360 Distribution & Marketing
Lesson 17 from: Intro to VR & 360 Live-Action Photography and VideoBarry Pousman

360 Distribution & Marketing
Lesson 17 from: Intro to VR & 360 Live-Action Photography and VideoBarry Pousman
Lesson Info
17. 360 Distribution & Marketing
Introduction to Workshop
03:36 2What is VR? What is 360?
03:37 3The History of VR Technology
08:16 4The Evolution of Visual Storytelling
04:07 5Ways to Use VR
11:36 6VR/360 Gear Overview
04:23 7VR/360 Cameras
22:03 8VR/360 Microphones
03:49Other VR/360 Accessories
13:45 10How to Plan Your 360 Shoot
04:15 11360 Studio Shooting Demo
11:19 12Camera Placement & Actor Blocking
04:27 13360 Shooting In The Field Part 1
14:53 14360 Shooting In The Field Part 2
18:55 15Post-Production Part 1
32:34 16Post Production Part 2
21:27 17360 Distribution & Marketing
05:58Lesson Info
360 Distribution & Marketing
as faras publishing and promoting. This is really a moment where we're gonna talk about the limited number of places that that at the moment there are to publish, um, the main to being Facebook 3 60 YouTube 3 I I think that, you know, when we create these pieces for me and what I do, I think it's really important to be, um, to make sure that content could be seen by as many people as possible. And in doing that, you know, there is some sort of, um, easy paths or paths of least resistance to get to a wide audience. One of those paths is to take the route of using a popular destination, popular place on the Internet, like Facebook or YouTube and inserting your content it that allows you to reach a wide audience very easily or potentially reach a wide audience for easily. Um, for instance, on Facebook, we've seen dozens and dozens of videos. Um, probably at this point, hundreds of videos that air 3 60 videos that have millions of views. Um, here's ah, storm in New York City with 18 milli...
on views. Here's you know the intro for game of Thrones as a VR piece with 14 million views. There are dozens of music videos, millions of views. Um, you know, I think this is definitely a space where if you're picked up by the right group, if you get featured or spot lit, um, you know, by the Facebook 3 60 team or, um, by the community of the audience you're going after, right? If you can tap into those sort of megaphones inside these spaces, I think you have a big opportunity to really get a lot of views. Um, and of course, how you frame the peace, Um, the thumbnail you choose. You know, I think there's an opportunity really to, like, maximize and optimize your outcomes here. But in general, just being just making sure to publish in a very wide open space like Facebook or like YouTube is valuable. Here's ah, you know, film. That's just sort of scenery from Dubai. Um, 20 million views. There are hundreds of other videos on YouTube 3 that are in the millions of views. And, um, and they've just seen a ton of return on their investment in that way of reach. All right, and so that really is. That's really the end of this. I think there's a lot of lessons to be had here. I you know, you, of course, get some materials to download things that I'd recommend buying, Um, you know, sort of advice and stats and case studies that are out there, things to look at and point toward. Um, there is a wealth of information from podcasts. Teoh Medium blawg posts, um, to medium blog's Teoh. You know, YouTube videos, YouTube channels like Fabian's. There's countless resource is. So if this really is interesting, um, you know, I think it has the potential to change the world. I think, um, you know, this is gonna be the next wave of media on, and I think it's not hard to get into in a few hours. We went from beginning to end on a project in this class, and I think, uh, it won't be long until you're doing it, and until and everyone condemn it. And it becomes a matter of who has the best idea who has the best ability to execute, um, and who has the best ability to distribute. So it's more about your motivation. It's more about your approach. And it's more about what's inside you. As an author of these new pieces of content in this new style, um, this new form Ah, that it becomes more about the author and not about the tools. So just to reiterate from before, you know, start with a $350 camera, wrap your head around the concept of why something would benefit from being in VR. Why would someone go over the hurdle putting on a headset, dragging their finger around on their phone? Why would someone do that? What it is that VR is offering what it is, the 3 60 capture, simultaneous viewing of things all around you. What's the value right to focus on that when you create content, that should be your focus. Why is this in 3 60? Do we want our audiences to feel immersed? Do we want our audiences to feel part of the scene? Um, is there another reason? Maybe a unique perspective s so I think that you know, as long as we're approaching this and as long as you're approaching this as a new opportunity to open people's minds to take people to new places to allow people to transport themselves. Um, I think you'll find success. And that's really a Sfar. As I can tell, that's the value of ER That's where VR excels. We can help people see from from a new perspective and from a new place. So with that, please do reach out. I'm easily found. Very Pau Zeman. I'm on Twitter and Facebook and my company variable abs would love Teoh, hear from you. If you're interested in making cool VR together, you let me know and we can change the world.
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Great content! Great overview on storytelling and an intro to 360.
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