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Enhancing Presets

Lesson 7 from: The Lightspeed Workflow System

Kevin Kubota

Enhancing Presets

Lesson 7 from: The Lightspeed Workflow System

Kevin Kubota

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7. Enhancing Presets

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Enhancing Presets

if you remember, just to kind of briefly recap our workflow, which started with creating our job in the coup software and duplicating the client template folder and the client catalogue folder. So we have those all ready to go and then simply pasting the job and client name. And number two, those two folders we duplicated. So now we have everything linked together. Ku Mu knows where your job catalog is, knows everything about the client in the shoot, and we'll talk about how you can use that later to search for any kind of job information. And then, of course, pop up in the catalogue when you're ready toe, look at if you need to look at the catalogue. Then we started to bring the images in. And the first step, of course, bringing to the import dialog box that we just talked about a little bit, the last segment and setting a preset here at the bottom of your screen to save all these settings so that when you decide you want them standard blood, this is all things that you should pretty ...

much do every time, no reason to spend the time going through. Just use a preset for portrait's weddings a little different. The only difference is these presets when you save them much. If I switch toe wedding jobs, the key words are also saved. So the key words here switch to wedding as my basic keyword. Now I can then ADM or keywords specific to this job. But it's always gonna be a wedding. So I always wanted waiting in the metadata and see when I go to Portrait's That'll Switch two portrait notice. My default developed setting also changed. This one's my pop default pop mean it gives him or just color pop. Not like a crazy just enough to make this thing Poppy for lack of better word. And I like that for my portrait. Jobs is a starting point. We're gonna doom or enhancements and customize it, depending on the style of the job. Everything else on then, when I have on weddings, it's a full range default, which means it's going to give it more of Ah, I don't want to say HDR, but I have this. I call it full range because it really opens the shadows and kind of compresses the highlights so that it looks slightly HDR, but I have lots of detail throughout the image and for wedding, especially a lot of wedding dresses. It's lot of whites and blown out a lot of time for the dress. I wanna make sure preserving all that highlight information and then you have tuxedos that air dark, you know, So you have a lot of contrast in wedding. So that's when I like toe keep my range and controls. That's why I use the full range preset for weddings where I won't necessarily want that on the portrait's where it's gonna be more snappy seniors where you want punchy color and things like that makes sense. So that's of course, the cool thing about these developed presets in light room is there nondestructive. You can change them in seconds at any time. I could bring these all in and go. You know what? This whole job I'm gonna make it funky bohemian color. And then you select that preset select all the images Boom, apply it. That's good. Changed everything so fast, So easy. But this is your starting point. So water Manu now is I'm gonna go ahead and bring this in under the portrait job um, have a key word here. I added in one more key word, which would be bohemian. And I'm gonna put also in here hippie hippie style. That's enough for We can always add more later. And then I'm gonna import these images. So click the import button and let light room rip and start bringing stuff in for us to play with. So what I want to point out to now, So we're kind of going step by step this workflow. But I'm gonna kind of compartmentalize a little segment here to talk about some settings in light room preferences, setting up presets, setting up templates and things in light room that air general settings that you want to change before you start working in a job. So assuming this is the first time where you're kind of starting fresh so we're gonna use this job to do those changes. But keep in mind that normally you don't have to do all these settings changes. Of course, every time we're just doing it one time to get it done, that makes sense. So we'll use these images will kind of jump into talking about just light room cool settings things that you want to know ways you want to set it up, shortcuts and all that kind of stuff. And then we're going to kind of pick up and continue with this specific job, and I say the job specific steps to go along All right. So as these images are importing at the top left, you'll see it says, building standard previews. As long as it's in this phase of building the preview, you can actually continue to work. You could do your renaming and all that kind of stuff. You start starring it, labeling it. We're gonna get to that later in the next segment. But what I want to do now is to just point out a few things on the left hand panel. You'll see there is the folder right there, those on the Internet, and this is the two very different conceptual things in life. Room is your folders, and your collections folders are the actual physical folders on your hard drive. This is where these images live and you can see it says right here. Go flex Thunder Member. That's we put the images and cool little, you know, just shortcut tricks to know, if you ever wanted to jump to that folder, you can right click on it. You're right. Click on your mouse. Which we should all have at this point in the year 2000 and 14. Yes, we should have a right clicker. Thanks very much. Then you go down here to say, show and finder or showing Windows Explorer. If your windows and that will jump to that actual folder on the Go flex and the client folder, there is a need a super sweet. And here's her stuff. OK, which is a quick way to say Show me that folder in the finder. So it's important to remember that the folders is the home of the original images collections. Down below are your virtual folders that live only in light room. All right, so keep if you know, if your comfortable that concept, a lot of things make more sense. People say, Well, if I put this in this collection, where did I moving on my hard drive? Will, you didn't. It's still on the same exact place right here. And, uh, the folders. And if you click open the little buttons here, you can actually see the path card. One is where these 102 107 2 images live inside of card, one in the originals and Anita Super Sweet Inside Go Flex Thunder. All right, you store images on your hard drive here, and then, as you start to fill it up, maybe want to reorganize and move them to another hard drive and whatever. And my suggestion, if you earlier is don't do that. Set up a system. Fill this hard, driving when the hard drive's full, put it in the closet and get a new hard drive and start to fill it up. And use these as your archival storage, backed up by something else like this as well. But don't try to reorganize and reuses hard drives. It's the basic suggestion. There were times when you may want to do that instead, because drives are affordable. Just get a new drive time. You fill this up, you should afford new drive, shooting that many jobs. You should be getting paid and you can't afford a little R Dr. Hopefully. So if you as long as you never moved them images around on the hard drive outside a light room. Everything is gonna be good, but if I were to right, click on a newer need a super sweet here say show and finder. No. Outside of light room and back in the finder. And then I take this folder. So you know what? I don't want this folder to live in this fault in here anymore. I'm gonna drag it to my other hard drive. Or, you know, I don't like the name of this or I don't like this organization here. I'm gonna drag these images to card too soon as you do that light rooms all confused and you go back to light room. They have soc thumbnails. But to be the little explanation point that says this used to be here, and it's not what's up, dude. All right, then you have to redirect it. You can do that. You can direct it to the right folder of the right location, but that's the pain to have to do sometimes. So to be safe, if you need to move it, you can do that inside of light room by, for example, adding a folder here and it's gonna look at your hard drive here and hopefully don't have a spinning wheel of death forever, and it's gonna look at your The spinning wheel is always better than old Watch that used to go around around them, right? They'll watch. Take your question waiting A stop spending the day you were saying that the photos. I mean, the images live in the folders, right? Right. But the collections off the virtue is like virtual rooms. When that was it just how it's being Yep, yeah, virtual rooms that are only gonna be visible and accessible inside of light room catalog. Right, So it's just kind of a different way of having them. But you're saying that you have certain ones that are at different ISOS, but it may be stored on the something else also, or just okay and collection will let you do that. You can store them wherever you want. Boulders are physical locations that if you drag something or move it, it will move the file where collections don't touch the original file. It's just a reference to it. Inside of light. Very pretty, very technical from Nick Benson. My biggest question so far is why isn't Kevin wearing one of his crazy awesome shirt? My shirt is not crazy. I like you. I have a crazier shirt for maybe tomorrow. I was going to play it down at first. I don't shock everybody right off the bat, You know? I mean, okay, let's see what's going on here is another Ah, highly technical question. We can. Absolutely. So this is from, uh, Tom Reed. Can lens camera corrections for several combos be built into an import preset warding my several combos? You can anything that you can change in the lens correction panel could be saved as a preset. Okay, so if you made multiple changes in different settings in there, but you couldn't have different lens settings for the same image because you just can't do that. Inside the panels on light room, you can only choose one, but then you can manually tweak it if you wanted to, so that would be saved. I'm reading the question, right. You can't. They have a correction for ah, wide angle and a correction for a telephoto on the same image at the same time. Yeah, I believe you're that you're right on. Okay. Hopefully it's the question there. And here's a question from K L Mt. Can Ku Mu data be exported to QuickBooks or X or other sort of reporting software? You can export data in any FileMaker format as tab delimited common delimited XLs XML. A lot of ways being exported, but not in QuickBooks format. Specifically. Usually you can export it as a tab delimited file or XLs file and then import that into some other programs. Pretty standard information. Great. Susie, Susie be images. Would like to know what we're bringing this back up. Will coo moo support various currencies? Yes, it will. Great. Perfect. Currently it's set for US addresses in currencies, but that's bursting on our list is to make it euro compatible, poor and Canadian. What? We can still use the same kind of thing. But I have a question this far because Thea, who knew software is actually where we're, um I guess charging numbness of charging cut. But we're making money on in the sense. But I'm in the infancy stage of my business where I'm literally hiring models to help build portfolio and stuff like that. Is there? Um, I guess Does it work in reverse like that? Not to say that I'm got there I'm giving out or being invoiced are given in enforcing anything like that. But just so I can keep track of of what I'm spending kind of business wise of everything that's kind of going out as opposed to anything coming in? Um, I would say, not really. It's not really designed for that. It's not. It's not a bookkeeping software tracks your spending that would you'd use QuickBooks or something else like that for This is, um, really for keeping all the details about your clients and jobs and the invoices you create for them. Okay, that's something we thought about incorporating into it. But it really is so much more involved to create a bookkeeping software that we just don't think it. It's not. It's kind of Ah, we're trying to keep it simple. Is it more like, in house type thing to kind of keep, you know, let you know? Hey, his was going on. What s so you can keep track of what jobs you're working on, where the status of our where they are and all that sort of stuff. That's what it's designed for. All right. I think we're back and is okay. So Here's our images, yet we're hooked up. So anyway, what I was trying to point out before, which I'm not gonna do again. In this case, it causes another crashes to redirect. And again, this is not something. I've done this 100 times, and it's never crash. So it's something to do with the vibe in this room or gyms, hairstyle or something that's making it crash into weird things. But you'd redirected to the proper folder. It finds him, and links and backup begin. Just like when I first booted this up. It had a little question mark on these images because this drive was a mounted when it rebooted. So I just re mounted this drive and then it automatically reconnected. And now they're all back to normal when it knows where they are. Okay, so let's finish that. So we had to start talking about the collections and how their virtual folders and those are all here to create a collection. You just click the plus and you can create a regular collection, a smart collection, which means it figures out for you. Based on what you put in there. What to include show you that insect or a collection set, which is basically a folder that holds for you to organize your collection. So this says Orders, This is a collection set. This is a collection set. These with the numbers, are the actual collections themselves. So I just use those to help me organize my collections. The eyes so finders these air smart collections and that you can tell by the little gear icon on the folder and those air automatically finding things for you. So you can see here this one automatically found 55 images that were in the eyes. So range Ford from my 272. If I was just click on it, it would automatically gather all the images in the Ford 800 eso range. And then I could if I wanted to select them all and go to my presets, which we're gonna cover and apply my eyes. So, noise reduction designed for fourty range. Click it one step and that's all there. All set, right. So that's kind of what the I s O finder was designed for. Set that up. Let's set one up. You guys know how to do a smart collection. I'll go back to all my images, create smart collection and let's say Let's find, uh, I s O over 12 hundreds. Let's say I'm fine with my camera. My cameras So nice up to 1200 eyes. So we're 16. Whatever. You think anything above that I might want to use some noise reduction. But below that, I don't care. It's fine, right? That's up to you. So let's say our threshold is 1200. So I'm gonna put it inside a collection called eso finders, which I already have set up on the left. You can see it there is gonna put it in that set to keep track of it. And then I wanted to match. Here's the options that you have so you can match all kinds of cool criteria. And the one that I want is under a camera info. I s O rating. So you could grab everything I shot with my 7200 lens. You could grab anything I shot and 1/60 shutter speed or whatever. Pretty much whatever you can think of you can you can collect it, so I'm gonna go. Speed rating is greater than told and that's it. And then you can always say match in your also five Mawr criteria. I want to say I want it I so over 1200 but less than 2000 so anytime in that range there, that's what that we look for and that's matching all of those right that I created. And I have that smart collection. And since there is nothing in my collection that is in that range, it's saying zero. But if I had, they would be showing up just like we are in this eso Ford 800 range. If it's not in here, the meat is below 400 I S O and the rest of them are not needing any noise reduction. Anything else? All right, so that's smart, those air collections and smart collections. And as we talked about before, we talk about when get toe ordering and sales tomorrow, we'll use these orders folders to the organized, what the client wants into these separate folders to place the orders and put the virtual crops on them and all that sort of thing

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a Creativelive Student

This course was really helpful for me to speed up my workflow. It gave me ideas about how to keep things organized and backed up, making me more efficient and my images safe.


This course has been more than helpful in the areas of organization and functioning more efficiently with my photography. Thank you for all you do Kevin Kubota and CreativeLive!! :)

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