Bonus Video: Mapping The User Path Hotseat with Carolyn Droziak
Lesson 8 from: Hooked: How To Build Habit-Forming ProductsNir Eyal

Bonus Video: Mapping The User Path Hotseat with Carolyn Droziak
Lesson 8 from: Hooked: How To Build Habit-Forming ProductsNir Eyal
Lesson Info
8. Bonus Video: Mapping The User Path Hotseat with Carolyn Droziak
Class Introduction
01:59 2Introduction to Habits
08:55 3Forming a Habit-Frequency
16:06 4Bonus Video: Habit-Frequency Hotseat with Cynthia Fontenot
16:09 5The Psychology of Effective Triggers
13:16 6Bonus Video: Build A Narrative Hot seat with Shiva Chhatpar
28:04 7The Fundamentals of Human behavior Design
15:02 8Bonus Video: Mapping The User Path Hotseat with Carolyn Droziak
12:32Lesson Info
Bonus Video: Mapping The User Path Hotseat with Carolyn Droziak
Let's do another exercise here it's going to be your turn to simplify the action, simplify the habit so here's what you're gonna do in this next exercise I want you to map the path then users would take to do your key habit from the point when they feel the internal trigger the itch that we just talked about earlier that you came up with that most frequent internal trigger whether it's boredom at work whether whatever that might be uh uncertainty about something I'm doing right whatever that internal trigger is the moment they feel that it's what I what I have to do with your interface right now even if it's an offline business what is it? Is it making a phone call? Is it coming to your place of business? Whatever it might be what do I have to do to get relief to the point where my pain is alleviated just a little bit right? And we're not giving customers nirvana forever. What can I do to scratch that itch right now? To get a bit of relief, let me show you example cora not sure if anyb...
ody here uses core it's a great little embassy a few people shaking their instrument I think it's a it's a pretty habit forming product let me show you how easy it is to get relief with a product like cora so I think cores internal trigger is immortal writes a kind of a past time, something I'm doing I wait for the bus or if I'm bored at work I have a couple extra minutes but it's also this kind of curious boredom I also want to learn something right? It might be why I watch national geographic or something. I want to learn teo to scratch my curiosity and boredom. So what do I have to do to get relief? Well, I open the app, then I log in and I say sometimes because if I've gone and even once and I've authenticated with facebook that don't even have to log in again so that's automatic and then I start scrolling in reading, okay? That key action of scrolling and reading what happens to my boredom the minute I start scrolling in reading what happens to that bitch it's scratched a little bit, right? Suddenly I'm no longer board now I'm entertained now I've got this interesting content to scroll through so that's what I want you to do for your business, I want you to map the path that users take to scratch the rich I'll give you five minutes here and I just want to know step by step to get relief step one, two, three, four, five what do users have to do to scratch the rich okay and with that actually caroline would you liketo join me? We'll do this exercise together all right, great. So we'll put five minutes on the clock for everybody who's joining us. All right, so tell us a little bit about your business first of all, because we're just getting started here. Okay? It's actually a friend's business. Okay, um it's an application and it's uh, it's first area of, uh, exploitation whatever his food first. Okay? Foodie spots. Okay? And so the plan is when you're bored or hungry or wanting to socialize um you could go to yelp, you'd find out about places. Um, you could goto open table. Okay, um, you couldn't do nothing but if you go to one spot and it could give you ideas like who I'm in for a burger or steaks or whatever, okay, it could show you that cluster or whatever. What do you come up with for your for your narrative that last exercise every time the user uh oh, everytime that every time they feel the urge to go somewhere fun not travel far not wait in line and are hungry. Okay? And what is socialized? What's the most frequent one what's the emotion most frequent one want to go out to eat, okay want to go out so what's the, uh how could we frame that so that sounds almost like a positive what way friend that as as a neon ich don't wanna have to do a lot of research ok and don't want to wait in line okay so is they don't want to have it be a bad experience because it takes a while to go you know so you you want to like a lot in the certainty of a good experience okay okay so fear of having a bad experience yeah ok great powerful internal trigger there's a lot of things that we will do to escape the fear of having a bad experience right so every time the user feels this fear about having a bad experience and related to going out what do they do they do they open the app the website yeah they they'd opened they happen they'll see the ratings open nap okay they get the return would be the type of place they want to eat at like burger steaks you know? Okay bar whatever it is this existing now or is it just uh kind of just about out okay great. So let's walk me through so okay so I'm a potential user I'm thinking about going out to dinner tonight and I have this fear I have this itch that I'm gonna have a crummy experience walk me through how do I get relief? What are the steps? One two three four um I'm gonna pop on my phone okay and I'm gonna open a foodie spots okay so I'm gonna click on the app the app okay a button right there okay hopefully it's on my home screen but let's say let's say it is like on the app yeah and then I'm going to see a bunch of little buttons um if I've gone and had burgers before steaks or whatever they'll be right handy too oh yeah that reminds me I want a steak tonight okay so are you want to go to a bar so I'll hit bar spots okay, so I hit hit what I'm looking for right and it'll populate what's closest to me okay uh and I'll see that uh I get rewards by going to any of the ones that are they're the ones that pop up first are ones that definitely offer rewards can't close to me and I'll see that they're four star three star whatever their reviews are okay so I uh I feel the internal trigger I feel this fear that I'm gonna have a bad experience how don't make sure you get experience my good experience I open the app as I open my phone I click on the app I hit I'm looking for burgers let's say uh I see the it opens all the options for different restaurants it tells me which ones have rewards how far they are from me and now at my mother and have good reviews and have good reviews and I'm not really sure so what I want to do is I want a socially uh send that after my friend that I'm going to eat with and say, what do you think? Ok, you like this so now you want to send to a friend yeah and it's pretty easy to drive just like my friend ah yeah, but they'll be in your list okay? Just like facebook there in your red legged friend okay, so now do I feel now am I confident harmony? Um probably probably okay, great, so I want to see if there's availability okay, see if there's availability and if they're crowded I might want to order online and just zip over and pick it up instead of going all right terrific, great. So we have our I've written down eight steps here, but I'm sure if we looked at the each and every frame so ideally if you're watching this at home and you actually have your product experience or maybe you khun sketch out what each step might look like you could actually see, you know many times there's more steps and you expect there's each button we have to press and pull down option it's important to see exactly how many steps we have in the process to finally find relief but now let's go to the next exercise now that we've taken a few minutes to do that the next exercise is going to be to review your flow so I've written down very quickly caroline's flow here of what what the steps are in her app what I want you to do is to ask yourself where is the action the most difficult right what's keeping your user from finding relief which resource is lacking is it time is it money? Is it physical effort brain cycles because there's a lot of thinking to be done is it social deviants you know what I've never seen anybody else like me doing this before or is it non routine you know I'm barely tech literate and now you're asking me to use this app I don't this is two outside the norm has this work and then when I want you to do is to ask yourself what are three testable weighs one of three things that you could do in the design of your interface that could make that intendant behavior easier to do what steps could you remove to give the user relief faster now some of you are going to say yeah but near you know look we have to do all this stuff right way needed to select this and we need their so security number and we need their place of birth than we need their mother's maiden name we need need need need fine. Okay, keep that. Keep that in mind. But for now, I want you to ask yourself what's absolutely essential. Take out all that other stuff and put it somewhere. Okay, put write it down somewhere. Consider for later. And I'm going to show you what to do with that stuff. In a later portion of today's workshop. I'm going to show you what to do with all that extra information you think you need to collect. But for this step of this exercise for the action face toe work, we have to think of what the very simplest, simplest thing the user khun, due to get relief. Remember that core example? Open the app. Scroll and read boredom gone. Okay, that's. What? I want you to the next five minutes with your product. So what can we take out? If again, the internal trigger is this fear, this uncertainty of am I gonna go to a good place? Um, what can I take out from this process? Which is, you know, to be honest, pretty lengthy, right made steps, always even more lengthy, even more like thing you had you had sign in first. Ok, give your email and name, okay, I was advising them that way what can we do to, like get relief from where am I going to go right now because by the way, the competition here maybe I'm guessing you came up with this side uh fact in one of the earlier exercises the existing solution to its problem it's not yelp it's not another app it's hey, where you going tonight? Yep right, like when I just come with you and well we didn't describe is that it? That is the context in the context of it is social app all right all right, so you're actually thinking maybe maybe you could get in idea and shoot it out to your buds okay, so you're replicating what happens in the real world like I'm at work I'm gonna go out to dinner after work yeah where you going? But now I could do this through my phone right? Terrific. So how can we make that has just simple and easy as possible? What steps might what might we be able to remove? Uh remove our ad because I was thinking it would be nice if there's a pop up if somebody already decided where they're going than you could see where they're going. Awesome. Terrific. So boost yeah by doing that, you would actually remove a ton of steps because now I don't have tio uh click on burgers I don't have to figure out who's opened I don't have to look at reviews and distance and uh uh rewards I don't have to send to a friend I don't select that friend I don't check for availability just says hey carolyn's going to this place see you want to go yeah or you know if you're constraint is time than the more important when needed to quickly check to see hey is there a wait you know or can we order and eat it? You are needed in kind of a cool thing order even okay so tell me about that well ordering in eating it is um you place the order and then you head over to the restaurant or whatever and then you pick it out and right there interesting. Okay, so what if uh to make sure I have a good experience to give me instant relief I open the app and it just recommends instantly for me here's your closest place here's what's open uh maybe it's highly review I don't know but we give you might ask you hey what's your more important thing you want you want some clothes you want to sit down in the place? Just food very cool so maybe it's just three options open uh close or price or something like three creature I click on one button and I get to three, three or four star for sure you don't want to go anywhere lower than that whatever secret program and your most important one or hit the button yeah, awesome. Awesome. So what would that do to my, uh, my fear uncertainty about having a good experience if I if I could quickly with maybe just one button, I see the best place because remember here you people here aren't searching for options. You want one option exactly. Great option. Yeah, so that might be actually a way to consider. How do we reduce as many steps as possible, too scratch that users it or just have, like, like you're saying, there may be different people, but for any one person only ever talk about that one thing, right? Right, right, perfect and all that other stuff. We talked about your preferences in your taste and do rewards matter and distance and reviews. We're going to keep that, but I think you'll see in a couple sections from now, you'll see where we could put that stuff to make the product better and better with use. I'll tell you where we can insert all that stuff. Awesome. All right, awesome. Give caroline a hand. Thanks.
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a Creativelive Student
The information presented by Nir was excellent and pertinent to today's evolution of business development and success. This was beyond my expectation. There was great material that was stimulating and engaging.
Jason Casher
Loved it! Was thorough and gave a strong sense of direction, as well as clear methods to check to see if you are on right track.
Nir Eyal is great! Insightful, interesting course on how habits are created, established and reinforced.