Channel Strip and Routing - Part 1
Lesson 12 from: Music Production in Logic Pro X: Vocal Mixing EssentialsTomas George

Channel Strip and Routing - Part 1
Lesson 12 from: Music Production in Logic Pro X: Vocal Mixing EssentialsTomas George
Lesson Info
12. Channel Strip and Routing - Part 1
Introduction and Welcome to this Class
00:52 2Project Organization
09:47 3Faders and Panning
11:13 4Flex Pitch - Vocals
05:18 5Flex Time - Vocals
03:05 6Editing Studio Drums
09:29 7Song Mix Deconstruct - Mixing Drum Kit Designer
08:04 8Mixing Files
01:50Tips to Start a Mix
02:11 10Mixing vs Mastering
02:19 11Introduction to Mixing with Logic Pro's Audio Effects
00:47 12Channel Strip and Routing - Part 1
04:39 13Channel Strip - Part 2
07:00 14Bussed Effects
11:25 15Gain Staging Audio Tracks and Pre Fader Metering
11:44 16Gain Staging Software Tracks
03:45 17Mixing with Channel EQ
19:57 18Mixing Vocals with Compressor - Part 1
08:25 19Mixing Vocals with Compressor - Part 2
06:44 20Compressor Circuit Types
13:07 21Compression - Distortion and Limiting
10:47 22Sidechain Compression
06:37 23Compression - Part 5 (Glue)
02:52 24DeEsser
12:03 25Multipressor - Part 1
09:31 26Multipressor - Part 2 (DeEss)
06:11 27Multipressor - Expander
07:33 28Dynamics Wrap up
09:05 29Compression with Flex Pitch
04:49 30Exciter
05:03 31Noise Gate
04:14 32Noise Gate - AHR
07:16 33Noise Gate - Hysteresis
02:07 34Chorus
06:04 35Introduction to Automation
09:44 36Touch Automation
03:46 37Trim-Touch Automation
05:28 38Relative Touch Automation
04:34 39Automation Curve Tool
04:09 40SilverVerb - Part 1
18:11 41SilverVerb Modulation
02:57 42Sample Delay and HAAS Effect
05:29 43Delay - Echo
09:35 44Stereo Delay - Part 1
14:25 45Stereo Delay - Part 2
04:00 46Stereo Delay - Part 3
08:24 47Tape Delay - Part 1
13:29 48Tape Delay - Part 2
05:07 49Thanks and Bye
00:07Lesson Info
Channel Strip and Routing - Part 1
Hi. In this video, I just want to walk you through the channel strip as we use it in logic pro 10. So as you can see here on my channel, so this is the channel for my lead vocal track that I've been working on. I've got all my plugins here. But what I want to do is just break down the signal flow of the channel ship just so that you can understand what to expect when you load plugins and when you automate faders and when you route outputs. So from top to bottom is generally the flow of the signal. So up here, we have an input button and from here we can select an input from the audio interface that we're using if we're recording, which we're not right now. And then that signal gets fed down the chain because at the top of the chain is the very first thing that the signal runs through. OK. So you're just going on later in the train here and how you order things on your train does matter. It does affect things especially when you're using dynamics processing. There's not necessarily one ...
order to things a single order to things that should be adhered to every single time. Depends on what you're working on, depends on the problems that you're trying to solve. OK. And then from here, we root out to here. So, so where it says stereo out on this channel, that means that the output of this channel is going to stereo out, which is the mix bus in logic pro so when you hear mix bus, some people call it master buss as well or two bus, that's the bus where the mix ends up. It's the final stereo signal that will be printed out. When you bounce the track down to a single file, that's where everything is mixed. However, you may choose not to route straight out to the mix bus, you might route some of your tracks to group buses. So for example, if I have various vocal tracks like a a lead vocals, some backing vocals and such things after I've mixed them like the relative levels of them and done some processing on each of the individual tracks, I might send them all to a vocal bus and then that vocal bus has a channel strip and then on that channel strip, I can apply processing to apply to the sum of all of those signals. So when I say some, I mean, they're just all added together, they all mixed together into a single stereo signal. How I would do that is, let's say let's start off with creating a vocal bus so I can send this track to that bus and maybe some other vocal tracks that I have to the same bus. So what I do such as click and hold where it says stereo out got a bus. Choose an available bus. I'm just gonna use an arbitrary number like bus 20 here. OK. So I've rooted now that vocal track to bus 20 logic is now showing me that channel strip just to the right of the one I was already looking at, which is very helpful. And you see here on the top of this auxiliary channel strip, it has bus 20 as input. So anything that gets sent to bus 20 runs down this chain and then out to stereo out again. So if I send other vocal tracks to bus 20 the sum of all of them will be sent down here and any processing that I apply to this chain will apply to the sum of all of those signals. This is very useful for vocal bus processing, drum bus processing when you are in the later stages of the mix. And you want to apply some gentle bus compression either to glue it all together and or just to tighten it up or some saturation to add flavor, some eq anything that you want to apply across signals that kind of belong together. So like I said, a vocal bus or a drum bus or, or any other type of bus. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
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