Adding Doodling
Lesson 10 from: Introduction to Mixed MediaStephenie Hamen

Adding Doodling
Lesson 10 from: Introduction to Mixed MediaStephenie Hamen
Overview of Supplies
01:51 2Decoupaging the Base
19:32 3Adding Gesso for Texture
12:21 4Adding Paint & Spreading with Water
14:03 5Adding a Second Color with Texture
11:09 6Adding a Third Color with Drip Technique
08:00 7Using Fluid Acrylics
05:24 8Adding Paint with Stencils
05:55Lesson Info
Adding Doodling
This is the part more than anything that scares everyone when I do mixed media, and we're going to use our hands with a pen, and we're going to draw, and I think that scares people a lot when we talk about like I'm not an artist, I don't draw, we're going to make not straight lines that's the goal for them to not be straight, and I think everybody always just like you like to draw street plain and that and I never draw a straight line, and if you draw two lines like next to each other that aren't straight, it looks really pretty then if you have to, and you're trying to be straight, so don't worry, and I also think using your own handwriting and stuff, I'm a big proponent of that, so you're doing a piece and you write something everybody's, I was like, I hate my handwriting, but to me, your handwriting, it's like, kind of like a window to your soul, and I know that sounds so cheesy, but I think you see a lot about learned a lot about people from their handwriting that I'm a big propone...
nt of of that, one of the one of the few things we have in our house from my husband's grandmother is a recipe for these swedish cookies that we only make it christmas. And it's framed and it's in her handwriting and it's just chicken scratch but every time you look at that you you see her there was a connection there and so I I'm a big proponent of handwriting and I'll get on the soapbox now and we'll move on but ok, so you guys should have thes pens from hamburg test other pit pens what I like about thes is they're great for mixed media because they work in a lot of surfaces you can use something else like a sharpie or, um a pen or something like that, but when I'm doing mixed media I find that these works the best they clog the least um I still haven't found a pen that if I accidentally still have a chunk of deco pies and I get it on there doesn't make the pen just completely garbage, so but this one by far has worked the best and I used the bold is this because it clogs less than the fine tip ones do so it's just a matter of how hard you push, how detailed of ah um lying you're going to get so what I like to do to get these to pop off and I just take my pen and I outline each word, but again I don't try to stay really focused and then I just kind of make it look messy no add little lines and dashes and things if you want to be grab this here if you're more of like I really want it like this just don't pick up your pain you could just keep your pen down and don't pick it up I tend teo pick it up and cross a lot more like that and then I'll just kind of make some random shape on a corner the other thing is if you like this feel free to do that it's really up to you and if you want to play for those of you in the studio you want to play with the other quotes a little bit and just kind of doodle on those two see what you like feel free to do that um you know you can make little clouds around them it's really up to you this is just what I'm comfortable with is and this goes fast for me I'm just like you just done so but again it's a thing I always tell everybody I'm like it's paper we can reprint it, we can redo it can cover it with some more paint can't mess it up I promise unless you catch it on fire holding the heat gun too long in one spot there's not much you can do to really mess it up okay? I want to highlight a little bit so I'm gonna add a little bit more around it because I just like that part in their next thing I'm going to dio is this is just me I like to have things framed and so I tend teo on my work you'll see this a lot just frame it out then I'll go back and purposely make it more crooked than it was the first time because then it looks like it was supposed to be that way and add a little bit in here a little bit in here the other thing that you can d'oh is just too simple scallops if you wanted it just adds this cute little doodily affect to it it's just some random really unstructured rain bo's things like that just make it a little bit more personalized and just add a little bit of your own sense of style into something and it's just the most basic of shapes but I think it scares people like I can't make a scallop it's a rainbow that's not straight like they're not perfect arches if you measure these any sort of protractor they would not be at all perfect so it's just a matter of adding that in and just adding a little bit more fun to give it some pop on top are you guys feeling about that cabin? A couple of you guys are still drying like I'm trying it so what someone I might doodle if I have to which is funny but this is where I get in trouble, because this is where I get started, and then I'm like suddenly it's like a doodily mass on like it was supposed to be a doodle piece, but I had to put the pen down at some point, so and then the other thing you have are these white trends, and what I do with those a lot is I'll just add in some white around the quote, and then it'll smear a little bit, and it just is one more way to add a little bit of shading. Now, I just hit the black because they're both the same material here, the same media it's smeared a little. So just be careful. If you mix them, they will come out. I was too busy talking and watching what I was doing, but that just adds a light value to that dark value that helps kind of just make it stand out a little bit more off of your your page. Just gonna add a little bit of that in here and you guys could do as much of a cz little of this is you want if you go, I really like how it looks without adding all that white and that don't have the white another cool thing about this is it's another way to doodle so if you want to add more texture and somewhere you know you could go in and just do a little add some dots or anything else that you want, so just another way to add on some paint to the project and this is where you get oh, add more and more of your personal stamp to it and you guys need to get used to the pens and doodling anyway, because we're going to do that this afternoon, lots of doing so this is a good way to practice to overcome any fears you may have for this for later, okay? And these pens, this is like a paint based pen. I believe I say that I'm a little fella, jack, but yeah, I'm pretty sure this is paint basement so what's nice is it's not just a typical marker, you've got some more play with it in terms of what you can do, but I guess I love these because they work so well. On top of so many things where we talked earlier, like if you wanted to add water color on this without doing a lot of work, you we'll just get puddles where with these, you can just throw these on top of all sorts of different media all the time, clean up a little bit all right, how are we feeling out there? So since we've got a few minutes, you guys are working and you're doodling, um, one of things that and we'll talk about this in other classes, too, but for me, there's like, you know, you've got your basic shapes, but there's no reason why you can't to all sorts of fun stuff with the basic shape that's, not perfectly symmetrical or linear, so you can instead of doing scallops with me, you want to do triangles, or you want to just two basic arches and you don't want to put anything in the middle or you can add that and it's really up to you and just about how you want teo, add extra to your piece, but they're all just basic shapes. I'm not doing anything that's groundbreaking here, this is half circle rainbow, like he would have made in kindergarten and a triangle that you would have learned in kindergarten. So these aren't anything to be overly concerned about. Um, and the other thing is just like I said, having them intersect and not be perfect oftentimes looks better than if you tried to be really stiffened straight, at least to me, I prefer that more organic field than anything else.
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Ratings and Reviews
Kedryn Evans
Wonderful class, so much fun and I love how Stephanie makes you feel so relaxed and that things will be great even if you've never tried something like this before. I wanted to watch the course to get the idea of it, now I can't wait to get the supplies and watch again while trying it out myself. Thanks!
Kimberly Jones
This was very informative, and quite fun to watch. I liked that the instructor endorsed the idea of using items that you have onhand; repurposing old books and other items to use until you really know where your style lies. I also like that she shared the names of products she truly believed were worth purchasing, without being pushy. This art form encourages "play" and is quite forgiving if you have a "happy little accident", because it's not difficult to cover the area in question, to try something different. I'm quite happy that I viewed this class!
Carol Harlan
Great class. Stephenie is a fun teacher. I really enjoyed it and loved the idea of using melted crayons.
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