How to Start with Lettering Basic
Lesson 4 from: Illustrative Stylings: Lettering and More with PhotoshopChris Piascik

How to Start with Lettering Basic
Lesson 4 from: Illustrative Stylings: Lettering and More with PhotoshopChris Piascik
Lesson Info
4. How to Start with Lettering Basic
Class Introduction
01:42 2How to Set Up
04:20 3Letter Styles
07:21 4How to Start with Lettering Basic
04:37 5Create Style Through Shape & Word Connection
10:31 6How to Get Creative w/ Script Lettering
12:08 7Tighten Your Composition
17:00 8How to Work Hand Lettering Into an Existing Design
05:29Lesson Info
How to Start with Lettering Basic
So now we're going to start with lettering basics so we're going to talk about here is how to use um to illustrate um with a phrase so we'll just take a phrase or maybe you want to illustrate some lyrics or just some words that you like a lot and we're gonna make a illustrated composition out of that so we're going to draw this phrase stop doing that because because I want to stop doing that so the first thing I do when I'm going to do an illustrated composition is I just write down the words and this gives me an idea of how long each word is and how much room they're going to take up so from here it's just that ends up being a lot of experimenting so I'll just write this very quickly and a whole bunch of different ways and when I'm doing that I'm thinking about what words I want to emphasize and what I want to stand out so maybe I want stop to be the most important thing and something to keep in mind when you're doing this is I'm just writing this as simple as possible just in handwri...
ting I don't really care about stallion because I'm just tryingto think about where the words are going to break up so maybe I want stop to be really big and doing that to be smaller below so when I look at that I think that this is kind of getting doing that is getting a little too small so I'm gonna try something else so maybe I will maybe emphasize stop and that and then make doing little smile in the middle so what you're gonna be thinking about is what you want to emphasize and what needs to be smaller you don't want tio emphasize everything because then when you emphasize everything then nothing is emphasized so that's something to keep in mind another thing that I like to try is maybe working into some shape so I will make some frameworks or maybe some loose face lines so to do that you can destroy some lines maybe and then use those lines too sticky words in there and then we could get rid of the lines afterwards so again we're really just experimenting and trying new things I want to make that smaller maybe try a circle sweat that up and again keep in mind we're not trying tio add any style or just trying to space this out could be very loose could try making a center point for your drawing and then maybe having shapes coming off that so I think something I think this uh it's the words being all the same length this one's going to be a little less exciting I think we're going to keep it simple and do something like this and then try to get the letters to connect a little more if you look in the bonus features, we have some files where I kind of worked through this already and there's a. Each of these steps is on a different layer, so that you can look through and play around with it. So that's, basically, how I would start setting things up, where I'm just going to really loosely, not putting too much thought into it. Try some new shapes. Try where the word breaks will be. What words are going to be more important. And then I'll start trying to add some style, which we'll talk about next.
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Ratings and Reviews
This was very interesting. It would probably be best for beginners. It's always nice to see process. I feel very confident about jumping into lettering now.
a Creativelive Student
Love this class. I would like to see more like this class.