Class Introduction & Lightroom History
Lesson 1 from: Intro to Lightroom CC for BeginnersDaniel Gregory

Class Introduction & Lightroom History
Lesson 1 from: Intro to Lightroom CC for BeginnersDaniel Gregory
Lesson Info
1. Class Introduction & Lightroom History
Class Introduction & Lightroom History
08:07 2Lightroom CC vs Lightroom Classic CC
15:55 3Features of Lightroom CC vs. Lightroom Classic CC
25:25 4CC RAW shooting
09:21 5Importing Photos
13:40 6Cloud, Hard Drives and Storage
15:25 7Folder, Albums, Collections
33:53 8Shared Editing & Metadata
07:09Search, Sensei & Keeping Organized
23:08 10Basics of Good Workflow Management
15:49 11Color & Editing Theory
15:19 12Color Panel
18:27 13Global Adjustment Panels
21:59 14Basic Image Editing Workflow
15:16 15Local Adjustments
28:46 16Regional Adjustments
08:12 17Web Sharing
23:58 18Spark
11:28 19Sharing using Lightroom CC
08:42Lesson Info
Class Introduction & Lightroom History
So I am really excited to be back and I'm excited to be talking about light room and actually light room CC and in full transparency when and we'll talk about this today about the split in the difference between light room CC and leg room Classic CC. I was like, Yeah, it's a little weird, but I have grown to really love light room CC in my workflow. One is a tool, so I think it's a really cool opportunity, and I'm really excited to get to show people kind of the tool and how it used how I use it. And I think you can use it to really make kind of a difference in them in your workflow. And the ecosystem that adobe is made is actually really, really cool. So I'm excited to show you that. So we're gonna been our day kind of in light room. Sisi will touch a little bit on classic and kind of show you how those two actually bridge and work together. But for the most part, it's a light room cc. If you've never used light room before, or if you're starting to shoot a lot on your mobile and you'...
re trying to get organized. This is gonna be a great class for you, cause Light Room at its core is about organizing and editing your photos and kind of keeping you moving forward. A secretive artist, um, Bernie's have it has a great quote about photography, helps people to see. And that's one of the things I think it's so amazing about photography as a as a craft and is an art is we learned to see things differently when we pick up our camera. We learned to look at the world differently when we think about the camera, and eventually that translates into us being a better person. When we just walk around, we start to notice the world different. We start to see things a little different, and that's a really exciting opportunity. And the cool thing about light room is we start to put all of our photographs in light room, and then it can help us find those things and find those things we saw that were interesting and unique to the process. So it's really kind of an interesting piece, but I love that quote by Bernie's. So a little light room history with me. She got a bear with me for a couple of minutes because we're gonna go back to the beginning of time, just like 2007. And we're gonna talk about a little bit about light rooms history because I think understanding a little bit about how we got to where we are today is important. And it also helps us understand a little bit of Adobe subscription model, which will talk about as well because that's how you're going to get light Room CC's. You're going to subscribe to the photography plan through it through Adobe Cloud subscription. So when we go back into the history of light room, we have light room version one, which shipped in 2007. Which, of course, in the you think about 2007 you think, Well, well, now it's a really long time ago, but digitally and photography, what light room came about for what, like room one was about, was were in the transition still from film into digital, and a lot of digital work had been done. But people were still kind of making that transition. And when we shot film yet 36 shots on a roll of film, so the volume of photography that was being created was different. We already had 150 years of history on how to manage that. But when digital came about, we started creating massive amounts of photographs. When I think about people, they're like, Oh, I took a lot of photographs today and you talk to a wedding photographer. They might take photographs of a wedding 25 years ago. They did not shoot 4000 photographs. They did not shoot 190 rolls of film during the wedding. So we started to have this huge volume of photography. We had to somehow find a way to store and organize that. And Digital also gave us a bunch of information that we didn't have before With film things like exposure, we could caption things. We could put keywords on the photographs really easily into the metadata of the photograph, and the camera provided a lot of that information as well. So all of a sudden we could sort and we could say like, Well, what? I shoot it at 56 or what? It actually 1/60 of a second. We had all that information and light room was created to help us get control of that. How do I and where do I put my digital photographs so I could have a place to put them? So that was really light room one. And we had some global editing we could do in there. And then you see, we have a year. Gently get light room version two and light room. Version two. We got local editing so we could make a local adjustments with a brush and ingredient incorporated some of the things that people were doing in photo shop. We're coming back down into the Kameron with light room engine 2009. So another one. Your jump. We get light room version three. In which case weekend watermark. We get noise reduction, we get sharpening, we get some chroma adaptation, and in there we're getting little versions. So his new cameras released new camera profiles air coming up. But for the most part, we're seeing big jumps here. We have a three year jump before we hit light room for so light reform, we get our shadow and highlight adjustment sliders. We get photo book templates we can make a photo book. We get video and weaken software for me is a printer that was huge. I get soft proof and really come in and actually make my photographs work with a piece of technology I only had access to in photo shop 2013. So a year later, we get version five. In version five, we get the radio ingredient, we get some advanced healing and cloning. We update the actual camera calibration processing engine. We get smart previews and smart previews, which we're gonna talk about a lot today is a piece of technology that basically makes a little thumbnail of your photograph that allows you to edit the photograph even if the originals not present. So the what happens is the instructions for how to actually edit the photograph. You decide to make it black and why you decide to make the exposure brighter or darker. Those gets stored and attached to the smart preview. And then when the original photograph is found, it can back fill those instructions. So instead of having to completely update the file each time it was edited, we could use the smart previews as a way to minimize the amount of data being transferred around the network between the computer and the storage systems to allow these edits toe happen. And that's one of the foundational pieces. It's going to get us to light room CC. So that's, Ah, big piece that happened at that point in 2015. We end up with Light Room six, which was a standalone version, and the same exact product was also called Light Room CC 2015. So we now have light Reversion six and light room CC light room. Version six was the last standalone version of light room. So if you're not subscribe to the cloud, the last generation you could get was light Room six and actually 6.8 would be the last generation of that. And there were a lot of updates that came with six and with Sisi, because with the cloud, one of the things that Adobe committed to was fast regular updates of the software. So we started getting updates with features about every two months, so we were quickly moving through releases and getting products available to us. It was really kind of a cool time. 2017. We hit a really weird spot, and this is somewhat in the marketing and in the language. But this really confused a lot of people. And this is what broke for me the first time I did the update because I have been in light room. CC update comes in 2017 and now all the sudden I have a program called Light Room CC and a program called Light Room Classic CC light room. Sisi was basically light room mobile, renamed a light room CC. What I had been using light room version six or like from C C 2015 became light room. Classic CC. Good. So not really paying attention that morning. I literally get up, click on light room, See? See, this thing opens up and I'm like, two questions. One where are my photos? Because that's the most important thing to me. And the second was was all my I don't know how to do this. I don't know what this is. And then I realized, OK, we actually do have a split. So then I did a little reading, actually read the release notes, they told me to different programs, So light rooms classic cc desktop version so that little split was a big hurdle for people who have been in light room before. Now, if you're coming knew the light room, you don't even have any This system, you don't care. But this little particular junction was a big split force. And in a big difference, so classic Sisi classic. What do I use? How do I know what to do? And what does that even mean? So that's really the turning point of the kind of the genesis of the conversation we're going to start this morning is what are those two? How do I know when to use what?
Ratings and Reviews
Wonderful class! I am 100% new to any editing tool, but wanted to be able to learn basic edits as well as categorize my photos. Daniel Gregory is able to convey his vast knowledge in such a relaxed, easy to understand way, that I was instantly drawn in. I am admittedly "electronically challenged" and just started a journey into Lightroom CC. After taking this course with Daniel Gregory, I am not only amazed as to the abilities of Lightroom CC and feel much less "overwhelmed" with the program, but am also extremely excited to learn more! Definitively recommend 100%
Daniel Gregory is an outstanding teacher. Simple to learn. Easy to remember. His teaching style is relaxed - but very informative. This is the best Lightroom CC presentation I have had. Bravo!
Such a great class! Daniel is so knowledgeable about the whole LR ecosystem and explains complex details clearly. There's so much valuable content packed into this class. I highly recommend for those moving from LR Classic to CC (mobile LR) and for those who are new to LR CC altogether. Highly recommend.