Chapter 1: Why Launch a Company Blog?
1Class Introduction to Content Marketing
01:36 2Tell Your Story
02:47 3Communicate with Customers
01:31 4Be Competitive
02:19 5Establish Your Brand Voice
02:59 6Easily Repurpose Your Content
01:01 7Improve Your Website Traffic
02:30Quiz: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Identify Your Audience — And Write for Them
9Write to Your Audience
03:50 10Common Pitfalls
05:58 11Quiz: Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Consider Different Blog Post Types
12List Posts
01:50 13How-To Guides
01:35 14Roundups
02:35 15Personal Stories
01:12 16Case Studies
02:53 17Interviews
01:34 18Checklists
02:29 19Quiz: Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Write Your Blog Posts: Spotlight on Blogging Best Practices
20Develop a Content Calendar
02:53 21Craft a Compelling, Accurate Headline
05:23 22Outline Your Post
02:45 23Write a Lede with a Gripping Hook
04:04 24Include a Call to Action in Your Post
01:40 25Include an Image in Your Content
01:50 26Make Your Content Readable
02:21 27Quiz: Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Optimize Your Content for On-Page SEO
02:48 29Internal Links
01:00 30Meta Descriptions
00:37 31Image Text
00:22 32Tags and Categories
00:40 33SEO Plugins
02:27 34Quiz: Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Proofread and Edit Your Blog Posts
35Revision Process
01:36 36Copyediting
01:31 37Proofreading
03:14 38Quiz: Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Publish Your Posts and Plan for the Future
39Commit to a Specific Posting Frequency
02:23 40Track Your Analytics
00:57 41Be Flexible
01:07 42Quiz: Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Course Conclusion
03:33Final Quiz
44Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Case Studies
Number five Case Studies. Are you looking for a seamless approach? A blog post format that's simple yet powerful, introducing case studies. Case studies are a great way to show your audience how effective your product or service can be. Let me explain, I'll take a minute to touch on my own experience as a writer. I once worked on a series of case studies for a farm in rural New Jersey. The kicker allowed dr in the farm. He and his team grew fresh produce and they customized plant based eating plans for their patients. Food plants composed of fresh produce sourced directly from the property as a ghost writer. I've seen a lot, I've worked on so many case studies over the years that I have lost count of them all. But this project stood out to me because the results were incredible. I knew right off the bat that with the storytelling approach. These case studies could blow reader's minds. You see these case studies were really impactful because they combine data with personal stories a pac...
kage deal, if you will. The doctor who ran the farm took a scientific approach. Everything was rooted in data in medicine. He carefully measured patient outcomes and each of the patients I interviewed improved their health outcomes in some way. I had the data right there in front of me to prove it numbers from actual medical records. But those numbers alone weren't enough to create a compelling case study. I also conducted patient interviews to touch on reader's emotions. These patients discussed how much their lives changed after going plant based, I made a point of including these patients thoughts and opinions on the content right alongside the data. These patients told me how going Plant based changed their lives after adopting a clean wholesome diet, they lost weight, their arthritis symptoms lessened, they felt better, happier, lighter, less stressed. Now I'm not in any way trying to get you to go vegan here nor am I trying to get vegans to change their diet. I'm just trying to share an example of a case study series that really made an impact on me because the businesses offering really made an impact on customers which brings us back to the benefits of case studies. Case studies offer real world examples of just how effective a brand's product or service can be the most effective ones. Like the posts I described combined facts and figures with emotional reflection and a compelling story. They combine hard numbers and rich qualitative data. If you feel comfortable, you might consider integrating case studies into your blog. But next up we'll talk about interviews. I mentioned conducting interviews with the patients who worked with the doctor on his New Jersey Farm In interviews can and should play a role in case studies. However, if you're strapped for time, you can have your interview, take up the entire blog post and still touch on your audiences, emotions
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