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Define the Experience

Lesson 2 from: Introduction to UX Design

Joy Liu

Define the Experience

Lesson 2 from: Introduction to UX Design

Joy Liu

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2. Define the Experience

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Define the Experience

experience doesn't even have to be the biggest latest application. It can also be solving fundamental problems like if you are looking at internal business schools, that's a great way to improve people's lives, too. So, like I said, it doesn't have to be two fold. It doesn't have to be just good or bad. I mean, any of the user can fall on this spectrum like some of them can be in the bed all saying, Yeah, it's all right. He needs my expectations. But I guess it's just arise. Not like I'm going to show it off. You want my friends, But, um but I'm okay with that. I'm not too angry about it. Or you can be super disappointed and saying, Oh, I thought this is This would be great. But it turned out what I need it. And then I pay 99 cents. Oh, my gosh, um, or you can be on the super happy side. Okay, so now let's go through some exercises. When you're experiencing a door or think back to the last time you've experienced a door, how do you hold a handle? Right. So there is user experience appl...

y to the door if you look at that door handle So when you so OK, so it's a swinging motion, right? But do you push or do you pull right or is it even like a weird one where you just fly to left and right? So without clear indication, you might have to waste five seconds figuring out how the door is unlocked or the next one. This is something that I think everyone is familiar with. The experience of opening a plastic package. Right? So you're like, OK, do I use exact known? I've Do I use scissor? Oh, my God. I heard myself in the process. My hand is bleeding. I can't even open. The package isn't even open yet. Oh, are you don't have a pair of scissors and you're trying to, like, chew it through your teeth. Um, so this isn't this is a example off a bad experience. And look when frustration free package comes out, how many people live rage about it, right? And they're like, Whoa, frustration free. It is frustration free because it's just paper boxes. Just you just open it up and then you see your product in there. Okay? Yes. So How do I and we may be talking about this later? But how do I know? If, however, say this, How do I know if it's Is it me or is it them? How do I know if I'm a bad user? Or if it's just a bad user experience? Are there any sort of indications? I think it's okay if a application has a bug? I mean, I think we have some audience who are developers than they know that bugs on inevitable, right? So what happens is how do you gracefully save yourself when a bugger cares? Um, I don't think the user should always should feel like it's their fault. I don't think is their fault. If the direction isn't clear, is not really your fault for getting lost. But it might be your fault for not reading the message properly. Right? Um, so I think as all as we in the application, we provide enough support. Or we offered a support, uh, button or tab that takes them to somewhere that they can find. Maybe, um, frequently asked questions. Um, if they're too lazy to do that, Okay, my, we will point them to the right directions, right? But then I don't I don't think it's their fault if the messaging on the application is too confusing. Cool. Thank you. All right. So moving on to the next frustration. So the pain of sitting through a customer service call So you press one for this after you enter in your I d you have to press pound or star. And then now you have the press one again. You sit through the elevator music, and then, um, you found out you were six in lines that you have to wait for 20 more minutes or I don't know, um if any of you experienced that robot voice where they say, How can I help you today? And you're supposed to say something back to the machine and then somehow they don't understand what I'm saying. And I have to say it three times, right? Like, that's annoying. And another one. So where do I click to download? It's like, Okay, uh, there's so many traps here, and I think if you are aware of all these things, then you are on the right path. You become to be aware of you, X, because you notice all these frustration and pain of happy of our using the products. So we're gonna do a little bit of discussion here. So we're going to talk about what is a physical thing that frustrates you guys. So think back is a physical thing. Yes. Can you start? Uh, road signs rose I when road signs or not correct. Or they are. There are no road signs or they kind of lead you. My favorite one is like when it says the freeway is to the left turn. But it's a block a block ahead and wants me to anticipate that turn. But then there's a corner and I'll turn on that corner. But it's right. You know what I'm talking about, right? And then you turn there. But it's actually not till the next block because it's trying to anticipate that I'm I just want to get ready to turn totally. That's one for me and another row size parking signs, right? They have, like, the Do not park here and then, like do not park after midnight. I was like, What? What is after midnight? Great. It's or you can only park from this here to there, But then you can't park on this day, this day and that day, and you're just, like, just tell me what I can park. Great. And then if I can't park, I just moved somewhere else. Don't give me all these condition. ALS cool. Anyone else wants her share, but I eat It is all very satisfied with life. Um, in the kitchen when I'm using a, um you know, when I'm using something in the kitchen, it doesn't have, like, how much volume this one container is. So, you know, from using this slow cooker, is it 3. courts, a seven courts, You know, when it's not clearly indicated how large something is or how much volume something has. That's frustrating, right? I want to know the information so that I can do my recipe the way it needs to bay. Yeah. Wouldn't it be nice to you? Like, have a container? So when you pour the right amount of just like china, right, tell you right. Exactly. All right, Daniel, shoe sizes. You go shopping for shoes, and I think I'm a size 11 and you try it on one company and you're actually a 10 and you go to another company in your 10.5 and just there's that they're supposed to be this You no system in place so that you have a size, but it's never the same. Yeah. Yeah, well, pants you ordered online, and then nothing ever fits. Totally. All right, so that's the physical thing, right? So now we're going to move into the digital room. What is a digital thing that frustrate you and could have been better? That's think those computers Well, what what specifically about? Just the interface itself just being able to use it if you're especially if you're a Mac user and trying to use Windows computers just wear frustrating navigating because there is a total different mindset. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or the same thing. When you're switching between mobile platforms, very everything is all different. Even the buttons air different rates. So for IOS is just a big home button and then the loyal. And then when you switch over to Android, actually, three buttons and then windows from it's a completely different thing. Yeah. Yeah. Good. Anything else? Anything digital? Yes. The shift key on the apple mobile keyboard is horrendous. And took me forever to learn which state meant capital, not Capitol. I still don't know trial and error. Yeah, Yeah, I actually like this on the android Cabe Or is when you press the shift, it actually changes the letter on the key itself. That makes it. Yeah, yes, uh, pop ups. When I don't want a pop up in front of me If I'm reading content and all of a sudden Apopka comes on you to tell me to sign up for an email or something like that, it's frustrating to be told to be doing something. When you're not thinking about wanting to do that thing right, we'll install Adblock. Maybe they work. But yeah, I feel like whenever that pops up, the first thing I look for is the expert in I don't even look for what is in the pop up itself already. Yeah, totally. Jamie has something else along with the IPhone predictive text. I could never figure out whether I'm supposed to the space or the actual word, because I'm usually writing words that they don't know about. And so I end up with really funny looking texts. So, as you can see, we kind of move from the kitchen space to every other devices, and you can see that you xx is everywhere. Um is hard to define because it moves across alter from platforms and all different spaces. Experience can be good or bad, right, But that, um for the sake of this course will just focus on the digital. Things were not because that's the thing that everyone's been asking. And when you're looking at the experience like what you have off talked about, you're looking at the look and feel of the experience race. So not only the look and feel of when you're using it, but also a little looking for you of how others perceives you when you're using that product. So, for example, um, when I pod first came out first comes out right, and then a bunch of us still have the traditional MP three player and then the kids with IPods. Suddenly or like the coolest people, they just have the spinning disk that you said. You just do that and then all of us have stopped the buttons. Um, so sound sound can be a factor of the experience to when you are going through an application. Um, you like a slight pull down to refresh. And then suddenly there's, like, a little clicking noise. Thank you. If you feed bag. Okay. Yeah, I'm loading. And I think that's something that just reinforces your experience with the application. Say okay. You actually, uh, responded to my need, And I know you're working is not like you just swipe down to refresh. And then suddenly the screen freezes, but he's actually running in the background. But it didn't tell you that. It's refreshing. So you're like, Ok, wait. Are you refreshing that this phone freezes? Is it my fault? Ready? It goes back to it isn't my fault. De llama. Um, content is a factor of experience to So what type of content are you providing to your users? Um, even if you have Ah, brilliant. Just awesome flow or transition of screens. If you don't have the appropriate content of the appropriate place and it's not as effective, um, brand can be a different factor. I think it is very apparent in the smartphone wars that were going through right now, right each each brand sort of create a personality. And if you're holding a type of branded kind of signify for who you are, right? And that now people are kind of split into our I'm an IPhone person. Well, I'm android person. Me personally, I'm I'm android. So I always get this, Don, but and then I actually had a little journey going back to Nokia phone so that here's a little tinge. And so I I got tired of smartphone, so I actually moved comfortably back to Nokia. Where is just a break down? What teen I So I instead of Corti and then so for a huge while, I've been laughed other leg way. Why are you using that phone? Right, So, like, brand can be a big thing. Um, Sophie back fleabag is what I talked about. When? When the device is giving you responses based on your actions, um, and then time can also be a factor of the experience too. So most of the experience you can either say it's an impression, right? So the 1st 5 seconds can be one experience. But after you've been using that application for a while, the experience changes for you. For example, if this is ah diary up that you're using or let's say this is a health device. Um, that just monitors your well being right. So after a while, when it accumulates enough data about you is actually going to cater, the exit is experienced to you. You're gonna feel something completely personal than someone else who's using the app. But the their data is completely different.

Class Materials

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Joy Liu - Events and Networks List.pdf
Joy Liu - Prototype Softwares and App List.pdf
Joy Liu - Reading List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Sasha Pax Malich

It's a solid introduction to someone who has never come across the field, as it introduces some basic terminology used in the industry.

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