Editing Video to Audio
Lesson 35 from: Keep it Simple: Video for PhotographersLindsay Adler, Jeff Rojas

Editing Video to Audio
Lesson 35 from: Keep it Simple: Video for PhotographersLindsay Adler, Jeff Rojas
Day 1
1Class Introduction
12:21 2Video for Photographers Part 1
33:22 3Video for Photographers Part 2
19:39 4Gear Basics
18:24 5Gear Breakdown
32:55 6Essentials for Shooting Video Part 1
30:24 7Essentials for Shooting Video Part 2
23:04Gear for Lateral and Vertical Movement
32:34 9Gear for Staying Mobile
24:47 10Focusing Techniques
21:42 11Audio Overview Part 1
16:54 12Audio Overview Part 2
24:05 13Audio Recording Accessories
18:28Day 2
14Introduction to Setup
14:32 15Lighting for Video
09:52 16Shoot: Boudoir Lighting Part 1
30:23 17Shoot: Boudoir Lighting Part 2
29:57 18Shoot: Boudoir Movement Part 1
18:17 19Shoot: Boudoir Movement Part 2
29:13 20Shoot: Boudoir Movement Part 3
11:06 21Three Point Lighting
17:35 22Shoot: Noir Lighting Part 1
24:25 23Shoot: Noir Lighting Part 2
14:50 24General Q&A
24:29 25Shoot: Noir Audio Part 1
33:59 26Shoot: Noir Audio Part 2
25:43 27Shoot: Noir Audio Part 3
22:08Day 3
28Gear Essentials
32:23 29Video Storage
15:56 30Editing Video in Photoshop Part 1
35:57 31Editing Video in Photoshop Part 2
36:34 32Editing in Premiere
29:58 33Building the Sequence in Premiere
20:16 34Editing Audio
33:28 35Editing Video to Audio
20:42 36Video Delivery Options
13:35 37Transitions
26:23 38Using Presets
29:00 39Exporting Video in Premiere
20:46 40Bonus Video: Kiss Video Presentation
45:01Lesson Info
Editing Video to Audio
let's do something new on the fly together said twenty four frames a second and is putting it into a new sequence here and that's not what I want is trying new project because I decided to click their own thing okay where do I want to see where do I want to say that I want to save it into my desktop right now I'm just going to choose new file you're gonna notice some new things appear the next time I go to my desktop noticed I have a new untitled project file knew sequence okay twenty four frames a second go ahead and select that I'm going to import the footage from the last piece let's look at desktop video okay apparently I was going to import all my video files never ever that would be you know by the way we shot forty six point five gigs yesterday between her and I forty six point five gigs and you noticed we don't record all that much to put pieces together so just accommodate for that as well it's funny for me maybe like four years ago that would have been like holy crap and now ...
I'm like itself in I didn't do so bad soc al footage footage and there's more you know what do you want your video and premier and show the difference no uh no speaking of that I would love to see how you make a transition in this one to like you did yeah I would just build it from scratch because we don't have like the jerking the other idea I think we should use tonto I'm not doing it just kidding just show you the difference so if I would automatically dragon drop these onto my timeline notice that there are automatically pre selected all of them I don't want that it'll take me forever if I was going to say like these clips were going to go back to building the set so first thing I would do is lock the second track why because I'm going to reserve that for my audio track that's where I want my old attract to be that's just my personal workflow some already manipulating it for that if I already knew which audio track I was going to go with it go ahead and import fight well you got to find out and the hits here so import computers not fast enough for me today import let's go to a water wheel which is the song that we wanted to select I'm gonna go ahead and uh import that what a drag that appear I wanna listen to it here it goes it's remastered and the notice the pictures a lot higher than it was before I had lowered that in post but I'm going to head and drag and drop the anyway I'm not going to select its seven minutes long okay I can shorten in the clip here or I can shore in it in the final clip if I don't know how long my footage it's going to be I just drag and drop that whole music file onto the track itself until I figure out where my might videophiles gonna end yes is there are there any copyright issues with changing people's music like that if you bought it or it was over for a triple scoop music when you purchased the file they give you a document letting you know what your rights are its faras manipulating and also for using that file and you can actually buy different types of rights depending on what you're going to use for us you'd actually okay and if you don't mind I was just gonna break down in case somebody tuned in late and they we're missing something ours when I look at the screen here's what I see the bottom right hand side is my timeline that's where I'm going to be doing all my work piecing things together on the left hand side right now anything that's there are the files I have access to put on the timeline if they're not there I don't have access to them and I have to import them or add them there there's also a few other options there I can access effects in history and markers but right now we have it for accessing files the top left if we drag anything into the top left it's basically ok what do we have access to let's see more detail on it and you can drag things the timeline either from the bottom left or the top on the top right will on ly display what you're showing that you actually put on the time line and it's actually just on creative cloud in previous terms there was things which around depending on which premiered you're gonna want abusing so it's you know the old version of premier might have the reference excuse me the effects panel on the below the actual clips and everything can kind of be switched around so this is creative cloud this is a new format so if you're new to the program you download from creative cloud this is what you're going to see those of you that have made me from here in the past it may look a little different but each organ it excuse me each workspace and does the exact same thing s oh right now I have my audio track on file it's really it's seven minutes long I don't have enough footage for seven minutes right so that's that's the first thing that I'm thinking about the next thing I know is I have to go ahead and make sure that all the audio that I'm using is nice and clean we talked about the mastering we did the mastering already I'm going to import the last audiophile that apparently I keep clicking everything today the last audio file that was manipulated we mentioned that it's going to be a totally new re master file so if I go ahead and expand this and it should be one of these last files here let's just look at the sequence information here it's the last one that I updated that should be about let's say two point seven eight gigs of information this is the last audio file that's nice and cleaning crispin clear that should be a press in port okay so if I go that's an hour and twenty minutes excuse me an hour and twenty seconds so that's definitely the photo that the sound that we re mastered before I'm not so worried about re mastering it now because we already took care of that someone ahead and dragon drop that up here and I noticed that if I press play on that footage you might hear us speaking okay so I'm gonna look at some of the spikes in footage which is the closest subject to the microphone okay so if I were to clap and do this there will be a spike in audio because that means it's the loudest point within the audio seiken reference where things were being spoken so let's go ahead and zoom into the specific files there was no doubt about it this was personal okay so that's the last clip this is personal that's what I want because this is almost a story I'm gonna use audio first and then find footage that matches that specific wording if this was a music video I could read it two different ways if this is a music video aiken set markers to my audio and markers a little reference points I would listen and I'm very like I have two left feet I have no rhythm whatsoever like I have no music I'm never I've never been musically inclined markers or little points where you can view beats or mark where you want clips of video at its to land um and how I used so they have all these different uses I listen to the music I know where things are starting or stopping and by pressing the m button I can go em isn't mary so that's the point that the music starts again I'm going to be quick as like stream of consciousness kind of edits so that's exactly where I think the audio should be marked in regards to a cut so if I did on edit like the dub step beat that we did before I'm constantly pressing the em on every single like pitch so it's a lot of this right so let's say I'm not perfectly square and pitched I can use audio away form to tell me where beats are okay yes and so when you go ahead to drag and drop a clip well it line up with the marker that you left you just have to visually you can do it with the market it'll automatically think the same way that snap to it so if you could turn on the audio guys just for two seconds say mai my audio for the reason my rhythm isn't there ok I have no rhythm whatsoever in my is my markers off I can really listen to the footage and figure out on the right hand side if you look at the decimals where the audio's actually starting so if you look at that rate inside there goes the levels so I know more or less even visually this is exactly where the footage is starting so in a way a dramatic let's say a rap song or hip hop song or rocks on they may have definitive drumbeats this is jazz it's gonna have like a nice little slope to it but like dub step they have definitive beats you're going to see this peak visually and sometimes the peak isn't exactly where the cut is so I would go ahead and no okay visually I can see where the peak is let me listen to where the audio is the peak is going to be the peak there wherever that peak is exactly where you should put your cut because that is the beat because that's the highest point on that specific plane that's what you're listening to that's the bump tio let's a dub step that's exact point that you're cut needs to be if you're going to cut it teo to music yes you say something you know you're no looking okay so if you look at where my marker is it's completely off of where that beat is that's why I'm saying I have no rhythm but I could visually see where the rhythm supposed to bay so my marker is now if you look eh you know point zero three off of where the point zero two often where the markers that makes a big difference visually because it's like he was so he was too fast he was slow I'm perfect now I don't have to worry about that so I can write click that specific marker that I made a mistake on the first time we're not made mistakes but I had lack of coordination on your beat whatever it is and it's actually just click it right click and I can't see on this computer today clear selected marker okay that's my beat I go ahead and do the same thing to the other one for right now I'm just gonna go ahead and start on that specific markers so let's say I'm going to drag and drop this that's too long this fancy pants a little shorter something that's like five this's a time pattern by the way so five seconds five point ten seconds let's drag this up this is what I want to use to mark on this specific beat this is the cut that I want I go ahead and drag and drop that notice it snaps right into place it'll either snap onto the current point in time or it'll snap onto the market that you have to make it a little easier for yourself I always move my reference point away from where I'm trying to drop something down because right keep track drinking from the wrong thing so let's if I go to drag this footage I'm just going to select a small piece of this let's just drag and drop this here if I go ahead and go to my market it clicks if I click on the current time period it clicks the second those two are within a fraction of a second or a fraction of a point close to each other it's very difficult to figure out that syrians always move your time marker away from where he's trying put a cut so right now I'm gonna go ahead and play video that should be where my next clippers notice it stopped on the next beat and even if you don't have rhythm it still cuts where you needed to cut this is the easiest way some somebody like lindsay what she did before she could do and premier this is the easiest kind of editing you can do to music which is have no transitions I'm only using beats toe ed it to music I have all these cuts that I'm using and I will go through my whole song so if it's two minutes long and mark all those distinct beats and just put clips in those that's technically a video that's what I did for the dub step bearded guy um it's really simple do you notice a lot of things replicated visually depending on who you speak to it's either creative or read the same thing over and over and over again um and in photo shop if you're trying to get it to a beat it's not gonna work for you so that's actually why I selected the song I did originally had one that had a little bit more beat to it but I couldn't match the clips so I just want something smooth and flowing so that I could do the cross fades and just know that it would fit the music actually I've had a hard time personally with this because you know especially if you have like a how song or something like that and you know there's a lot of different beats and you know you don't expand the audio so far out and it's hard for me to find the beat because there's so many of them or which but I'm looking for do you have any of you tips for that do you have any musical background at all I do okay so you should know what the count of the music is right even say like in salsa whatever reason you have one two three and then you skip foreign it's five six seven it's a distinct be you buy like I couldn't cut without listening to the music that's a place where like the markers and the reference headphones help is when you zoom in if you notice I'm literally just clicking one by wonders actually distinct points were different sound sound different than each other it's almost like a listening to due to two distinct sound you know when they did a sound test when you were katie do you hear this people could do this and it's do you hear anything different in house music you'll hear loud thumps you'll hear some loud pitches and those two distinct points or two different types of beets if it was the same thing it was just kind of be drums so there is distinct beats that you can cut two it's really depending on the music that you're listening to if you're listening to let's say rock I can cut all my songs to wherever the drumbeats are why khun cut all my songs to wherever the lyrics are liken all my songs to where the guitar is you just want to listen to what you want to cut music to sew for you in that case that would help that's actually really good tea for me who doesn't have a musical background but that's really helpful toe listen to it and listen for that beat and work on that thank you still does says jeff how difficult is it to extend an audio clip that may be shorter than your footage I give its music any pointers regarding that you khun you khun luke music as well I mean it depends what you're looking for like they triple scoop music is really definitive and what they have regards to its three minutes it's four minutes it's five minutes but there is certain music that's mastered so it can play infinite loop kind of like elevator music that depending on what you're trying to play that's fine but maybe maybe uh I mean that's what fits your aesthetic can I've actually done this is well a lot of times if you're looking right there at the audio this song is not exactly the one to do it too but if you can see anyplace where there's some repetition aiken cut like a whole section and they displayed again after so I'm not trying to loop I'm basically saying ok this was a particular section of the song all as the same feel wouldn't bother me to hear it again so before it transitions in the song I just cut and paste it and add onto itself mid song and that it will really fine I don't know that this is you guys are lawyers do you know if there's any legal issues with that when you're using license music like from triple scoop you're you're okay with something like triple scoop but I would obviously depends on who you're getting from and things like that but yeah you're free to add it to your music so while I have you here dubstep is not easy to cut music okay so what I did was pre load dub step from triple scoop music it's called a poltergeist bye dub wreckers and I'm going to show you how tough that isthe gonna go ahead and press play it that like to fourteen second mark there's so many different beats right I don't know where I want to be all at once but if I go through the machinations of zooming all the way in I can visually see where some of the beats are which is all the peaks at the top but just by slowly going over the footage I can start listening to the difference in beats notice that there's several different meats some of them are very deep dark beats and some of them are kind of medium beats I would cut to the deep dark ones because they're the definitive like dropping the base kind of thing they're the ones that you want to kind of cut too they're the easiest markers I'd always trying to find the easiest markers when you're listeningto audio for this specific clip those deep dark beats or what's most distinct when you're listening to the audio how do you scan through that slowly like that what were you pressing just literally go over the footage and just hold right so it's going frame by frame and let's see if I miss a specific you I know right here right between these two is a beat so I can literally hear the difference in regards to where the bee is versus what I'm trying to listen to in this specific instance I personally because I have I'm rhythmically not inclined not press them the whole time because that would take you ages and then you'd be mad because all of it would be off literally go through the machinations of going through the song depending on how long it is and marking the specific beats that you're listening to so I literally go through this whole thing and there goes another beat there and you can visually see it if you look at the bottom that screen that it goes from a shallow depth to a actual beat right between there you can hear that nice that's gonna be your beat so I cut it literally just press my m there that's my marker I just lay my music down to that specific audio so that it doesn't if you're gonna house music dance music dubstep I did upset for a reason it's just it's extremely difficult to cut s so we can keep it on okay well if you want while I'm editing some of this kind of free hand if you want to ask me any questions way definitely can still ask questions we have one here from photos by deep pool who actually has a couple great questions that I want to ask you first of all any reason why you don't name the files in the audio recorder job names sound source et cetera I know you can in the task him gr one hundred is that something you usually do personally now just because I'm always resetting my my cards pursuit and dragging dropping and I told I talked about my work for a little earlier my card's the second had done the reformat and taken elsewhere you notice the file structure that I want abusing I have c l video seal footage audio that's it I'm done at home I don't really have to go back into into throwing things around my my information is relatively easy to find that way it's just how I keep my heart hierarchy she may be different though different uh no I don't think I was going to say is that would be great like I would love to do that if I train and turned to do it so like but it's like one thing that I get confused with so usually I just listened through and figure out what the right clip is anyway but if you're doing a lot of audio um and then you're like ok this particular clip I know we got what we wanted that I would write it down but I don't have teo that much audio teo make it necessary for me personally another one really quick uh can you talk about how files how your file's gone multiple drives when you're working do you for example have a scratched disk but your preview footage in one place your raw footage and another I know you said that you back things up but as you're working do you split up on the multiple drags him some on solid state that's everything it depends on whose onset but if you want you can work on that if you want um so when you're editing there are certain ways to best maximize how you're using the information readily available for processing on your computer and so what I'll say is if you're cuban it's simple I won't get into it too much but basically for actually processing and rendering the video you khun set a separate scratch just so you could have a solid state drive set aside that is intended just for processing this video so if you're thinking okay I don't know if you guys ever had a video we have a lot of effects and you pick render fleas and you're like oh my god come back in eighteen hours there are a lot of ways you khun soup up your computer to enhance this so isn't you know separate scratched discs that air dedicated for things like that improving your ram so if this is something you want to be serious about you would actually invest in improving the actual hardware that you have and then you'd make decisions on where you have the project saving versus what part of the memory of the computer is rendering and working with the file this is a workflow question I'm wondering if you have a song with lyrics do you treat it the same as audio do you find your clips to fit the lyrics or do you find your pickle your clips and then like try and match it up after yeah so that the hate that this answer intends right because a lot of times have done songs with lyrics were you're not paying attention to the lyrics it's just nice and so it doesn't have anything to do with it versus there have been times like let's say you're doing an engagement video where you want the words to be referencing what you see in the visuals so I'd have to pick the song before shoot to that and I would line that up right away and then just make sure that everything flows into it but it just depends
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
This great workshop helps me to start a new experience with video, Lindsay and Jeff are so clever with a teaching very easy to follow, now I know the basics to work with movement, I got a new vision on how to take advantage of many years of photography experience, this is a new medium but image itself is the same, I recommend this to any newbie interested on getting a solid base to start.
Elly Alenka Dream
Fantastic class! Watching it in 2019 - and still finding relevant. Excellent way to ease photographers into the scary waters of video footage and production... and perfect for somebody who already has some basics to take it up a notch and challenge themselves quite a bit! Loved this class, very helpful.
a Creativelive Student
I bought this class because, I recently bought my first DSLR with filming capabilities. But when I start looking at it and after watching a couple of instructionvideos on YouTube I kinda got overwhelmed. This class broke it all down into clear pieces for me. Lindsay and Jeff have nice and clear teaching style. They covered everything but didn't get to far into the nitty gritty details. They always told how important something was and if you have to do it in a certain way or that is your artistic choice. I certainly can start off with making video with a lot more confidence now. The course is packed with information. It took me much longer then 3 days to watch and take 37 pages of notes!