Lesson Info
4. Lightroom Mobile Overview
01:59 2Lightroom vs Lightroom Classic
05:07 3Lightroom Overview
27:08 4Lightroom Mobile Overview
15:16 5Lightroom Web Overview
06:14 6Importing
07:22 7Organizing Images
18:49 8Searching for Images
15:00Lesson Info
Lightroom Mobile Overview
now let's talk about Lightroom Mobile for a moment just so that you can see the differences between the interfaces and I'm not going to go through all the specifics because I'm just gonna show you where things are and how they're a little bit different. So the first thing to notice is that you have the same grid area right here, off to the right and on the left here you actually have all of your albums and so instead of seeing them in one view, you actually have to use this little chevron to go out and now you see all of the photos, you see all of your Lightroom camera photos. You see people you also see all of the albums down here below. And as you go through the album folders here. So I've got folders full of albums. Then I can click on a specific folder which takes me into that folder and then I can go to my Travel Images. So I'm looking at all of the same images that we were just looking at inside of Lightroom desktop. But if I want to look at an image I can simply click on that im...
age and when I click on it, you see over on the right hand side. I've got the panel and that panel has my info about the about the photo itself. It has the key words, it has any well there's no comments on this one but it also has the common area and it has a Star option and that Star allows for right down here for us to have the Star ratings and the flag ratings available to us. And I can click on the icons of the stars, see that and I can add five stars. I can unflagging or flag it. I can reject or un reject it. So all of that's available to me as well. I can also park this film. Uh So if I don't want the filmstrip this little button right over here to the right, allows me to turn off the filmstrip so I can see the full image and then I can just swipe between my images. So as I swipe takes me from image to image. And if I want to reject the photo, I just simply grab and drag down and it will reject it and I'm doing it on the right hand side. And if I want to change the star rating, I do that on the left hand side of the photo. So I just go like this and up and you can see that. I can go up and down with it, Give it a four star and then swipe to the next photo. So I have the ability to look at the images. The same way I do on my desktop, over here on the right hand side is the locations for the image. Once we're in an image itself, then all of the editing options are down here on this right hand side as well as the informational options are on the right hand side. And then if you go to the top right there is a triple dot button right here, so I'm going to click on it and this is our settings. So if we click on settings, this is where all the settings are settings are important inside of Lightroom mobile and you have to set them up correctly. So about Lightroom is not important. What's new is not important, but cloud storage and sync is so I'm gonna click on that and these are important. Do I want to use cellular data? If you have unlimited data and you're not gonna get throttled for using it, you can keep that on. But if you're using wifi as your principal and you don't want to use your data, make sure you turn that off and then it will only synchronize on wifi. However, cellular data doesn't have to be used all that much to do. A lot of synchronizing the most the most I guess egregious use of your cell data would come from uploading and downloading things. Um only download smart previews helps to limit that kind of activity. So if there's a full file in the cloud rather than downloading the full file, I have asked my Lightroom on my ipad only to download smart previews which are those little tiny raw files instead of really big raw files. Um If I turn this off it will download the whole raw file and I don't want that. So I'm just going to work on the small raw smart previews and those small raw smart previews are so good that I can actually use them to post to instagram. I can actually print an eight by 10 from them. So there's a lot that I can do with them, so don't fear just having access to the smart preview because that's a really, really good file. Um and then the last one is prevents them from sleep and this is important because when you go to sleep at night, you might want to download all of the files from a specific album so that you can work on them offline, say on a plane and I'll show you how to do that later, but you definitely want to be able to do that without the system going to sleep. Okay, So those are cloud storage and sync settings and then there's local storage that gives you information about how much space you have left. And if you ever feel like it's bogging down, you can clear the cache. Your import settings are important as well on your phone and on any mobile device, you can automatically import any photos that are taken on that device and put them into Lightroom, which is a really good option because then if you're taking photos along with your camera, but you're taking them with your iphone or with your Samsung phone, you want to automatically add those photos into Lightroom the next time you open Lightroom so that all those photos go up to the cloud as well, so they're all in one place. So I leave that on, I don't automatically put screenshots in there because why? Um that's that's almost useless. Um and then videos, you can choose to add them or not. I actually add the videos here on my ipad because I don't do very many of them, but I don't do the videos on my iphone automatically because very rarely do I need to. And if I need to add something from my phone or the ipad, I can always do that later. I can always go to an individual video and say I want to put that into Lightroom. So that's easily enough done. You can also tell it to add your copyright. Um Like I said, if it's from a camera, it's already going to have the copyright on it, at least my camera, but you can automatically add it there. And then remember those raw settings, we were talking about adding them automatically. You can do that here too. So any camera is going to come in and it's going to automatically apply the settings that were on that camera. Or I could choose a preset and choose any preset that happens to be in my system. There's also the ability to add a watermark. You don't actually do it here in the preferences but um you'll see it there unless you remove it. So you know, it's a it's in a new spot. I don't really do watermarking but in the export when you're exporting an image, you can add a watermark. Um, so I don't really use that that much. People view, you want to be able to turn that on. So that's important to go in and turn on so that it can start looking at people inside of the photos and then gestures and shortcuts is a great place to go and look at how you can utilize your gestures and your two finger taps and you're different swipes and stuff to to know how to interface with the system. And then I happen to be using this show touches so that you can see where I'm touching the surface of the of the, the ipad. Now, the other things that you'll notice here inside of Lightroom is that there's a share button right up here. There's also a cloud synchronization button right here. If I click on it, you can see there's it tells you what's going on local is the smart preview and up in the cloud is an original Cr two. If I want to, I can click on here and get the original down from the cloud. And then also I could pause my synchronization so that it's not synchronizing all the time. So that's really important information. Also if I click that triple dot button, there's an organized option where I can click and tell it to add it to an additional um album where I could remove it from that album. There's all of these options allow me to move or copy images. Two different albums. I also have the view option which allows me to see high hide and show information that you can see over here. Um if I'm on the grid, so if I'm looking back here at a grid of information, then that triple dot button, it gives me a lot more options. Like for instance, how do I want to segment the photos? Do I want to segment them by days by months by years? Um I could also go in and tell how I want to organize those photos. I can tell it how to view those photos. I only want to see certain flag ratings. I only want to see certain file types. Also, I can see how big I want those thumbnails to be and so all of that kind of stuff that we want to to choose, how we're looking at our photos is in that triple dot button. So just be aware of that triple dot button and everywhere you go, there's a triple dot button over here, You can see them on the album's themselves. If you click on a triple dot button, there's a whole bunch of different options, including one of them, which is my favorite, which is called store locally. And when you click on that, when you flip the switch here, it will automatically start downloading those images. So if I click store locally tells me how much space I need to be able to do that and how much space I'll have left and then I simply hit download and you'll see that it starts right here. This timeline starts going And telling me I've got this, I'm almost 50% now I'm 50% done is downloading a bunch of images so that then if I'm offline, I can still work on those photos and I won't have to be waiting for them or they won't be uh inaccessible to me because I'm offline. And this little button right here, that little blue downward facing chevron is what tells me that those images are available offline notice that all of these other albums don't have that. So that blue chevron tells me that I've downloaded those images. And as I'm looking at this grid, I also have the ability to filter right here. That's the same icon that you saw in the desktop version, click on that and it gives me a whole bunch of different options as to how to find images. I can search by people by camera by type by rating by location keyword and whether or not they were edited, I can also simply click on the little Spyglass option and then I can start typing in items. So I can say I'm looking for a barn and it will search and find a barn for me and that's not even with the keyword, there's no keywords involved. It's just because the images are in the cloud and the cloud has a special helper called Sensei. So Adobe sensei is a program in the cloud that's looking and studying images and figuring out what they are. And so the artificial intelligence helps you to find those images. It knows that that's a barn and so it's going to feed up every barn that's in this album and show me those images only. So that's a really helpful tool. And if I want to get rid of that search, I just simply click on the X next to the barn and then it's going to go back to normal and that is pretty much all of the differences inside of Lightroom Mobile. Now I just want to go to the iphone really quickly just so that you can see that it's slightly different. It's not all that different because you can see up here, there's still a there's still a Spyglass, there's still a filter menu. There's still a triple dot menu. There's a share menu right here, just like the share menu that's over here. Inside of the ipad. Um the grid looks pretty much the same. The only real difference is that when I go out of these images, I don't get to see the images at the same time that I see the library albums themselves because they're just wouldn't be enough space. And so I'm looking at my albums. Once I click on an album, then I get to see the grid and I only see the grid. Then you'll also notice that the library and the shared and all that stuff is down below. And when I click on an image then all of my adjustments are down below as well. Now here's one major difference inside of the phone as opposed to on a tablet and that is there's not enough space down below for anything else besides the edits. And so what we have to do is we have to go up to the top left hand side and then we can either be in the edit mode, we can be in the rate and review mode, The activity mode, the keywords mode or the info mode. And so as I click on the info, you can see here's all the information. If I go to the rate and review then you can see that there's the option of kind of scanning through like this and saying, oh I like that image, I'm going to give it a one star. Um If I'm in the activity, you would then see comments if there happened to be any and keywords, I can add keywords here. The same way that I did inside of Lightroom desktop or even on the ipad. So all of those activities are done over here by clicking on this little dropdown menu And of course, there's a cloud option here. I can still say show me the what's in here. This is a smart preview, but up in the cloud is the original cr three. I can also get the original or I can pause synchronization. So it's pretty much the same on my IPhone, on my ipad. If I happened to be on a Samsung phone, it would be the same. And also it's the same on my desktop. And that's the beauty of Lightroom. It doesn't matter what device I'm on, I can always look at my photos, I can always edit my photos and anything I do to a photo on any device is going to go to all of those devices so that the next time I pick up any of them, the same things that I did on the last one are on this one and I love that about Lightroom. It is so interconnected. That's the beauty of using Lightroom as an ecosystem.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jean McMillan
Thoroughly enjoyed your class, have learned so much about how take my Ipad to another level, now can't wait to put it all into practise!
Red Tulip
Sometimes it's hard to know what the instructor is pointing to so it's easy to get confused. Better job is needed in explaining what you are pointing to.
a Creativelive Student
This course is Apple centric. If you're an Android owner, be aware that the arrangement of Preferences and some other settings are different and you'll need to explore the menus (lines & dots) on your device to find the equivalents.