Online Proof Session Using Lightroom
Lesson 3 from: Interfacing with Your Clients in LightroomJared Platt

Online Proof Session Using Lightroom
Lesson 3 from: Interfacing with Your Clients in LightroomJared Platt
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3. Online Proof Session Using Lightroom
Lesson Info
Online Proof Session Using Lightroom
So let's go past the idea of, um, in studio work. And let's talk about what do we do if we're on the Web? So on the web, If I was going to the Web, I would use my SMUGMUG account in order to send people photos on the Web. Because I'm not seeing you as a client. You're no longer in my studio. So now I'm going to send them out to the Web. I'm going to create a smugmug published service, which is just another collection, and I'm gonna make that collection. I'm calling it creativelive Wedding, But I'm also making a folder called Creative Live Favorites. Great of live wedding favorites. I'm gonna put my favorites online. I'm gonna put my full collection online, and I'm also going to put a slide show online. Now the slide show needs Teoh. It's not gonna be made from light room because light just does that automatically. I could export the show from Slide the slideshow from light room, but it's actually easier for me to just upload those images to SmugMug or to, um, an emoto and make an anima...
l to slide show. You know, Anna Moto is an emo no is an online slide show program. Basically, what they do is they take your images and they create all sorts of cool slide shows written instead of very basic. They can be a scrape, ese and interesting as you want him to be because they have all sorts of algorithms and timing, and they listen to the music and stuff like that. So in order to thrill my client's first, what do they see? First, they're going to see the slideshow. So the slide show is going to be Let me just show you. Um, here we are. So this is the an emotive slide show creator. Now, I've already made the slide show you didn't. So you did not, though, wait around for me to do it. But it's just basically I'm going to go and edit this slide show, so I'm just gonna edit the video and show you what the slide show creator looks like. All I have to do is install the animal to plug in into light room, highlight all the images I want in the slide show and hit export, and choose an Emoto as the export and it'll send him all up to the Web, and then they're all going to show up just like this right here. I can move them around so I can put them in different orders. I can add captions to them and a new thing that they're doing now, which is amazing. I can actually click on an image like this, and I can go down to the bottom, see little edit button down here. I can actually edit and look, it's It's actually powered by Creative Cloud. So you're actually using adobes algorithms and stuff tojust these things so I can click on Color Aiken, go to the lighting and add some contrast to the image and bring the shadows down. So if you watch the slide, show me like, Oh, that one image is too bright. You don't even have to go back to light room to change that. You could just change it right here. If it's a small adjustment, it's a big adjustment. You should probably go back to light room. So then let's ah, close that. You can also add text information at the first at the end or anywhere in between. I can add my logo here, so I've got a logo for the Outro. So now if I want to show my client this slide show, all I have to do is hit preview. It'll show me a quick rendition of it. And once it shows me the quick rendition, if I like it, I hit produce when I had produced I can name it and tell it what size slide shows I want to send out. I always click all of them so that I have access to all of them. And then I hit finish, and it's going to start producing that slide show. So now it's producing a new slideshow for me. And once I have the sea outs producing it right now it's building out those. It's pretty quick, right? That's a very fast way to make slideshow. And, um, once I've done that, then I can share it out to Facebook, to Twitter toe wherever to YouTube. So anywhere I haven't account. Send it out there, show it to your client first, just like I did in studio. I have to treat you like you're in my studio, show to the client first and let them see and get excited about the images once they've seen the slide show, then I will show him their images online. And that's gonna be through SmugMug. So once I make this collection and the way I make a collection is to right click the SmugMug published service, which is published services or just below the collection area. But they're just collections that publish out the same thing. So if you right click the SmugMug published service and say, Create a gallery, it's going to actually ask you what kind of gallery what the name is, what folder you want to put it in. And it's also going to ask you what the name of the gallery is gonna be, what kind of quick settings it actually draws. The settings that you have online in SmugMug down into the plug in So you can just say, Oh, I want this just to be a gallery or I want this to be a full sail and downloadable gallery. So I click that now. All of my sales were set up. The right price points air set up. The right download options were set up because it draws all that information from your online SmugMug account Guy SmugMug has the best plug in in light room that exists. It's an amazing plug in. I can also tell it whether it's listed or unlisted, private, whether it has a password, things like that. So then once I do that and hit create, that's where I get this gallery from. Highlight all my images and just drag him in. So if I have images up here in here that I want toe bring in, I just simply go to my wedding, grab it and drag those images into the correct folder. And now I have 218 images that I'm going to publish. When I once I'm there, there's a publish button right up here. You can see it's dark. The reason it's dark is because I didn't want you to wait for things to publish, so I already clicked it. But if you haven't published yet, this button would not be clicked. It would be light and you click it and it publishes it up, and it gives you the address right there to give to your client. So if you would like to come and look at these images, if you're online, just go to my website to Jared plant dot com. I'll show you right now if you go to Jared platt dot com. And right underneath this, uh, this advertising for my curves collection, you will find one bar that bar says view wedding images with Jared on Creative Live on Saturday. If you click that, it's going to take you to that collection of images. So what I've done is I've set up an event the event tells, tells Smugmug who to let's see all the images Right now I'm letting anybody see him and it shows. You see, I've got favorites and I've got creative live wedding, so this has just my favorites in it, and this has everything in it. So the client can just look at the favorites because, remember, What did I do when I showed the clients my slide show and then I'm there to guide them through my favorites, right? Well, if I'm not there to guide you through my favorites, I'm gonna make a folder, and I'm gonna tell you in the email that I send out please go through my favorites first, because those are going to be the best images. And then if you feel like you're missing something, Go to the rest of the images. See, I'm guiding you through the process, even though I'm not there, because really important to make sure you guide your clients through the selection process. So once they get in, this is what they'll see. They'll see a full wedding, and then they'll see the favorites that click on the favorites and they'll start scanning through him. And when they get in there, they can click on an image, and now they can either download it if I gave him download ability. Or they can even click on this little comment bar and they can comment on it, or even better, see the little heart button right there. Bacon favorite it, and by favorite ing it, then this is what happens when they favor it. My client, Meg, has been going through the images, and you can see that she has images that she's already favorited and it's coming back into light room because I published it from light Room. Now it's connected because it's in a published service, so all I have to do every single time someone goes in through an event, so you have to set up an event so that it knows who they are, and you send them an announcement. Say Hey, you know, go go here and look at your images. Soon as they start putting hearts on things, it comes back to you in this little area that says Events Favorites still in the published service. And you see that's by date Come down to today and I see Meg's making favorites from the creative live wedding. If I click on that, it just opens up all the raw images that she's been favoring. Now, how simple would that need to highlight all those images and make an album? Now there's no go and copy all of the numbers that she liked and then come over here and write them down and sink him up. Just tell her, Go online, put your heart on the ones that you like and want to use for the album. I will highlight all those and I'll make an album. Now, after you've gotten those selections from them and you start making albums from him and Prince and all that kinda stuff. Now I'm gonna make an album. The album process can be just as daunting because now you have another back and forth between the client and if they're away, if their online like you are, then I've got a problem, because how do you get back and forth with your client? So that's why you smart albums. So what I do is smart albums is I would take all of these images and I would export all those images as J pegs over to a folder and then once I've got a folder open, then I would go in and create a new album by clicking on the new button here, choosing the type of album I want to make and then adding those images to the album. Now I also have an entire day on smart albums in that so inside of that storytelling in bookmaking is a whole series of how to work with smart albums so we won't go over that. But what I will go over is the process of working with your client. Once you've made an album, you can see that it's sitting here inside of the album Que and it says I'm waiting for feedback, right? If I click on this little link, it will take me to the actual website that the client gets to see. So I click on that. It opens up a link, and the album is going to show to the client. All I have to do is highlight this link and send it to the client. Once the client has the link, they can come in and look at the entire album, so that just kind of go through the album. So I I'm in the album, I'm looking at it and I'm if I'm the client and I want to make some kind of comment like, Oh, you know what? I would rather have a different picture on Page two so I'd say Change photo on page to to something else that looks Mawr rock star ish, Whatever. And then I hit Submit. Once I hit, Submit it says who did it, who sent that comment and when they sent it. If I go back to smart albums now and I open up the album in the album and I go to that page, you can see that I've got a comment inside of smart albums that says, Please change that to something else that looks more rock stars. So now I can just see that's got this little comment and I need to check box it. Say I'm done with it. If I hit preview, it shows me what they were commenting on. So I have so much information coming back to me from that online system. So I submitted online, and then it submits back to me. So every time they comment comes back to me and then I just have a checklist of things that need to be done. So if I take this and I say Okay, fine, you want a rock star image will put that one in there. Done. OK, now that spread is done. So I click on the little check box and I'm done with that. And I can't even comment back and say Done, no problem. And then if they if they're looking out at the same time, they'll actually see that So I can work with my client online, either in a kind of a live situation, or I can just say Go look at that. Let me know when you're done. Then when they're done, I'll go in and change all the things that they need changed and then I'll hit print or resubmit it and say, Look at it again and see if if I've done everything that's pretty slight. Kismet. Okay, so do you see everywhere along the along the path. What are we doing? We're making sure that there's a connection point between us and the client, right? We're making sure that all of the decisions that are being made by the client are automatically coming into light room or into, in this case, smart albums to make sure that we're not wasting any time converting that information into information I can utilise, which is really collections, notes, adjustments, things like that. Okay, now we got one question. Good. I think I missed it. How were you notified when they made the change? Did you? I know I've gotten emails through like, flicker like, how did you get notified when they put in lead the rock star image? Oh, I just when I open up smart albums toe look at their album, it will show me a list of over in the right hand side is showed me a list of things that need to be done, and if I click on it, it will take me to that page. That's that's how you get notified so and they could email you and say, Hey, I'm done with the album, you know? Take a look at it. So awesome. Okay, so now, yes. Um, yeah. I had a question about selecting music for slide shows, and if you have any tips about kind of doing that with the client because music rights and all that kind stuff. So I don't know if that's where this and quite frankly, to me, it's a very important issue, especially in the professional world. Um, music musicians worked very hard, and they spend a lot of their own money making their music. And when a photographer takes their music and uses it without paying him for it and uses it as a way of making their own money, Um, and I'm not talking if you sell a slideshow, that's one thing. But even putting it online and using it to make your clients happy about the images so that they'll buy your album, you're using it to make money. And so the idea that you would take someone's music without giving them something in return for it, but without their permission is, to me unforgivable. It's horrible because I think musicians are great artists and we want them to continue to make music. And if we keep still in their work, they won't. They'll go work at a gas station or something because it makes a lot more money than what they're doing now. They do it for love, but they need to be ableto before the next $10,000 that they pay to the studio. So, um, understanding that you've got to do your best to give them the opportunity to continue working. And so any music that I put online, or that I use in my studio or put on a slide show is always going to be paid for. I'm always going have a license for that. It's hard to get Sting to give you a license because you can't connect with him. But it's very easy to get a license from someone who owns their own music. So, for instance, local artists they own, they wrote their music, they recorded their music, they own their music. And so those people can give you permission. They might even let you do it for free they remember like Yeah, sure, use it. Get a signed statement saying it's OK to use it and then use it and then promote them through it. But if you can't do that and you just need music triple scoop music it is amazing place. Triple scoop music. It's triple scoop dot com or triple scoop music dot com, but Triple Scoop music is amazing place to get your work. All of my music comes from Triple Scoop, and there's a lot of amazing artists on it and, in fact, the slide show that I would show to my clients through, um, an Emoto. This is This is that slide show, and this is his music. Schilling here, Lex and Pop millionaire on There's No Villains here, just you and Your course address, the one that makes you paparazzi. Seems like you knew the way. See that growing very subtle, so that helps toe create some kind of emotional attachment to certain images that I really like. So those images I highlight those images say this is a important image on, then it kind of creates that feel to the image and kind of brings it. This one's moving without just real subtle movement that's happening. So this style in an Emoto is called the documentary style, which I actually helped them create because I don't like the crazy stuff. Settle things So but this is Kevin Burdick. He's one of the triple scoop music artists, and he does a phenomenal job. Has some beautiful on entire album. Actually asked My friend, Kevin is my friend and I said, I really need a lot more love songs for weddings. And he goes. He wrote an entire album of Love songs just for May, and now it's on triple scoop. So he's like, I'm gonna write you a whole album of love, something so just spent, like a year writing out love songs, and they're just amazing love songs. But so, um, that is, uh, the important thing about using good music. It is It is important to use good music. It's got to be great music. It's gotta be chosen specifically for them, but you also need have the rights to use it. So Triple scoop is where I go to get all my rights for music, so that's a critical point. Some questions comment. Reese said that music makes me want to buy the album, and I don't even know those people. That's right. And what we do have a question, too? Yeah, I just thought that was funny. So you doing in person there a little bit of confusion around? Like what? Use an emotive for what used the light room. A slideshow does good. Okay, so here's Here's what I'm thinking. If there in person, I'm not gonna build an animal to slide show if it's just gonna be on my screen and I'm gonna be working with him because I already have the images here. And Light Room does a very good job instantaneously creating a slideshow for someone to look at with music attached to it. And it just plays it. You all saw that happen. It's It's perfectly good. So I'm not gonna create an animal to slide show or any kind of slide show that takes more than a second, because it's not the final slide show because it's this hemin retouched yet, right? If they want to slide show or if I want to create a slideshow afterwards that they could put on Facebook, then I'll go crazy on it. Then I'll make a really important slideshow. Then I'll go to Anna Moto to do that, because at that point I finished the images. So that's the rule of thumb. If you haven't finished the images and you're just trying to get someone excited about him, just do it out of light room, for instance, at the wedding at the wedding will take a couple images and throw him in here and make slideshow of me, maybe 20 favorite during dinner. And then all we do is just run a slide show from light room and put it up by the bar. And people get to see images with no music. It's just muted. And then they're here in the music from the wedding, you know, from the deejay or whatever. And they seeing all these cool images come up. That's great, right? So but they're not finished images. Once I'm done with the wedding and a dull the retouching, and I've done all the work that I want to do to the images, and I've sweetened them up and they look great. Take the favorite 40 images and blast him out on amazing slideshow. That's when you spend time an animal is not a lot of time. It's, what, five minutes to make a slideshow, But but it's still time. So I'm only gonna do that once I have the images the way I want them to be finalized and shown. Yeah. SMUGMUG. So SmugMug. SmugMug is my service that I used to show all of the images, every image, not just the slide show, but every image. So it is the collection. It's 500 images and those 500 images. Then if they choose one, they can print it. They So if they hit print, they can actually purchase a print. It'll go toe White House, custom color. It'll be printed for him, and then it will be shipped directly to them. If they favorite stuff, it'll come back in the light room for me. And if they don't favor it, it and they just want to share it on Facebook, they can just click a share, and it will send it off to Facebook. In fact, I think Kenna actually shared an image from my SMUGMUG account out to the world yesterday during our tether lessons are tethering a lesson. So, um, so you gotta use different tools at different times. And to me, light room is an instantaneous slideshow that's used on Lee. When I'm not finished with anything, I just want to show people do it now. But if I want to make a really big impression, then I'm gonna take my images and I'm going to go to a different system. And in that case, it's gonna be an Emoto or if I want to get more complicated than I'll go into a premier and build like a serious slideshow. But then that's, you know, hours of work instead of minutes, okay?
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