Class Introduction
06:25 2Capturing for Day for Night
02:36 3Selective Edit Intro
03:04 4Selective Edit Tool Functions Part 2
02:58 5Selective Edit Tool Functions Part 3
03:45 6Sunset Lake Demo
02:58 7Expose for Highlights
02:13 8Selective Edit Breakdown Demo
05:48Looking at the Lightroom Desktop Interface
03:02 10Selective Edit Demo NYC
04:41 11Adding Lighting Effects with 3rd Party Applications
09:35 12Lens Distort 3rd Party Application
02:31 13Lens Distort Demo
05:00 14Day for Night on Water Scene
04:15 15When to Use Photoshop
04:15 16Using Depth Capture
01:26 17Wrap Up
00:50Lesson Info
Class Introduction
Hi, welcome to mobile photography. Day for night using light room mobile and third party apps. My name is lisa Carney and I'm avid light room shooter. And I'd like to take you on this journey where you take captures or images in the daytime and make them look like nighttime and make them dark and evocative. It's really a deep dive into the selective edits available in light room Mobile. And it's a great way of practicing those processes. So what is exactly day for night capturing? Well, it's quite simple. It's capturing the daytime and making something look like evening. Now, why would you do this? Well, how I got started doing it was I was in Central Park shooting and I really wanted to get some nighttime captures, but I was too afraid to go in the evening by myself to do the capturing. And I started figuring out through light room that you could actually emulate this look. And then it kind of just opened up this whole world of the possibilities. And Light room mobile for editing in g...
eneral. It was pretty amazing. And I have to be honest, I was a child of the seventies where I'd watch the bionic woman or Alfred Hitchcock or all sorts of things. And they used this technique, often shooting in the daytime and emulating evening. So we're going to talk about that. How you do it with texture, with tone with color and all that kind of process. I think you'll enjoy it and you can shoot even people in places, things, all that kind of stuff. Let's get into it. So what is day for night again? It is the idea that you are shooting in the daytime, but you know, you're going to make it look like evening time. So there's different ways you might want to choose to capture. And we're gonna talk about that in this course. And let's talk about some of the reasons you might want to do this with mobile photography. Well, first of all, there's camera limitations and most of us know these mobile devices while they're amazing. Absolutely amazing. They're still not great at dark capture. Google pixel is pretty good. The Hawaii is pretty good. But your stuff to do longer exposures. What about your subject matter, etcetera? So for me, it's really about camera limitations in the capture. All right. And then head fire. What? It's just too cold to go out at night. That's a good reason, Right? I think so. And as a female photographer, I don't like shooting at night in remote places by myself. So it's a safety issue. So there's three good reasons why you could shoot in the daytime and make it look like night. So this is the original picture. I first discovered this process on. Um and it was as I said, Central Park and it's just a cool environment. But I really wanted to make it look like an evening. And what this particular piece did was allow me to really explore selective editing in light room mobile. And because of that, I was able to find all these tricks at light room Later mobile is a dark room in your hand. I mean it's utterly amazing, Absolutely amazing. And this was the first piece I did where I was actually kind of getting the wheels turning like, oh you can do this, you can do that. Oh wait a minute. So it's pretty exciting. And I hope to take you along this journey with me and look, you can take really basic boat scenes and make them a dark black, black and white. You can even give it a map kind of coloring and a kind of do a tone mystery. Look, it's pretty fun. And then even this, this is Jack, my dog and I wanted to make it feel like a murder mystery or evening and this was shot with a depth capture camera. So hopefully you know that light room has five cameras you can shoot with and one of them happens to be depth capture. I'm going to talk about that in this course to but look what you could do, how many different looks you can get with one shot all with that dark room in your hand called light room mobile depth capture looks like this. What happens with depth capture? And we'll go into this more in the course. But it effectively gives you a mask that you can utilize change tone, texture and color. And I want to be really clear about this. This is through the Light room mobile app. It's a camera called depth capture and you have to use a process called selective edit. I'll go over all of this and it will be written down so it'll be easy to follow and look. These are some of the samples of things I've made look like evening shots, you can see the original appear and where I took it. Now. One of the exciting things about this class, I hope you'll find is that we're gonna talk about third party applications which help allow you to add elements like stars or moons or brain. Give it that extra little click to your photo because obviously you can't get stars if you're shooting in the day and then sometimes it might be just about a choice in developing or editing. So this shot is a foggy morning on the lake and I just edited to look dark and evening esque evening is is that a word? Well it is now and then heck fire. You can go really dark again. Those third party apps to add elements are pretty great. I hope you can see this on the screen because the shot is pretty dark but pretty fun too. And then yeah, different, different ideas of what you can do. Sometimes you can utilize the sun if you shoot into the sun and the key to this kind of process would be a shooting in the daytime for evening processing, you've got to expose for the highlights. That's really important. And then you can even make something look like a warm evening. Sunset light removal is amazing and you can make an image look much more dramatic and scary even perhaps. Yeah, it's pretty fun what you can do, it's almost like a painterly style of editing and um yeah, I think you're gonna find it interesting and fun and I'm going to tell you something else. This process definitely helped me with my editing for my daytime and regular images as well because it helped me master the program. Now I want to be really clear about this. We are working in light room mobile or in the Light room ecosystem, not in classic. And what that means is you can work on mobile device on an ipad which is a mobile device on your desktop and on the web. And the key to this is some of this process with the masking with death mask and masking in light or a mobile. You're gonna want to have a stylist or a pen. How can you do that on your phone? Be challenging. But on the ipad you can use the stylist. Or if you have awakened tablet, the desktop unit is where I cleric cleanup and really fine tune most of I'm asking in light room, Yes. Masking in light room.
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Ratings and Reviews
nancy brindisi
I was so excited to be able to take this last course in the Mobile Photography series and as usual Lisa Carney did not disappoint! I just love her teaching style. She is relaxed, friendly and down to earth. She relates her techniques and processes in plain non techy talk and demonstrates it so you can follow along and learn. I have been a user of Photoshop and Lightroom Classic and now LR Mobile is my go to for most of my post processing work. I also learned about some great new apps for my iPhone and who knew you can take pictures through LR Mobile! Thank you Lisa for putting together this mobile series!
Kenny Felix
Solid start to my Wednesday, Thank you for great job hosting Kate Dessa. Lisa Carney always gives everything she has in all her tutorials/webinars I have experienced. She continues to "give" and "share" her knowledge and true passion for her craft with everyone, thank you both for this mornings kickoff!
david gillespie
Love Lisa's energy and excitement. The course is well laid out and easy to follow. I recommend this course.
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