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Q & A and Wrap-Up

Lesson 16 from: All You Need To Know About Adobe Lightroom® CC

Matt Kloskowski, Jared Platt

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16. Q & A and Wrap-Up

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Q & A and Wrap-Up

That's it, that those are the major features for the release of light Room CC, but again that I think the most important thing about light from C C. Is that it has joined the creative cloud, which means that in the future you're going to see more releases more often. They'll be easier to grab because it'll just happen, and then they'll also be connected to the cloud. And being connected to that creative cloud, I think, is really important for a lot of reasons, the ability to get things into like, for instance, right now in Photoshop and an in design and in illustrator, you have what's called libraries and those libraries concern. Once you put something in one, it's in all of them. And so, like logos and texts and colors and stuff just kind of keep populating across. And so I'm really looking forward to what comes next for Creative Cloud subscribers for light room. Because now that it's connected now, we should be able to see a lot more of that interplay between it and the Web. Some. So...

I have a question for you. Are you gonna use collections now? Okay. All right, bro. our job is done. Done. And with that, we now now, now we can go home. We're going over. Well, first, we're gonna open up to some general questions. We'll start here, folks in the audience. If you have questions and at home again in the top, right, there's an ass button. There's a a bunch of questions we're gonna try to get. Teoh. The best thing is to keep your question clear, concise and to the point is possible. We'll get to it if we can. We'll start here in studio. I use the pixel sizes for my exporting. The percentage seems cool, But what would a practical application of that be? I don't know. I I'm sure somebody on the Web knows I'm just not, I think, probably more so. It'll have to do with, like, I need all of these images to be percent smaller because I've got different sized images and all of them need to stay the same same relative size to each other. But they need to shrink down so that, like this 50 pixel needs to be 20 pixels. And this 80 pixel needs to be 50 and like, that's probably where it The purpose is I don't problem. I know. I'm just guessing. I was just happy I found it in the release. It was it was, like, buried in there so that I just kind of felt like I was like, Oh, there's something. It was a hidden nugget. Yeah, going on that. I've I've heard some people, actually, you know, they have a 36 megapixel camera. They immediately go in to 50% of the image. That's where I think some of those people would do that. I actually do that quite a bit in photo shop. When? When I'm editing one of doing some some test edits on one of my photos. Where? Yeah, I know. I don't lawyer. I I know I don't want to spend the next 20 minutes, because once I do all the rial edits, it does take time on a 36 megapixel photo. I'll reduce the size. You want a hit on that? By the way, Yes. Smart previews are little tiny raw files. And if you have all of your photos on a secondary hard drive, put your photos there. Build the smart previews, unplugged the drive. At that point, you're effective. You are looking at small, modern images. Do all your work on those plug the drive back in and exported. So then, when you're working on these 50 megapixel cameras, like the new canon or the D 800 Nikon those air huge files as soon as you unplug, you're working on a small, raw, very, very fast. Yeah, try that little little tip. So the auto that you just showed here and you still have the image up? How what does it take? I mean, how does it know the the guy, Grameen. I mean, obviously you don't know the all the math behind it, but why wouldn't take that rock and say, Oh, that rock is more messes up, But more often than not, it finds a horizon, or it finds a vertical telephone pole and it accused into those That's pretty you, us. The dreaded. How questions Booth dreaded how the dreaded how question is always bad on my radar because, well, way smarter than me create All is is there a recommended focal length to optimize the new Pano function? Um, as a recommended focal and opted by? No, there, I wouldn't say There's a recommended focal and optimize. I would say, um I'm generally shooting my pan owes in 50 the 70 millimeter range. Um, the wider you get, the more distortion you're going to get, The harder it is to stitched those things together. Um, and the mawr artifacts and little things that you're gonna get when you do your stitching. So, um, yeah, I keep in that 50 to 70 range. The other thing to, you know, think panoramas landscapes generally when people were shooting Ah, a lot of times we have a polarizer on and the wider you go, you start to get that dip that Grady in the sky, and that's going to wreak havoc on your panorama. Because now you're shooting with a wide angle lens with a polarizer, and your sky's gonna look like a mess is as it starts to go across. So all right, let's see what the Internet has to ask. This is kind of ah, general question. Maybe a beginner question. What would love to get you guys advice anyway? That the light room, the basic light room, comes with 20 gigabytes of cloud storage for the new users out there? Does that seem enough for most users toe have as a cloud product. Or would you? The purpose? The purpose of the cloud is for current working things and for small like logos and for, you know, like files that you use on a regular basis. Um, and so in general, 20 gigabytes will get you where you need to be, because you're just kind of working on thing. That's kind of a pastor. You're working. It's transferring its doing stuff like that. You know, it's not intended to keep stuff like saying, you know, yeah, photo backups or dropbox or whatever. It's not really intended for that purpose. It's tended for a working, collaborating space, and so you should be able to work with 20 gigabytes. There is, like, uh, if you go to the business accounts, they have more space in them because they anticipate collaboration more. But it's that's the purpose. And if I cannot really quick to that, one of the one of the things that I use cloud storage for is I'm not yet at the point where all my photo backups are gonna go up to the cloud. Nobody knows what the way. Where is the class. Where is the cloud there? Not at that point. I mean, everything still on hard drives and what not? What I use the cloud for is when I'm done with a photo, I save a high resolution J peg copy of that photo into a folder in that way. You know, at the end of the day, if every computer I had if everything I had went kaput, gone, exploded, gone. I've got one folder with a high resolution J peg off all of my favorite photos, my favorite flavor. So and for me, it kind of works would be tough for you because as well as a wedding photographer that that number is going to grow significantly. But for me, you know, landscape, outdoor travel, that type of work. I'm able to do that. And so I know I have my one folder. I put that in the cloud. I put that all over the place, and that way I always know that that's that's backed up. But my working files are still not gonna necessarily I'll get put up their great great, Another one coming from I'm asking just cause I think it's funny. Hello is the face detection identification accurate with babies or Children because they change quite fast. Uh, yes. Ah, it will. It will recognize a baby next to the same baby, but it might not recognize that baby five years later. Absolutely. Um that's funny. The that would be good. The slide show feature. Now it it creates videos. But can you incorporate video into slideshow? Absolutely. Yes. That was released back in late five. Yeah, I think. Yes. If you just have one photo that isn't perfect. Can you make some very high? No. Can you make a couple of virtual copies, make one really dark one way overexposed and merged? Hdr or not? So an interesting question. It's and it's It's something that people used to fake. You know, we would take one photo and then save different J peg versions of it. Um, you could you wouldn't get any benefits from So it's got are getting a lot of questions online about HDR. So does HDR emerging Onley work with one set out of time? Yeah, Yeah, you do one at a time. You do this one that you do that one than you. This one. Yeah, I Yeah, I couldn't select the whole folder where I've bracketed on and then said go, I would be right Pray hdr Okay, um, be good dot Up the That's right. Uh, bulk, Bulk HD. Are there any more questions? You, with the book function, designed the albums and whatnot. Can you? Is there an export featured, like to you're Rose software for, like, White House orb. A photo you can print to blurb and you can print to a PdF and you confronted J pay. The only question is the size that it's sending out. Can you send that to your producer? So if you're if the people you're sending it to can produce that size of page, then you're fine. But right now you're kind of tied to those sizes that are in the blurb books, so just check the size and make sure that works. But not rose. But I already I can already tell you that, right, because the sizes different and so you'll end up in a cropping part of it. Or whenever anybody's watching, can someone creating alternative rose. If anybody's watching, especially adobe, could we just unlock the size of the paper inside the book module that's that's all I want. I wanted that for sense. Book module began. Last question from great speed, You guys, The new feature with the video card. Where have you noticed? Speed? Both you. I've noticed it on, uh, sliders. So any any sluggishness on sliders? You're dragging a slider back and forth, and I do that a lot. Like I just kind of move it back and forth just to kind of get a different feel for So I've noticed it there. That's probably the biggest place that I've noticed, the other the other two places. You'll notice it was on import and export. Yeah, huge, huge increases in speed on import and export. And it's like it's like 1000 percents, like it's not a lot twice as fast. Like, you know, they were going over some of the numbers, and some of the benchmarks notice thousands that 1000% difference previewing like you were showing a browser before. But have you like I haven't seen it okay with it, cause lightning does a lot on the on the import. It's doing a lot for my photos. It's just there's those times where I want to do something a little bit faster. All right. Fantastic. Well, Jared and Matt thank you guys. So much for being here. We went through the new light room, C c. A special thinking toe on one. I don't know if you want to show the link again. No, if you insist, I'll pull up the slide. So way talked about the last seven weeks of my life creating this light room training bundle. So it's over it on one dot com and then over it on one photos were doing kind of a hole, all these light room presets and things this week so you can stop by and download a whole bunch of stuff for free. Fantastic. Fantastic. But thanks for everybody for having us here. And thanks to all you guys watch us and heckle us. And absolutely fun of Jared. Folks, This has been the new release of new features of the Adobe light room Creative Cloud, the version of Adobe Light Room Creative Cloud. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you to our studio audience again. Thanks to Matt and Jared. We'll see you next time

Ratings and Reviews


I fell in love with lightroom about three years ago. Making it better is alway nice. Thanks for sharing the information on the up grades. Also making it fun to watch.

Sean HIll

A great intro, this class convinced me to get the Lightroom/Photoshop software on the monthly basis. Mr. Platt is very good at presenting the subject matter and getting you interested in doing more, both in camera and with post processing. Great job guys!

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