size of it as well. Regular. Okay, so that looks like fat. And that's our brand, which is great. So what's really cool is if I go back to my designs and I go to add some text. I was in my brand fonts. So even though we know from the previous segment that we could change this to whatever we want, it's suggesting to anyone on your team used this fun. Please, it's our brand fund. It's it's part of who we are, and it's good to have consistency. By the way. I believe if I add this here on, then I go to change my brand fun anywhere that you've added something like this. Like all this stuff that I'm adding. All of these will change if you change your brand fun. So if I were to go in there and say I don't like months riding when he's Ah Sarah Fund anywhere that I've used unedited, heading sub header title will all change. Which means that all of your it can be tricky. And be careful because that means that all of your previous designs will also change to your new brand, Funt. So if you have old versions, they will no longer have that old Funt. They'll have the new one. It's again, it's it's it's designers will look at that and be like I don't know about that. I liked all those versions, so So be careful with it. Trying toe. You know, you can change the fund yourself and then it should be fine. Um, so that's the That's the funds, the brand of funds section. So I'll go back. Let me close this, and I will go back to your brand section. So we just talked about adding your brand colors, your brand fonts, and now let's talk about the logos. Uh, ideally, the logo that you want to upload is an SPG file, and the reason is because this is cool. I can't name another program that does this can vote will allow you to change the color of SPG files. If you have an SPG found, it has two colors. You you'll have the option of changing. I'll show you what that looks like. So if I go in and just click on the plus sign, I've prepared some fathom creative logos here. I have ah, whole bunch and I could actually upload all of these. If I want, I would select them all just by, you know, shift selecting as you normally would in your interface to select multiple files. And then I'll click open. And here here's our loading bar. That's we were talking about the last segment. So let it think, Let it do its thing. It's gonna put these all in the place. So I have one for tiny usage. I have, ah, one. That's just the words. I one that's the full logo. Ah, lots different variations. These are all SPG files. They're all just a couple colors, which is how you want to keep your files. And they are now usable by anyone on your team, and I'll show you what that looks like. If I go back to my design. Let's say, Oh, see, it saved all of my changes that I made See it automatically saved all that. Let's say I'm no longer a fan of the F in the circle. That's just not how we use our our logo. Um, so I'm gonna delete the circle. Uh, that's old Hungary. Let's say let's say I started from here and I would add the fathom created the full fathom creative logo because I've put, uh, the logos into the brand kit. I can go down to here to uploads, and you'll notice I have a new bucket that we have not seen before the logo's bucket. If I click on it, I can see all of the logos that I just uploaded. And this is great because it's standard across your whole team. So everyone gets to use the same logos. So no one is having to go search for a different file or be like, you know, uh, you know, Hey, Michelle, can please send me the little girl. I don't know. I don't have the right version. It's all right here. So let's use the full fathom creative logo. Hey, let's pull it one in there. Great. So, um, that's just kind of stack it right up there. That's great. Yes. Um, if I have made a low go a really long time ago And today's the first I ever heard of SP's How do you change your Is it a photo shop thing that you can change it into? Its not so if something is bit mapped. Uh oh. Are, ah, PNG or JPEG? Um, in order to make it an SPG, it would need to be recreated in a program like Adobe Illustrator. If you have a PNG of your logo and it has a transparent background, you can certainly use that. But just keep in mind that it has a set resolution to it, which means you can't blow it up past a certain point without getting some distortion. So, for instance, this is a vector, so I could make this huge and see it still stays crisp and sharp with a PNG. That resolution is locked so it can't go past certain size. You go small, a small you want, but but the bigger gets, the more you'll see the pixels, right? So that's, uh, that's using your logos that were put in. Your brand will go back to that. Actually, uh, let's go back to our brand brand kit. So we got logos, type and colors. The next tab in the camera for work section is the team members here, you. It'll give the option to invite multiple team members. And here's all the team members that we have here, so you'll notice that each team member is has a different designation to them. They have different ranks. The top rank, which I am, is administrator. That means that you can change the brand kit. You can add and delete team members and basically manage the whole canvas for work team, Uh, brand. Then you also have template designers. They cannot change the brand, but they can create templates. And then the last designation is just a member. That's just someone who they can't create templates, but they could use templates that have been created. Ideally, you want one administrator on, then on then whoever is really good at creating your templates for your brand you can designate them is template creators, and then everyone else should be members just to create a good hierarchy so that everyone is not going in there and changing the brand whenever they want. Um, let's talk about templates. That's Tab that's in here. So team members, we went through the brand kit. Oh, and an administrator can change the name of your team. So if we hover over this here, we can see this little added button. I could change this to whatever I want. Yes, yes, you can. You can be a member of multiple teams you certainly can, and then each one of those teams will have its own brand associated with it. That's how we deal with having multiple clients in Canada. They each have their own team. Um, so the templates is actually the first half here by skeptics. I wanted to go through the brand elements first. This is a template that one of the template designers has created, and I can use this template by just clicking on it. If I click on this, it's gonna add this lovely design, and here you can see it was actually multiple pages into my account so that if I go to my stream, it's right there, and this design is based off of something that someone has already done, Which means that multiple people can start from the same point. Excuse me and create different variations on a theme. I'm an administrator, which means not only can I use I'm gonna delete this to show you guys with that process looks like So I clicked on the wing menu here. I clicked on delete. Oh, by the way, you can undo Deletes. I misspoke earlier, and you could just also hide it as well. So I am not just a a template, uh, user, But I'm also a creator, which means that I can edit a template if your designated as an administrator or a template designer, then you can edit templates that your team can use. I'll show you what that looks like. So go back to my your brand and I'm in templates. And remember, in order to use this template, I just clicked on it. But if I wanted to edit it so that other people could use a different variation of this, I go into the wing menu and I have an option to add it. That template. So it's a little trickier when you're administrator there some rules, and there's some responsibilities that come with the power. So, uh so But it's it's worth it in orderto have your entire team on board and using the same designs as a starting point. Um, so there are a couple other options with camera for work. I don't think we have time to cover all of them again. You get a free trial, poke around 30 days of playing in it and creating your teams and uploading your brand for people to use next. I think I'm going to talk about some interface tips and then we'll go quickly into saving out files, so Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. We knew we were going to get this question. So, um, I'm just going through out there. Are you using canvas for your presentation? When you go into presentation, are using canvas to create that? I did not. Yeah. If we want to go to the presentation really quick, I think I have a a slide up. Um, so I'm using this tool here, as, uh is called President. President is a is a presentation software tool. It's cloud based as well on it. Does this cool thing where you can, like, zoom around and add really cool graphics and things we may be talking about President in another creative life section. Potentially in the future S O. That's what it was. Great. Thanks, Matt. Yep. Eso If we go back to my screen here, we can see the template that I've created on. I can go in and either edit the temple itself or make a copy of it and do it Variation on it.

Ratings and Reviews


Pretty good course generally...especially part 2 & 3. Frankly, Canva's early adopters, like Sue Zimmerman (who I heard about it from) & the like...& therefore probably MOST of us entrepreneurs are probably NOT graphic designers by trade. That was the whole point of Canva being created in the first place!!!! That fact was hammered home in the way Matt presented how to use Canva by pro designers in part 4. Unfortunately, Part 4 was very hard to follow at times. When was he in the pro version of Canva & what could be done in the version we all know, love & work with everyday was NOT always clear. Part 4 was waaaaay too fast & very terminology heavy for most of even the in-studio audience. (It was funny.) I wanted to hug the gal that kept trying to reel it in & get on the same page with her questions. Thank goodness. Bought the course right away because I've been using Canva for over a year and need to go to the next level. I hoped to learn tricks for all that I waste so much time figuring out on my own. There were some. Alas, one main Canva glitch with regard to applying a logo over a background (uh...kind of crucial for business owners & a real time waster to work around literally every single time you use the program) that was raised as a question & re-asked by 2 other people AND several times remained completely untouched. Although the question was on topic & appropriate at many times during parts 2, 3 & 4 and a seemingly very popular question, the moderator chose to ignore it. Almost NO questions were taken from the online audience, in fact, despite there being surprisingly few questions online!! Incredibly, incredibly frustrating & disappointing but I don't blame Matt for that. Too bad there seems to be no course materials to go along with the awesome tips Matt went thru one by one. What a perfect workbook or guide that would have been to go with this, in some form. Really too bad. And really surprising. So all in all, a good course with an EXCELLENT instructor (hope he does Prezi too) but some some big disappointments for this non-professional-in-graphic-design-or-tech, which, it seems is a SIGNIFICANT chunk of your audience...right?


This was an absolutely great course for a beginner like me. Matt explained everything very clearly and in a pleasant way. I hope he, or someone, does a class on the new Adobe Spark soon. Thanks again; Lonney

Khaled Yasser

I like this course, becuase it is very simple to the users, and canva is the future for quick design I hope everyone can you it.

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