Day 1
1Why Podcasting
18:13 2Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
19:06 3Students Goals for Podcasting
19:58 4Q&A
07:54 5Interview with Guest Srini Rao
19:33 63 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Podcast
23:55 7Listener Avatar Exercise
18:25Student Hot Seats
21:58 9Interview with Guest Bridget Chambers
14:25 10The Foundation Formula
19:16 11Show Theme Creations
08:39 12Keyword Research
32:15 13Interview with Guest Abel James
26:24 14Content Curation & Creation
40:46 15Content Strategy & Q&A
13:02Day 2
163 Formulas to Create a Magnetic Show Title
40:38 17Cover Album Design
42:39 18Video SEO Formula with Wendy Stevens
34:11 19Video SEO Formula (Part 2)
36:22 20How to Create Epic Interviews
23:32 21Your Delivery Style
43:43 22Doing Epic Interviews
19:05 23Setting up a Home Studio
07:57 24Interview with Guest Jason Van Orden
11:42 25Setting up a Home Studio (Part 2)
09:18 26Using Audacity
13:25 27Exporting Your Content
17:19Day 3
28Hosting Your Show in Libsyn
41:31 29Uploading & Scheduling Episodes in Libsyn
35:14 30Interview with Guest Rob Walch
33:48 319 Steps to a Successful Launch
41:58 325 Surefire Marketing Strategies
34:19 33Marketing Strategies Q&A
13:46 34Mock Podcast
19:26 35Monetization Overview
07:21 36Interview with Guest John Lee Dumas
23:18 377 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast
34:45Lesson Info
Exporting Your Content
So this is where we want to go then into exporting your content this is where you actually get a take all that meta data remember when he was talking about with the spider well that's where you're content can be found because ghoul looks for all takes which are images and then you can't really take your audio's at all but when you're connected in tow itunes that's where the search feature happened so that's where you do want to make sure that your files are take right now I want to make a point here when you save your files do not have any weird characters do not have any weird symbols it will actually mess up your feet okay one of you might feed is we're gonna talk about that tomorrow when you actually can you put your um media files your mp three or year and before files into lipson which is where you host all of the data just like a website you've got the image shows up but you have a hosting provider that holds all that I'm gonna teach you that tomorrow but when you save these file...
s if you have like a weird character it's actually going toe it can cause a disruption for that so we don't want to make sure that wait don't do that so an audacity expert if you created steve created recording so then you want when you click on father you go toe export and then that's, where you put in the content. Okay, so you're gonna have the artist name the track title album, title track number, the year, the genre and then comments, which could be your takes so typically artist name that's, where I put in the name of the show or my name with expertise, any key words that you want to ring for their your track title. Whatever that shows about the album, the name of your podcast track number, you could just put whatever number that you're on in your podcast the year genre that's all going to be all music if you click on it. There's a sometimes there's a drop down it's going to be all the music channels on dh. You just type in podcasting or it's, not like it's categorized like it is a night, and so you don't need to worry about that. And then you can put in some of your takes on comments. That feature in itunes is going away as much. But it's, really how you save your file that mean, keyword that you want to drink. For to be found for okay, so, um, let's, see here and then keep it organized for yourself, too. You can always put zero one the name of the where you're at in episode, so it makes it easier to keep your files organized. Because once you get podcasting, you have a ton of content and don't have it all over the place have a main full. I keep everything on google drive, and then I also have it stored in a backup file, because you never know when you're gonna want to repurpose those interviews. I mean, this is great content that you can repurpose all over the place, like when he's talking about you could take some of those little clips and uses his promo videos for why you want to come in and watch the podcast. So keep that so it's organized for yourself and really easy to find. And then, um, let's, see here. I want to make sure it covered everything. Okay, so that pops up, you'll feel that in and then you say that remember where you're saving it. So if you notice that the top in the back it's a save as that's going to let you know where you want to pick where you want to save so that's, where I create a folder for the podcast and then I stave it logically, well, logically, in order sequentially of how the podcast go, okay, to make it really simple for you. So you know what? Your audio's out? Because the last thing you want to do is come in and have one hundred audios that have no taking your title and that's a lot of work to want to go back and figure out where things are out. So keep yourself organized. So with that, then what we want to dio is, uh, okay, so this is just spelling this out a little bit better for you. So you can actually see what needs to go in each one of those categories to keep it organized for you now. Rebar. Bracing content? No. Any questions that we have? I went through recording pretty quickly, but is there any questions? Yeah, that last one that is saving for your own excuse me for your own files that has nothing to do with actually met at it when you have a file that's actually content in the back on the back gun so what happens is when you say that so when people are searching an itunes it's all the taking you have on lips and that we're going over tomorrow okay but it helps with that yeah so tag it in dass really like if I'm doing it a solo show and I wouldn't need to do it an ied three tag editor is that right that's right but this one you don't need to with garageband if you are a highly suggest using ninety three taker because that's going to make sure your your metadata saved usually my editor kicks it back to me and then I put it in I did three tag editor and add my tags if this there yeah it's a good stop always have them if they're already doing it absolutely yeah so re progressing you're content this is like what we've been talking over and over again about how to repurpose your contact when you've got blocked talk traditional radio trains recordings so what I'm going to show you this is where you actually can click and drag and take your mp for rotated a video and then turn that into an mp three file to make it really simple so I don't did I click put the linkup on there it's actually called the mire oh let me see no one here we go. So this is how you use this it's called the myrow video converter dot com I love this tool it's so easy to use so let's say that you did a video, a video interview and you wanted teo if you wanted teo covered it over into mp three with e camera quarter there's a there's, a tab that comes with it's you by the camera quarter and then there's a plug in or duality want to call it that's called movie tools. Movie tools is where you can actually open that up, drop and drag your videos into exporting into separate files if you want or into an mp three from the movie file, but this is another tool it's, a free tool that you can use if you're just using something. Maybe you already have a video file and you want to just convert it with this and you don't have movie tools. You goto myrow video converter dot com you can click the format and they can adjust it for whatever did vice you're using this for as well, or what you want to convert it to four or also, if you just want to convert it for an audio or a video format so here's where you could take your mp for dre, get in there, click on audio and then do mp three. You always want to be an mp three or an mp for format by default, because there are a bunch of other formats out there. Just stay to the basics so you don't have anything that goes wrong. You drink that over there, it'll convert it. And now you've got an audio file. So now, if you want to do some of the strategy we were talking about overlaying your audio in different areas, or if you just want to take your videos and use that to repurpose for content from your vault, this is the easiest way to do that. And then you want to save that file again with the tag of what? What that shows about. All right, so this is just walking through it so that my referred micro video converter click on the format for the audio and then just drag that over note audacity and then make sure to add in your podcast imaging. With your out intro and your outro so let's say that you have a block talk radio show and you want to convert that over into a show that you're going to use overnight and you want to cut out all the other commercials that are going on with that so you can go into audacity, cut those out and then add your intro and your outro onto that podcast okay? And then we want to make sure that you saved that with your intro nitrous you have that altogether is a collective show so that's what's great is you can repurpose content from all different places that you've had it and then you're just going to position it with your intern your ultra so it fits into your podcast I would also suggest if if you want you can actually even do a little mini recording segway ing into what's going on with that content so people aren't like what is this it's? Because especially if your show, if they're already used to a certain format and then you're bringing in some other great content preface it like how is that any of that? And this recording might be off a little bit it might be a little weird but it's great content you want to listen for this that and the other this is why I'm bringing this end so it makes it really engaging for your goss okay and then last. Okay, so this is the e camera core that's what I've been referencing so once you, this is the link that you go to to get it e cam dot com ford slash max slash called recorders thoughts for the mac on this tool, but what's great about this is it's so simple to use, so when it opens up, this is what will open up when you open sky puppet will actually have this type of logo. So if you notice here the little tool or the little settings tab that's where you go into settings, the little circles to record on the other side, that's where you know where your files are going, a little search bar that's, how you can set up two no go directly to where your calls have been saved so you could have this where it pops up right when you start recording, and then you could also have it, or it doesn't do that it's up to you. So what you want to do is you want a first click on your settings tab here and then what you're going to do is you want to go under word, says audio slash video, this is where you're going to set up your microphone, sardines. For e cam call recorder just like what we did with audacity so this is what happens a lot of people that if they forget this step they do this great interview and then it sounds horrible because they didn't have it put to the microphone that they wanted so this is what ables talking about us have your studio always sat up now I always check this in skype even though mine has always set up on my microphones but you just want to make sure because like I said sometimes skype could be a little bit um funky to work with so under your your microphone this one I had on the yeti on so I put the yeti microphone the ringing that's when you know people call in you don't have to worry about that as much but I always just thought I'm all the same just so there's no mistake and then you're speakers or what you're hearing so your volume I keep again about there in the middle that's just showing the eyesight if you have that on there and the next what you want to dio so you've got your audio in your video set up then you want to go over to your recording sighting so that's the tab on the right with the recording symbol so what we want to do here is we want to make sure if we're doing video or audio that this the settings are set up correctly for you, so you always want to be checking for updates. One little trick of the trade update skype always first, then update e call recorder because they're always updating each other and it's better update skype of of how they update we've learned that the hard way, so this is actually for video, the compression coating that I have up there s o the audio encoding a c compression I have quality high or medium video with video podcast from wrobel tell you this from lips and that you don't have tohave high definition podcasting videos. The reason being takes a lot more down bandwith for people to download on their phone, it cost people more. Not everybody has free download packages, so you don't have to have the quality like super super high on a video podcast on dh then your video, including I was h dot two six four your video image size I usually do the six forty by forty that's standard size and then your video framer yuka go maximum where you could go a little bit lower you're gonna want to test the quality of that see what happens and then here's what's great is that you could have video option, so you can actually have it where you have a split screen and if you'll notice here this is opened up to the side bar where you can have the two that you'd want to look at is either the split screen so it's, you and your expert just on one file, but what happens is you can't move them apart. So however you have that laid out that's, how it's going to be or you could do the multi track where it's going to be two of them, but you can separate them out if that makes sense. So then your editor, your video editor, can have a little bit more fun with it, putting them together so that's just that's more in the video side of it. But the main thing that you wanna have is that you have your audio, your microphone set up with audio and video on, um, with your microphones. Okay, do you have any questions so far with I know this is kind of a lot for do you have one right here on the video podcast? I've noticed when I look, you know, see them on the video podcast, they have a bar underneath to brand themselves. So how do you mean that's? A tech thing that I don't understand you and I'm going to go, I have a bonus video train that goes into all of that on how to use e camera quarter more in depth how to use cam tasia and screen flow we just don't have enough time to go into everything, but I'll show you actually how to do that. Because that's a little bit more intensive to show you how to add in tabs how to add in your logo howto add an image is called the actions that the bottom yeah, they don't make it super professional, and it actually isn't that difficult to do so that's, I'll show you that for both screen flow and camped asia as the bonus. This is more just for audio set up, but great question, because you do want to have that you're gonna have that for your video, for your video podcasting. So once you've got done with this, you also notice here where you consent your controls. So if you wanna have the show recording controls that launch that's when it pops up right, when you open it up, I like to do that. So then you're not trying to search around and have to go to file and figure out where it's at I always forget where the tab is. The other thing is that you can have keep your recording calls in front during calls that you don't really need to worry about as much unless you want that. Controller right in front of you at all times. The other thing is that you can have record calls automatically. I highly suggest this when you're first starting out, because if you forget to push riko ford, you will miss content, and I've actually done that. I've been like a minute and be like, oh, no, so that'll be really important to help you with that. And then as you go on, what I like to do is have a check klis, though, when I launch every every show, so okay mike's, cheque, recording, set up lights or chuck just like what abel was talking about having your studio set up. Create your checklist that you need to check for your microphone on your computer to make sure that you're set up for success, crime and then also the that's for voice mail, and then see where it's a save recordings too that's where you want to set that because people will forget and then you can't find your file. So that's, why I pick your folder have a name to it, your podcast episodes and it will always save into that folder and then you can what I like to suggest his toe haven't edit. Folder and a final folder so then you know where what one that's at because if you outsource it, some people are just going to send your file back exactly the way it was named and you're not going to know which ones added, and you don't want to upload the wrong file for your podcast, so try to keep that a simple is possible for your organization for your podcast will make your life a lot easier now is this process the same? If we're doing more than one guest? I don't want to send you down a rabbit hole does get too complicated, so with skype you can actually have video, you can only have two right now that they can record so but with an audio, you can have multiple gas that you can call in and all you do is three we call them in. So on skype it's really simple? I don't have a feature to show that, but let's say, you know you call the person it'll say on the bottom tab it'll say ad a person to the call you concerts, that person called them and you could record multi I don't know what how many is the top amount of people I usually have only had up to four people is a ten well that's great so you can have a round robin of guests for skype recording same settings exactly yep and so that it's just the video you can't have a bunch of video cameras with that, but that makes it fun and easy for you to have that recording and have all those gas and had to tell you that interaction and that energy is so much fun for podcast really, really powerful so um so that's that coffers howto set up your your microphones and then how to record your audio and then how to record interviews and like I said, I have that bonus uh video movie father goes into this a lot more in depth to really hold your hand step by step and then also the guide on how to actually put together your whole microphone with mixer so you're really set up and you have confidence and actually launching with your microphone, but I challenge everybody tonight, especially at home just taking your your bureau, downloading audacity, getting that on your computer, setting that up and then just practicing recording just from your computer you don't have to worry about even if you have the microphone set up yet just a practice recording, practice your enter from that script we did today or even just your thirty second foundational pitch to just get comfortable talking in front of the microphone and see what we're talking about here and putting that into action and starting to move forward we do have one quick audio recording question here. That's come up from a few different people in the chat room. When you were demo ing that microphone, I know that you showed off how you could have it, just recording from one side of the mic or all sides of the mike. So radar wanted to know if you recommended recording in stereo or mono, and mr bill had a similar question about having these podcast. Should they always be in stereo? When should you use mono? Uh, I guess that's gonna depend on it really depends on your vocal quality and what's around in your room. The reason that I like this one, the cardio oid, the setting for that that's really set up for the podcast for how you talk. But if you're going tohave multiple people and gus talking there's different directions on this and each one of your microphones like the yeti is awesome, they come with a little booklet that tells you exactly what each study nous to make it. Symbol for yourself on dh into record the best audio for you. The best thing I can advise is how it sounds to you and the quality you get back. We can say one thing, and then you get home and you get the mic, and it sounds completely different. I hear that all the time, so it really is just being flexible with that and testing out and recording it for yourself to see how it sounds. Well, chris, you have just shared, oh, do we have a question I use most? Well, I actually started out with the blue yeti, and then I've actually used the heil microphone as well. Now, for a provide a different setup. I love this microphone because it's, so simple, and I love the quality of how my voice sounds with it. So those are the two, the two that I showed that this one, and then the full set up with the mixer.
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a Creativelive Student
This is the best $149 I've spent on my blogging/podcasting journey so far. The course was so rich, so jam-packed with information and ideas. I am on fire with ideas (couldn't get to sleep last night because so many ideas were rattling around my brain!) and truly inspired to go out there and do it. I'll be posting my podcast launch on the Facebook Group when the time comes. Thank you, Kris!
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