Lesson Info
11. Diminished and Augmented Triads
Scales Introduction
03:08 2Working out a Major Scale
06:45 3Working out a Major Key from a Melody
05:51 4Major Keys and Scales
01:54 5Major Scale on a Score
02:56 6Triads
03:37 7Inversions
03:21 8Working out the Chords in a Major Scale
09:27Different Ways to Write out Chords
04:11 10Working out Major and Minor Triads
07:01 11Diminished and Augmented Triads
05:22 127th Chords
12:16 13Extended Chords
06:34 14Suspended Chords
06:02 15The Circle of 5ths
12:48 16How to Change Key
14:54 17Natural Minor Scale
11:21 18Chords in the Minor Scale
05:59 19Harmonic Minor Scale
07:15 20Melodic Minor Scale
11:12 21Modes
03:54 22Ionian Mode
00:47 23Dorian Mode
03:14 24Phrygian Mode
03:14 25Lydian Mode
01:21 26Mixolydian Mode
02:11 27Aeolian Mode
01:03 28Locrian Mode
03:56 29Section introduction
00:17 30Song Analysis 1 - Capsize
15:25 31Song Analysis 2 - Floating
18:07Lesson Info
Diminished and Augmented Triads
OK. Now we're going to have a look at diminished and augmented chords. So going back to the diatonic chord progression in a major key, the diminished is the seventh chord. So in C major, the seventh note, will be this B So the way we work out our diminished chord is either two minor thirds stacked on each other, or we count up four notes including the first and the last note. So starting on B 1234 will give us ad so this is a minor third and then another minor third is another four notes up. So 1234. So this call here is a diminished chord. So the actual word diminish means to shorten diminish them. So a diminished chord is basically a shortened chord. So a B minor would be this. So we have 1234, then 12345. So all we really do is get a minor chord and drop the fifth down a semitone. So we have a minor third and then another minor third. So that is a diminished chord. So in every major scale, the seventh chord will be a diminished chord. So if we're in say D major, the seventh will be...
this note here, which is ac, so you can either count up seven or just draw one semitone to find the seventh. So this will be a C# diminished. So 1234, and then count up another minor 3rd, 1234. So this the C# diminished. So this is for every major scale, the seventh chord will be a diminished, a diminished chord can sound a little unusual. However, it can be useful for a lot of classical music. You won't normally find this in popular music, but it can be interesting to add some suspension or to add a tense part in your music. So this chord here is actually a be diminished. Let's just play this now and have a listen out for this chord. We're really just using this as a passing chord. So when you're using diminished chords and also augmented chords, normally, they will just be used for passing chords to add a bit of tension and then released when you hit either a major or a minor chord. In this case, a major chord. So let's just hear this. So this chord here, the second chord is the diminished. So it's good for adding 10 as a passing chord. And now we're going to have a look at a augmented cord. So an augmented cord is like the word describes augmented to make larger. So all it really is is two major thirds stacked on top of each other. So let's just start with uh c so to turn this into an augmented cord, there's a few ways we can do it, we can take a major chord and then just go one semitone for the fifth note. So this will be ac augmented. The other way is to count up five notes from the starting note or to have two major thirds stacked on top of each other. So 12345 and then in C though you'll notice this note is not in C major, this is the note in C major G. So we now have a G sharp. So this isn't actually in key. So in a major scale, you don't technically get an augmented chord, you can however break the rules, these rules. I'm telling you are just the baseline. This is what you should start with, but you should also explore new ideas and try new things that do go outside of the basic rules. So this augmented chord does not fit in a major scale. However, you can use it for dramatic effect. You can use it to make your music sound a bit more colorful or interesting. However, in a major scale, it technically does not fit, but that doesn't mean you can't use it. So this cord here is actually an augmented cord and you can see here, I have this accidental because it goes out of key. So we were diminished and augmented hair. So it does sound quite unusual. This can be useful for classical music as well. This can be useful for orchestral scores, film music, where you want to add a bit of drama. But normally for popular music, you would tend to avoid an augmented chord and also a diminished chord. So remember, diminished is basically just a super minor chord. So it's a four and four or two minor thirds stacked on top of each other. And an augmented chord is basically a super major chord. So it's two major thirds stacked on top of each other. We can count up five and five for the notes. So let's just have a look at C again. So 12341234, this is ac diminished and let's count at five and 51234512345. This is ac augmented. They're both very different C diminished and C augmented. But they can be useful for creating drama in your music. It can be useful for suspense and that's how you can work out a diminished triad and an augmented triad. So thank you for watching this lecture. I hope you found it useful and I'll see you in the next one.
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