Creating A New Video Project
Lesson 2 from: Making Compelling Video in Adobe PhotoshopRafael "RC" Concepcion

Creating A New Video Project
Lesson 2 from: Making Compelling Video in Adobe PhotoshopRafael "RC" Concepcion
Lesson Info
Creating A New Video Project
I'm gonna click on File, New. And you're gonna notice that you have a series of different options from which you can actually start. Now, I could start by just going into the Film and Video section and, inside of here, you have all these different options: 1080p, 720, 1080, DVCPRO 720. If you know what these are, good for you? Like, great. But, a lot of the times, there's people that don't even know. Like I tried it on my iPhone. I don't know what my iPhone thing is. Right? So, let's not have to deal with this. You could do it this way. We will work on doing it this way. But probably one of the easiest ways for you to do it would be to just go into wherever you have the footage. So right now, I have a whole bunch of footage that I shot. And I shot this footage and if we look, I'm just gonna hit the space bar and we'll see if it plays. Hopefully, it won't play very loud. But. Look ahead of 'em, good, good. Come back. I don't know if I can hear it. We're gonna remember that spot right th...
ere, that's good. So, let's go ahead and run this a little bit quieter. Now, we're going to do a very straight forward video. This is my friend, Brian. He has a company here, he has three locations for Tolo Coffee. Fantastic coffee, right? And I said yes, I'm one of those people that're like it's good coffee. So anyway, so I was just like, "Hey, can you help me out here? I want to be able to do something that's local to... I want to do something that's local to," I'm gonna pause it right there. "Do something that's local to Seattle." Right? And I said, "Ya know what, why don't we just make a latte?" And I want to come in here with a whole bunch of sample footage, and be like, well, this is what it looks like, and have everything kind of prepared. I was like, "Let's give ourselves a task." This is what I do from a producer's stand point when I'm not Professor Conception, I take off the hat and become freelancer Conception, and I go out and I shoot, so this is a client. Right? I have to do a short for him, and I was like, "Let's start a short with making a latte." Right, so if you look at this entire thing, I'm calling notes out and I'm like, "Oh, we gotta remember this, we gotta do this, we gotta remember this." Hold the shot there. Okay, I don't know what the things are called, but imagine if you took this video of the entire process and in this entire process, this is the only camera that you saw. It would kinda be boring, right? Like, there's not really that much to it, right? The coffee's delicious, right? So, he's gonna do the steamy thingy, and I'm gonna apologize ahead of time, I don't know what these things are called. Like, I'm like, "He's gonna give it the finger and he's gonna (mumbles) and do that stuff, but I'm calling all these different notes and he'll do it, he grabs it, he pours it, then he comes over here, and then he does the thing with the little wiggle. He puts the wiggle in, and then he sets it down, and then I was like, "And then you can do that and smile." That's a good lookin' man. (camerawoman laughs) Right? So, it's like, bling! And then you're done, right? And that was it! So, this is gonna be the video that we're gonna work with. All right. Now, what I did is also while we were doing that, I took that one camera, cause I'm only working with one camera. Normally in video productions, I'll have two, but if you just have one, take a lot of notes, right? So, I set up a camera in one spot, I took that one main thing. Then I turned around and I said, "All right, well, let's take a look at the next one." And I was like, "Well, the first thing that he did was he put down the cup." Right, so we took a video. So, all right, so hold the cup. And then set it down. And now set the spoon. Okay. So, there's a lot of audio in there. There's a couple of things and I wanted to be able to show that as we start working with video production. There's a video, right? There's a whole bunch of stuff that happens before the video, and there's a whole bunch of stuff that happens after the video that sucks, right? Not really apart of the video. Audio's not really apart of the video, but there's a meat inside of the center of it that I'm gonna need, right? If we go to the next one, and I actually go through all of these things, and after I finish recording, then my watch, then I'm like, "All right, am I gonna use this one or am I not gonna use this one?" And I took all of the ones and I just flagged them with green. Right, you can tag it, flag it, you can write 'use this,' you can do whatever it is that you want, you would have these on a sheet of paper. But my next video here, I'm just gonna show you. I would never use the first part of that because it's like, look the wiggle. Not good. Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage. Maybe. Wiggle. Nope, I had him redo it again, I had him redo it again. Maybe from around there, so all of the stuff to the left of that is garbage, and I'm only really gonna use that. Just that one little clip. So, we wanna start adding that. So, as you start working with this, you're gonna notice it's like, little piece, little piece, little piece, and what I was thinking is, 'I'm not gonna overcomplicate it, we're not making Avatar.' But I figured we'd start with a wide, and then we'd just go tight, then we come back to the wide, then we go back tight, just to get us going. Now, what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go into the files. So, you'll notice that I have all of those files. That's it inside of here. Those are the files we're gonna use. I also have pictures. Then, I have music. A piece of music called 'Smooth Loving.' I don't know why, I heard it, I thought it was cool, great. Then, I'll talk to you guys about where to get music for this stuff as well. And then I have something, an area here called 'The Oven.' So, 'The Oven' is, this is only an hour and a half, there's really not that much that, there's not a lot to it, it's a very anticlimactic class. Inspiring, anticlimactic in that, you're gonna sit here and go, "That's it?" So, there's a lot of stuff where we could just repeat the process over and over and over and over and over again, and I don't want you to watch me editing video, it'd be kinda boring. So, I have a whole bunch of stuff that's already preassembled. So, we'll walk through the process, I'll show you how to do some of them, and then I'll say, "Imagine if you did this for 40 minutes, this is where you would be."
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I am so excited about this class! I knew there had to be an alternative subscribing to a pricey service that allows one to display images and video clips in a video format. This class gives you all the tools you need to whip out a custom video showing shoots and images taken during them. I cannot wait to employ RC's excellent instruction. Great class!!
great class. This is one area of PS that I am sure most people are unaware of. Great class. Practical applications. Love RC's presentation.
Wow! I had no idea that you could do video in Photoshop! I have been wanting to incorporate video clips into my client gallery slideshows. This was such a cool walk through, and at a manageable pace too! Great class!
Student Work
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