Types of Legal Documents: Contracts, Model and Print Releases
Lesson 4 from: Releases, Contracts, and Waivers for PhotographersRachel Brenke

Types of Legal Documents: Contracts, Model and Print Releases
Lesson 4 from: Releases, Contracts, and Waivers for PhotographersRachel Brenke
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4. Types of Legal Documents: Contracts, Model and Print Releases
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Types of Legal Documents: Contracts, Model and Print Releases
The types of legal documents that you guys need to have. Up 'til now, I've been talking in broad strokes of contracts. The main one that you guys probably all have is the booking main contract, right? This is the one that gets everyone in the door. We also have the model release and the print release. We don't have, give me one second, we don't have it, that's okay. I can talk through it anyways. Okay, so the main contract, this is the biggest one that I've been talking about thus far. This is the one where the main party information's gonna go. It's mirroring your workflow, it's talking about coming in from inception all the way through the very end. This, and again, I threw out the little tidbit for you guys earlier, the people that are signing on this contract don't necessarily have to be the people that are being photographed, 'kay? The model release, this is the next document that you guys really need to have. Standard in workflow across the board. I'm gonna get into a little bit ...
here in a second what to do if your client counters these, but your model release works in two major ways. And this is where I really want you guys writing down, because I find that a lot of attorneys that don't work in this type of work don't truly understand. They get point number one of what a model release does. This is giving you permission for use of images and promotional activity. Off the board, the majority of model releases I've seen have that, but they don't have point number two. Point number two is where it is the client waiving any claim of compensation for use of their face in your marketing. So if you have a model release out there that only has point one, should your client ever get so pissed off, and they get a savvy lawyer, I'm gonna look for point two to find something for them to potentially receive compensation for the use. The likelihood of that happening, I shouldn't even say this, 'cause it's being recorded, probably not very big. But you guys don't want to have that hanging out there, 'cause what if one of your images blows up, and it becomes viral, and all of a sudden, your client wants compensation for that. Pretty sure you didn't charge enough for that, right? 'Cause you had no idea what was gonna happen. So model release. One of the biggest questions and, kind of, misconceptions with model releases is, let me back up for a second. The law states that if it's being used in portfolio, a model release is not necessarily needed. The unfortunate thing is the law is so archaic and so behind the times, that's, like, from when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, 'kay? And it's not taking into consideration the fact that the way that electronic media, social media, websites are now, I would guarantee and hope if you guys are trying to run a business, that you guys don't just have a website that's merely just your photos. You have to have some text on there that is trying to solicit business, right? Whether it's your Facebook page, whether it's Instagram, your website, all of that. That right there, to me, is enough of an argument that right off the bat, you need to have that model release in play, 'cause no longer is it just a portfolio, it is attached to some sort of marketing activity. 'Kay? So that's where you circle back around to having the model release. These are the two main documents that if you guys have nothing else to start with in your business, you need to start with. Setting expectations and protecting yourself, and making sure that you're able to use images in marketing, and not have to have it over your head if you have a client come back that they don't want their images used. So on that note, with model release, I recommend that right off the bat, you send a contract and a model release together to a client. Standard workflow procedure, 'cause you need it, right? But what if your client doesn't want to sign the model release? I am of the mindset, and if you guys can't tell, I'm a little on the conservative side when it comes to staying away from risk and liability. I just tell them, "Okay," and I take it off. I don't charge them, I don't, I say I don't question their inquiry, and actually, this is a good workflow for if, even if you get questions on the contract. Don't freak out. Don't think they're undermining you as a business owner. I see this on Facebook groups all the time. You flip out 'cause you're scared, like, "Oh my God, how do I respond?" Find out why they're inquiring. Whether they have an issue with something in the contract or an issue with not wanting to sign the model release. I wouldn't necessarily off the bat say, "Okay, I'll take the model release off." Certain circumstances, like for me, I live in the Washington, DC area. We have a lot of three letter agencies, FBI, DIA, CIA, and all of that. I know that they can't be, you laugh, but it's true, if they're a referral, and I know that they can't have social media presence, I don't bother wasting my time and money in the relationship with trying to convince them to amend the model release. If they're a regular client who comes in the door and is kind of concerned about my language, I listen to their concerns. They may not want one online, or maybe they only want certain images. Maybe they want to have the right to pick which images are used, 'cause they're either unflattering or not, or maybe it's more of a sensitive subject like birth or it's their children, 'kay? We don't know. You don't know what's coming in the door, especially when family law issues come in. You don't know, you don't want to know. You don't want to know. So I always, if a client asks, and I advise you guys, this mostly happens on the model release. Sometimes you get questions on the contract, in the liability type of stuff, but model release, 'cause privacy's such a big thing, which is so funny, the way that people display their shit on the web. But all of a sudden, a photographer gets them a model release, and they're like, "Oh, no, I don't want to do that," even though they just shared 322 pictures of Tommy doing the exact same thing, right? So, you guys laugh, but it's true. But that's their right to do so. It's not your right to force them, 'kay? So for my recommendation is they ask about the model release. Ask them why or what they have a problem with in it, because most of them are giving you carte blanche to be able to use in marketing. That's pretty broad, that can be anything. That could be used on a billboard, it could be used, me putting it up in the local hospital, because I have a relationship with them to market myself, all the way down to just using it on my business cards. Like, it's a pretty broad gamut, and it's their face and their privacy rights that are on there. So ask them, "What is it about that that you don't like?" The funny thing is, I gave you guys the two prongs to the model release, I have never heard of a client wanting to get rid of prong number two. I would. Now that I thought about that, that's a really good idea. Hmm, 'cause then I could pay for my kid's college if something ever happened. But they never have an issue about waiving of the potential compensation claims, it's more about how and where the images are gonna be used. So be open. And again, you guys don't have to agree with me on this. You can run your business however you want to. I've just found that the more accepting you are to listen to the client, the more, the higher probability that you're gonna have a better relationship with them. I also don't have a problem with just waiving the model release completely, like the example I gave. For me, my person opinion on this is it's not worth the bad taste in their mouth. It's also not worth the one blog post and three images I'm gonna stick in my portfolio, when I could get how many referrals out of that, kick complete ass with them, and pay for my kid's Christmas. 'Kay? Just my opinion. Some people also charge for not having a model release. And now, again, I'm talking about a paid session. I'm not talking about when you guys are doing model calls or anything like that to promote your portfolio. I'm talking 100% about a regular paid client that's coming in the door. So, I say all that to say it is best practice, also, to break these out. To break them out from a legal standpoint, so if ever one becomes thrown out, they're both not thrown out. Now, if one gets thrown out, it's probably gonna be the contract, and I'm probably not gonna give a crap about the model release, I'm not even gonna use their images if we've gotten to that point, right? But, (laughs) you know? Some photographers are hell bent on doing it, and that's okay, that's your prerogative. But breaking them out, even digitally, you still can do this. Have them broken out, signed as separate documents, makes it super easy to do, 'kay? I don't offer that upfront, unless I know that they're a referral from one of the three letter agency type people, or if I know there's a family law issue, they're a foster child, whatever it is. 'Kay. So contract and model release, off the bat, these are the two that you guys absolutely need to have. If you are trying to build your portfolio, please still use a contract, even if they're not paying, 'kay? 'Cause we about it a little before, one of the valid requirements for a contract is an exchange for something, right? It's this consideration. In that case, more than likely, it's gonna be you are giving me use of your face and your body in images, and I'm gonna give you images, or print product, or something in return, right? But same thing, I still recommend that you do contract, 'cause we're gonna see when I dig into what exactly is in this why you guys need to have this in place, even for unpaid or discounted. Every single person that comes in the door should be signing a contract, unless it's your mama, because she gave you life, 'kay? Every person, and this goes back to what was the very first slide, you never have an issue 'til you have an issue. All the frickin' issues happen from friends and family, and then it causes problems, 'kay? And one of the ways that I have found it's best just to handle this situation, is even if you're giving it to them free, you just say, "Hey, do you mind? "This helps protect me, this is my business process." And if they're also small business owners, I don't try to get out of their policies, you know, I always try to respect exactly what they're offering and value them, as well. The last document is the print release. You probably could hear it used as a license, 'cause that's essentially what it's doing. It is giving of a license while you retain the copyright ownership, which we're gonna talk about in Intellectual Property 101 this afternoon. But it's you retaining the copyright ownership of the image. Now remember, the client is still retaining a right to their publicity rights, but we've already kind of governed that up here, but this is giving them, the license is telling them what they can do. Typically, it's for digital files, for the reproduction of digital files. You actually could have a license drafted up for products, for print products, as well. Can't scan, can't reproduce, can't do all of this, right? So we have default protections under the law, I'm not gonna go too deep on this. This is where you are educating clients and giving them the permissions to do certain things. This could be telling them what labs to print, how big they can print, how many times they can do it. You can make it as complex or as simple as you want. Majority of the time in a standard portrait or wedding relationship, this is a personal license, a personal print release, so they can only use it for personal use. Printing for their canvases on their wall, putting it over their fireplace, making a sweatshirt for Great Aunt Sally, I mean, with your face. Personal print license. The issues often come in when clients take the image when they only have a personal print release and they're starting to use it commercially. So keep that in mind. I always, if I know that someone comes in the door to me for a family session and they ask, "Hey, will you take a picture of just me, the mom?" I go, "Okay, well, yeah, sure. "What do you want to use it for?" Because if they end up saying they're gonna use it for their business, this personal print release is not appropriate anymore, the language will be wrong, 'kay? It will not, and I'm not saying you have to make a big deal about it, but just keep in mind, they're gonna be using said image in marketing, you're gonna look at having a commercial license, 'kay? So print release is the most commonly accepted term. I'm not a big fan of it, because it doesn't really explain that this is personal and then you have personal license, and then commercial license, all right? And in that same vein, you guys also need to start thinking, "Okay, I sell digital files or I have print product "given to the client, I give them a print release "telling them what they can and cannot do. "What am I gonna do if they go outside the bounds of that?" That's something you seriously have to consider if you're actually gonna pursue that. The majority of copyright infringement issues I see don't come from that situation. Typically, it's a third party that's not in the images, that was not part of the session, that has ripped the image and is using it commercially. Majority of the time. I have seen this happen, but the most common one is like what I gave you, they end up using it as head shots for their real estate company, even though they bought it. And don't get upset with your clients here, this is what I was talking about, it is your responsibility, they don't know this. How many didn't know this just now when I said it to you, and I'm not throwing judgment. Hey, we got hands raising. It's like church up in here. But we can't get upset at our clients, 'kay? If you did not educate them, and I'm not saying this needs to be a standard procedure when they come in, "Well, let me tell you about personal "and commercial licenses that I learned at CreativeLive." We don't need to bog down, just keep it in the back of your mind. Little things will pop up. Sometimes they'll blindside you, but that's when you just come back around to say, "Okay, I see they're using it commercially. "You know, my commercial license is X, Y, and Z," or going back to customer service, you could decide not to pursue that. That is something that you could choose. Typically... Yeah, let me give the example for that. So with the print release, this was a situation that happened to myself when I first entered the photography industry. I received a print release of images. They actually just came up in my Facebook thing this week. That was super fun to see, but also was a bad taste a little bit, 'cause this was before Facebook, when Facebook, like, when you went to go make a profile picture, it cropped, and, like, you didn't get to choose, like, how it's set or anything like that. The print release, 'cause I was given social media watermarked images and then other ones, as well, the print release specifically said, "Cannot crop out watermark," and I was so excited, 'cause my husband was deployed to Iraq, I was so excited when we got the images just to put it as my profile picture, 'cause he was in uniform, we looked good, blah, blah, blah, didn't even think about it, 'kay? And what, I was in law school at the time. I did not even think about it. I got a nasty phone call from the photographer, "How dare you, you don't care about my rights, "and blah, blah, blah, and you, you know, "devalue me as a photographer," and I'm going, "What the (audio cuts out)," like, I had, I'm in the Kroger grocery store, kid's screaming, I'm like, "I don't know what's going on." I had violated the print release, technically. I had technically violated the guidance, but it was an innocent mistake, 'cause it had cropped out the watermark that was so faint, I couldn't even see. I own up to it. Maybe it was something that I should've been a little bit more careful on, but think about it for a second. What was I in that moment? I wasn't a lawyer, I was an excited client who not only switched my profile picture, was telling every single person in the comments, before the phone call, who the photographer was and linking their photography page. 'Kay? I share that to say take into consideration which battle you're gonna go after. Pick yo battles, 'kay? Pick the battles that you're gonna go after. I would probably rather save my gunfire for under contract stuff, enforcement of payment and all that, or maybe they have taken a personal print license, and now they're using it commercially, 'kay? So just run through it in your mind. Jot a couple of notes, what are some things that I'm willing to go to bat for, because also, reverse engineering, that's something I may want to consider sticking into my communications, as well. You could say one line in here when you're talking about what the print release is for, 'cause you should be explaining. You shouldn't just be blindly sending the digital files and the print release over, explain to them what it is, how to use it, and just say, now, understand this isn't commercially, "Hey, if you want to use one of these images commercially, "let me know and I'll hook you up, "and we'll get it all set up." And actually, good little marketing tip here, that's a fantastic way to cross-market your personal portrait clients or wedding clients into extra money. Commercial and selling the commercial license, pay day, ya'll, so just think about that. All right, so do we have any questions on these documents up to this point? Just a real quick one. I had a dad and stepmom who have child every other weekend who, like, "Yeah, fine, I'll sign the model release." I'm like, "Mm, I don't know about that." What are your thoughts on that? So without going down the whole family law trail, it's all about who has the legal rights to be able to sign. That's really all I can say without knowing the specific situations, but that is one of the most common issues is when one parent wants to do a session, but the other doesn't. I mean, how far do you go down? Do you ask, "Well, let me see the legal documents "of who has the right." You just have to do your due diligence of what you can, find out the information, and make a gut check call from there. The main things that I think you guys should have in the contract, this is a good checklist for you to use. We talked about the party information. Getting paid, specifically, so someone's gonna raise their hand, retainer or nonrefundable deposits, stuff that gets you guys booked and put on the calendar. I said earlier, everyone signs a contract. Nobody goes on my calendar until they have signed the contract and paid whatever is outlined in that first payment booking provision of the contract. Both, and my language reflects that, that it's not executed until both are done, because I don't want to be chasing you down for money. If I have to do that, then you're probably, I'm gonna be chasing your tail for the rest of the entire relationship, right? And it's a little different when you're in the beginning and building your business. I fully respect and understand that. Just keep in mind that sometimes you just gotta let the fish go, and that's one of the telltale signs. So party information, the payment stuff. Do you have a question? Yeah. Yes? Finish your thought. No, go ahead, 'cause I got, like, a long list to go. Hannah asked, what if Hi, Hannah. a group or multifamily session, does each adult sign a contract release? That's what I forgot. Okay, yes, fabulous. So she's asking if there's multiple, if you have, like, multiple groups and so forth. Let me back up from that for a second. I talked about earlier how a contract doesn't necessarily have to be the individuals that are gonna be in the images. It can be, like, a parent or a third party, right? Only adults can sign for themselves on a model release. Only adults have the right to give the permission within their publicity rights, 'kay? So in that same vein, like what you just talked about, so this commonly happens with, like, weddings or well, not really weddings. So it commonly happens, like, with family reunions, or if multiple people get together and they want to half, you can have one main person that is control of the contract. This is the person that you would enforce all payment stuff, which we're gonna get back into that checklist here in a minute. But all other individuals have to sign the model release for themselves, which sounds like an administrative nightmare, but it is what it is from the legal standpoint. Now, I already said this earlier, and no disrespect to the guys, the majority of the time, it's the mom that's booking this sort of stuff, right? And she probably just blindly signs this online and doesn't ever give it to dad to do, well, that's technically not accurate, but it happens, 'kay? So you technically cannot sign a model release for another adult, you can do if for your children that you have guardianship of, like, going back to the family law stuff. They have legal guardianship of them, which can also include your birth children, obviously, as well, or if you have a power of attorney. Which, I don't know why you have to get a power of attorney to sign for portrait contracts. Yes. I have a question around an event photography, like what you were describing. Is is acceptable to have one document and 30 signatures, signatories to it? Yeah, you could do that. It really depends on how it's set up. You would just want to identify the party information and their name, and that would be structured a little differently, and then kinda how I mentioned, but then they could sign. 'Cause that definitely happens, like when you have expos and those sorts of things and you're taking photographs for something, you could do that, yes. Thank you. You're welcome. Oh, yeah, so answering the question, what Hannah asked online, you can have one main contract, you can have multiple, technically, but for ease of administrative purposes, you could do one contract that just governs that one specific situation. Just keep in mind, that's the only person that you can enforce any payment stuff on. 'Kay? So say Sally does it, and she has four other sisters are also getting photographed, and you don't get paid, you're probably not gonna be able to go after any of those four other sisters. It's gonna be Sally who was the signature to the contract, even though the four other sisters signed their model release. They're two different purposes. This is booking and bound to, like, payments and fulfillment of the relationship. This is merely those two things that we talked about. 'Kay? So going back to the contract. Party information, getting booked, what monies are refundable or not refundable off the bat. I have a specific amount, and I'm not gonna tell you that, because everyone's cost of doing business in time is different, but it's an amount that is enough to make me get up, and put on pants, and go down to the studio to photograph you, and to carve out that time, right? It's enough to cover the amount of communication time that we had upfront, and getting all the way to the point of the session, and then whatever type of sales. You may do all-inclusive, you may have sale sessions. Doesn't matter, you need to have some sort of payment amount upfront. It could be full amount, you could make them prepurchase a collection upfront, it could be a flat fee amount, or it could just be a percentage, which is typical in, like, wedding stuff, but portraits can also vary, as well. After that, you would have, and these don't necessarily have to be in this direct order, but they're kind of going along that chronological timeline. The getting booked, so the monies amount, maybe if you require any, like, preconsultations, weddings are very specific on this. You may require that they have a preconsultation session with you and/or an engagement session. That would be discussed. All the way through the event or the session itself. After that would be, like, delivery, when your image is gonna be ready. What if there's, oh, let me back up for a second. Under payments, maybe you do a payment plan within that. Maybe you only require a percentage upfront, and then you'll take little amounts along the way. Put that in there. Paired with that, and this is another on my soapbox about not self-drafting, 'cause you don't know what to put into it. Paired with that is any late fees. So, it's gonna sound weird. Any time we have something that we want to enforce, we also want to kinda have a bumper. We kinda want to have a penalty, so to speak, and again, we go back, I'm not saying club your clients, but, like, with payments, you need to have a penalty in there if they don't pay. Payment plans, and I say payment plans, it can be a separate payment plan, or it can be something that's within this booking contract, are heavily regulated by the states, because it is a debt, so to speak, to you. You cannot make it an unreasonable exorbitant amount, and that depends on the state. That will get thrown out. You also cannot assess a late fee, if it's not in there, after the fact. If you had a contract that said, "Okay, payments are one, two, and three," they miss one, but you didn't have it in there, you can't arbitrarily assess one. You're gonna have to look at local state law if it allows for any, but it's just better, talking about informing our clients off the bat, upfront, but having that penalty in there also puts their feet to the fire to do it. Because if I know that there's gonna be, I'm gonna have to pay a little bit more, I'm probably gonna get my shit together and pay. So that's one of the examples of penalty stuff. So we did payments, and then you go into maybe all the specifics if it comes to the session, or the wedding. This could boil down into requirements of wedding vendors at different venues, you know, are you gonna put those responsibilities on the clients, or are you gonna assume the responsibilities that who's gonna pay for monetary outlay for licenses or permits to photograph at certain locations, whether it's weddings or photos. If you're a birth photographer, who's gonna be responsible for getting the hospital permissions? I will say here, any of the things, think about what you're gonna try to put on your client. Things like permissions, such as access to OR room for birth, for even just being in a regular birth room, for location shooting, or even at venues. Do not, you can put it in your contract to require the client to get, you know, to be responsible, don't rest on that. Unless you're really gonna stay on top of them, make sure that you're still reaching out and getting the, making sure you have the proper permits and licenses, 'cause what happens if you guys agree that you're gonna shoot at this... I live in Northern Virginia. We have all these, like, historic battlefields, and they have all sorts of permits and stuff that you have to have to shoot at certain ones. Beautiful locations, totally fine to do, not knocking those at all, but if I require for my clients in the contract to be the ones to secure that permit and license, they don't do it, we show up, la-di-da-di-da, on the day of shooting, and we get kicked out, who are they gonna be pissed at? They're gonna be mad at me, and it's gonna taint the relationship, whereas I could've taken two seconds to pick up the phone and call that location to find out. So you can require it in a situation like that, I would require that maybe they would bear the cost, which would already be built into my cost of doing business, but I still want to make sure that I'm the one responsible. Does that make sense? 'Cause we don't want to show up and just all of a sudden be blindsided, 'cause they're not gonna (audio cuts out) what your contract says, they're gonna be mad at you for not getting it. Going into delivery of products or images. When are they ready for viewing? Maybe you do online galleries or in person sales. How long after that is ready do they have to have their in person sale session or order their album? If you sell albums, or if it's included in the collection that they've purchased. How many proof rounds do they get? How many images can be included? What am I missing? Before I get into the legal miscellany, I wanted to grab all of these other extras. It's so broad, because it depends on what you're offering in your business. It depends on what they're actually booking you for. Any expedited fees, oh, here's a good one. Price list, now, the reason I didn't necessarily mention price at the very beginning, going at the top, 'cause it's an art form. It depends on how you guys want to have the contract presented, and it also depends on are they paying for a whole collection or only a percentage? Weddings, typically, they're gonna choose their collection upfront, you're gonna put all of that at the very beginning with all the payment stuff, right? But maybe you have someone that just pays a nonrefundable deposit or retainer amount, and then they choose their collection later. For ease, one of the best ways is to stick in your entire price list into the contract, is to incorporate it by reference, by having something in there that mentions and reflects that the current price list at the time of contract execution, it's reflected, 'kay? So that way, you don't have to shove all that in there, 'cause we want to, there's a balance, we don't want it too long, you know, we don't want all this extras, as well. I'm gonna mention this now, and we're gonna talk about it a little bit later. Especially when it comes to pricing, please make sure that you guys are updating your contracts on a routine basis. I had a situation that a photographer checked the box, got their contract, they were super happy, and it was great, then her business exploded and she grew, and her prices went up seven times. Never adjusted the prices in the contract. Now mind you, I didn't draft the original contract. It wasn't me. She never adjusted it, went to go to try to enforce the payments on the client for the other $6,000 later on, but they had signed a contract for, like, the $1,200. Yeah, that was fun. Now, luckily, there were communications and other evidence that shows that they had agreed on the $7,000 price, but, and this goes back to what I talked about about an hour ago, had you guys had that all in there upfront and had she routinely updated it, it would not have been a problem. So, good old soapbox for that. The other, this is the portion, it's the legal miscellany portion of the contract, 'cause I want you guys to write these down. Your lawyer will probably fill these in for you, but if you see someone using a contract, this is a telltale sign when I know that someone has self-drafted it, 'cause they have nothing of this legal miscellany. It has nothing that has language about it being in the entire agreement. Has nothing about what you're supposed to do if you guys went to amend it. Has nothing in there about what law's gonna govern it, or if there is a claim, where you guys are gonna duke it out at, 'kay? All those sorts of things in there. But one of the very key specifics that I always look for, because I love to use it for customer service, 'cause that's really the name of the game here, is called waivers. Now, lawyers can call it anything, really, what's most important is what the language in that entire provision is. But the way that this waivers one works is it allows for you to provide customer service. For example, Sally comes to me, because she's ready to make payment, or needs to make payment, too, the deadline's approaching, and she just doesn't have the money for it. I can waive it. That breach of her not paying by the 15th of the month without waiving any other, the rest of the contract. Let me say that, I kind of tripped over my own tongue on that. I want to be able to have the opportunity to waive these minor, any major or minor breaches that my client may do in the name of customer service, they didn't do it in customer service, I'm doing the waiving in the name of customer service, without waiving the rest or any other breaches. Does that make sense? So she comes to me, payment number two, she can't make it. By having this language in there, it helps to make the rest of the contract still stay intact, but allows me to say, "You know what, that's okay, just pay me in two weeks." 'Kay? Really important, because I want you guys to be able to allow it to be a no man, use for customer service, but also to provide a structure for you, as well. That's one of the things that I've actually seen some of the lawyers not keep in there, that I think is really important, because you can use it for customer service, and it can safeguard you down the line. 'Cause if they become a habitual breacher of the contract, you want to be able to at some point, be like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, like, now I'm ready "for me to call the white flag "and say you have breached way too much." All right, so does that make sense? All right. And then, of course, at the very end, we need to have this one signed by all the parties that were identified at the very beginning, we've come full circle, 'kay? So I recommend that you guys do not sign the contract first, even if you're using digital contract signings. Send it to them and let them sign first, because what does it do? It gives them an opportunity to look through the contract and raise any questions, and you don't want there to be, you have sent it signed, they, you know, they have questions, you don't get back to them in time, you don't see it 'cause you're working, they countersign, and then you're kind of, like, "Oh, wow, we have an executed document. "Is it really executed, did we really agree, did we not?" It just is cleaner and easier for you to send it and then let them ask questions, because you may need to make revisions for the model release, right? Like we talked about, you may need to make some revisions in there, because they don't know what's in here until you send it to them, all right?
Ratings and Reviews
Charlotte M
Very reassuring to watch as you set up your contracts and policies! I own several of her template packages and this class was great for understanding the contents of my templates.