Pattern Tile Creation
Lesson 5 from: Ignite Your Business Marketing Kit in Adobe IllustratorKladi Vergine

Pattern Tile Creation
Lesson 5 from: Ignite Your Business Marketing Kit in Adobe IllustratorKladi Vergine
Lesson Info
5. Pattern Tile Creation
01:19 2Adobe Illustrator Workspace
05:35 3Design For Print
05:03 4Create a Promotional Flyer
10:15 5Pattern Tile Creation
09:39 6Fun and Useful Stickers
11:00 7Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 1
11:42 8Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 2
10:22Lesson Info
Pattern Tile Creation
Yeah. In this lesson, I will show you how to quickly create a bold pattern to use across your merchandising, packaging and promotional materials, lunch illustrator and click on the create new button to open the new document window set, intend to art and illustration. Then name your file and head to the width and hide details. Here you can set the size manually remember to design a seamless pattern tile. We need to start with a square art board. Therefore insert the same value in both fields. I will use the value of 300 pixels. Click on create to open the new document. You can create a pattern using any graphic elements. But if drawing vectors is not your best skill, don't worry, Adobe stock comes to the rescue. Let me show you how to leverage professional vector files ready for you to use inside your project without living illustrator here, click on the plus icon to create a new library dedicated to your project and give it a name, then click on the down pointing arrow and select searc...
hing adobe stock to search and access the thousands of stock assets available inside the adobe stock library. Use the top search bar to enter a keyword of your choice. Type a keyword that represents a theme related to your business, products or services or any other element that you wish to incorporate in your pattern. For example, if you're a photographer type the keyword photography, you will see many assets appearing inside the libraries panel to display only vector files, click on the filters icon and select vector. This will allow it to be stocked to automatically filter and display only assets with the format of your choice. Today, I'm going to create a pattern for a plant shop. So I'm going to use the keyword Plants, scroll down to browse between assets and once you find the file that matches your style and your project, click on the plus icon to add it to your library. The file will be automatically placed in your current library folder. You can go back to search and add as many assets as you like. When you're set on the illustration that you're going to be focusing on for your pattern, click on the little cart icon to license it and save it inside your library, then right click on it and select edit to open the illustrator document containing the bacteria illustration. And if you do not have access to the adobe stock library yet, don't worry. I've provided a starter file for you to follow along. Feel free to post the video and download your file if you're going to use the adobe stock back to file. Bear in mind that graphics are usually grouped to a group them and select only some of the elements. Press the letter B. On your keyboard, then click on the objects to select them. Now use the shortcut to shift Control G. On a Windows that shift command G on a Mac two and group them and click anywhere on the our board to release the selection. Now you can pick the elements you wish to use by clicking on the first graphic element and then hold the shift key and click on any other elements to include them in the selection. Press Control C. On the window. Let's come and see on a Mac to copy them. When you're done, click on your document tab to navigate back to the pattern file and use the shortcut. Control the on Windows. Let's command V on a Mac to pace the items if you need to. You can resize the graphic elements by dragging down one of the corners of the selection bounding box while holding the shift key to scale them proportionally and avoid any distortion. Click on each one of the graphic element and drag him inside the cardboard. Start to distribute them from the top edge of the square and then move to the left edge. Leave the center empty. For now we will take care of it in a few steps. It's time to duplicate the part of the images which are hanging outside the edge. To do so, select the items by clicking and dragging over them with the selection to active. Let's start from the top edge. Now right click on the selection to see the option menu, Go to transform and then move the move window will pop up. Let's move the items to the bottom edge by setting the horizontal move to zero And inserting a vertical move of the height of the art board, which in this case is 300 pixels. And click on copy as we want to simply create a reflected duplicate without modifying the current selection. Let's repeat the same action for the items located on the left edge. But since we want to move these elements from the left to the right, remember to move the objects Horizontally. Therefore the horizontal move, we reflect the width of the art board, which is 300 pixels. I will set the vertical moved to zero. Make sure to take the preview box to check that they are in the right position and click on copy. Use the remaining graphics to fill the central part of the pattern and we're almost done to create a perfect pattern tile. We must create a bounding box to do so let's get first to the layers panel and click on the little plus I can located at the bottom of the panel to create a new layer. Double click on it to rename it. I will name it frame and then fill free also to rename the graphics layer. Then drag the frame layer below the graphics layer. This action is very important for the final result. Now your frame layer selected. Press the M key on your keyboard to activate the rectangle too. And hover on the top left corner of the art board and click wants to open the rectangle dialog box To create a rectangle of the same size of the art board, input a value of 300 pixels in each field and click on OK to make sure that the square is perfectly overlapping the our board. Press the letter V. To activate the selection tool, click on the square to select it and head to the properties panel, then to the align options and here, click on the down pointing arrow to select a line to our board, then click on the center or is on to lee and the center vertically. Buttons now head to the fill and stroke controls located at the bottom of the toolbar and set both fill and stroke to none. You can now save your design as a pattern tile to do so choose the window menu and select swatches to open the swatches panel. Then click and drag over the art board to select both the graphics and the frame and drag them inside the swatches panel. You will see a brand new pattern tiles, watch appearing inside the panel to test your pattern. Press the letter m on your keyboard to reactivate the rectangle too. Now click and drag anywhere on the pace board to draw another rectangle and click on the pattern you've just added to the swatches panel to fill the shape with your pattern. This pattern will have a transparent background and if exported as a PNG file, the background will be see through if you wish to add a colorful background within your pattern tile. All you have to do is to head to the layers panel, create a duplicate of the frame layer by dragging it over the little plus icon at the bottom of the panel, simply rename it. I will rename a background and click on this side. Arrow to open its content. Select the content from the layer as you can see will be also selected on the er board. Then head to the fill and stroke controls located at the bottom of the toolbar and double click on the field to open the color picker window, choose the color you would like to use and when done press okay. Remember for your pattern title to display correctly. The frame layer must be at the very back to work as a container for your graphic elements. Select the elements by clicking and dragging over them and then drag him inside the swatches panel to create a new pattern. You can repeat what we've done before by creating a new rectangle by pressing the letter M. And clicking and dragging somewhere else inside the our board. And we can now select the new pattern to test it. If you want to save your pattern as an image, click on the Larboard tool and then click on each shape filled with the pattern. Now head to the file menu and select export, then export as and from the dialog box. Select a destination folder. Now set the format to PNG antique. Use our boards. You can now click on export at the PNG options, dialog box will come up and remember any time that you wish to export a pattern graphic. It's extremely important to set the tantalizing to art optimized and you're done. Your pattern graphic is ready to be used on all your marketing materials. I really hope that you've enjoyed this lesson. But now let's move to the next one to keep creating exciting graphics. Mhm.
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Ratings and Reviews
Lisa Carney
Kladi is very clear in her explanations all while being very inspiring. Great class!!
Mazhar Iqbal
Great Kladi is a legend I really appreciate
a Creativelive Student
Very good teacher. I wish she had more classes.