Lesson Info
Now, a lot of people have been told Teoh to wait for someone else. If you threw out the first thing, you're gonna lose the negotiation and you flip that on its head. It's one of the principles. I think it's the title of a chapter, actually, Um, make the first move in a negotiation. What do you mean by that? Is that seems counterintuitive to what So many people have been told their whole life. Yeah, some negotiation. Listen, when you're going negotiation make the first move. You know, there is an almost saying that, says the person who says the number of first was going to be the one who loses. I just find the best way to do it is you go out there and you don't say that number. First you talk about what you're gonna see. People like to learn in stories, right? So make the personal tell the story, and people want to. Of course, they want to associate themselves with story and resignation with with that. Then after that, you tell what you're looking for, where you're willing to go if they...
don't want to go back. Huh? I Then you ask why like I went back to earlier. What's getting in your way of this? How can I incentivize you? What can we do to come across there? You're going to have to go down that route sooner or later. And I'm the one I love to just lay it out where we're thinking. So we know where in the universe. So we can either start moving back or start moving towards the concept of what we want to accomplish. So powerful, I think again, going against conventional wisdom and this idea that again, you're gonna, um, as an entrepreneur, looking for an investor that you're going to somehow set the tone by just walking up and throwing out a number. I love the idea of story. Um, you know, we're social animals, human beings. That's one of the reasons that you know, the pandemic is so hard because we're isolated. And the reality is that it's built into our DNA to grab onto stories. And, you know, if you if you listen to the bomb bus guys or you listen to even Cuban, you know an amazing story, tell the story of how he sold broadcast dot com is an amazing story that you lean into, Um, how didn't Obviously you're a master storyteller you have to do is check out the book. But how do people dissect their own stories such a way that it's compelling? Because most people that I see it just like yeah, um, you know, you know, here's my name. And here's my product, Um, versus this story, the story of the bombers guys, for example. So do you have any advice and people for people for how to become better storytellers? Yes, the feet of telling stories, Whether you're talking to one person or you're talking civilians of people, if there is a little bit of a structure number one, tell people what you gonna tell him and you tell me. Tell him what you told him. You want to keep it really short. Hey, I'm going to tell you about a brand. I created this closely associated music that kids are going crazy for because they feel like they finally have their home. You tell a little bit of the who started, and then you say, and that is why the kids now feel they have their home way to communicate even when they see somebody across the street. They know back persons into the same type of music they are and they feel empowered. And this is why they share this information. And we're doing more and more business, and we're ready to scale because we have worked this out of my territories. And now we know, and that's how people tell stories. But one of the best storytellers in the world is President Obama, and I notice that President Obama speaks and you know what he does. He takes the question out of the room tonight he walks in, and those, you know, I've decided to this. However, some people will say that it's wrong D to this, right? Take the question. You know your product. You know who you are. Hey, I'm so I work in advertising. I've been in there for 20 years, and I've decided that I want to now become a manufacturer. Colon. However, I know you may think that advertising and colon are to total different feels what the value in what I have to offer the advertising and marketing is usually the black hole in When you were selling price, you don't know where to target and how much a quiet your audience and this inept. But advertisers are really well at doing research. Now I have ability to research on the target demo What they want, how to deliver it. I have his manufactures set up, and I'm ready to move forward with you because I think that you could be a great strategic partner. And I can add value to you because you happen to sell footwear. You know all the buyers and you want to take up more real estate on different sites. So I have something that does not compete with you. It complements you. I'm going to make sure that we sell the product together. And I'm also gonna help the advertising and marketing for your footwear. And it is a win win situation for that person on the other side of the table.
Ratings and Reviews
Rosalyn Clark
Loved the class. Thank you Daymond for the encouragement and insights to remain "Authentic".
Micole Spicer
Great information from Daymond John! I am going to purchase the book Powershift today!