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Skype Call Testimonials

Lesson 3 from: The Lightspeed Workflow System

Kevin Kubota

Skype Call Testimonials

Lesson 3 from: The Lightspeed Workflow System

Kevin Kubota

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3. Skype Call Testimonials

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Skype Call Testimonials

we have coming in from Toronto. Ian Lee Woo Nug and Grace Divine and the sorry Davina. Sorry, Grace. And then we have from North Dakota, Elissa flattened. And from Florida Sunshine State. Michael Course anti knows. We want to give them a very warm creativelive. All right, you see me? Absolutely nice. So, um, these are friends and past workshop attendees that recently we kind of put the question out, you know, because really curious how this workflow, how changing your work clothes affected people's lives. And I hear it so many times at trade shows and people come up to me and say I change this and this and everything is different now. And I when my favorite stories was not enough for you guys, You guys air. You're very important. Hold on. But this is My favorite story was I was at a trade show and this couple came up to me. And then we want to thank you for our new house and two new cars. Well, you're welcome, I guess on they said no, Really. She said we bought your actions. We took yo...

ur workshop, our business was sucking. And this over the course of this past one year, we've increased our business enough to buy a new house and a new car for each of us. We wanted to thank you for that. And that just floored me to think about it made me to think about the impact that things like this might have. And it's not just me. I'm not taking credit. But it's when you embrace a good system, whether it's mine or some other cool instructor here and you make it work, you can make significant changes in your life. Uh, like that maybe not as dramatic, but maybe so. So anyway, these air, these are friends of mine that I worked with in the past. Uh, they were customers have become friends, like most of them. Elissa, you came to a boot camp. Gosh, how many years ago was that? That was I think, uh, it was 2007 I believe. 1007. Yeah, You had a at that time, it was I remember you were struggling a little bit and kind of came to boot camp looking for looking for some answers, and I'll come back to you a second, and then the e and you came to a workshop of boot camp to, um I'm bad with dates, but I know it was 10,011. There we go. And Grace didn't come to boot camp, but she she allowed you to go, which was very nice ever. And Michael and I have been friends for a long time, and, uh, you can I don't know. We've just done stuff and work together and workshops. And you've got done amazing things with your business and your career over the past few years, too. It's just seeing you grow has been super cool. And Michael actually teaches workshops now and he speaks and writes, and he just doing everything, and I can't even keep up with all the good stuff he's doing. It's pretty awesome. Thank you. Absolutely. And and your system and everything that you've mentored me with has been a huge part of that. Absolutely so big thanks to you for that. Cool. I love that. Um, I thank you guys for coming on, and I really just wanted to for you guys to share a little bit so that people who are watching can kind of relate to your stories. I think you'll have really different stories and backgrounds and what has worked for you and the changes that have happened for you. So maybe you guys can show by Michael You want to tell us just a little bit About what? I think that what you said before it was something that really resonates with me. Is that having a system? Any system beats not having anything. So before I had adopted your system, you know, you're just kind of flying blind and, you know, especially with with any kind of shooting, but specifically with large volume shooting like weddings, you're dealing with a tremendous amount of assets. So how do you manage those assets? How do you, you know, from from just a workflow perspective, from the perspective of your hardware, you know, archiving them, keeping them organized, all of it. And your system really helps. Sort of just clear all that up. And I was thinking about what's funny that I can say. I was gonna say, Well, it was either adopt Kevin's system or have years of intensive therapy. So Kevin Symptom was a lot less a lot less expensive, but it's true. I mean, you really it's a very stressful thing when you have all these assets to deal with and you don't really know how. And I know from, you know, hang out in your in your boot camps and you know, you been iced up to let me pass this system onto other people that it's like a light bulb goes off and people are like, Oh, my God, thank you so much. It really clears up all this mystery and simplifies things, And then you can get back to doing what you really should be doing, you know, either even if you're even if you're having a production person in your office to it, you don't want them to be wasting their time. But if you're doing it, it's even Mawr, you know, important that you be spending your time building your business and focusing on shooting and doing things that are, you know, building your business and arguably, you know, just doing production is not one of them, right? Oh, absolutely, Yeah, that's great. You know, Michael's such a tech guy. I really appreciate, Is he? He's very much, uh, like, you know, the details. He knows the inside and out. He writes technical articles and stuff like that. So it's really cool. We bounce ideas off each other now. Was skyping with him just few days ago? Like I had his photo shopped problem. You know, if you experience this is like, that's weird, I don't know that we kind of trouble shot it together. And so it's been cool to see where you've come, Teoh and what you're doing. And you teach workshops now. Right on. You're amazing. Lighting photographer, lighting workshops, workflow workshops. So I'm super stoked to see all the cool stuff that you're doing right now. And you, Right? Right. For what? Resource magazine? All right, for resource magazines, Shutter magazine and photos. Abuser magazine. Yeah, Cool. Thanks, Mike. And you and you guys have a really different story because Grace didn't come to boot camp, but it was funny because she actually wrote us a letter telling how excited she was. A really funny. So what? Tell us. Maybe Gration talk a story you want to share a little bit? About what? What happened with you guys? Well, so Ian was doing a photography business on his own, and he was just crazy chaos and I don't know. We didn't have any money. And it is just, like editing, editing, and it just felt like we didn't have any time for one another, anything. And, um so an heard about your workshop in boot camp and it was his 40th birthday around that time when he said, Okay, I want to go. I want to go. And I'm like, OK, you know what? Let's do this. So we somehow found the money and I'm like, OK, this is a good investment. Let's just do this. And he went. And when he came back, it was just amazing. Like since then, Yeah, just a boy. It's, you know, it's it is workflow. The things that we learned at or the things that I learned at the at the boot camp, I applied it. Teoh my business. And now you know, you mentioned here a fresh catalogue. Every time we do a wedding, A soon as we get back, it's like, you know, we're still using Kit e Studio, believe it or not, but that's how we I can't stress enough to everyone watching that workflow is such an integral part of your business. And without it, you know, it's great that we're all taking photos. But now, once we we get back to the studio and we're working, how do we manage them? So, Kevin, like, like you said about that couple that comes up to you? Um, Kevin, I never would have thought that you are where we are. We have an office now where the business has really boomed where we're preferred. A number of venues in the city of Toronto. And I have to say, Yes, it's all because of you. I was inspired right from the beginning. T I gotta get to Portland, Oregon. I don't care. Can I borrow money or whatever, but now, like Kevin, if you could come here like this is our official office were not working out at home anymore and things in under, like since 2011. So many things have changed because of you, So thank you for your workflow. It's yet it's given as time Teoh for marketing for finance areas and most important for family, friends and and focusing on being more creative. Now I'm shooting with him, Teoh. So no down. It's It's all been really great since meeting Well, I'm stoked The most exciting thing for me is to hear that you guys have a better family life or relationship because I think end of the day, that's what this is all about. It's not about me or the workflow or anything, really. It's getting to a point where you're enjoying your business and enjoying each other in your life, and I think that's really important. This a gosh, you've been some major major changes over the years since I first met you. What's important to you now and what what's going on? Well, I can say honestly, that learning from you learning your workflow has set the course of my life. Yeah, but really, because I am a stay at home mom. I consider myself a full time stay at home mom. But I'm also bringing in a full time income, and that is huge. Um, I'm not staying up all night, um, with working on photos, I can complete a wedding. I don't even want to tell you how quickly because the whole world is hearing I can be done with our wedding by the end of the day by the end of that actual date. And so, um then I have Monday through Friday with my kids. And that means everything to me. It means everything to my family, of course. So, uh, yeah, you have changed my life, and I'm so thankful for that. Well, so what? Having more time? I know that you've gotten into giving back with your time and your money and your work. Okay, Isn't that important? To be able to have time to do the things you're truly passionate about? Totally like, um, for me, it's not like this whole process of learning how to streamline what I do has helped me learn who I am. It's helped me to become who I'm supposed to be and really like. Toe add beauty to my world not. And I'm not like that's not upon about photography, but, like I can touch the lives of my Children. I can be on a volunteer committee here in town that I see impacting hundreds of women. Um, there's multiple charities that my business supports. And so I'm a stay at home mom. And mostly I'm changing diapers and wiping dirty noses and potty training and all of that. But I have people across the world that I feel so privileged to support there speaking languages that I will never learn their touching lives that I, you know I could never touch just being home 24 7 with my kids. And so in a lot of ways, with locally, internationally and just my little world of my family, it's all of those things are being touched. And I love that because I can be who I am supposed to be, and I can add what I need to add to my world. So, yeah, well, that's cool. Yeah, and I I really appreciate the kind things you guys just said. And again, I I'd like to go to take all the credit, but I certainly not. I can't And I appreciate you guys giving me that credit, but it's really I think, that you guys have taken something you've learned and implemented it and and given it a try, which is made, which is what's happened here. And that's what I'd like to share with everybody else is that you give it a try. I think the worst thing you can do is somebody shares with you. Here's a solution to all your problems and you say, Oh, that's that's great. And then you go home and don't do it, you know, and you guys are where you are and what you're doing now because you've taken something that you thought would work and you've given it a try. You've tweaked it. I know that You guys tweak things a little bit to make him suit your workflow, and, um, that's awesome. That's what I want you to do. And and, uh, so just taking a system and making it your own eyes. Awesome. But the goal, which I think everybody here wants, is to be able to do more with what you love to do. You know whether it's more shooting, more creativity in grace, more family time, you know, um, able to work together. How's that going, by the way, Working together. It's actually really good. Yeah, it can work. And it does. Yeah, I think that's a whole Another workshop is working with your spells successfully in a photography business. You know how to make that happen. Which Clarin I My wife fortunately, do really well at she's amazing woman, and I certainly couldn't do what I do without her, so I think I'm sure you feel the same way about Grace. Hey, you Everybody kiss. That's all Kiss right now, e. Anything else you guys want to share? Anything you guys were doing. You want to tell everybody about that school before we wrap up? Well, I just wanted to pick up on one thing that you said Kevin, when you said that, um, you know, whatever workflow that you make it, make it your own. That's one of the beautiful things about the way that you teach it. Sort of a teach a man to fish approach. So you're not only are you teaching this sort of system with rote memorization, but you're teaching the understanding of the concepts behind it, which is? The most important thing is that people walk away with an understanding of why they're doing these things, and then they contain oil or make it to either adopt your system outright or tweak it a little bit or go a completely different direction. That fits their workflow. But they get it. They understand light room. And how to really optimize all that stuff under the hood that makes it really sing. Yeah, that's a great point. Um and that's that's I'm glad. I appreciate that. You say that because that's one of things that I try to dio and all the workshops is not just say, do this do this to this. But here is kind of why we're doing this. So you understand it. And if you want to tweak it or if you want to modify it flying, you think you know why you're doing while you're changing? So, um, great guys. I mean, I don't take any more of your time. Thank you so much for being online with me. And, um, I just really, really appreciate your sharing your stories. And I hope it's hope it's helpful for other people out there. Isn't the inter world to get them excited about making some changes in their systems too? So thanks again, you guys. And we'll see you soon. Thanks. Um alright, guys. So any questions from you again? This is This is what it's all about. Its you know, its technical. Yes, it's workflow. Yes, but the reason why I think you have to have a goal if you have a goal in mind, it makes learning something easier and helps you be more committed to it. Because if you see the end result is, I can spend more time with my family. I can go buy a new car or I can just go play golf or I can go shoot more. In Michael's case, he loved to shoot. He loves to educate. I could go, will do more of that because I have a good system in place. That's what I want you guys to get, want you guys to have because really, my goal is spreading happiness in the world. I just you know, I want to make people love what they do want, help them, love what they do. I love what I do. And I think the more of us that love what we do, the better the world's gonna be. So that's that's kind of let's keep that in mind as we're moving along to the next couple of days and when it gets hard in that technical stuff, it's like I can get through this because or I'm gonna make my golf. I don't play golf is me here, play golf. I'm gonna ride my mountain bike, gonna go ride the river or something like that

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a Creativelive Student

This course was really helpful for me to speed up my workflow. It gave me ideas about how to keep things organized and backed up, making me more efficient and my images safe.


This course has been more than helpful in the areas of organization and functioning more efficiently with my photography. Thank you for all you do Kevin Kubota and CreativeLive!! :)

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