Lesson Info
5. Importing Photos
Class Introduction & Lightroom History
08:07 2Lightroom CC vs Lightroom Classic CC
15:55 3Features of Lightroom CC vs. Lightroom Classic CC
25:25 4CC RAW shooting
09:21 5Importing Photos
13:40 6Cloud, Hard Drives and Storage
15:25 7Folder, Albums, Collections
33:53 8Shared Editing & Metadata
07:09Search, Sensei & Keeping Organized
23:08 10Basics of Good Workflow Management
15:49 11Color & Editing Theory
15:19 12Color Panel
18:27 13Global Adjustment Panels
21:59 14Basic Image Editing Workflow
15:16 15Local Adjustments
28:46 16Regional Adjustments
08:12 17Web Sharing
23:58 18Spark
11:28 19Sharing using Lightroom CC
08:42Lesson Info
Importing Photos
Okay, so I've now imported some stuff for my camera roll. We've shot cameras there, but I also might have on I could do the same on the IPad. Interface is the same. There will jump to an IPad in the next segment, so you'll see the interface is the same there. But if I'm on my desktop and I've got a memory card, can I import photographs and just put them in the light room cc bypassing classical together? Because if I'm a mobile person, I don't care about Sisi. But I shot and I have a memory card. So if you're in see see, we can click on the plus button. Here are under the file menu. There's add photos, and what I've got here is just a collection of D and G files. So just these were copied off just for speed. I copied him off the memory card already so I can come in here and select these photographs and then review for import. It's now gonna open up and show me the photographs. So these are the photographs to import. This is very similar. Here we used to classic at all comes into the imp...
ortant you can see here. This photo has already been added. So light room already recognizes it looks at the file. It looks at the metadata. The name of the file, the time that we shot about six different elements is already imported. This I'm not gonna imported again. Why make two copies? And so these images are important. I decided, You know, I don't want actually import that one, and I don't want import that one Click on Add the 10 photographs so they're now imported in the light room CC and you could see appear in the upper right hand corner. Now I've got a sink icon, and it's telling me it's sinking the 10 photos. So now over my connection, it's sinking the photographs up. So it's basically taking the image and moving those up to the cloud will then appear on my phone will then appear on my tablet once the sinks that now sinking, going to depend on the network speed so faster. Better now, when we get into settings a little bit and workflow, you can have it set up to sink over your secular connection. So if you're on a limited plan, that's probably not a big deal, but if you've got, like, a two gig plan, you start moving three gigs of photos around you. Leave your data plan pretty quickly so you can turn it on or off to turn on or off the use the secular piece you can just on WiFi. So all of my stuff set to just move on WiFi And I feel it's time critical enough that I wanted my data plan, but it is something to be aware of. What we first started got this and we started testing. They did not take long for me to be like you have exceeded your quota. You have no more bandwidth come uh, because it was pretty interesting. So it will just take some time now to sing because these were actually these air D 8 50 raw files, So they're just they're pretty big. So the work through that process So once that sink gets done, we've got photos, add it in and again, I've got complete control over them. At this point, I can edit, change, shift alter. If for some reason I decide I want to get rid of a photograph. So I'm like, Oh, actually didn't want to import these two photographs. I can select the two photographs of the select him. I'm just holding down the shift key. Um, if I want to select noncontiguous ones, I hold down the command key on a macro control C control key on a PC, and I say that five times fast, and I can then just delete those four photographs. So it's option. Delete Ault backspace or all delete on a PC. Click. Delete the four photographs and I'm getting a warning here that's gonna tell me if you're deleting this photograph or a video cause this will support video as well. I can't undo it. Are you sure you want them to go away? Now remember, this is cloud driven. There's no trashcan like on the computer, so I know there are people who, like you, open up their trash can on their computer. And there's like 10 years of trash, their high stakes myself like, Do you put the trash on the curb and leave a note for the waste management team to be like no, pick up the trash? I just wanted to pile up, but anyway, there's no trash can for to live in. So once you deleted, it's gonna be gone. Now it's gonna delete it from your light room photos. Cloud. It's gonna delete it from all sync devices and for many albums or share doubles. So it's gonna go from everywhere. Okay, so I'm gonna delete those four photographs, and now they're gone. Now, one last thing about the light room mobile CC ecosystem is when we come into light room dot adobe dot com. This is the Web version of Light Room CC. There's my photographs. There's all the photographs, there's all my albums and come in here. There's the info on the photo. I'm gonna hit the photograph. It's gonna load in the editing tools. This always takes a second. It's got a load. Enough information for dead it. But now I've got a Web version that has access to all my CC photographs. So even if I don't have my phone, I go to a friend's house and I'm like, Oh, take out the school photograph. I can log in here and they're like, Oh, can you make that black and white? I can get it right here through the Web page. So here's the Web page. I'm gonna brighten up the exposure and let's go and converted to black and white. Make a little more moody. Okay, Saving exit. Now it's going to save those edits. And then those edits will pop back down here into my all photographs. There's the So I've got this multiple places now to get to my photograph, and that's to me if you're a mobile person, this is a really cool thing, because now I'm not. Depending on my computer and my files at my computer, they're pretty much everywhere and I can mingle. Hadn't take whatever waas on my phone. I've got it up on the Web there, and I'm gonna show you a little bit about how we can actually share photos and get comments back and add it back is a part of the workflow in the afternoon. So a really cool opportunity, I think, to come in and play with these these different elements. So last little bit about kind of the big question then is you know, which one do I use? You know, we talked a little bit about at the beginning. There was that I had the two officers on mobile first. I'm a desktop first person in my experience in the last couple of years working. This is that if you're 100% mobile and you're only driven by mobile, you don't have anything else that you're phone. It's light room. Sisi. Is it that that you're kind of world you live in? But if you're in us, your strategy a little bit of I've got my phone I shoot with. But I'm also using a regular camera, and I've got those things going on. It really is finding a way to use both efficiently, um, the ability to sit down anywhere and work a photograph and know that that could potentially appear back home where I don't have to think about like I made these edits and I've written them down or have had to transcribe them back is a huge time saver, the ability to sit down with a client. So I I had a client where we were looking at a bunch of photographs and it's art for ah office and they don't know, particularly they want to kind had a sense of it, but we were sitting down together and I had it in light room Sisi on the IPad and they're like, Oh, you know, they can't I can't say I can do it black and white and they're like, Well, you know, OK, we'll edit those and send it to me again and I'll like No, it's look, let's look at it right now Let's just make the edit their And then when they were happy and picked that it was done When I got home, it was sink back to my main catalog. I didn't have to edit anything. I didn't have to think about anything. So my workflow just allowed me to easily make that transition across. I think that is really the answer is, which one is. It's a little bit of the hybrid. It's worth taking the effort to kind of figure out. How do I kind of integrate these two? You know, judging by the looks on your faces in the audience, you know the fact that I could get a raw shot in the light room and get a little bit more control out of my phone? I think says, You know there's something interesting there, and even if I don't want to use light room CC storage editing loop thing to be able to get that raw file out of the camera in an environment I'm already comfortable within a tool already somehow used, I think is really, really critical. So I think blending those two together becomes becomes really, really important. Question. I did have a couple of questions. Eso let's see. So Side and John were having a conversation about the connection between taking the images on your phone, having them go to C C and then automatically create a copy of that image on your computer were the hard drive that that's connected to. Is that is that the case? So, um, science concern was that, um he has limited storage on his laptop or IPad. And so if those images air big and going through just sitting there on the IPad, that he's gonna run out of room. Great question. Um, I will answer that now and then. We'll touch on it again because it's actually a really important piece of this. You see these blue ah circles. It's the big words, the really big words like this little blue thing. You're these blue circles. Tell me that these albums air being downloaded locally. And so under the preferences for light room CC. Under local stories, I've got the option of storing a copy of my smart previews locally on my hard drive, storing a copy of all the originals at the location. So I specified that all original should be downloaded to ah, light room CC test folder. If I don't start all the originals locally, I'm allowed to set a percentage of my dis space that light from Sisi is able to use right here. It's a story smart copy of my previews, but the photo cash can only be 25% of my local stories. I get set that 5% of my local storage or 3% of my local storage. So what does that cost me? What that means is that if I set for 5% that I'm at 5% and I upload some or photographs, it's gonna go back and look. And I don't know what the algorithm is for, how it purges. But it's gonna fall off what's not been looked at, and it's gonna allow the new the newest thing to download. So it's probably like a Fiallo management, but without testing. I can't answer for sure, but the new images gonna come in, the new smart preview will come down. The old one will be let go. And if it needed to regenerate it, it will just rebuild it come down. Which is what happens in light room Classic. Now, if you build 1 to 1 previews by default, those are gonna expunge every 30 days. Then if you come back six weeks later and you want to re edit that one photograph Italy's rebuild the 1 to 1 preview. So that would be the way to control what's coming down. And we'll talk about what? So once I have the the local copy turned off on a restart, Sisi will come back. You'll notice that blue the blue dot is gone telling me that the local copies there. But if I right click out into the name of the right click right next to the name of the actual album, I can choose to store that one album locally. So I'm gonna choose to store the class example locally, it's not gonna want to download those photos, and then I'll grab this black and white prep files. We'll start that album locally. So that's gonna download those so that I can now offline at the file because toe genocides question. If I don't have the local coffee in the local smart preview, it's gonna let me look at it but not let me make the edits. So I'm gonna work on this black and white prep file in the class. Examples one. And then I can uncheck the store album locally, and then it's going to remove that piece allowed. It will free up the space that have been deleted, and then I can get back to working so that that's how I can manage my disk space environment. You know, it's a great question. Especially like in a night pad. Like if you didn't buy the 45 terabyte $40 million IPad here like how do I control and not let it go amok? You could definitely dial in the control on that same thing on the IPad, and I'll show you on the IPad. We could specify what downloads locally to the IPad or not. Could you show one more time how you did that getting the I'm sorry that was a one and done. If you don't get that written down fast enough. Yeah, wasn't fast enough. All right, so under the preferences is a local storage option, and you got it. That first check is to store Smart. Copy the previews locally on the hard drive. So that's store the smart preview, and how much this space are they allowed to consume? If I check the 2nd 1 which is to save a copy of all the originals, I think it to specify what location they get. Two saves. So I could just automatically having download to just some external hard drive or whatever. And then they're just it's automatically just download into an external driver or whatever. If I don't have that store, all copies selected, all I Do is right. Click on one of the albums that's over there and I to store album locally. And then that specifies that that one piece gets to be stored locally and you need the smart preview active with local original active to make the edits on and if not there, great out and you can change the metadata, but you can actually edit the photograph
Ratings and Reviews
Wonderful class! I am 100% new to any editing tool, but wanted to be able to learn basic edits as well as categorize my photos. Daniel Gregory is able to convey his vast knowledge in such a relaxed, easy to understand way, that I was instantly drawn in. I am admittedly "electronically challenged" and just started a journey into Lightroom CC. After taking this course with Daniel Gregory, I am not only amazed as to the abilities of Lightroom CC and feel much less "overwhelmed" with the program, but am also extremely excited to learn more! Definitively recommend 100%
Daniel Gregory is an outstanding teacher. Simple to learn. Easy to remember. His teaching style is relaxed - but very informative. This is the best Lightroom CC presentation I have had. Bravo!
Such a great class! Daniel is so knowledgeable about the whole LR ecosystem and explains complex details clearly. There's so much valuable content packed into this class. I highly recommend for those moving from LR Classic to CC (mobile LR) and for those who are new to LR CC altogether. Highly recommend.