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Renaming and Export Presets

Lesson 9 from: The Lightspeed Workflow System

Kevin Kubota

Renaming and Export Presets

Lesson 9 from: The Lightspeed Workflow System

Kevin Kubota

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9. Renaming and Export Presets

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Renaming and Export Presets

Let's talk about some renaming three presets. Okay? We'll make sure you make you any questions here before I move on to that. Yes. Ah. Lot of these presets are these ones that are these, like your personal custom presets? Or is it some that are, like, generically loaded into light room, where you can kind of go in and tweak them? If you want to rename too. You're whatever style that you want to rename it, too. Yeah, These presets, which are just basic settings presets are ones that I've created on. So I'm showing you guys how to create the ones that work for you, too. You can also use they have some default ones built in sometimes the light room that you can use and modify, just like you said. Like the export presets which will cover next are already made for you. But you probably tweak on them because they're always not exactly two respects. But these are all ones that I've just made and saying to myself. Yeah. Is there a way to delete the unwanted watermarks that you create? I mean, ...

from the from that list. That list here, That's what I just create custom logo. Which one did I create? This one right here, Right logo faded, delete preset, my perfect. It's as easy as that. Just select the one that you don't like anymore and then choose delete and it gives you say, You sure you don't do that? Yeah. Now your menus cleaned up a lot. A lot of times, that's I mean, that's good to know, because a lot of time to your experimenting, You create all these after, while you're like, I don't need these and one watermarks anymore. I got rid of this stuff. That's how you do that. Great. And Jennifer and Florida would like to know, Can you explain again how to have the watermark on the photo for sharing? You'd have it invisible when the client prints. Yeah, well, we're when you we're gonna export specifically for sharing. And in that export preset, which were actually getting right to that. Now you'll specify whether you wanted to have a watermark or not. So you're gonna choose the export preset based on the use, So we'll have one export preset for sharing online. We'll have another one for emailing to somebody at middle men resolution. If they want to look at it, we have another one for sending it to the lab. Full rez, which will have no watermark on it. So that's where you decide everything about that image when it goes out, whether it has a watermark but size resolution, everything in the export presets, which is coming right up free. Okay, so let's go toe other export presets. That's was our next step in the workflow here is to set up export presets and renaming presets. So let's talk about then rename one real quick because that's one that we're gonna use coming up. So if you just select a couple of images right now, we're just using these as something Teoh look at. We're not gonna rename these just yet method to this madness. But you want to set up the preset first so you can use it on every job. So if you go into the library renamed photos, here's a section where you can These are all the presets that I've created as your question. Are there presets there is that these are ones that I have created and used. I probably could clean up some of these cause I don't use all of them anymore. My main ones, which I'm gonna talk about with. You guys are these top four and I used them the most. I put them top my list by putting a little number. It helps me visually find them quicker too. So these are the main ones that we're gonna talk about. So a client renaming scheme covert Cambodia tagged, and then a client tagged renamed scheme The client tagged is the main one I want to talk about. So let's create that together, shall we? So if you click add, it goes to the file name, template editor and one of the steps of my work flow. When we start working on this specific job, the first thing we do we have the images in is to put into the metadata, the job number and the client. And there's certain fields. We're gonna stick those into which I'll show you guys. And once it's embedded, that's nice, because now that image is forever linked to that job number that came from Ku Mu and the client's name is embedded. So you don't really have to have the client name in the file name because it's already embedded in the metadata. But I can use that metadata to create a name on the fly. When I renamed these images and I can change the name based on different exports, why would I want to do that? The main thing is, say, I have my my job naming. Looks like this. It's gonna have a job, I d The source is the client name, followed by the sequence number. 123456789 10. When I put that image online to help preserve the client's privacy, I don't put their name. I wanna replace their client name with my name so that images linked to me not to them. But I don't want to lose my job number so that I can I d the image if I need to. So I want to then replace the source with my name. But keep the job and the sequence the same you follow. That's my covert naming so that I know exactly what job it was linked to. But anybody looking at that file name on the Internet doesn't know that's the Smith job. So just to help privacy for the Smith people. Right. So this is why I use this system. There's always a method to my madness that later down the line you go. Oh, that's why he did that. Okay, so this is we're kind of in the middle of that, so just hang. So the first thing we're gonna do in creating a renaming scheme, this is the basic renaming scheme is clear that out. We're gonna add meta data for the job I d. And you get that from your metadata panel right down here and scroll through all this metadata local, this cool stuff you can pull from. Okay, So job I d job identifier is the 1st 1 we want to use, and I just pulls it from the image metadata, which we haven't set yet, But we will followed by the source, which is gonna be the client's name. And if you want to have a space or a dash in between that, you can add that in their manually, followed by a dash a sequence number of four digits, General, because most I've never shot a job. One particular job that had over 9999 images in it, so I don't need more than four digits. But if you do where you set up sequence number and insert that. Okay, so when we start soon as we batch rename this job, you'll see exactly where this information fits into play and how it names that file. But for now, just know that's what you want to throw in their job. I d source sequence number save that is a new preset. And just call it something like my job renaming Schemo grafico boom! All right, then. Later, client renamed Scheme Covert. That one will strip the middle name part, but still use the job I d in the sequence, but it strips the name so you don't see the name, or I can replace it with Cambodia, which basically strips the client name in the middle, replacing with Cambodia, but still keeps the job I d and the sequence of the original. So I have a way to preserve the information, the link to the file, but not show the client's name if I needed to for online use, that makes sense. Kinda geeky, but yeah. Okay, good. All right. So you've got those presets created the basic ones. A zit Gauthier export presets. I'll show you more about that. Let's cancel out of here now and go into export presets. Everybody's ready to move on to that section is this is a big A big one. Is your export presets because you use these with every job and having them dialed in can maybe huge. One of you know, one of the craziest things I ever heard from somebody in a workflow class, as they said you might work for takes me forever. And I said, Well, how? Ah, tell me what you're doing. And basically, this person said that she use light room to importer images and just to rename her files. And then she would export every single file as a high rez Ajay pig, then go to photo shop and open each 11 at a time and edit, then wanted a time from the J pegs and then re saved them as another PSD file and then reprocess them to a J peg to send to the client again like Oh my God, how can you live? Where is your life? You have I wasn't even talking about you. I didn't even know I didn't know you. Uh huh. He has. It's so much extra work. So and it's actually common. You know, people are just not really sure how to use light from the best. And that's it's great that you're here to learn that, but you don't need to export every single image until it's ready to go to the lab than you'd export it. But in the meantime, to go to photo shop and all your adjustments are gonna done right here in light room, save your time, Kevin, Quick question, please. Some. Funny enough. I don't think we've talked about today. Can you talk about what, um, version of light room you were using for this workshop? Yeah, we kind of assumed it's the latest version. Later. Version five 0.4. Great. Yeah. On this is that's a good good to know, because most everything we're doing here, you could do it in the previous life before some of the features air not in light room for but the core workflow really can go back to light room three if you want just the kind of little fine tuning things that we're doing or not available. But, um You can still do it if you haven't upgraded, but I think it's It's so worth upgrading to the latest version. Stay on top of it. He's got, I think they said that deal. It's like that deal. Yep, that photo shop in light Photoshopped room and the chance you could You turn of space scream and you have a big toe. Blace Basic cloud to think storage might come with it. I'm not really sure about that, But you have the creative cloud stuff. So for 10 bucks a month, I don't know that's a pretty good deal. I think they have photo shop and light room, you know, so worth. And then you always have the very latest version, which makes it easy. T be on the same page of what's going on. Everybody else. Okay, so let's make some export presets shall way. You go to file export. And now we have all the different settings that air saved for export. And I'm gonna just show you if you guys want to copy these, that's awesome. Those of you in the class, I'll even even put these in a little thumb drive and given to you if he wants. You could just use my presets for all these things. You have to spend the time to make these all over again. Um, but here's the ones that I use both to the time. And I have, you know, folders for all kinds of different things. I have my own presets to see. You guys knew I do sell developed presets, the enhancements that for light room for interested in him. And they come with all of these other export presets and naming templates and web templates and slideshow templates. And we've made templates for everything. They all come is part of our preset package. If you if you want those, fine. If not, I'm gonna show you how to make him yourself. It just takes time and that you got got tons of time, right? Nothing but time. All right, so let's let's go over. These were quick. I'll explain in detail a few of these, but I want to just kind of give you guys an idea of how much you could do with properly designed export presets. There's a lot of cool stuff. Okay, First of all, I have one for an emoto which size is the images to 1200 pixels, which is perfect for an an emoto slideshow. They don't recommend anything more than that Gives me nice resolution. Um, I have here the first top. I'm gonna explain this dialog box once, and then we don't have to go through all each one of everyone but the top part export to you. Want to choose a location. And I really like to use this option. The 2nd 1 which is choose folder later. That means when I run the preset, it'll ask me where you want to save the images. Just generally what you want, right? Unless it's always gonna go the same exact folder. They're couple situations. When I put it in the same exact folder, no matter what, I'll show that to you to sex, but most of time it's this other options here kind of self explanatory, This one renaming. Here's this option. This other set that I use here called Rename for online use. And what that does is it strips the client name and puts my name in place of the client name that keeps the job on the, um sequence number. All right, so whenever I'm putting something online. I stripped the client name again, preserved their privacy and put my name in there. I want a link to me anyway. Not then. All right, so that is my renaming for that down below. Here in the J Peg, we want s RGB, which is good for online viewing and screen view Quality 68 plenty. You don't need more than that for an online image, especially than a slide show you're going to see for three seconds resize Long edge 1200. That's how you dial images in. And that's just so important to understand. Whenever you're batch processing, you want to focus on the long edge and give that your maximum resolution and that'll be 1200 for blog's 800. Okay, maybe 1600 for higher end online like SmugMug viewing sharpening for the screen and the amount low standard high I liked Low. I think the other ones tend to look to too much sharpened. So do a test and check that for yourself. Otherwise, to stick with screen low, I'm gonna put on lee my copyright and contact info in the meta data and stripped the rest. I want to strip the camera information stripped the GPS location. If that happens to be in there so that again for privacy. I want only the people who pull this image up online. If they were to download it, open it up. That could only see my copyright. My contact. That's it. And that helps a little bit. Okay, Since this is going to an emoto and it's gonna be a slideshow, I don't want a watermark. And here's that option we talked about from the question. Really? If he wanted a watermark, you would just turn that on and choose one of your presets that you create earlier. We don't need it. You see that? So we have the same watermarks in the several watermarks are copyright are faded text or logo logo with the glow. But we're not going to use the watermark for this Enomoto and that's it. Okay, next one is the cool. When we talked about earlier, if you have ah d 800 with these giant 50 megabyte raw files and it's 20 whatever megapixels and you're like, This is crazy. I'm shooting dogs and my biggest print I make is 11 by 14. Why do I need this much information is just hogging up space. So convert them down to a raw at 15 megapixels. Okay, so we're gonna convert it to D and G, using the latest DMG conversion medium preview in bed. The fast load using lossy compression means it's kind of like a J peg and that it really squishes that raw file down. This is independent of the megapixel changing. We can not change the mega pretzels and still have the lossy compression, and that will shrink our raw files a little bit, but still have the same resolution. You all with me, okay? Or And or we can also change the resolution. The megapixels down to 15 12 2018. Whatever want. So this is a nice, cool thing to know if you've got giant raw files that you just think are over the top two big. Do you like the camera? Just don't want the big files. All right, so that's my convert export, and you'll notice on this one at the top. Um, when I do this conversion view, this export and I downsized the raw files in the DNC's. I put them back into the same folder as the original photo. That means it converts that to a DMG smaller puts it right next to the original one, and then add to this catalogue means it'll then put it back into the catalogue again automatically for you. So in one step, you sit back and wait. It converts, shrinks your raw files, puts them in the folder with the originals. It brings them back into light room. Boom. They're all there ready for you to start working on. Okay. All right. So real quickly. Email to Blawg. This is when we block our photos were going to actually email them to the block, which is the quickest way to get him onto your blog's guys Don't know about emailing to your blog's. You can email straight to your blawg. Whatever you put the email becomes your block post. So Aiken straight from light room sized images down, watermark them, export them to my mail program, starts a new male. I type in my blawg address, type in the subject, type in the text of the blawg and set send, and two minutes later it's a block post without any effort on my part. Now for those of us who do not have, like, you know, the in house mail server client thing and used like a commercial email account will do the same thing for that. Or does it have to be You can You can still do it won't automatically open that program because it doesn't know what Um what problems? You have to actually choose to the bottom of my list right here. This preset. It says after export it, open it with my mail program. So unless you have a program to choose to pass it to, uh, it won't email it directly. Although if you can use them you have a tangent here. But there is another option for emailing. I can show you in a second year direct from light room and emails. And you can use different, sir, but you have to kind of set it up. So it's kind of pain. So the best thing to do would just be export them to harder to the hard by first in the format you want and then logged into your email attached. The file's just like you normally would. OK? And send it works the same way. Okay. Yeah. Okay. You guys I'll email stuff to your blog's LeBron post. Three. Go log in and do the whole old school way. Yeah, I mean, that's nice to format a nice blawg, but email answers were always in email all the time and light room can pass this right onto your email program. Actual show you when we do this job, actually do it. Created Senate Nino. You'll see it's it's I think it's quicker way to get them onto your blogger is just a puppet. Email on WordPress makes it really easy to use WordPress or no standard blog's Any belong. You can email directly to it if you just go into your settings and find out the email address for your blog's has a private email address that you've got to get from the settings. Okay, so let's tell you another one. So I've got email to my blogger at 800 pixels email to my blawg at 1200 if I have bigger ones that I want to show off Uh J peg to drop Lor drop Lor is a cool little program. It's like a cloud service. It lives up in my menu bar, and there are there's too many things. My menu bar right now with my drop her no lunch. So drop Lor is a little cloud service basically, and you drop a file here on this menu bar. It uploads it to drop Lor and Link is copying your clipboard. You just email that link to somebody so it's great for sending files to people. People use that like Dropbox droppers, just kind of super slick in that it lives here. You just drag a file up there, but you can also do is you can pass it from light room to drop her. So if I use this email two or J Peg to drop her after all these settings, whatever I want plugged in here at the bottom, it says open in post process, open and drop lor. I just choose the drop out of my computer, and as soon as I export a file in the background, it starts uploading it to drop her, and in a few seconds later, I just see little notice being it's on your clipboard. I just paste that link into whatever I want, and there's a link to download the file from whoever's I'm sending it to again. It's a quick way for me to get images to somebody. I use that all the time. If I'm saying I'm sending these portfolio images for this magazine or I'm gonna send this for that or this client bought high rez of this So they need this for that boom to send a drop lower and then run with it from there. That's a cool little service. Love dropped their use that all the time. D r o P L R If you want to look it up in, uh, check out the app, it's it's pretty sick. All right, Other ones here. Just no watermark Online 800 photo Sync to I device. This is another cool one. If you guys are like me and you like to keep your favorite images on your phone, there's another little app. Pull it out here. Lungs are on the same network here. I was gonna connect to real quick to the same network. If you on the same WiFi network. There's a little app called photo Sync, so the Photos Inc is a nice little app for just transferring images from your Mac to your or your PC to your phone and back and forth. So again, pretty slick. If I do photo sync to my device, I've saved the settings that are perfect for viewing on my phone, and all I do is say, export. But even a few seconds later, this little window pops up saying, What album? On your phone your phone shows up on the computer, and it'll throw it right into that album on your phone. And then you've got those port for the images or that job to share out. Show off on your phone really quick, really easy. That's the easiest way I know to get images from your computer to your IPhone. That's what you want to do. Eso photo sync I devices is pretty, pretty sick. Little program to the other ones we have here. Print ready, J pegs. This is for your lab. So let me go over these settings. If you're using a good pro lab, the settings would probably be identical for them as well. Everything is the same. The top. We're not gonna rename the file or just keep the original name. We're gonna choose the folder I want J peg quality 85 to nineties all you need. You don't need 100 quality. That's overkill, All right. A lot of people, I think I got us in 100 quality to my lab. Did the best possible print. Well, theoretically, yes. But you don't need that much. And I've done tests again. Geek, I just test. I send a quality 80 j pic quality 90 jp quality 9500 J picks in the same file at different settings to the lab. Get back 11 by and look at them. You know, looking up close. But my glasses on, Look at him. Can I tell a difference? No, I can tell a difference when it goes below 80. I can see a difference in the quality, but from and above. I can't tell the difference, but the file size from 100 to 80 is half half the file size from 180 to think how much time and band with that saves. Uploading those files if you a bloated half the size of files that you normally upload. If you're sending 100 quality J pig so again, prove it to yourself. Do a test, send in 80 and send 100 Get a big print from both and see if you can tell the difference. If not, don't worry about it. So 85 good compromise. It's about the highest quality ever. You need Adobe 1998. RGB is ideal for most good labs because it has mawr color information. I get more vivid, more vibrant prints when I use that setting that I do when I sent s rgb. But my lab, uh, works with adobe RGB follows quite well, Which is White House. Some labs don't. If I tell you, we only take s rgb we're gonna convert. It s RGB anyway, If you send it in adobe, then that's well, you can't do a thing about that. You send a mass RGB Okay, um, we're not gonna resize the file. We send them full size. We're gonna sharpen for the type of paper which we matte or glossy and again, I like the low amount, But you may prefer higher. That's fine. And same thing. Gonna keep the contact. Copyright in contact info. No watermark and show and finder. All right, Last one slide show 1200. Again. If I'm only showing a slide show, I want 1200 pixels. Perfect enough. Resolution, Lower quality. 70 ish. Um, and a white house print. Ready? This gives me everything specific. Four White House at the highest resolution. I'm really practical. quality. Good file size boom. So once you've dialed those in, you just click on add button down here and name it what you want. So my fab ooh lab. Ooh, I raise and boom, you've got it to reuse it any time. Okay, So can you see the possibilities here? One of the coolest thing is the passing it to another app at the bottom. If you choose after export, do something with it. Send it off somewhere else. Think, sir, open another application. So think of, um pro select is another app that I use. We'll do the photo sync thing here for you guys. Pro select is another nice little present. Take. You talked about that in a break with some of you guys? Pro select as a sales software. I consider us a thing here. Dialled images in exactly what I need for presentation and pro selected. Choose it is the app want to export it. I sit back. Boom, Boom. Maybe Just created they go past the pros like Pro Select opens up, imports them. It's already there in the program, ready for me to present. So again I made save myself a minute. But if you do that every day, and if you're doing that time savings steps 10 times a day, that really adds up. It does. So every little thing you can do to automate is huge in the long run, the grand scheme of things. So let's do a little focusing. Just you guys can see if I start the photo sync app on my computer. We got the photo sing app on my IPhone. Um, I'll take a couple images here. I think we have to files. So which ones are they? These two little car images here, But you haven't done anything to. And then I'll say, focusing toe I device. This is the one situation I mentioned earlier where I have a specific folder. So on my cloud folder, I have one folder where everything that I put to my IPhone. I want to just save it in that one spot all the time. I don't need to put it in the client's folder. Doesn't really matter cause just for me to put on my phone. So I just hard quote that folder in here so I don't have to actually do anything after I do that, except for export.

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This course was really helpful for me to speed up my workflow. It gave me ideas about how to keep things organized and backed up, making me more efficient and my images safe.


This course has been more than helpful in the areas of organization and functioning more efficiently with my photography. Thank you for all you do Kevin Kubota and CreativeLive!! :)

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