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Saving Your Files

Lesson 10 from: Graphic Design Made Easy with Canva

Matt Stevenson

Saving Your Files

Lesson 10 from: Graphic Design Made Easy with Canva

Matt Stevenson

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10. Saving Your Files

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Saving Your Files

the next thing that I want to go over our, uh, saving files. So this is at the end of your process. So you've created your account, you've created graphics you've brought in your brand elements so that all of your team can use the same ones. You've created a bunch of designs. You've dragged things under the canvas, you've manipulated them. Now, what do you do? How do I get this on my Twitter account? Or how do I get this to the printer? Um, we'll go over. So let's go into one of the designs. And, uh, we got the download option again. So I went over briefly the difference between the images in the pdf's and let's talk about the sharing a little bit. If I go to tweet this, it's, uh it just did it. So it says your design is ready, basically, is preparing the files flattening thing is getting rid of stuff that doesn't need to happen. So I'm going to share it now, and it knows who I am because I've done this before. But it will ask you who you are. What? Your what your twitter handle. Um an...

d then it will give you Ah, little sort of preview of the tweet. Um, it says check out my camera designed and gives you a great link. And then anyone could see this. It's a great way of getting things directly from Canada. Uh, and I'll go ahead and do it, actually, let's see if it works. So everyone at home, please retweet my tweet that I just did cool. So, um, we did actually already cover saving a little bit, but I just I just refresh sharing download share. Send it out into the ether into the Internet. Download Keeps it a file for yourself. Two types of downloads, images and Pdf's images. Uh, for there's low quality and high quality so four Web and high quality. And there's also low quality and high quality Pdf as well. Download the one that you need. If you have a premium item again, it's going to ask you for that $1 will call a creative donation for the item than you you're using. I don't do that every single time you download it. So again, make sure that your files are in order on that they are well prepared. Before you don't let it work to pay for them with the work? Correct? Correct. Yeah. Premium items Because, um, because Canada has an agreement with the content producers with the person who took the picture or illustrated it, they need to give those guys credit in the form of a monetary compensation. So that's why um, the files or premium out? What kind of account? Urine. What does it do? Instagram? Not yet. I'm sure that that's something that they're working on and also Pinterest cool. Any other questions? You see the graphic social media Pinterest the shape of the boxes, right? Is it the right size? It is Teoh. Yeah, So they make it very easy for you. Let me switch to my personal account. I think I've talked about camera for work. Enough. So will quit some of these guys and again to switch back to my personal account. I can. It says personal right there. All right, so I click on all the awesome things I can get. Pinterest is right here on actually tells you the pixel dimensions. So Pinterest we'll talk about this a little bit later, but they have some great style guides on how to make the best pins pins that work well that gets you engagement and get people to reap in them. One of the things that they know for certain is that a vertical shaped pin gets more hits. It looks better, and it's actually bigger in Pinterest interface, so great size for a pinch is graphic. A scene here is 7 35 by 11 02 So by clicking on that creates a new file for me my eyes, my favorite of blank rectangle. But they also give you some suggestions on what kind of pins you can dio. Um, I encourage guys. If you're going to create some pins, go check out Pinterest website. They have a great resource on how to make effective pins. Um, it's it's it's Ah, these air, really great designs. But of course, Pinterest knows what what's works best on Pinterest. So go check it out. Eso If I wanted to make something that's like a beautiful piece of text again, these layouts all come pre made. And I can change them however I want and make them my own for a couple questions from the Internet. Yeah, let's do it. Great. So, uh, Wanda Lopez designs would like to know. Can you start with a personal account and then switch to a business account? You can. You can. In fact, that is the only way to switch to a camera work. You have to start with the the personal account, and then you click the upgrade button. As you can see here on, it will ask you if you want to be a Canada for work participant.

Ratings and Reviews


Pretty good course generally...especially part 2 & 3. Frankly, Canva's early adopters, like Sue Zimmerman (who I heard about it from) & the like...& therefore probably MOST of us entrepreneurs are probably NOT graphic designers by trade. That was the whole point of Canva being created in the first place!!!! That fact was hammered home in the way Matt presented how to use Canva by pro designers in part 4. Unfortunately, Part 4 was very hard to follow at times. When was he in the pro version of Canva & what could be done in the version we all know, love & work with everyday was NOT always clear. Part 4 was waaaaay too fast & very terminology heavy for most of even the in-studio audience. (It was funny.) I wanted to hug the gal that kept trying to reel it in & get on the same page with her questions. Thank goodness. Bought the course right away because I've been using Canva for over a year and need to go to the next level. I hoped to learn tricks for all that I waste so much time figuring out on my own. There were some. Alas, one main Canva glitch with regard to applying a logo over a background (uh...kind of crucial for business owners & a real time waster to work around literally every single time you use the program) that was raised as a question & re-asked by 2 other people AND several times remained completely untouched. Although the question was on topic & appropriate at many times during parts 2, 3 & 4 and a seemingly very popular question, the moderator chose to ignore it. Almost NO questions were taken from the online audience, in fact, despite there being surprisingly few questions online!! Incredibly, incredibly frustrating & disappointing but I don't blame Matt for that. Too bad there seems to be no course materials to go along with the awesome tips Matt went thru one by one. What a perfect workbook or guide that would have been to go with this, in some form. Really too bad. And really surprising. So all in all, a good course with an EXCELLENT instructor (hope he does Prezi too) but some some big disappointments for this non-professional-in-graphic-design-or-tech, which, it seems is a SIGNIFICANT chunk of your audience...right?


This was an absolutely great course for a beginner like me. Matt explained everything very clearly and in a pleasant way. I hope he, or someone, does a class on the new Adobe Spark soon. Thanks again; Lonney

Khaled Yasser

I like this course, becuase it is very simple to the users, and canva is the future for quick design I hope everyone can you it.

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