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UX Recruiting Traps

Lesson 7 from: Introduction to UX Design

Joy Liu

UX Recruiting Traps

Lesson 7 from: Introduction to UX Design

Joy Liu

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7. UX Recruiting Traps

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UX Recruiting Traps

obviously besides you x you I as a big buzzword topic. Um, there's also other terms involved. Um, you see this a lot? Um, if you are doing job searching and then, um you see, recruiter uses were like, ux ninja or Unicorn. Um, I just think usually, really watch out for these guys. So watch out for buzzwords because, um, the U X terminology is still so new, right is only being created in the nineties, so it was only like, 10 20 years old. Um, it's too broad of a term to really give you a good idea of what you're doing. Um, the warden, ninjas and unicorns, he rose, or I don't know what other terms are there. They're confusing. And they do lack meeting is like, What do you mean? I'm really unicorn like I don't have I don't have porn's going on my forehead. Right. Uh, unicorn. Refer to someone that knows how to design and develop. So basically and you unicorn is it's so rare to find has always a unicorn. It's basically describing a describing someone that does everything. But you don't want...

to do that because okay, so especially if you're working for start up. If you can do all that, then they're just gonna like it way out of your job description, right? It's like a way out of your scope as a UX designer that you have to care about other types of design as well. Um, yes. So that's why it is called in Unicorn because of this person can do everything. Um, if we go back to the to the chart writes from the backend programming to, like all the way to the front, sometimes it's probably like a three person job to kind of to craft out the experience for the entire product line. Um, which is totally fine. And I think I saw, as you are aware of what other stuff is happening in the system, then it's totally is. Yeah, it's fine, um, but that if you were working for a smaller company, then they might expect you to, like work on all of those things. So that's why is a unicorn and then another term ninja is just because this guy's like, awesome, right kicking, kicking ass. So it was like you accidente. But that is also it just means it's like it might be a catch all position. And I don't think I don't think anyone would be happy doing that kind of stuff all the time. Just like handling all aspects, right? Without any other input. Um, so the way to tackle buzzwords is to read the job description. And if you are trying to get into the field like, definitely ask a lot of questions, right? Um, I think one question I do come across this, um I've been asked this question before because I was a woman team, and I was asked, So do you want to do you I or do you want to do you x? And then that kind of got me thinking, because at that time, I was still in the process of transitioning into full UX designers. So I was pretty much graphic design and then interactive designer. So interactive designers also like a catch. All right is like what is interactive. And then then that I really got me Start thinking like, Okay, So ux has a lot of different things going on. And what do I What do I want to do? Right. And then you can also think like do you are you a more technical person. If you are, that maybe you want to work more towards, like the coding side of things. That is, towards the end of that spectrum where you were working with the back end and front end, and you're you're also figuring out the system behavior. Um, if you're more of the marketing person that maybe you work towards the front a little bit more right, you work on the content strategy, you work on the Brennan, the voice and how, um, the story is told in the consumer side of things. So as long as you're aware of how this system and directed each other, yeah, that can be your niche. That's fine. Um, and if you're like in the middle, that's fine, too. Like if you are a visual designer, you want to really focus on layouts and transition like yeah, totally this cool. Um so always read the job description to make sure it's the right thing for you, right? Don't just fall into I'm a unicorn. Okay, so that means you're stuck with everything, um, and is also very different. If let's say you are a UX designer working for a super big company. It is very different type of work that you do. If you were working for, like, a super small company, so always kind of ask that Figure that out. Um And what type of work is involved in a UX designer? Because I think if you are a product is product designer is that term is also becoming too broad is like what? It was this product. Me, right? Is it like, are you industrial product designer? You digital if your digital like what are you um so always just kind of make sure you know what type of work the company does and what you are expected to dio. What do you expect it not to dio. Then I think it's OK then you will escape the buzzword trap successfully. Yeah, Washing. Dying, Yes. Going back to your just talking about looking at the job description Did you find when you were first starting to get into doing this type of work that you couldn't be picky about what job you took. So maybe you would spend your experience in such a way that made you qualify for this particular job description versus either job description, where Maybe you're using a different skill set that you have. So did you find that you have to spin your experience in different ways to take on different jobs? So I've been in both sized off, like being someone who's being interviewed and then also the interviewer, and I feel like it's less. It's not like a one way conversation rate. So it's not like you are pleasing this person to get in. Um, I think it's definitely a conversation. It's like a back and forth you're trying to figure out if they're the right food for you, and then you are also figuring out you're the right fit for the rights. It's like just testing Waters. Um, I think, yes. If there is a place where I'm trying to get into because of the nature of my work, I kind of just I do kind of work across, um, the coding side of thing all the way to like the layout side of things. So if people do want to see more of the play outside of thing, yes, I can pull that out from my work, right? And if people want to see more of the flow chart, side of things. And yes, I can pull that out of my work too. Um so I've also, um, Todd at our center before for, um, for a year, for undergraduate students and then these people, these students are people who are close to graduating, or this is like their last semester before they graduate. And then I get asked that question a lot. Like what? What What do people want to see? Um And I think it's just like show them that you have all these skills in your tool belt. Then you are okay. And if they do want to see more towards one thing, then think about it with us. That's something that you want to do, right? If this is just purely, you are framed. But then you are like a flow and a coating type of guy that that's probably not the right job for you. So why would you craft your craft your portfolio to that route? Yeah, so I think, yes, there's a lot of different tools and methodologies going on, but then, just like picking the right thing for you is important, which I think we will also talk about the different tracks in another segment

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Joy Liu - Events and Networks List.pdf
Joy Liu - Prototype Softwares and App List.pdf
Joy Liu - Reading List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Sasha Pax Malich

It's a solid introduction to someone who has never come across the field, as it introduces some basic terminology used in the industry.

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