Day 1
1Day 1 Pre-Show
10:54 2Flexibility & Creativity
1:34:54 3LIVE Photo Shoot for Brushes and Backgrounds
28:38 4Creating and Using Brushes and Backgrounds
1:48:23 5Finishing Touches
53:22 6Day 1 Wrap-Up
04:52Day 2
Lesson Info
Day 1 Pre-Show
Good morning Internet and welcome to Photoshopped creativity at Creative Live with Dave Cross. My name is Jim Catchy and I'll be your host today. And alongside me is Joe Kara Wyatt Good morning. Good morning. Today Pretty good. Are you fantastic? Ready to get started? We had to pre days Thursday and Friday with learning some great stuff and we're gonna keep it going today with Photoshopped creativity. David's with us and I just want to let you guys know we're gonna just do a few minutes of checking out our audio or video, so please join us in the chat rooms that creative live dot com slash chat Let us know how we look, how we sound. And with that Dave Good morning, sir. How are you? Excellent. Can't wait, Teoh. Two more days of Photoshopped. How much fun is this? It's awesome. It's so fantastic. I want more. We have five. We have six started out is three and turn into four. So who knows what might happen? Changed my flight will do. Tell Joey l Sorry about a year old. Of course. Creativ...
elive is nothing without our students. So, students, how are you this morning? Great so, like you let us know where you are, what? Your name, where we could find you and how excited you are to be here. Bob. My name is Bob Wide Drill. I'm a commercial portrait photographer in the greater Seattle area or a greater portrait photographer in the Seattle area. I could be found at www r w photo studio dot com. My Twitter handle is our wide row are to be Y d r o. I've been a student here for the past two days, and I have to say my brains about the pop. But between, um, smart objects within smart objects within smart objects variable layers and blend if modes I'm just, you know, totally in awe. So I'm really looking forward to the next couple of days. Good morning, Internet. My name is Athena Robbins. I've also been here now for two days with Dave Cross, and I got to tell you, it's quite incredible minds also blowing. It's given me a whole new perspective on photo shop, and I am just raring to go and make the most out of the software. Now I'm from Sumner, a new photographer, actually. So my websites not up yet, but you can find me at Athena Robins on Twitter. Hello, everyone. My name is John Cornyn cello. Probably see me around creative live here and there. A photographer here in Seattle. Portrait's a specialty. Um, let's see where many hats. During the day, I worked at a little software company called Adobe, where I helped run their user to user forums. During my evenings and weekends, I do my portrait, boudoir and head shot photography. My days off for vacation days, I come into creativelive and help people out here. Why am I here? Because though I have been involved in photo shop for 20 years as part of the first photo shop conferences with Thunder Lizard Productions many years ago, my background is large format transparency. So I've always treated photo shop and now light room as a regular dark room. So I'm here, learn more the creative side. I I just go in and just levels and things. I joke with people that if I can't finish it off in light room, I failed as a photographer. Eso I want to see what it's like to get into the creative side off photo shop. I'm Todd Herbert. I'm Seattle based photographer. I shoot mostly senior sports and stage. You can find me at, uh, todd khobar dot com, or if you want all my site, you go to about dot me slash dot Hobart and you can get all my social media venues. Good morning, everyone. I'm Silver Lane. Ah, you can find me at www dot silver lane photography dot com And on instagram at Silver Lane. I'm a lifestyle photographer, um, transitioning into bourgeois and weddings a little bit out of Fort Lewis, Washington and I will be moving soon to Texas. So I am coming for you. San Antonio on. I'm excited to learn from Dave. I had the pleasure of learning from him a photo shop week, which was amazing. And I'm really excited about these composites that we're gonna learn about today. So awesome. So great to have you guys here. Thank you for joining us and you guys out there on the internet. Thank you for joining us as well. And please let us know who you are and where you're coming from, and so we can give you some shout outs in a few minutes. But, Dave, you feeling good this morning? Yes, sir. Is this one of my favorite topics? And exactly what John said is that many photographers view photo shop and light room as kind of the Let me get it as right as I can the camera, which I completely agree with and tweak a little bit. And I think that's a great idea. But I think the other side of the coin is using Photoshopped as a creative tool. And that's one of things that I love to talk about is shooting with photo shop in mind or using Photoshopped to create things you couldn't do in camera alone. And that's kind of where we're headed next two days so you wouldn't actually throw flying books at your models. Well, that's the things that tried. Okay? Ever get five people in so everything. So that's this is probably eight photographs put together in Photoshopped taken with the intent of doing that, and that's we're gonna actually do that. This recreate this kind of thing tomorrow during the photo shoot. Fantastic. Could you tell us a little bit about what we did on Thursday and Friday? Maybe just give us a little sure, I'm gonna actually start off today with a bit of a review, just in case for people weren't there last two days. But the last two days was more of the kind of productivity side being more efficient, being more flexible, doing things in a way that give you speed things up. So we're gonna build on that because one of my feelings is in order to really let your creative juices flow, you've also got to be productive because you can't spend four hours experimenting. You got to figure out a way to do it in an hour or less, or whatever it is. So we're going to use some of the same techniques we did yesterday. Things like smart objects and smart filters and all those very flexible methods so that we have were not impeded. We can just jump in and go. I want to start creating things because I'm already doing things in a more efficient way. So we'll start off the first class reviewing some of those key techniques and how they become a creative tool. Fantastic. Now, I know at the end of yesterday we did this amazing long Q and A and there was a lot of back and forth with you. And I also found out yesterday that you have your own Photoshopped Quiz AB now. Did you? From yesterday's Q and A. Did any new for the next version? A new No, there's always actually this. The APP is like a little trivia game, basically, So it's It's a 600 questions on Photoshopped various levels, and most of them are which tool to use for this, and the idea behind it is both a fun way to test your knowledge. But hopefully along the way, if you get the wrong answer, there's little explanation that explains what the correct answer is. So it was. It was fun to put again. I never honestly thought I get to 600 questions. Once was 300. I was starting to run out, and all the sudden they got on a whole running one who I could do a whole bunch of questions about this, and I no, there's still more to come. So my goal is when whatever the next version of photo shop might be called, that there'll be a version of the APP for that updated with new questions for the new features in whatever that new version of photo shop is called. Yeah, it was tough for me. I really wanted to start asking you questions about when you'd like to see in the next version of photo shop. You want any? Uh, if you had a wish. One wish for the next version. Well, I'm such a smart, object oriented person that anything they could do to tweak that and the one thing that I would love to see is an even tighter integration with camera, because jumping back and forth between Cameron photo shop is great. But it would be awesome if there was a way toe make that even mawr embedded inside Photoshopped. So I can't be careful a little bit about what I say. I'd like to see because Okay, well, way we won't ask you anything on your cloud, user. I am. I use the creative cloud. I think it's fantastic because for my monthly membership, I get access to all the adobe app. So I had a case recently where I'd recorded a video of myself doing an introduction. And for some reason, the audio just was bad. I don't know what happened because I do it all the time and I suddenly realized I need to fix this audio and I had no audio fixing software at all. So I went, Wait, logged in my cloud and there was adobes audio software and I downloaded. When How does this work? Oh, look, there's a slider that says Make it better. Yes, I don't know how I would have done that before the cloud, because I would have gone looking somewhere toe by audio or find free software and the fact you can. I keep all my presets and all my action having up on the cloud. So if I'm traveling and suddenly I lose something about my laptop, I could download photo shop and my presets and be ready to roll something that's pretty cool. Fantastic. I'm hearing a little bit of an accent, and I know that you are from living Florida. Correct. But that's not a Is that a Floridian? No, it's not. This is a originally Canadian accent, now living in Florida for 10.5 years. So as I always jokingly say, I don't know how to spell or pronounce anything anymore because I've got both sides in my head, I want to say, the command said. But I know if I say that some people would be like what they see actually was in Vancouver last week and I was so nice, actually was able to say, Just press command said. And the audience like, Why is he so happy about that? I can say that I z awesome Well, you know, speaking where Dave's from, we have people joining us today from all over the world, So let's get some shut out shall way. Absolutely, we have classic romance is joining us, says Good evening from East York. Shire in the UK, Looking forward to another fantastic two days. Kelly M is coming from Clarion, Pennsylvania, Linda and has also coming from the UK, But she's in Lang Lancashire way. Have Michelle good morning from 10 throw. We got K Alex, good evening from Kyle, Germany, and I know we have Photoshopped elements coming to us from space ailments. That seems like a long ways. We got Katie from Arizona and we have Pam Hawkins, Newton, New Jersey, all in capital. The big exclamation. Well, good morning to you guys.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Dave is an incredible and entertaining Instructor! Easy to learn from, yet so knowledgeable about the needs of small business and creative artists. I've gained invaluable workflow and productivity knowledge that will bring extra hours back into my life. I'm all about efficiency, quality and ease in work practices, while maximizing the capabilities of Photoshop in a whole new way I never thought was possible with this software. Dave's course is an absolute "must have" in one's arsenal of photography and business tools! Information in this course is well worth the price of the course compared to what you'll gain back 10-folds on your ROI! I hope to see him back to CreativeLive again soon! What a joy to learn from him! That's some fancy footwork in Photoshop Dave! ;-)
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