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Finding Inspiration and Working Through Doubt

Lesson 26 from: Photographing Kids

Shannon Sewell

Finding Inspiration and Working Through Doubt

Lesson 26 from: Photographing Kids

Shannon Sewell

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26. Finding Inspiration and Working Through Doubt

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Finding Inspiration and Working Through Doubt

finding inspiration more from a place of not just OK, Do we have it first? Did we have any questions before I move on to the next subject? I'm sorry. Keep barreling through. We good? Okay. I want to talk a little bit more about finding inspiration off beyond Pinterest boards and beyond things like that. Like it's not always taking another vision and like putting it into your ideas. I think first and foremost knowing yourself, which is a really hard thing to new ironically, like you would think you would be. The person knows you the best, but, um gosh, now, like me looking back on my 20 year old self like I had no idea at 20 really who I was. I was still trying to, like, figure this out and fit the mold of Like, who? You know, my family thought I was like, I was supposed to be on this train or who my friends thought I was like, This is who Shannon is. And so you have this. I think I think it's hard. It's a journey, and I think having a job like this really opens your eyes pretty quick. ...

If you're going with your gut and tryingto create something that's you really think it opens your eyes, fast shoes, seeing your works and seeing what you're good at, Um, first and foremost, just embrace who you are. Like I remember watching interview with Madonna and they, like, showed a clip of her from, like, her beginning years. And they were like, Oh, you know doesn't make you Christo Look at that. And they're like, You know what? I find her kind of endearing. Like I look back on the old me and she's endearing Wick And I was like, What a great way to look at it. Like me personally. Looking back, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, why did I wear that? One of my mom wouldn't leave the house like that. And But the fact is, if it was your kid doing that, you would find it cute and endearing. So why can't we at the same time look at ourselves and give ourselves the same room and the same, you know, permission to be a little bit quirky and a little bit, you know, have the things that make us uniquely uniquely s. Um and also we talked about already but remembering why you started photography in the first place. Like what is it that first got you excited? What is it that first ignited that, um, and staying true to that keeping on it, Uh, remembering that the second thing, too, is experience. And I take this to heart a lot. Uh, I love to travel. I love Teoh. My favorite thing to do is I pin place after place after place on in my locations board, Or I put it in my inspiration folders and my poor family. When we travel, anytime we travel, I get on there and I look for anything that's within, like, an eight hour drive on. Then I'm like, OK, so we're gonna go here, and then we're gonna drive here and then drive down to here and the drive over here and get up. So for me, like the experience of seeing new things like that and, uh, being kind of a passport to this next picture, but I'm just gonna go really quick. So, like, this is an example of when I made us drive a 1,000,000 miles out into the military. Think I'm leaving on the trip that I was with what I was with you. Um, and I don't know how far that was. So we started. Yeah, we started in Santa Cruz and ended up Yosemite and in between. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So but just experienced travel and like, meeting new people on I have one photographer friend and he actually did a similar road trip, but he forced himself in each city. He would just, like, meet people have to take their picture. And the photos that resulted were amazing. Like in the experience that was brought back. I think you could see the change in him and how he, like, was looking at his geography and looking at the approach. So I think just creating those experiences in creating new things and chase chasing with you see something that is inspiring to find a way to get there, find a way to, you know, make that part of make that part of your experience. Um, yeah. I just think the most interesting people that I know are the people that have done the most crazy things. Like you start talking to them, and at first you like going out together. They're, you know, great person. Really. entertaining. I really like what they do. And then they start talking and they're like, Oh, yeah, I did. You know that I usedto we were just talking about make up artists in the back and she amazing. I love her, um, fun. And she's super talented and I love wishes. And then she starts. Oh, yeah, I used to own, like, a blues club, and I used to do that. And you hear all these things and you're like, Well, that's because thes people, like, chased their passions and their dreams, and they created all these spots and it brought them to right here. So, um, and it doesn't have to be. You don't have to travel far. I mean, go explore a new like even in Portland. There's tons of like streets that I have never even walked that have great little book stores and boutiques and interesting people and living in Portland. It's like the friendliest city ever. People will start a conversation with you at a crosswalk. So it's it's really easy to like, garner that kind of experience, um, environment, which kind of is like experience, but at the same time, environment, I think, is also the people which we touched on a little bit. Um, just having that whole feeling in work who you interact with where even having the experience of where you sit when you work is the office that you sit in an inspiring place. Is it a place that you begrudge sitting in? Is it messy and not decorated and take time like clear it out, make it a place that when you walk in you're like, so cool. I want this, you know, I want this to be my office. I want this to be the place I have to stay up in it. It's three. Am it, But, um yeah, and make it yet making sure that you have lots of friends wars, people that not only, you know, talk the talk but walk the walk like they're actually living the experience. Um, and last on this one is chase chasing your dreams. And like I said, that could be Maybe it's like wanting to experience all these different locations. Or maybe it's just wanting Teoh, shoot that one photo session that you just have, you know, right here, chase it, do it like there's been so many times that I was like, uh, that probably probably won't be able to do, you know, if they know or you'll be too hard to make it happen or I don't think that I could get all that in line. And it's just a matter of taking those little those little baby steps. And that was like I was saying, just keeping the inspiration around, making notes If you are just making connection your in at a location, even if you don't have a reason to use it for a photo shoot the time. If you want to connect with them, talk to them and just let them know who you are. And then that way, when it's time, it's easy. There's, you know, there's no, um, worrying that it won't work out, did you? Just chasing your dream is just a great subject. You have advice to people. They're just starting out that, you know, that's what even just get started. You know, I say you start this big like if you spend even 15 minutes a day putting that emotion. Um, I know it's a big thing with writers, like they say, you just have to sit down and write. It doesn't matter what you're writing. Just get the words on the paper for And they said it. You know, this many minutes a day. I think if you do that when you're in the beginning of photography like this many minutes today, I'm gonna sit down. Maybe it's just jotting down ideas. Maybe it's actually making some phone calls. Maybe it's, you know, trying to connect with a local model. Whatever it is 15 minutes just say, you know what? Between 10 and 10. 15 every day this week, I'm going to do something to get from here to there because it's really amazing, Like in the at the time. It feels like I'm I only spent 15 minutes, but you look at in a month later and look at all you accomplished. You know that's not going to the math in my head super quick. But that would be like devoting an entire day or two to reaching that goal. And you really didn't miss anything else in your life. It was just, you know, a little bit by little bit. Um, so we iron showed you this picture, but this also just has test touching on, like so, me having these kind of pictures of these kind of places or noting when I see stuff like this, I look at those kind of puzzle pieces that I'm just collecting like one at a time and putting him in the bag, putting him in the bag. And sometimes all you got to do is all the outside pieces. But then, like once you get that, you know how much easier it is to throw those inside, You know, to get the puzzle to get the puzzle down. So take note of stuff like this. If what? I'm always thank goodness for IPhones out and I see, like an inspiring location or don't expect, just take pictures and then put him in that folder at home, um, and pay attention, even toe like there's so much inspiration and garner just from like watching kids play like who? Who were they pretending to be? What are they pretending to do? Like all of those things make? Make my head start turning. Like I had showed the picture of, like the little boys with this ward and the crown and the little capes like that whole thing came from um, like they're very preppy, Very property family. And so I was thinking about you know, how does prep go into that kind of? And so I took like, old rough Lauren and like, preppy type shirts, and I was like, We could make capes out of it. So, like the prep, you know, the prep play pretend type thing. So just kind of pay attention to just the little things and make notes, make notes, make notes, make notes. Did I say make no and also play with things that inspire for me? I love, love, love, love animals. I love having animals in the shock kids. What is it like? 99.99% of kids adore animals. So for me is like the perfect match matching. And it's great to incorporate, like their own animals, like their puppies. Are there dogs or whatever. But have you ever seen? And kids face light up like when you actually bring like and I'll pack out or a camel into the scene like its way, Although I have to say Kim Allders Oh gross, I was slobber. I had, like, slobber streaming through my hair, and I smelled like really bad camel breath. Very sweet. But yeah, look at the other things that you absolutely love. And bring that in there too. Or the things that, like I said, kids, you know, virtually every single one get super excited if there's an animal involved or we had, like, baby Piggott one shoot and all the kids could there. Bunnies. My gosh, kids. So just, you know, thinking about those kind of things. Um, it's actually in. This is a new subject. Did we want toe ask any questions on anything before I Where do you get animals through? So, um, everywhere I have driven by and seen animals and just been like a So you ever let people come on your farm and take pictures? Uhm, I'm pretty vocal about the things I would love to dio, so I'll put the feelers out sometimes in the when people like the camel. I had just said I've been looking for a camel. I've been trying to a camel shoot for like, things like three or four years. I had had the vision to do one and it felt fallen through twice. I had had gambled twice and had fallen through twice, and but I had kept it there and I was still talking about it and it in one of the moms of my models. She'll actually be here today, uh, moved to a new house and she took a picture is like Liquid was on my drive home on her neighbor had a camel. So I think just putting it. It's all about putting it out into the universe. It's like when we keep things huddled and in our heads, and it's so hard to make it happen. But when you're talking about it and voicing it and putting it out there, I think things just kind of match naturally, just kind of fall into place. Yeah, I guess. Google to So step Riley would like to know any tips for working with animals and having it not evolve into chaos. Animals air pretty much working, like working with two year olds, so I would recommend not using two year olds with animals, because then you just make it twice as hard. Um, I mean, I do. I do ask the owners of the animals beforehand. I mean, I want to make sure I always need to be safe for the kids, and I want to make sure that it's not gonna be a complete disaster. So I make sure when I am seeking out whatever animal that the owner is confident in the animal's ability, which doesnt mean, Like I said, they're like two year old. Sometimes they're great animals and they show up in its chaos. But I tend to work with older kids when I do that, so that I know that they're in control and I'm in control. And then we just have that one item that is the wild card. And if there's so Callie, Sam would like to know if there's a cost involved, does that go to the client, or does that figure into your overhead? Um, well, if the client is wanting it, then they would. Then they would. They would provided the most the time. When I do things like this, it's one of my inspiration type, so it would be out of out of pocket. That's one of the ones. When I was saying, you know, lots of shoots cost $20 some costs, not $20. Did you have any good? Okay, Working through doubt, which I don't think I'm the only one might be 10 years in. Still have several days, but I'm like I talk. Everybody's better. Why is everybody working so much more? Wire their shot so much better? Um, it's really easy to get in that head space. I think when we're working a job that is so heartfelt, and we're putting our heart like right here all the time. It's easy. Teoh get defeated and to feel, um, like you're not good enough. Um, there's a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. And I think that's something so important to keep in mind because at the end of the day, it's really just off doing it to ourselves. I mean, yeah, maybe you might have people. That might be mean a reader, but at the end of the day, it's all about being confident in trusting that so hard to trust. You know what's what's in here? Um, there's a great book that I swear by to anyone that is experience that kind thing. It's the for the four agreements. I don't know if any of you have read it. I'm just I know the back cover if you just jump on the Amazon or whatever will go over what the four agreements are. But it's basically be impeccable with your word, which means speak. How you, actually, you know, should should be being like, be your be your best off when you speak. And that just to me it's an amazing way to not only it, how do I explain it? So if you're not out there like taking down the other photographers you like, Oh, did you see what she did her or, you know, gossip that takes you into another mental state? I think when you're not getting into that place of worrying about like because when you're tearing down someone else, it's really just because that's that insecurity and use that you're trying to like. So I think if you don't even acknowledge it and it's like positivity, um, it's keeps you an adventure, a better headspace. Don't take anything personally. Such a hard, hard thing to Dio is to not take things personally because we all like to think that the way people behave is totally under our control. It's because if if were nice enough, they're gonna be nice enough, or if we do this, they're going to do that. And the truth of the matter is we really don't have. We could even be evil, horrible people, and it's all about how they are, You know, in the in the reaction, it's That's a really hard thing for me, especially because I like to take on like making sure everybody's happy and everybody's, um But it's not about that. I mean, I've had situations where I've had people say things, and I'm like, that is like so far from the out lake where I'm here, you're here and you just have to come to a point where you have to realize that, Okay, this is all about what's in there for them. Don't make assumptions, which is another horrible things like social media makes assumptions like the easiest thing in the world. Because all you see is oh, I just had another photo shoot. Oh, my gosh, I'm so busy this week. Look how amazing this isn't. So what's what do you twist him that their business is absolutely amazing. They're making crops on the money. They're getting all the clients like, but that's completely assuming because I can't even tell you how many times that I've seen friends like posting their stuff on Facebook. And then later in the day, I talked him on the phone and they're like, Oh, my gosh, this is the worst air Global like Think it that's know what it that's not what it sounded like. Um, and always do your best was the fourth agreement, which I think we can all try it. Maybe not every day, but at least give it a good good go. It's a great book. It's a really short read. I Isler recommend reading it. I'm like, I feel like it's a book you should read every six months because it keeps you in check. Um, so now, to jump into my four ways of working through doubt, First of all, doubt as an actually terrible, horrible thing because it does help you to check yourself. There are times maybe you should doubt what you're doing, because maybe it isn't the right thing. And maybe you do need to reevaluate, so I don't think it's necessary, something you need to completely wiped from your white from the, you know, wipe the slate clean on But keeping it in check, I guess, is what I'm talking about. Um, commitment is first and foremost the biggest thing in getting toe wear. Anyone is successful in the business I know you hear about Look, you know, lucky breaks those kind of things. Look, is actually luck actually increases with the amount of time that you put into it. I think you hear all the time about, you know, they cut this lucky break. And then, actually, and that's another reason I love documentaries and like reading backstories because you'll have overnight successes, like people that come on the scene. And then when you read their back story, you're like, Oh, they've actually been doing this 10 years. It wasn't an overnight. They get all to them. Um, So, like I said before, just taking a little bit of time every day. Just having that commitment put on your calendar, have an alarm go off. If you know there's a time of your day that is usually pretty slow, like it's the time that your kids nap or it's your lunch break or whatever, how the alarm go off and remind you Oh, yeah, I'm supposed to spend the next 10 minutes doing something that's, you know, off on this to do list. So just saying just staying committed, I think that being patient with it and persistent at the same time is completely the key. Um, support, like we had talked. I think your word sums up that perfectly. Friend tours Having like minded people finding mentors, Um, at the same time it is It is good, I think, to kind of come back a little bit and spend some time with yourself. I personally am a complete introvert, and I need that recapping time. Teoh reenergize in regroup. So support to can just mean supporting yourself in knowing when you need that break and knowing when you need that timeto. Maybe take a whether it's a small retreat to the coffee shop for a whole morning. Or maybe it's a weekend retreat to the beach. But support yourself just as much as you have other people in your life.

Class Materials

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Shannon Sewell - Family Questionaire.pdf
Shannon Sewell - KidsQuestionaire.pdf
Shannon Dream.atn
Shannon Sewell - Dreamer Journal Summer 2014.pdf

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Shannon Sewell - Gear Guide.pdf
Shannon Sewell Virtual Swag Bag.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I loved this course. If you already know what you are doing as a photographer and are looking for fun and inspiration, this is a great class. Shannon didn't focus on the technical aspects, but rather HER way of working. She offered many, many fun and inspiring ideas to build a photo business that feeds your soul, rather than a business that just earns money from clients. She has taken an art form and made it her own. Her work is the result of her focus on her own personal style, which is fun, stylish, trendy and happy. I found this video to be inspiring and leading me towards making images that are my personal style. I can see how this course may have been challenging for people who are more about the technical aspects of photography, but hey, anyone can learn technique. The ART comes in when you can make it your own, when you can use photography as a way to express and reflect what you go going on on the inside. In Shannon's case, it's joy. Thanks CL for a fun, inspiring class and thanks, Shannon, for sharing your heart and your art. I had fun.

a Creativelive Student

I really enjoyed this class. I love Shannon's style both of photography and connecting with the children and families she photographs. She doesn't tell you what to do step-by-step, but rather offers you a bag of tricks which to draw from. Rather than telling you what to do, she shows you what works for her. I found the course very inspiring and the posing techniques helpful. She successfully demonstrates that you can create beautiful photographs with no more than a wall or a chair but she also shows you how to go all out with a detailed styled shoot. She shows that there is not one formula for success.

Marilou Jaen

I love it! Fantastic info. I love her easy way with the kids, and I found it really informative.

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