How to Merge Panoramas
Lesson 9 from: All You Need To Know About Adobe Lightroom® CCMatt Kloskowski, Jared Platt

How to Merge Panoramas
Lesson 9 from: All You Need To Know About Adobe Lightroom® CCMatt Kloskowski, Jared Platt
A Big Announcement From Adobe
03:45 2Opening Discussion
02:31 3What is Behind the Scenes of Lightroom® Creative Cloud®?
08:40 4How to Work with Collections
06:18 5How to Use Quick Develop
04:13 6How to Create Equal Exposures
02:51 7How to Merge HDR (High Dynamic Range) Images
11:00 8How to Use Local Adjustments
10:51How to Merge Panoramas
08:35 10How to Use Face Tagging & Keywording
10:18 11New Galleries in The Web Module
04:15 12What are the Slideshow Module Improvements?
04:08 13How to Use Soft Proofing
01:55 14Improvements to The Book Module
01:46 15What is the Upright Feature?
02:29 16Q & A and Wrap-Up
12:40Lesson Info
How to Merge Panoramas
panorama on this one I love. By the way, this one is one that I use constantly now because well, can I can I say? You can say whatever you want? It's a It's a panoramic brought image. It's stitches raw. Amazing. I don't You stitch it, then work on it. I All right. So let's talk a little bit about Panorama. Is your panorama way? Typically, you know, we take our camera, click, move a little bit, click move a little bit click and we get these panels. We've always needed another program to go in there and stitched together that panorama. So light room, the newest version of light room now has it built in just like it does HDR. Um, so you can see here. I've got one photo, two photos, three and for So I've got four photos across. I could do. You could do 10 if you want to. Just takes a little bit longer. Common question is how much overlap usually overlap 2030%. Um and I put my camera on all auto. In fact, if I can, I even handhold the panorama. I want to make the software work as much as po...
ssible. But now I put my camera on all auto auto because it's it's amazing the blending and everything that that that photo shop in light room could do today. So But the most important part is really just overlapped by about 2030% in each photo will select each photo. I purposely am not doing any developing ahead of time just to show you kind of the workflow that I used for this. But ah, head appear to the photo menu down here to photo march again. You see under edit in, um, merge to Panorama and photo shop, So that used to be there. But now we have Panorama. Um, you want another little tip If you hold down your option or off key when you click on one of these, or if you use the keyboard shortcut, I love it will bypass the dialogue. So the first time you use this, you'll go into the dialogue. But if you hold down, option are all it'll bypasses and then you don't have to open that dialogue box every time. It will just merge everything for you because generally I don't really ever change the settings, But we'll go ahead and merge the panel here. So it's gonna create your little It's gonna create your preview just like it did for the HDR again, I think these air 4 36 megabyte raw files. All right, We got our stitched together pan around here so I can see you kind of went up. You're not very state as you go to the right. You just kind of went up like this. And then right after this photo here, he fell. He fell over. Yeah. And you know, this is for the extreme techie out there. They have panoramic ball heads that will avoid that whole thing. I don't have one, so I get what we have here. All right, so we got our panel here, a couple of things that you can do. One would be a number one. It's got spirit, kal cylindrical perspective. So that's if you're gonna do maybe 360 degree panos and different types of panels. But most of the time, you're just gonna keep the auto and the spherical on it will also auto crop for you. Um, I am gonna keep auto crop off for a second because I'm gonna keep it like that. I don't want to show you a neat little trick here. Um, but let's go ahead and look to merge it together. And all auto crop is doing is saving you from having to go to the crop tool. When it's does, that's really difficult to dio. It could be. I'm just saying it's so hard. It is. It is very up to hit the R key and then actually move it and doing that stuff. Yeah, it's at least 10 seconds. That leaves. All right. So while while we're stitching, we have a question. So would you do a, um hdr? So you're getting crazy now? I know. Um, would you stitch three different HD IRS together? Could you do what would you do it that way? Doesn't know. But understand that. So I think what you would do is you would birds thu large each hdr into one D and G and then region, then highlight all the d and G's and then stitch him. Okay. They would understand that. Sure, because it's it's still a raw image. And it's well, I would do this to a J peg to so all asked all it's doing is it's not doing anything tricky. It's just I mean, it is doing something tricky. You programming. But it's just looking for the edge of the mountain on the edge of the tree, and then it's kind of warping them. And so yeah, yeah, that was your family merger HD arts first, and then merge those into the panorama. You imagine how complicated be a huge file online is asking. Then does that exposure balancing tips? This have exploited exposure? Balancing features still work once you've done that? Yes. Yeah. The match exposures. Yeah. Thing that we look, you know, I think the think you had 10 stops of exposure. Oh, yeah, Absolutely. Because it's still a raw image. Yeah, it's an HDR raw panel. It's crazy. I couldn't way just need three dimensional. So you need to cameras saying the same thing. So my mind, it's taken a little while to stitch together. I'll give you a disclaimer and that. So one of the things that I did is I. When I was traveling out here, I did not bring my backup drive. Um, and I I think this one sneaks by a lot of people. It's a computer tip in general, but definitely for late run Photoshopped. I did a lot of videos, and I really filled up my hard drive and I didn't bring up my backup drive with me. And so I couldn't delete the videos. And so I think that's why it's because it wasn't taken this long on me before. But that'll just a computer tip. But definitely for late Photoshopped, the less space you have available on your hard drive. If you don't have, like, 20% available, it will slow down things. Have you ever wondered when things were running slow? Check your hard drive space because if you've got 5% hard drive space left, I guarantee you it's going to slow your performance because it can't. I mean, it wants to use RAM, and it wants you scratch disk space. So without those two things here, you're in trouble. There it is. We got our panel. I just want to show you a neat little tape. Now we could we could you have done the auto crop in rural crop all that stuff out. But what I did is I I sent this photo over into photo shop Um, sometimes when I do Panos, especially when I have a panel with edges that I think are pretty easily fixed. I'll send it over to photo shop rather than cropping, because what you can do is if you take your magic wand tool and click in those transparent areas, grab that one to click in those transparent areas. If you go edit Bill and you fill it with content, aware it may and I really, really prefaced the word emphasis on the word in May that it did horrible over here did hold the lower here, but at least knew it wasn't a sky. Yeah, so at least I mean, have to crop a little bit less, but it's worth a try. It's not gonna work 100%. That's pretty good in the sky, though. On and then then the workflow. I deliberately didn't do any processing, but the workflow would be, You know, you go in here and then you can go and do your cropping Um, your blacks, your rights. A little clarity on there who doesn't love clarity, reduce the highlights, and then we can go and do crop. I really I should have done the auto crop on Yeah, you should have Would have been a good idea. It would have saved us some time. There we go. So that is our are stitched together panel all done inside a like, brilliant love it and note that it is still a raw image, so you can stitch it before you ever adjust it, and then you go in. And in fact, if you do adjust it first and then you stitch it, it's back to normal because it it it does its own it like figures it out itself stitches. It makes it in the one file. So just don't Don't even worry about adjusting. Stitch it, then adjust. It causes still all around.
Ratings and Reviews
I fell in love with lightroom about three years ago. Making it better is alway nice. Thanks for sharing the information on the up grades. Also making it fun to watch.
Sean HIll
A great intro, this class convinced me to get the Lightroom/Photoshop software on the monthly basis. Mr. Platt is very good at presenting the subject matter and getting you interested in doing more, both in camera and with post processing. Great job guys!