Other Features in Lightroom
Lesson 19 from: Photoshop and Lightroom Creative Cloud Additions in 2015Ben Willmore

Other Features in Lightroom
Lesson 19 from: Photoshop and Lightroom Creative Cloud Additions in 2015Ben Willmore
Course Introduction
02:41 2Changes in Setting Up Lightroom
09:54 3Develop Modules: Vibrance & Dehaze
12:57 4Lightroom 6 vs the Creative Cloud
03:49 5Develop Module: Auto Adjust, Lens Correction, & Pet Eye
11:17 6Filters: Graduated, Radial, & Adjustment Brush
14:39 7Library Module: HDR
22:05 8Stitching Panoramas
09:31HDR Panorama
17:50 10Keywording Your Images & Other Filters
31:11 11Creating a Slideshow in Lightroom
08:01 12Photoshot CC: Camera Raw Additions
06:15 13Photoshop CC: Focus Area
08:48 14Photoshop CC: Layers
12:33 15Smart Object Usages
19:42 16The Glyphs Panel & Shapes
14:23 17Blur Gallery Tools
08:29 18Creating Guides & Export Feature
19:35 19Other Features in Lightroom
10:09 20Other Features in Photoshop
22:26 21Conditional Actions
09:19 22Sync Settings & Libraries
13:19 23Perspective Warping
12:41 24Creating Artboards
09:01 25Enable Design Space
11:45Lesson Info
Other Features in Lightroom
We're going to take us somewhat random tour now of both light room and put her shop to see where are the other changes we haven't looked at in light room? They're a bunch of small changes we haven't talked about and so let's take a look so first here in light room, I'll get to go to the lower left, where I find the import mud, and when I click on import, you get the dialogue bus that you might be used to for importing your photographs. There are a few changes that have been made in here, but the main one in here is that when you're importing images now, you can not only choose a destination of where they go and in rename your files and things like that, there is now a new choice that is called add the collection, so if you end up using collections a lot and let's say you're going to be importing all day today from a sporting event, you have multiple shooters out there, they're shooting, you want tio import each one of their shoots into a different folder. This one folder is called ben ...
because that's, who shot it next folders called john that's the next import you do it's his shot, but you want to put all of these images together into one collection for the entire event well used to be that you'd have to import the images separately in on lee after you're done remember to put them into a collection well now in the import dialogue boxers, this new feature called ad to collection and here it will list the collections that already exist in your light room catalogues so you could choose an existing cattle are existing collection or there's a little plus symbol to the right of it, and if you click on that plus symbol, you create a brand new collection and you could name it whatever the name of the event is or whatever would be appropriate, then you could choose it from within that list. So that's a new feature it all depends how you use collections, but if I were sitting there and let's say I'm the person where my job is is to collect images from a bunch of shooters that are out there shooting an event I'm so to process them and get them uploaded as fast as possible. Well, aiken import each one from each shooter into separate folders, but I can throw them into one collection for the whole event, so that could be convenient and that's new in the import dialogue a bunch of other things though, and one is when I'm in the developed module there's some new additions in the developed module some people would say when I'm moving around in my image I noticed that there's a history graham and just below the history graham or some numbers that appear in those numbers, though, are percentages, and if you're used to working in photo shop, you're not used to seeing percentages for red, green and blue. If you ever look at photo shops info panel, or if you've ever worked in levels or curbs where you see numbers appear, those numbers always vary from zero to two, fifty five, not in percentages. I find percentages to be easier to think about in my head, but if I want to compare somethingto what I see in photo shop, these numbers aren't a straightforward conversion because their percentages in what's in photo shoppers zero to two, fifty five members so let's, see how we can get those to show more like what photo shop would use? Well when you're in the developed module, if you go to the bottom of your screen, there's a check box called soft proofing, and, in general, soft proofing means let's simulate the look of another device, or another color set up here in light room, and if I turn on soft proofing, then just below the history ram in the upper right, we can set it up thes features show up on lee when you turn on the soft proofing choice and dallas had come over here and set this to an rgb profile, and I moved my mouse on top my image, you'll find that those red, green and blue numbers do go from zero to fifty five you just need to set this pop up menu to whatever choice you use when you import your image into photo shop in the white room preferences in an area called external editing is where you'd find that setting, and you probably have it set too. Most likely adobe rgb or some of the guys that are pretty crafty might haven't set to pro photo, and you could change that here is, well, another change that they made was it used to be that this could onley preview rgb devices, and it couldn't preview cm like a ones like a printing press. Well, now, if I go to the profile pop up menu, not only can I get two rgb profiles you see right here is one for a scene like a device like a printing press. If you don't find what she needed this menu, you can choose other and that's where you choose what exactly populates this pop up menu, because it assumes you only want to show the devices you typically work with instead of all the possibilities, because all the possibilities could be a much longer list. And so if I do printing on pretty presses and I happen to have profiles loaded I could end up including them here but that's new being ableto have seemed like a profiles for soft proofing and therefore we can preview what this might look like on a printing press now some people have talked about some technical features and light room in the past where they'll talk about a concept called saturation clipping saturation clipping is when you make an image so colorful that it goes beyond the limit of whatever your output devices where my output device just is not capable of making something quite that colorful in one way you can tell if you have saturation clipping or not is if you have a colorful spike on the end of your history ram I just want to mention that if anybody ever mentions that to you on ly pay attention to colorful spikes on the end of your history graham if you have soft proofing turned on if you don't have that turned on, you will find that you rarely ever see those colored spikes on the end and that's because when you're don't have soft proofing turned on its not thinking about the limited range of colors that your end result might need due to your either printing device that you'd print to or if you're going to export this two s rgb mode or something else that has a more limited color range so I just want to mention if you ever hear people talking about colored spikes on the ends I know we didn't during this class but you might hear it during other classes that you mainly want to pay attention to that if you have soft briefing turned on and it's set up to think about your end use for your image either printer or a file for a color space that type of thing yes one of those color spikes the same thing is that again I yes it's always you can say it's it's reaching the edge of the gamut once you try to push beyond the game that you get a spike yes um all right other things that we conduce is you know how sometimes when you quit white room asks you if you'd like to save a backup and it seems to just do that every once in a while we'll if you go to your light room preferences and actually I think it's in your catalog preferences let me see if it is yes your catalog preferences you go light room menu choose catalog settings if your windows there's no light room menu should be under the edit menu you'd find catalog settings here you can usually tell it how often you make that back up and that's not new but there are some new settings related to your backups I'm going to enforce it so when I quit light room right now it's going to ask me to create a backup on the way I can force it to do that is to go into my catalog settings. Change this menu to a choice called when light room next exits. So if ever make huge changes to my light room catalog, like I recently renamed almost two hundred thousand images and I wanted to make sure I had a backup of this light room catalogues. So it knew about those changes instead of waiting until the end of the week when it would naturally ask me to back up. I set this to win light room exits. Close this in them. I quit light room, and then because I changed that setting this popped up. Otherwise it would wait till the end of the week, which is its normal schedule. So let's, look at a few things that are in here. First off in here. We have our backup folder. This tells you where your backup is located. In with the new version of light room, it will actually compress the backup. It creates a zip file, which means these backups will take up less space, which is nice. Then there's a new choice up here called backup catalog. And I can tell it that just because I'm backing up my light room catalog, it's backing it up on the same hard drive is the original. What if that hard drive dies? The head back up is going to die along with it. So here I can say, backup catalog and here's how often it was, but right here, it's, his backup folder, why not put that same folder on the hard drive that contains the backup of your images? If you have one, so you can choose where that backup is placed by choosing this s o I'm going to skip this time, though, because I don't want it to actually create a backup so what's new and there is I can tell it where to save the backup so I could tell it to put it on an external drive. So this laptop dies. I don't have my original laptop, our light room catalog and the backup on one drive instead, I'm keeping in a separate drive. So one dr dies. I could go the other drive, just like you saw my little external drive. When would be nice to have a backup of those images in that catalog, uh, on there so that's part of it?
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Ratings and Reviews
Got to "know" Ben during Photoshop Week and a few other courses. He has consistently been one of my favorite Photoshop instructors. He is extremely easy to follow, stays on point without being cold or boring, and is immensely knowledgeable on just about everything Photoshop. He does not disappoint in this fantastic in-depth review of some great new features in PhotoShop and Lightroom CC 2015 ... there are some real hidden gems in there for you. Ben polishes them up and serves them to you with extra info, insight, and pertinent examples. He goes the extra mile to answer questions and delve into related subjects without going off the rails. GREAT, GREAT course. Thanks Ben, and Creative Live! -Tim K.
Jose A De Leon
I just purchased this course today and it's wonderful. Ben is one of the best Photoshop instructors I've encountered. I had purchased the complete Mastery course and this one is a welcome addition since it covers new features. Even though Photoshop and Lightroom will continue to evolve, the basic techniques and tools used are basically the same, so I find myself going back to the mastery course if I hit a bump along the way. Ben's knowledge is second to none, but his true gift is the ability to transmit all that knowledge in bite size and understandable portions that are never boring. Someday I will have the privilege to know him personally, in the meantime I will continue to buy his courses as they come out. Such a wealth of information. Thanks Ben and CreativeLive!
Ben is a wealth of knowledge and covers the material beautifully. Highly recommend his workshops to others!