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Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos

Lesson 10 from: Lightroom® 4 Fundamentals

Laura Shoe

Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos

Lesson 10 from: Lightroom® 4 Fundamentals

Laura Shoe

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Lesson Info

10. Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos


Class Trailer

Day 1


Pre-Show Banter


9:00 am - Introduction: Why Lightroom®?


The Lightroom Library Catalog


Staying Organized


Backing Up Your Library


Importing Your Photos


Preferences & Settings


Settings Q&A


Reorganizing Files and Folders


Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos


Filtering and Stacking Photos


Assigning and Managing Keywords


Keywording Q&A


The Metadata Panel


Searching for Photos


Creating a Collection


Day 2


Day 2 Pre-Show Banter


The Map Module: Assigning Locations


The Develop Module


Fixing Your Photos: Histograms and Cropping


Fixing Your Photos: Spot Removal Tool


11:30 am - Upgrading to Lightroom® 4


11:45 am - Basic Developing in Lightroom® 3 & 4


Basic Developing Part 2


Color Adjustments


Tone Curve Panel


Making Subtle Adjustments


Lens Corrections


Local Adjustments: Partial B&W


Local Adjustments: Portrait Touch Up


Additional Local Adjustments


Graduated Filter


Bonus: Day 3 Preview


Day 3


Day 3 Pre-Show Banter


Bonus: Recap of the Develop Module


Virtual Copies


B&W and Creative Effects


Noise Reduction




Sharpening for Portraits


Syncing Changes to Multiple Photos




Creating and Using Presets


11:45 am - Lightroom® and Photoshop


Sharing Your Work


Exporting for Web


Exporting for Print


Workflow Recap


Thanks + Credits


3:00 pm - Lightroom® 4: Publishing


3:30 pm - Lightroom® 4: Video Editing


3:45 pm - Lightroom® 4: Book Module


Lesson Info

Using Views and Labels to Evaluate Photos

has the import situation from my photo into light room gotten any better recently? The last I looked at it, it seemed to be quite a bit of manual labor involved. I still got tens of thousands of photos still in my photo that I love to move over. Is that with situation in that these days it's exactly the same. So you have to export things for my photo and then import them into light room. Um, for folks that don't know how to do that, I'm not a Mac user, sort of. And it's kind of a subset of the audience, so I'm not gonna demonstrate that. But out on Jane McCullough's light room secrets dot com blawg, he's got an article on that and may also have one on moving from aperture. Not quite sure on that one. Sam Cox, one of our regulars, is just providing us the latest news that light Room 4.1 has been announced. See their Facebook page on for details and links. Yeah, it's the release candidate. It's not the official version. So it's out on Adobe Labs, so you know, they may you know they've te...

sted it internally, but It's still kind of in test status, but it certainly, if you're suffering from some of these bugs, I would I would go out and get it. Well, thanks for that latest news break, Sam. So from India Springs guy, how do you change keywords from the library module? We're going to get into keywords this afternoon. Okay, so definitely address that. Okay, well, let's say let's get going with the next section. Okay, Thanks. Just to tell you guys the plan for this afternoon. You know, at this point, we've set some preferences on some dry stuff like that. But, you know, as far as a core workflow, we've imported photos, we've reorganized, cleaned up our photo library. The next thing we're going to do is start evaluating a photo shoot, looking at which ones we like and don't like zooming in on them, comparing them, assigning pick and reject flags, etcetera. After that, we'll move on to adding keywords and other metadata. And then finally, I'll go into had a search for your photos and how to build collections. Now, for some of you, this morning was pretty hard. It's kind of the It is the hardest part particularly for people that are not that comfortable with files and folders and Windows Explorer and the Mac Finder and all of that. But rest assured that it starts to get easier from this point where we're really just working within the light, ERM, environment. Now we are going to set just one additional set of options before we get going. Now you may notice above my thumbnails that I've got some information showing. So I've got the file name the stars that I happen to assign rotate buttons and then I've got what's called a badge. This particular badge means that the photo has keywords. There are other badges as well, but you can set your own options for what you want to appear, um, in the grid. So let me zoom back out here and let's go ahead and set the options first again on the first photo you have selected here, Type seven to give it a yellow label and type five if it doesn't have five stars yet. So five and seven, just so that we're on the same page and do that on your next photo as well. So I just do 57 once we get into the view options, you'll see that that will help us understand what's going on. So next let's go ahead and go up to view and then down to a few options. Now we're working with grid view options. Perfect. I'm gonna move this over so you could see these two photos and in show grid cell extras. I'm gonna change this to expand its cells there to views of your grid expanded and compact cells to show you different subsets of information. I don't tend to work with both. It's more than I need. But just know that you can have two separate views. So let's just work on expanded at this point. Now again, this is the kind of situation where I could explain every every single option or go to the most critical ones. But let me just show you that. Let me see what's going on here. Okay, so I'm gonna zoom back in here, says after lunch, brain freeze, plus Mac machine. Okay, so show clickable items and mouse over. Only I have some rotate buttons down here, but they're not showing if I turn this off. They show all the time. If I turn it on. They only show when when my mouse gets close to them. But because I'm in the dialogue, it's not showing them. It's not showing them now. 10. Grid cell labels, Grid cells with label colors It's what's putting this yellow around the border. Some people like to see their color labels that you know, emphasized to that extent. Other people don't like to have that distraction around their photos. So the alternative on that is down here in the rating footer. You could choose to include the color label in the footer, and it will just be this little square at the bottom of your thumbnail. So subtle, including the, uh, rating footer More obvious. 10th the grid cells. I always like to see image info tool tips. That's great. The next section controls what you're going to see around the photo, so we're gonna be working with the pick and reject flags. So I want you to be able to see your flags. Showing thumbnail badges is important thes badges in here you're going to see many more of them are important quick collection markers that that annoys me. Frankly, to be honest with you, if it's the little circle, we can't see it while I'm in the dialogue, but that appears in this top right corner, and it's a way to assign photos to the quick collection, which is a temporary collection. But the problem is that it's so easy to click on that by accident. I'm just always assigning photo so quick collection without meaning to. So I prefer toe uncheck this. You can also assigned photos the quick collection simply with a shortcut B B as in boy. So I find that that's that's more controllable for me now. Unsaved metadata if you're manually writing out your metadata to ex MP, which I think will just be a very small subset of people that I would suggest showing your indicator that you have unsaved metadata. Otherwise, I think for a lot of us, this is not something you need checked. Let's go ahead and skip down here to expanded cell extras. So this is what really determines this whole header area in a thumbnail. So you can see I have this index number. So it goes from 1 to 2 as many photos as I have in the grid here that I have the file name, file dimensions and the fact that these photos air J pegs so that's controlled by this expanded cell extra section. You get to choose what information shows up there. So in this top left box instead of index number, I like to show the file name. So I always have the file name easily accessible there sometimes, like very on this. But the next one, the one that below that I think I'm gonna choose to show the exposure exposure, and I s O. So if you scroll down through the list, you could see that you have a big You have a large choice of metadata that you can that you can display, not to see all four pieces of information. Your thumb nails have to be fairly large. Now, this top right one I reserved for a special field. Okay. And that's the copy name Field. I think this choice that I have right now copy name, but see if I can zoom in on this sleek and see the whole thing. Copy, name or file based name is fine. The copy name I mentioned earlier that will be creating virtual copies for when you want a second version of something? The copy name Field is to document why you created that virtual copy. You know, why do I have 10 virtual copies of this photo? While one was for Prince and one was for black and white. So we're gonna use the copy name field. So I would either choose copy, name or file based name or just copy name there. And then really, the 4th 1 could be any information that you see from this list that you'd like to see. Your photos and then show rating footer. Let's see, include color label. I already talked about that. Include rotation buttons. You know, these days I had never I find I never rotate my photos. Um, so I don't bother including the rotation buttons. You certainly can. If if that's handy to you, let's also go toe loop for you here. Now, I haven't talked about loop you, but loop you is when you see a single photo, um, on the screen in the library module. And if I type c, I can't do this. Stay in the dialogue, but I'm gonna close out. If I'm a loop, you and I type I for information. I get information about my photo. If I type I again, I get more information. My type. I again it's gone. So in that dialogue view, few options were setting what information we want that I to show us. So the first time we type, I will show us this first section the second time we type. I'll show a second section the third time it will go away. So it's I just take a moment and scroll down here. You can see that again. You have lots of choices in terms of what data about your photos might be useful. These these choices that were already on this computer actually looked pretty much like my choices at home as well. So that looks great. Let's go ahead and close out of view options. And if you type, I you could just confirm for yourself that you're seeing the information that you chose. I again again. I often see new users. They keep this information turned on. It covers up part of their photo, and they don't remember that they can turn it off. Just a matter of typing. I enough times to get rid of it Okay, now we're really going to get into evaluating a photo shoot. Okay, Um, I've got this Victoria shoot, and I want to go through and determine which ones are keepers or not. And which ones are the best? And I'm gonna use light rooms, flags and stars to do that as tools. Now I'm in grid view. And a great view, of course, is not the best way to evaluate my photos. I mean, they're too small, right? I can increase the male size by slaying the thumbnail slider. But still, that's not enough functionality. I can't zoom in in grid view. By the way, if you don't have a thumbnail slider here, you could click on this little drop down to the right here to reveal other tools that you can display in your toolbar. Okay, but I'll show that to you in the loop view, I think. OK, so great view is not the way to evaluate your photos. Find a zoom back out here, okay? Make the thumbnail smaller. So let's select the first photo just for in person class here. I want to make sure that you've got these photos sort of the same way I do what I'm gonna dio down here in the toolbar. First sort by captured time and then or knows I'm sorry. Sort by file name. Yeah, if they're sorted by file name and a dizzy Nazi A you should have this same order that I do so that you can follow along. Okay, So file name and then a dizzy, not see the A Okay, so we're going to evaluate this first photo, but we're gonna move from grid view toe loop for you. So they're different ways to do it. But down here in the toolbar, I have a grid view icon, and then I have a loop few icon G for grid E for Luke. Okay, so I'm gonna hit the loop, you icon. Now let's just get it out of the way right now. Go ahead and accidentally type l for a loop. Okay. Uh, what happens ill again? The screen goes black, right? So l is lights out mode, which could be very handy. Of course. Just to be able to focus on your photo. But just if that happens to you unexpectedly, because you're trying to get a loop for you loop you is e instead of l. So just type l enough times to get back to seeing the full light room screen. Okay, Now, here in the toolbar, you should have flags and stars. And I'm gonna also add color labels just so that you see them. All of the tools you have available. I don't see it here in my toolbar for loop you. So I'll click on this triangle over to the right here, and I'll choose flagging rating and color labels so that they all show up here. So the flags stars, color labels. Now, don't confuse thes with some that some of you may see way down here in the filmstrip in the black where it says filter. There are flags, stars and color labels there. But those in the filmstrip are for searching for photos, not for assigning information to your photos. So I'm gonna hit the word filter to collapse. That so that I don't get confused. So in the toolbar, if I want to pick this flag, a sign, a pick flag to it, I would just click on the pick flag. Now I will see that information down here in my filmstrip. Teoh Pete that white flag there. And if my filmstrip is not big enough, click and drag on this black line here to make it whatever. Whatever size works. Okay, so that's the pick Flag, the reject flag, the same photo. I would just click on reject. If I want to give the photos stars, I would just click on the number of stars I want to give Fifth Star for five stars. And then, if I'm using color labels, I would click on them. Now, if you talk to 10 different photographers about how they use flag stars of color labels, they're gonna have 10 different ways to use those. Some will use, pick and reject and then just stars for the best. Some will not use the pick and reject flag, but anything with one or more stars is a pick or red could be reject. Green could be pick red could mean you haven't done any work on it. Yellow could mean it's been key worded green. It could mean it's been developed, so there's lots of different ways to use these tools, so everybody needs to kind of work out their own their own way. That makes sense for the sake of this example, we're going to assign, pick and reject and then five stars to those that we feel are the best. And we won't split hairs. Um, you know, with fewer stars than that. So for this photo, I'm going to assign a pick flag. Now, to be honest with you, I just had you pulled these up on your toolbar, and I have showed you had to click on them, but I don't actually use them. I just use the shortcuts because there within that the small number of shortcuts that my brain can handle and I use them every day. So p for pick X for reject 1 to 5, a sign stars zero takes off stars. So if I type five to put it five stars on. But then I changed her mind. I can type zero to take off the stars And then red, yellow, green and blue. Our 6789 I never remember which is which. I have to look at the visual here and then purples. Outlook. Adobe discriminates against purple in all of their products. And I was, um Okay, so this photo I'm just going to type P for pick and then to move to the next photo, I'm going to either click on it in the filmstrip or I'm gonna use my right arrow key on the keyboard. This one just didn't work with that angle. So I'm gonna type X for reject. Move to the next photo Now in the filmstrip. This rejected photo has become grayed out. That's just the visual reference for me. It's still completely there. I could change my mind making a pick if I wanted Teoh take the flag off. By the way, I would do you unflagging like it, unflagging with the U. But really, I want to reject it. So it's just great out for my reference. Let's go ahead and go to the third photo. Now I kind of like this one. But you know what? I suspect that it's not sharp. So when I'm in loop you, my mouse becomes zoom tool so I can just click and it will zoom in to the point that I clicked. I can click a drag around when I'm zoomed in. My mouse is the hand tool so I can click and drag around to pan through the photo. Now I've frankly gotten to a point where I'm not sure where in the photo I am. I'm kind of lost. That's one area one place where the navigator panel in the top left here can come in very handy. So if I click on that drop down for the navigator panel, I see this square here that can show me where I am. So this square highlights were A M. And I can also click and drag in that to move around in the photo. The Navigator panel also allows me to zoom in further. So right now I am zoomed in here toe oneto 100% of seeing the full detail in the photo. I can also zoom in further by clicking on this drop down here and choosing a different ratio. Anything over one in the left hand number is zooming in further so to 1, 200% 11 to 1 I understand is a spinal tap reference. It's like I still need to see the movie. I tell everybody about it. I can't. I know. I know. You just have to say it goes to 11. It goes to 11. All right, no idea what I'm saying, but okay. I've got some spinal tap fans in here. Okay, Let's see. So I'm at 11 to 1. Let me assume this back out. I'm also just zoomed in on the screen here. There we go. Resume this one back out to 2 to 1. So I have my choices here that are easily convenient to get to click back on one toe. One to say, That's what I generally want to zoom into. And then I'm in good shape. Okay. Click in the photo to zoom back out. So I'm gonna give this a reject. Just wasn't sure. And then I'll use the arrow key to go to the next photo and course I could do the same thing. I can click and zoom an pan around. Looks fine. I could spend more time evaluating it, but that's good. So click to zoom back out, so I'll give it p for pick. And this having been a give it five stars now for the studio audience. Make sure you give some of them pick flags and some of them five stars just so that they are are examples work later. Um, now the next set of photos are pretty similar. So I'm gonna look at them side by side, so I'm gonna select them first. So I've got this first photo selected. Next. I'm gonna hold the shift key down, and I'm gonna click in the border on the third photo to select it. So all three are selected and then below in the toolbar here in the toolbar. I'm gonna move to this fourth view. So you have grid loop, compare and survey we're going to survey, which is in the letter end for survey. And I'm gonna collapse this left panel by clicking on this triangle so I could look at the next each others to see whether there any that I want to keep for what? The difference is between the photos. Now, while him in survey Do you see this white border around this photo here? That means that that photo is active. If I use shortcuts Pierre X or five stars, they're going to be applied to the active photo. Okay, So if I want to evaluate usually in survey view, I get rid of the ones that are clearly no brainers rejects, for example first. So let's say I go to this third photo, I'm gonna click on it. And then I could type X or I could hit the little flag. That's right underneath the photo here. So I've rejected that one. And now you know what? I don't really need to see it right now. I just want to focus on the two that I haven't made a decision on. So for that, in this third photo, there is another X at the bottom right of the photo. If you click on that, you'll close it out of survey view. So it's still in the filmstrip. It hasn't gone anywhere. It's just not being shown in survey view. And I could focus on what's left. And of course, you just saw. The beautiful thing of that is that the rest of the photos can get larger so we can we can see them bigger. So let me go ahead. I'll click on this 1st x for reject, and you don't have to close it out. If I don't want to, I can simply click on this other one p for pick and give it. Give it five stars to be generous here. Okay, Next I'm gonna scroll to the next set of photos. I know I have another group just like that. I have several that are similar that I want to look out side by side. So I'm going to stay in survey view. But I'll come in the filmstrip, select the first of the next group, click shift click to select the rest of them. And now I can see them side by side as well. Now there's not much difference here. Let's go ahead and reject this one here. It's too dark, so x for reject. Close it out and then the rest are just different compositions in the background. So x for reject on this one. Close it out and now noticed that my mouse is not zoom tool at this point. Okay, I don't have a way apparently, to zoom in at this photo. However, if you select the photo and you type Z to zoom, it zooms in and you could open up the navigator panel to see where you are and and use that functionality as well. So easy to zoom Z to zoom back and it just jumps you right back out there. So Ok, so Let's go ahead and reject this one. Those that went out and I'll reject this one as well and I'll give this one a pick flag. Any questions at this Points just using this. We do have a question from Oban Zilla, whose? Hey there, one of our buddies, um is there Is there an option to automatically advance after reading? Absolutely. Um so right now I have to hit the right arrow key on the keyboard or click on the next photo. If I want to, I can go up to photo in the menu bar and down toe Auto advance. So now with this photo selected, let me go back toe loop you. It's just a little bit clearer on what's going on. So I clicked on the second icon here. Now, if I give this a pick flag, it just automatically. Actually, I didn't set that up very well. I still had a selection of multiple photos, So let me just go to a a clean area here of my filmstrip where I haven't been yet. Okay, so P for pick it automatically jumped to the next photo in the filmstrip after I signed the pick flag now that's great if you only want to assign one piece of information a pick flag, a reject flag or stars. But if you wanted to assign a pick and five stars, it's already jumped you to that next photo before you could do that. So because I like to assign multiple pieces of information, I often don't use it. So I would go back up to photo and turn off auto Advance. Okay, so let's go ahead and go on to other questions on the topic. Sorry, Yes, Sam, Sam Cox says. Can he reject lots of photographs at once? Because he often has to do that, as I'm sure many people do. I never have to do that. So what? I just did. I jump back to grid view. I did G for grid, So that's how I got there so quickly. But you can hit the grid view icon. So while you're in grid view, let's just keep it simple in grid view. If you want to reject a set of photos at once or do anything to a set of photos at once, you'll select them and you'll apply the information. So if I type X for reject. I've just rejected that entire selection of photos. So all type, uh, don't think I've gotten to those yet. You for unflagging too. Um, unf like them. One more question from Shasta. If you could just back up again and remind us, um, you're just using P and Star five five stars, Which are you Deciding is your best Or what is the decision you're making in this first run through? Okay, so pick versus reject is just pick is it's good enough to make it make it in, You know, into this into the session five stars. I'm just saying are my best. So maybe that's my potential for to show the customer the best to show my friends when they come over or for creating a portfolio. Now, I might make further distinctions within that in the real world, you know, two or three stars versus five stars. I don't give five stars to that many photos, but just to keep the exercise simple, I've just limited to that. Thank you. All right. Okay. Let me see. Let's go. What was the next Siri's we were at? So we were at have this Siris of reflection shots here and I am going to go to let me see. Let's go through that one more time in survey view. So I've selected these photos. I'll click on the survey view icon. So here I am in survey view and all collapse the filmstrip this time just because it just makes the photos bigger. So I'm just gonna go through these, click on ones that I know I don't want X for reject. Close throughout. Now, some of these are difficulty to determine because they're so washed out. So it's almost like I need to develop them before I make the decision. But I know I don't know about you, but when I jumped to the develop module, I'm lost. I may be there for hours. You know, I may not come back to my ship to evaluating my shoot. So this is a situation. Let's say I can't make a decision on this photo until I see if I can get it to be punchier. This is a situation where I would use the quick develop panel here. Just punch it up really quickly without getting too distracted. So I'm gonna talk about all these controls in detail tomorrow when we get to the develop module. But there are a lot of controls here you're not seeing. Whenever you see a sideways triangle in light room, make sure you click on it to see what's hidden, because you may be pleasantly surprised. Um, with additional features that you will find So really, I can expand these. You'll see lots of quick develop controls. Okay, so in this case, I'm just gonna bump the exposure down on this selected photo just a bit. I'm gonna both the contrast up more contrast bring the exposure down. Now, I have just a better sense. Enough of a sense of the photo that I can make a decision on whether it's a keeper or not without getting distracted by the develop module. So go ahead and come back here to say, Yeah, I'm gonna keep that p for pick. Close it out. This one's a reject. Close that one out. This one. I'm curious if its sharp it's the only thing with something sharp in it. So the only way to zoom in and survey view is ze for zoom or that's the most effective way I find. And it looks like there's something sharp in the photo. So z to zoom back out whips. Um there what I What I did was I clicked on the photo to zoom out rather than Z for Zoom. So it took me out of survey view. If you ever accidentally taken out of survey view, just type. Just go back to survey view by clicking on the survey view icon or typing in. Okay. So people pick close that one out. Let's reject this one. Reject that one and p for pick five stars and let me get the filmstrip back up here. Okay, so we're done with that Siri's. I want to show you one more tool. Go ahead. Is there a keyboard shortcut for close that one out the little X in the lower right hand corner? You know, I don't know the answer to that one. Oh, yeah. Good question. Okay. I want to show you one more tool that you have now. For those of you that are just starting out between grid loop view and survey, that's probably plenty, right. But for those of you that are looking for efficiency and want the last view, I do want to show it to you briefly. So I have another series of photos here that are very similar. Now I'm going to distinguish this from the other groups that would work down by saying that off this next group of staircase photos I just want to end up with one. I want to end up with one select photo and the rest I'm gonna end up rejecting. So I've clicked on the first photo. I'm gonna shift Click on the last photo. I'm still in survey view, so I'm seeing them side by side. But I'm gonna move to compare view instead. So see for compare or this X Y Now, this one I find is kind of the most complicated of the views. But it's also very powerful. So it's Ah, definitely come in handy. And I'm going to Let's see. All right, So I have a select on the left and I have a candidate on the right, and the idea is that I'll keep throwing candidates against the select. And if a candidate I like it better than the select, it becomes the new select. So that's the concept here. So I make the film strip a little smaller photos a bit bigger. So I'm looking at these two and I like the select better than the candidate. So the first thing that I'm gonna do is click on the candidate to make it active. There's a thin white border again around it to just remind me that it's the active one. And I'm going to give it a reject flag, so x for reject. There's also a flag, right? Uh, right here, the bottom left of that candidate. So I have rejected the photo. And now I'm gonna hit this next button right here in the bottom, right to say, Give me another candidate. I'm done with that one. Okay, now it's thrown up a new candidate. It's just moving through the filmstrip here and you'll see in the film strip that the select has this little white diamond. The candidate that were currently on has the black diamond. So this was the first candidate it through up there. I rejected it. So it's moved on to the next candidate. So with these two, I like the candidate better than the select. So I'm going to click on the select, give it a reject flag and Then I'm gonna tell it to make the candidate the new select. And I'll do that with this X y button this 2nd 1 that just makes why X just makes the candidate the select. So I'll click on that. And that candidate is now over here on the left hand side. That is now my favorite. When it did that, it not only made that candidate the select, but it through the next candidate up for consideration. Now, these all look so similar that you may not have actually seen seen that happen. But it's moved in the filmstrip here to the next photo for the candidate, and the select is now this one here. All right, So between these two, I'm gonna say I like the candidate better than the select. I can't even see any difference in these two. I wonder if they're just who knows. Okay, so I like the candidate better than the select, so I'm going to the select is already active. I have a white border all type X for reject. I'll click on the the wide X button here to make the candidate the new select. That's my new favorite is anything happening here. It seems like I'm still looking at the same candidate. I guess it iss any time you want to go back one step in what you did. You can type command or control Z toe. Undo. Okay, so I did that on purpose. I want you guys to have this learning opportunity so you know, and you can do controller command Z a number of times it will remember several steps you can't undo like a move on your hard drive or something like that. But something that's really just within the light from world. You can do command, Commander Control Z, or you can go to edit. Undo. Okay. All right. Let's see where I am. So I have the select its here. I have the candidate. I have not given the candidate of flag so x to reject the candidate. Go to the next candidate. There we go click on that candidate. Reject that one. Now let's say that I go to the next one here and let's just pretend for the sake of example that these tours are potential, but I want to zoom in and see which one is the sharpest one. So watch What happens is I zoom in. I'll zoom in on this area here on the right. See how they both assumed in that. That's very powerful functionality. It's the only place in light room that you can zoom in on two different photos. Side by side is in this compare view. So, really, if this was a portrait in particular, you're trying to see which one had the sharpest eyes. You'll zoom in and compare view to see that. Now it's zooming into the same location in the photo physically. But of course the people are not, in this case in the same location. Now I can zoom in further with this zoom slider here, and I can also unlock with this padlock. Let me zoom back out a bit, I assume at all the way I can unlock with this padlock to just zoom in on one so I can click here just well, I'm sorry the slider needed to be up at 1 to 1. Okay, so I can click and just control one. That's what unlocking the padlock does. If I zoom in on one and I want to catch the other one up, then I can click on the Sync button here to say to sink this one with that one. Now, generally, I find that I keep it locked. I moved them in tandem. The question from K G photo 22. Laura is Is there a way to look at the file names when you're doing that comparison? I for information. Yeah. You can also see the file names. Let me zoom in on the filmstrip here as you hover over a photo in the filmstrip. It shows the file name right here. So you'll see as I move from Florida photo that that does change. So that gives you information as well. Okay, so let's go ahead and go to this next series of photos and we'll go back toe loop view and go ahead and make this one a pick. Gotta have some five star food is out there. Get that one of five. Go to the next one and all. Zoo man. So I'm in loop. You click to Zoom man. Did you see the loading that happened there? Let me do this one more time. So that loading message here that means that because I zoomed in it needed that 1 to 1 preview that I didn't create during the import process. So that's the pay in the import versus pay as it zooms in. But I don't I don't need to zoom in on all of the photos. Some of them are rejects. You're clearly rejects without even having to zoom in. So all right, so P for pick people pick on that one, these next two. I want to see which one. If either our were more effective in this zoom or this this blurring motion blur. So I click on the first shift. Click on the second. Let's use survey view, so end for survey or click on this fourth icon can see the two make any comparison. Select the first X for reject, and I'll make this a pick. I give it five stars, and they're just a few more single photos here that we would we would do the same the same thing on now. Let me just go through compare view one more time. I don't have any photos here there that are really, really similar, but so we'll just pretend. But let's take these four photos here, so click, shift click and we'll move from survey to compare. So I'll go X y here. X Y is in the Compare the view icons here. Now this information is going to annoy me most of the time, so we'll hit I a couple times to turn it off. So my select is this 1st 1 I have the candidate here. I like the select better than the candidates, so I'll click on the candidate Type X for reject hit next to show me the next candidate. And I like the candidate better than the select this time. So I'll click on the select X for reject, and now we'll make the candidate the new select that that's flipped over to be over here. And then finally, this candidate I don't like is much. So click on it X for reject, and then I can see him at the end of the film strip here. If I click on the right arrow, it's not gonna go anywhere because it's at the end of this selection of photos so I can click on Done any more questions on kind of moving through these and comparing them and things that you you may think you want. You want to do that you haven't seen how to do is for us just evaluating them. Laura, Going back to the question of the student question about removing the selected photo from the survey view, we had two people in the chat room Jimmy P. B. M and Benji Photo. They both came up with their two solutions. You can control click the photo in the survey to close it. And also, you can type forward slash in the highlighted photo drops out of the survey. Okay, so let's like this photo. So the 1st 1 was What? So, um, control, click the photo, and so they and it drops out. Okay, so that was command click on the Mac. Okay. Click on the penan. Um, forward slash We'll take this gate here. Forward. Slash is okay. So it's right next to the shift key. Great. See, I I learned light room. Thanks. Every day. Still. Now will I remember tomorrow? That's another thank you to Does it. Jimmy Jimmy PBM and Benj Benji Photo. You could get that ring and Gasol was safe there. Couple of other questions from Marie's. Can we given name to the color label? You know. I believe you can. Um but I haven't seen it in so long. I'm not sure my sanity and light room were just Enbridge, to be honest with you.

Class Materials

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Ratings and Reviews

Miguel Lecuyer

Great workshop! New to Lightroom and found it very helpful. Saved me a couple hundred dollars and time by not taking an evening LR class. Creative Live workshops match my learning style perfectly. Laura is awesome! My only complaint is maybe Laura can use a PC next time which is what she seems more comfortable using. Her shortcut mix-ups on a Mac were making me a bit dizzy :)

a Creativelive Student

I cannot express enough how impressed I was with Laura and this class. I learned more in the 3 days of this workshop than I did in all 6 weeks of a class I took online that cost three times as much. I left not only impressed by the class but MOST importantly - refreshed and energized to put my new knowledge to use! Thank you for that!!!

a Creativelive Student

Very impressive. After watching about 2 hours of this I decided I had to purchase the download. Even after purchasing, I found it so interesting and informative that I kept watching live!

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