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Day 2 Wrap-Up

Lesson 13 from: Photoshop Creativity

Dave Cross

Day 2 Wrap-Up

Lesson 13 from: Photoshop Creativity

Dave Cross

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13. Day 2 Wrap-Up

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Day 2 Wrap-Up

they that that I think that's just that story is a great place for us to say thank you. That was That was awesome seeing all this video stuff and maybe a little, maybe you did cross my becoming Bhakta Creativelive to show us a little bit more with video, and it's cool to hear that it's just the first version that that's what I've been most side about, that it's considering it's the first real revamp. It's pretty darn cool, and I can only guess what's to come. That's fantastic. Well, I'd like to take the opportunity to think everybody out there, especially Dave Cross, Thank you. These last four days have been amazing. I know we had at least 10 or 15 comments about splattered walls in people's homes and exploded heads, and I know there was little splatter on here the other day. There's a lot of it I want to think are you know, all you guys in our in studio audience. Some have been here all four days. Some have joined us just recently, but the questions have been fantastic and the interac...

tion has been amazing. So thank thank you all. It's been great. I'm gonna think My co host, I want to thank the guys in the tech booth and our producers, our chat hosts in the chat rooms behind the scenes, just everybody that helped make this possible. I just want to say thank you guys. It's been fantastic. Four days. Absolutely so, Dave, we're gonna give you a little bit of Internet love. Tell you what. People out there saying, Ah family, Pamela Hawkins says. Debut rock. Okay, I just want to say David, so amazing. My head is a about two supremely explode. My imagination is running amok and it's all Dave's fault. Thank you and call you from Facebook, says Davis. So awesome love that he has a bachelor's and education. It validates the idea that teaching is both an art and a skill really thinks of how to best illustrate something and doesn't amazing job. You absolutely dio and put a Hall of Fame Hall of Famer in the house and I got one from Zig, who says, referring to your photo shoot. The one man operation approach is much appreciated. The most tutorial show the photographer standing behind the camera with a team of assistants moving the lights holding the reflectors and everything. Watching Dave really makes me feel like I could do this all alone. Thank you. And I mean, that was amazing to me, too. But the thing is, egg, you're not alone out there. Creativelive has your back. So after you take those shots, come back to your computer and watch some of these videos. And with that said, we do have a little highlight reel. We'd like to show you guys of our last four days and just some clips of things we've learned from Dave. I'm not showing you this just because it's cool. I mean, that's part of it. But that's not the main reason. It's that whole edit faster. Do things more quickly, make more money because you're getting to the things you want to do, which is to take photographs. That's unfortunate that I'm not happy with it cause I need to start over again. No, I don't. Because of course, this is a smart object. So I just go in here and say, Where is that word? There it is. So now I can do whatever I want. I can hide something it saved. Look at it. Update the great thing about smart object is your never finished. The bad part is you're never finished, so he might just keep going. I could try this and I picked something like levels. And I just say, Let's just adjust the heck out of this to the point where oh, there we go. Now I can see the top of the box and then take my quick selection tool with the option. Are all key to get rid of this little part. Think like photo shop. The quick selection tool looks for edges, so you should, too when you're shooting, create edges for the quick selection tool. Don't make the its life more difficult by having a person with brown hair standing in front of a brown door. Content aware Fill is definitely a Why not try it? Because it's gonna do most of the time better than you could or use a little trick of the left bracket. Jesus, I want a brush around this big, and I just click once. The main point is, if you have a brush, then it becomes one click away. So instead of you going, I know somewhere on my hard drive, I save my logo or I save this copy right now is instead, it's just in my brushes. So my goal it is not to give you. Here's a series of step by step instructions, say Here's a cool way to be creative because then that just means you're following instructions and I don't want you to fall instructions. I want you to embrace the concept of saying, How can I let my creative juices flow? By the way, I structure a document. Uh, that was have so cool. I'd for gotten It's been so It's been so much information, variable data, that was that was incredible. Smart objects and those that signature stamp. I think people were really excited about that signature stamp. And you guys, all this stuff is in is in this class. So just to remind you, as far as today is concerned, at the end of the day, this class Photoshopped creativity is selling for will normally will be $99 but if you buy by the end of today, it'll be $79 which is a fantastic deal. But even better, if you purchase by the nine o'clock Pacific time tonight, you can get both courses. That's the photo shop productivity on automation class and the Photoshopped creativity class for offer. It's normally gonna be $198 that you can get it for $ and it includes all the course videos, and each course comes with a 35 page content reference guide. And so, if you buy the bundle, you get both guides and the 50 top tips and tricks from Dave Cross. And I've taken a peek of those and I were not Can't tell you guys anything, but they're practically worth the price of admission alone. So I want you to go to the video page that you're on right now. Scroll down and on the bottom left is that bundle for 99 bucks, four days of information, the bundle, the whole works. You won't be disappointed, so go ahead and click down, don't you think? Absolutely. I buy it So you asked and we answered. Creative Life is having its first newborn posing workshop. People out there been asking for this coming. Here it is. It's going to be made ninth through 11th with all shelling Creative Photographer of the year Kelly Brown. She's gonna be doing a live administrations with babies that aren't even born yet. I mean, that's pretty awesome right now. They're not here for this workshop. You want to know more about this workshop, go to create. So this is a create CCR eight dot lv slash newborn posing and get more information than that and roll so they can watch the whole thing live. And you're definitely want out of that cause we'll see you tomorrow at nine. AM where Joelle and that's around.

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a Creativelive Student

Dave is an incredible and entertaining Instructor! Easy to learn from, yet so knowledgeable about the needs of small business and creative artists. I've gained invaluable workflow and productivity knowledge that will bring extra hours back into my life. I'm all about efficiency, quality and ease in work practices, while maximizing the capabilities of Photoshop in a whole new way I never thought was possible with this software. Dave's course is an absolute "must have" in one's arsenal of photography and business tools! Information in this course is well worth the price of the course compared to what you'll gain back 10-folds on your ROI! I hope to see him back to CreativeLive again soon! What a joy to learn from him! That's some fancy footwork in Photoshop Dave! ;-)

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