Lesson Info
16. Creating Pinterest Graphics
Intro to Canva: The Guy Kawasaki Interview
10:43 2The Power of Design: Canva Philosophy
05:41 3Canva Account Setup
10:35 4The Canva Interface
10:28 5Canva: Opening the Drawers
28:00 6Manipulation in Canva
18:43 7More About Your Account
12:12 8Canva for Work Account
25:59Lesson Info
Creating Pinterest Graphics
And with that, I'm going to jump into a really quick demo. I think it's gonna be one of our last demos. We're gonna do some cool design kung fu on. Then I think a couple questions and then that will be it. All right, so let's do it. Close this guy. So I want to create some Pinterest graphics I and super nerdy. And in my spare time, I design fun posters for video games and T shirts and things like that. So I want to promote my shop. How do I do that? So I'm gonna start with, uh, my incredibly crowded, uh, stream here. Let's Ah, let's go to Pinterest Graphic right there. And it's going to suggest some layouts for me. I'm a designer, so I'm gonna look at all these layouts and think to myself I can totally do better than this. So I'm gonna I'm gonna try. So let's close that. Let's start with, uh, start with my background image. I have a couple images that I have pre prepared here. No, here we go, a ride. So let's start with this guy, all right? He's wearing one of my T shirts, and that's r...
eally important to me. So I've uploaded an image here. You can see it's taking a little bit. It's also giving a little who there goes almost time. All right, then it's gonna refresh. And I want to start a new series of projects around this, So I'm actually gonna create an uploads folder, and I'm gonna call that, Let's say, uh D c and yes, my back in your personal one. I'm not. I'm actually the camera for work. One in the way that I can tell is because of that headline up here and plus the fact that I have a logos thing here. So it's It's sort of like little clues to know which of accounting. Man, I think I want to be in the kingdom for work again because I'm gonna do some magic resize stuff with this. So I created DCM Jess folder. I'm gonna take this image. I can plop it boot right in there, and I'm gonna throw a couple other images up there just while I can. We're gonna do three different kinds of Pinterest posts, so I'm gonna just drag them. Oh, look at that. I can actually drag multiple images from my desktop right into that D C M. J s folder, and they're gonna think about it and they're going todo All right, so I have my stage here. Let's see, I want to do something with a funny, snazzy headline and maybe my logo again. Check out if you if you do on Pinterest post check out Pinterest website. They have some great best practices. I'm going to use this one first. I love this guy. So he's wearing one of my shirts. I'm gonna blow him up really big. I don't think I want to see his face. I want to focus a little more of the shirt, so I'm gonna do this cool thing like, just barely seem like that Cool. So I start with my graphic. I've made a couple of the suit micro decisions and to place and well, um, it's a little light. I think I think I want a little bit more contrast with this image. So let's back out a little bit. So it's a huge image. So I want to go to Filter, and it's, uh, let's pick some of these guys. That's kind of cool, but I don't know So I'm so non committal when it comes to filters. All right, we'll stick with that for right now, and, uh, let's do well, go to in some advanced options, okay? This is really good for you guys to see. Um, since there are no master styles, sometimes when we're creating brands for our clients, they like to put the same filters on things where they do something toe one image, and they want to do it to other images. These are a lot of different things to mess with here. I can even, like, do some cool stuff with, like, the Blur, Um, the ex process. So really, really cool things on, then the saturation. So it's actually a little more saturated. Let's say I want to do that to a different image. This filter code is was what I'm gonna use. So this code is is ah is a a representation of all of these levers that I just pulled. So if I want to do this to a different image, I'm gonna copy that. I'm gonna store it somewhere, and I'm gonna kloppitt back into the next image that I edit, and it will apply those same settings. It's just a quick and efficient way, Teoh to keep that standardized. So let's stick with that steps ahead or even moved on. All you have to do is go back to religion. Click on it back to my image, click on filter filter. And it's all the advanced options. It's all there, so it saves. It stays clean. All right, so I got my guy in here. Let's zoom in a little bit. Um, OK, time for my logo. Let's go find it. So my logo is not in here. Let's put it in there. All right? I'm gonna toss it right in its an spg. Uh, here we go. Come on. It's black right now, but I don't want to keep it black, actually wanna make it a different color, okay? It's the other thing that I wanted Teoh purposefully run into. Um you'll notice that when I move this spg into the stage, I can't change the color, which is against everything that we've learned so far about s Fugees in Canada. Currently, there's ah, on interesting thing that happens when s P. G's are black. If black is the Onley color in your spg, it kind of breaks the the color of manipulation tool eso It needs to be something other than just black needs to be black and another color or another color entirely. So I'm actually gonna go back and open up that logo an illustrator and save it as a different color. Let's do that when you save as Lula red and we'll bring it back into canvas so I'll delete this guy trash. It's Let's see where I put it. There we go. Red Dragon into the d. C. I'm just folder a way. That was the wrong one. I just did. That one will do in both. There we go. I got to get the right one there. All right, all right. So that clearly you can see here, that color that I just made it. Now I can change it to whatever I want. So just be careful when you're creating SVG. Is that just have black in it? It's it's gonna, um, mess up the color system. All right, so I'm gonna put this guy writes in here, and I'm gonna actually adjust capacity a little bit because I think it's a little too strong, so just knock it back almost like a little watermark. And then I want to do a really cool headline right over top of this guy. Uh, see what we want to say. Let's go grab our text. I could do pre mades, but I only designer. So I feel like I could try a little harder using the pre made stuff. Um, definitely need to change that fund. Let's go with that Valencia that I upload earlier, which is gonna be right here. Let's see, I must say, Hidden geek where and a re colored white and that is definitely not eligible. So I am going to really increase the size of this. And you know what? Now I think about it. That's not my favorite fun. We'll do something else. Let's go with something that I know is gonna be very legible, especially cause it's gonna be over top of an image. Let's see. Oh, my gosh, there's so many choose from just fancy her adds a little better. Great. So I'm gonna align in. I'll go into my menu here and I will laugh. Justify and let's make of one thing on each line. I can pull this and now I don't need all that space and let's fix the size again. That's about right now it's way too far apart. So, um, there is both tracking and letting in Canada, so we can go do that text spacing so I can increase this decrease. That may make it nice and tight. Kind of cool right about there. Arrive. Cool post. Still not quite there yet. It's a little hard to read. I'll see what else we could do with this tax here. All right, so I think I want Teoh. Um I know what I want to do. I want Teoh put a little background behind this, but I want to make it a Grady into transparency. Background, like half been yet. Typically, we would do that with Photoshopped. So now we're gonna bring in a PNG that would create a new file. Doesn't quite matter it a little bit bigger than 32 pixels, probably. So we'll do maybe 400 by 400. Um, start out of RGB, and I just want to make a really quick dark vignette. Could be like that on a transparent background and I'm going to say for web PNG 1.3 k I can't get my smart in that, and I'll save it to call it ingredient. I'll save it to my desktop, go back into Canada and just throw it in my d c. I'm just folder all my assets nice here and won't believe this trash. All right, great. So here's my I'm not gonna touch yet. Okay? Now it's done drag aerating here, and I have a really cool, uh, kind of dark vigna background again. Remember, you can't change the aspect ratio of images, but you can change their size, so I want to send it a little bit backwards. Now, I'm thinking that logo is a little too light. So let's, uh, pump up the transparency just a bit. And we have our Pinterest post one test. His magic resize one more time. Will do magic resize. Let's say I want to post this to all these different things. All right? Have a cadaver. Let's see what we get. Uh, okay, that that bad, I got the got the Wow. All right, so she's pretty much some of this stuff here. So figuring out how I make that full screen and then, uh, gram in this. We were there. Go. OK, so that's Ah, quick demo. And, uh, that's can before graphic designers last question from design cut. Sometimes I get their assets, like little banners or things like, Is it a place where the If you had I guess you did the work version. Where would they live? So you're talking about assets that you're gonna get from other designers? Yes. It's like design gets that sometimes there's like banners or flowers or facebook. Lo gooey things air something that, like from cool sites like sharing stuff. Honestly, I keep going. Keep him in your personal file outside of Canberra if you need them for a can of a project that I'd start putting stuff in there or things that you know you're gonna reuse. Otherwise, I would I keep that stash, like, just here. Just keep it. But just drag it in as an image as you need it. Just drag it right on. Yeah, great. Not awesome. Thank you. Yeah, well, well done is great. Great having you here. So you guys just want to thank you guys out there on the internet for joining us here today. I want to thank the amazing Matt Stevenson, who's taken time out of his busy career to come into creative life and teach you guys about Canada.
Ratings and Reviews
Pretty good course generally...especially part 2 & 3. Frankly, Canva's early adopters, like Sue Zimmerman (who I heard about it from) & the like...& therefore probably MOST of us entrepreneurs are probably NOT graphic designers by trade. That was the whole point of Canva being created in the first place!!!! That fact was hammered home in the way Matt presented how to use Canva by pro designers in part 4. Unfortunately, Part 4 was very hard to follow at times. When was he in the pro version of Canva & what could be done in the version we all know, love & work with everyday was NOT always clear. Part 4 was waaaaay too fast & very terminology heavy for most of even the in-studio audience. (It was funny.) I wanted to hug the gal that kept trying to reel it in & get on the same page with her questions. Thank goodness. Bought the course right away because I've been using Canva for over a year and need to go to the next level. I hoped to learn tricks for all that I waste so much time figuring out on my own. There were some. Alas, one main Canva glitch with regard to applying a logo over a background (uh...kind of crucial for business owners & a real time waster to work around literally every single time you use the program) that was raised as a question & re-asked by 2 other people AND several times remained completely untouched. Although the question was on topic & appropriate at many times during parts 2, 3 & 4 and a seemingly very popular question, the moderator chose to ignore it. Almost NO questions were taken from the online audience, in fact, despite there being surprisingly few questions online!! Incredibly, incredibly frustrating & disappointing but I don't blame Matt for that. Too bad there seems to be no course materials to go along with this...like the awesome tips Matt went thru one by one. What a perfect workbook or guide that would have been to go with this, in some form. Really too bad. And really surprising. So all in all, a good course with an EXCELLENT instructor (hope he does Prezi too) but some some big disappointments for this non-professional-in-graphic-design-or-tech, which, it seems is a SIGNIFICANT chunk of your audience...right?
This was an absolutely great course for a beginner like me. Matt explained everything very clearly and in a pleasant way. I hope he, or someone, does a class on the new Adobe Spark soon. Thanks again; Lonney
Khaled Yasser
I like this course, becuase it is very simple to the users, and canva is the future for quick design I hope everyone can you it.