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Searching for Photos

Lesson 15 from: Lightroom® 4 Fundamentals

Laura Shoe

Searching for Photos

Lesson 15 from: Lightroom® 4 Fundamentals

Laura Shoe

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Lesson Info

15. Searching for Photos


Class Trailer

Day 1


Pre-Show Banter


9:00 am - Introduction: Why Lightroom®?


The Lightroom Library Catalog


Staying Organized


Backing Up Your Library


Importing Your Photos


Preferences & Settings


Settings Q&A


Reorganizing Files and Folders


Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos


Filtering and Stacking Photos


Assigning and Managing Keywords


Keywording Q&A


The Metadata Panel


Searching for Photos


Creating a Collection


Day 2


Day 2 Pre-Show Banter


The Map Module: Assigning Locations


The Develop Module


Fixing Your Photos: Histograms and Cropping


Fixing Your Photos: Spot Removal Tool


11:30 am - Upgrading to Lightroom® 4


11:45 am - Basic Developing in Lightroom® 3 & 4


Basic Developing Part 2


Color Adjustments


Tone Curve Panel


Making Subtle Adjustments


Lens Corrections


Local Adjustments: Partial B&W


Local Adjustments: Portrait Touch Up


Additional Local Adjustments


Graduated Filter


Bonus: Day 3 Preview


Day 3


Day 3 Pre-Show Banter


Bonus: Recap of the Develop Module


Virtual Copies


B&W and Creative Effects


Noise Reduction




Sharpening for Portraits


Syncing Changes to Multiple Photos




Creating and Using Presets


11:45 am - Lightroom® and Photoshop


Sharing Your Work


Exporting for Web


Exporting for Print


Workflow Recap


Thanks + Credits


3:00 pm - Lightroom® 4: Publishing


3:30 pm - Lightroom® 4: Video Editing


3:45 pm - Lightroom® 4: Book Module


Lesson Info

Searching for Photos

So let's go ahead and go into How do you find your photos? How do you search for your photos? While the first step in any successful search is too? Uh, that's okay. The first step in any successful search is to specify on the left side here in the library module, where you want light room to search. So do you want it to search just a particular folder? Just this small letters folder, for example, if you wanted to search your 2008 folder or what I'm commonly choosing is at the top left here to search my entire light room catalogue. So in that case, I would just click on all photographs. But I always say where before I say what I want to search for, it just makes things flow much more smoothly. So once I click on all photographs, I'm seeing everything in the grid here might collapse the right panel because we don't need that. They scroll down all of my photos here so all of my photos are going to be considered for a search. Whatever I see here in the grid will be considered for a search.

Now, you already saw a little bit of searching, searching and lighter, by the way, is called filtering. So you already saw a little bit of that in the filmstrip where we used this little filter bar to filter on just flags or stars or color labels. That's a handy little shortcut, but we have much more functionality here in the library module using the library filter bar up at the top here. So you have to be in grid view to see the library filter bar. If I go toe loop, view E for loop. Fabulous photo. I know. Um, I don't see the filter bar at the top, so you have to be in grid view. So that's the first answer to wears my filter bar my library filter. If you still don't see your filter bar, then you can go up to view show filter bar or the backslash key to get the filter bar. So we've said where we're going to search, I'm gonna collapse the left panel since we've already said that. And then next. Okay. Oh, I turned off my filter bar. Okay. View show, filter bar. Next. I'm gonna say what I want to search for. So Let's say that for now. I want to find all of my nature photographs. And I have key worded the photographs with nature. So keywords are going to be here in the center of the filter bar are going to be under meditator. So I'm gonna click on metadata here, and labour gives me these four columns. Now, it may seem like you have a search going on here. You'll see in the first column. It says date and then Cameron then lands. But it's showing you all dates, all cameras, all lenses. So you really have no search going on. You're still seeing everything. Now, I don't want to search based on date, but I'm going to use these columns and I'm gonna work from left to right as I do. So So what I want to search on instead of date with a click next to date on the drop down. I'm gonna choose by, Scroll down. There's a lot. This is a long oh, I see. I'm zoomed still zoomed in. Okay, So instead of searching on date, I'm gonna search on keyword. Once I choose keyword, it shows me all of the key words for all of the photos that have made it this far into the search So I can scroll down and I can find nature nature. And I could see all these photos have the nature keyword. Now, let's say I just want to see my, uh, photos that have not just a nature keyword, but also a reflection cured. So they have to be nature reflections. I'm just gonna move to the next column. So and conditions I'll move from one column to the next. So keyword nature and not camera. I don't need to search on camera in the second column, click on the drop down and I'll choose keyword. At this point, it will show me in this second column keywords that have still made it through the filter. And hopefully I've got some reflections here. Yep. Here is my reflection. Keyword. Now, depending, I'm, um how you key word Your photo story for you guys in class here. You may or may not have any photos coming this far into the search, but so I have keyword nature and keyword reflection, and I can see these photos here in the grid. Now, these were all taken in the same date. So it's let's just let me just go ahead and carry it out, even though we're going to run out of options in terms of photos that have made it this far, let's say they also had to be from 2000 and six. I would just come to this third column here and say, No, I don't want to search on lens. I want to search on date and I could say 2006 or I could go and drill down to a particular date. Now, I only have one date at this point for these photos, but I can keep working across for and conditions. So let me go ahead on Take this back of step and say that I do want to search on the key word nature, but I don't want to do this second keyword search on reflections anymore. So all I'm going to do in the second column is. Take this back to saying all. It just turns that Kalama. So I have the key word nature, and that's it. Everything else here says also, nothing's being filtered. I'm seeing all of my nature photos Now let's say that they need to be nature photos or portrait's, so I want an or condition rather than and condition for an or condition. I've already got nature selected in this first column, So I'm gonna find Portrait. I'm gonna hold the controller command key down because that's how you select things that are not next to each other. And I'm gonna click on Portrait. So I've got Portrait selected and I've got nature selected in this one column. So now I'm seeing photos that are either nature or portrait's, and if I scroll down, hopefully I'll see some portrait's down there as well. That's your introduction to searching on the metadata fields. But that's not all that you could search on. But let me just actually take a sec toe. Appreciate what we've got here, though I'm just in terms of the types of things you could search for. So file type. You're looking for all your your raw files so that you can convert them to DMG or all of your J pegs. For some particular reason, it may be in a particular folder. Color labels. I'm just not I don't want to just read these to you because I know because can read yourself, but you can search on all kinds of camera information if you want. Understand how much noise is in your eyes. So 3200 photos. Well, search based on IAS. So, speed by click on eso speed here, I can see that I've got photos of various ISOS here. I can just click on my S 0 800 I'm seeing just those photos. All right, let me do a command Z toe. Undo command Z to undo that. Just got me back. Controller commands. You'll undo your last step. Get me back to keywords. Here. Location information will get to tomorrow morning. Once we have the map module. This stuff, this information comes very powerful. Now, I'm sorry. I don't remember who asked this question online, but someone asked about copyright status. So here in the metadata search panel in the filter bar, we've got copyright status. So all of my 219 photos from today are copyrighted, but you would see those that are not copyrighted. That you could then apply the copyright to the key again is to always say where you want to search first, right? Remember, I'm searching all photographs And if you're looking for photos that you haven't copyrighted, that's what you're gonna want to dio here in the catalogue panel. Make sure you choose all photographs, and then you can just select the ones that are not copyrighted and apply the copyright to all right questions on the metadata portion here before I get into adding, um, you know, start, uh, other types of searches. I noticed that the order is important if you go back. And let's say you had something from column A and then something combi and something from column C and everything was all good. And, you know, I want to change column A from something to something else. It resets it COLUMN Column C D right away. So okay, let me see if I understand this. So keyword abstract abstracts and anything else all right? And it's gotta be right. Okay, that's good. Now you're like, OK, so I'm not abstracts by the canon Eos genomic. Okay, I want to look at the blurs by the canon Eos 40 D and when you click on Blur, the second column resets to everything and the third and the fourth. That's interesting. I've never noticed that before. Is there any way to, like, not have it be that way? What's that? Command Z undo someone on the web will know this. Okay, so I've got it to that, and I want to switch it to unknown camera. Now, you're saying once, which had to blur. Correct. So, yeah, it's still that Yeah. Yeah. I'm not sure I'm reaching out to our live web audience for the answer to this question. See, if I had the light room queen here, just ask. I mean, obviously, if you want to do it that way and you knew ahead of time, that was the case. You could structure it to be that the abstracts versus player would be the right most column. And then you could change it all you want without changing the other ones. Yeah. All right. So I don't wanna pass along. Not a question but a comment from Capri. Mom, who says I never realized that I could change the search terms in each columns. I had only changed the first column. So searching now will be so much more efficient. So you Yeah, that's great. Thank you. Prima. Okay, let's go back to our scenario where I had nature photos. So I'm gonna search on keyword in the first column here and make sure I'm searching all photographs and let's see what's going on here. I'm on abstract, so I'm gonna go down. I just want a larger set of photos, So I'm searching my entire catalog for nature photos. But now I just want the five star or the four or more star nature photos. So what a narrow it down now. Flags, stars and color labels as faras, the library filter bar goes, are not metadata. They're just in a different category here. They truly are meta data, but in the filter bar there under attributes here. So I'll click on attributes. I still have the keyword search going on. It's still remembers that, but when I click on attributes, Aiken just now say and rating has to be four or more stars by clicking on this fourth star. And now if I scroll down, you'll see that I only have my four more star nature photos at this point, and I could do the same thing in terms of In the Attributes section, searching on flag status, rating. Color labels and then kind over here allows me to distinguish virtual copies, which will talk about tomorrow. But our second basically a second version of your photos so I could find virtual copies. And then this last one here is to find your videos. Okay, this is master photos as distinguished from virtual copies. So at this point, I've got might keyword nature photos that air five stars. Let's say now, that of thes nature photos, I really do want to drill down to just those from 2000 and five. I can come to this second column here and set update in the second column in the metadata part. But you know what date is sitting in the third panel right here? The third column. I don't have to use the second column. Second column is on all its being ignored. I'm in good shape, so I just come over to date Click on 2005 and I'm down to the one photo from 2005 that made it through. Now, when you're done with the filter, you can click on none to turn it off. Now, if you come back into the filter bar with all photographs, it will still remember it. So I'll click on none and then I'll come back into the filter. Borrow, Click back on metadata. You see how it's still remembered? My my search here. So if I really, truly want to reset it, I can just click on all at the top here, come to attributes and actually turn off. Turn off that rating filter by clicking on the same thing I clicked on to turn it on, so I clicked on four stars to turn it off. Turn it on. Click on four stars to turn it off. The last portion of the search functionality here is this text search. So I use the text search a lot. Now let's say that we wanted to search for I'm trying to set this up. I think I can set this up with C. I want to search kind of file and it's file Name something 32 05 I mean, that happens to me all the time. I got to find this file first on the left hand side here, make sure that you say where you want to search. So again I'll search all photographs and then I'm going to do a text search. I'll click on text, zoom out a little bit here, I can specifically search on the file name. Or I can just say search all the metadata. Just find 32 of five. No matter what type of metadata it's in, I'll just go ahead and say file name put in 32 of five. And here, in fact, is my file name. 32 0 far. I'm glad there was 32 to 32 of five out there. So Okay, so the text search can also frankly, be a way to search for keywords. So I can just say in a text search, I did. I could say key words. I could say any searchable field and I could come over to the right hand side here and type abstracts this type abstract, and it will come back with photos that have found with abstract in the key word or any of the other metadata. So I often using text, search more questions? Yeah, Leslie, uh, in the attributes, when you're wanting to reset, you can take the flags on and off. But how do you take the stars on and on? I had filtered, I think, on four or more. So I just click back on the floor. Just click on that same store. Exactly. More questions on searching Sam Cox asks, Can you save your carefully crafted search filters? You can save your search your searches If I click on, zoom in here a little bit where it says custom filter up here. If I click on the drop down, you have to set up your filter first. But then you would say, save current settings as a new preset okay, and then it would appear here in the drop down. Now I'm gonna show you an alternative, which is called a smart collection, which is kind of a saved search as well. A couple of folks were. We're looking at the lock that's up there in the search, wondering about that. So this lock, remember I said, the key to a successful, happy search is to say where you want to search before you say what you want to search for. So let's violate my rule, and I'll just go to this. These lovely photos here and I want to search for file 32 05 again. Okay, so I'm not I don't even know where I want to search. I just didn't even think of that. So I'm gonna come up to text, and I'm gonna put in 32 of five. I'm not going to see my file. I'm gonna go. What? I've got that file out there and I need it. And, you know, I'm not gonna panic. So why don't I have there? Well, I don't have the photo here because I'm Onley searching in the cap letters folder. I'm not searching my entire catalog. So if I set up a filter and of course, it could be a more complicated filter than this, right? Nature photos that air reflections from 5 2004 stars. And then I want to go to a different location. I need toe lock the filter so appear in the top, right? Lock this filter before I changed locations. That way, that filter will apply to the new location as well. If I don't do that. So controller Command Z to undo. Let me see if this is gonna undo what? Um I mean, go back here, unlock this. Okay. So I mean cap letters. I've tried to search for 32 a five. I couldn't find it. And then I realized that I need to be that in terms of location, it needed to be this external hard drive. If I don't lock that and I go to the external hard drive, that filter is gone. The filter is location specific. Unless I locked that padlock, there's a question from Motus up. How do you do? On is not such so everything that is not from a cannon. 40 D. So exclusions? Sure, let's go to it kind of varies depending out what kind of search were doing. Let's try. Let me go toe all photographs here go into metadata as far as the meditate a panel here, There may be different ways to do it that I'm not thinking of now, But let's just say that Let me find camera here. One quick way to do you know is not. It's simply to select everything else, right? Click shift click. So now I have everything that is not from the five D. Mark two. Otherwise, I'm trying Teoh, think of in this panel how you would do that. Nothing's coming to me. I'm drawing a blank at this point, so maybe something will filter up in my brain. But let me just show you on some of the others. So text search I've got contains contains all. But I also have doesn't contain. So that's an easy way with that particular type of search to do that attributes underrating, for example, I've got it's by default said to rating greater than or equal to. But if I zoom out a little bit more, you can see that I can also get other criteria here any more. Before that was one of the other questions also is, um, if you wanted to do, um, something that was four stars only and not greater than so you would go up to that. Yes, exactly. I would change. The sweep seemed a little too far. Rating is equal instead of greater than or equal to

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Lightroom Day 1 Slides.pdf

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Ratings and Reviews

Miguel Lecuyer

Great workshop! New to Lightroom and found it very helpful. Saved me a couple hundred dollars and time by not taking an evening LR class. Creative Live workshops match my learning style perfectly. Laura is awesome! My only complaint is maybe Laura can use a PC next time which is what she seems more comfortable using. Her shortcut mix-ups on a Mac were making me a bit dizzy :)

a Creativelive Student

I cannot express enough how impressed I was with Laura and this class. I learned more in the 3 days of this workshop than I did in all 6 weeks of a class I took online that cost three times as much. I left not only impressed by the class but MOST importantly - refreshed and energized to put my new knowledge to use! Thank you for that!!!

a Creativelive Student

Excellent workshop bar none. I learned more about Lightroom than I did from any other tutorial/workshp that I previously encountered. Thanks Laura!

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