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Making & Finding Connections

Lesson 5 from: Sell More With Instagram

Sue B. Zimmerman

Making & Finding Connections

Lesson 5 from: Sell More With Instagram

Sue B. Zimmerman

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5. Making & Finding Connections

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Making & Finding Connections

So we're gonna talk about making those connections. And how do you find them? Right. So all of you are armed with a community of people that you can actually be connecting to right now in instant Al ive everyone that is a part of this course on the stage in the studio is on a Google hangouts, is there. And those are great people for you to start following. And when you do go in there and start following them, you can see who they're following and kind of dig deeper into their followers. So so much of the success on INSTAGRAM for me and for people that I've worked with and I've coached, I've really, um it's been it's been through these organic connections that become really relationships that explode like on steroids. Like what's happening here in studio is amazing, right? Can I hear from some of you, like, what? What's going on with you? You just have lunch, you're all happy. And you had some chocolate, maybe a little bit too much. So let's talk about some of these connections. I want ...

to hear what's going on, like you're all smiling and your loving each other Isha. It's funny because as much as I love to build community, I'm also like, kind of a little bit of an introvert, too. And I like to like, kind of keep to my own. But it's just fells, like being with everybody in person is just so powerful, you know, because we've all connected on Instagram and we'll kind of have you as like the center person. But But toe have these these personal connections and to, like, help each other with our businesses and like, it's like we're all wearing our passion right here on our hearts, right, right, But we're in that is so powerful. You said something that I think is really important for business owners to take note of is making that extra effort sometimes investment, to get someplace where you are in person, whether it's a conference or an event or being here on state in the audience. That creativelive knowing that those connections that you're aligning yourself with have a common thread, which is how to use Instagram to make more money in your business and you all want to do that. So you're here with that in mind and the fact that you Asia's point want to help each other like that's music to my ears because that's really how I teach it. And when you do start helping other people, your business is on fire right down. Recently, a bunch of us we tried to connect before, And so last night a bunch of us went out to dinner and kind of explore around San Fran. It was literally the first time we had met each other. And like chocolate, Johnny showed up frolic like really square. Where are you all of these Ghirardelli Square competition? I was on instagram like toy and I met up on. So it was like looking for my long last BFF. I was like, I'm gonna terminal where you baggage. So didn't you feel because you guys connected on Instagram initially and you saw who you were from your you know, the human eyes, aspects of your feeling that you already kind of sort of knew each other, right? So that when you saw each other that hug, it was like, especially if you like, we've known each other for years Yesterday I love that we even have our own little geeky little hashtag so Speaking of connections, I would love for Paul to share with everybody what you showed me when I got off stage and your was it. Tweet. So we love Twitter as well. So share what happens talking about? I was talking before about my engagement with community and getting a sponsorship on Instagram. And I got a direct message on Twitter from a clothing company asking me to contact them for sponsorship. Great. Great. Does anybody else want to share just connections that they've had from Instagram initially to riel in person contacts with John. You were telling me earlier you heard lady came in and bought a huge order from you. Just because she's seen your chocolate freckles, we personalize it. And so I just took a photo. Did what you said made it look good. Personalized it. And this lady walked into the store, said I was I was on your INSTAGRAM account. Can order 30 off them. Oh, goodness. I cannot This is great, okay? Yeah. When you're on stage, we'll be talking more about that. Yeah, Yeah. You know, from the first class, those of us who were here were mostly all of us still in touch with each other. We encourage each other in our businesses. I made friends with a you know, a couple of people where we would see each other if I came to town. It's really been a great support. And another benefit is if you're here, you are going to get followers. You? Yeah, it's It's not limited to the host. It's also the audience. Great. Great benefit. Yeah. So you I think you're the only one here that was here the first time, so Yeah, Well, this is great. I was actually a question for you since you were here the first time. And that is the these connections, because this course lives on forever on creative life. Are you finding new connections that didn't take it necessarily back in June or July 1 of his? Yeah. What are you finding new connections now? Hard to tell. I don't always know where everyone comes from, but I I actually have been told since I got here that a lot of people recognized me, which was kind of fun. I wasn't on stage or anything. It was just from, you know, speaking in the audience and yeah, but you always gave it value. Thank you when you speak. So yes. So people remember that that you think absolutely time. Yes. Oh, I just want to say that there's something to be said about the connection you make with Instagram itself. So I've met some people at a networking event a year ago and then I went to a different event and we've been in contact. But just through instagram, not anything else. And a lot of people were coming up to me saying I seen you on instagram. I know that you do make up. Can you do this consultation for me? Can you do that for me? And the people that I had just met for five minutes were like, Oh my gosh, how has it been? Has been a year. So you feel like you know them because of Instagram. It's It's so different than any other social media. Traveling stamps is saying I made a connection with an illustrator and now we're discussing a joint Children's book Music to my ears. I love that. Okay, so I'm gonna bring on the next guest who's actually sitting in the audience. I'm just so excited she's here. I'm going to tell her story. We're gonna tell the story when you get on stage, because it's a good one. But I'm just leave people with this picture as you walk up. So our next guest is Caroline White. She is a photographer. She's amazing. I think she's awesome, and I'm just so happy that she's here with me bringing yes. So let's talk about this picture. Let's give our story how we met. Yeah, yeah. Do you remember it? Remember, part of it was in Boston and before that, So So we had an online relationship through Marie for Leo's B school. Caroline is a photographer who actually did Marie's photo shoot. Was it two years ago? Or I think so. That sounds right about two years ago. So So she was kind of quasi famous within that Facebook group. Everyone knows who she is, because the photos were amazing and I obviously noticed who she was, because she's an active commenter and engage er in Facebook, and it's important to be engaging on all platforms, not just Instagram, and I think I reached out to you to ask you about doing a photo shoot, and we disconnected right and then someone else that knew me actually hired you because she saw that I connected with you. Yes, right. You got me an amazing client. I do let I've yet to shoot, but I think so. She got an amazing client and then when she was in the Boston area, visiting, she messaged me and Facebook. She text me like I'm here and my client bailed. And I have nothing to dio What? Can you hang out with me? And I know you're busy and like, Absolutely so we hung out for hours way had lunch together. We have for hours got her nails done, which I never dio I took her to get her nails. Yeah, I always do that. So we got our nails done and we just had so much, Much like, I feel like I'm known you my whole life. That's what Instagram, If you were related, maybe we are. Yeah. Yeah. So we did this little photo shoot in the grass, and then she had me do a photo shoot with my bag and she had me look in a mirror and like all of this in 15 minutes, just using your IPhone using my IPhone. She got the most amazing pictures because that's all you need is your phone in your pocket to get amazing instagram photos. So this is an instagram photo that I put up and we got a lot of engagement on this. And then we shared in re for Leo speak school that we were together. And then I announced that she was gonna be here. And so we have fans watching their their, uh, camera excited. I'm so excited. I don't know what you're gonna ask me. I'm kind of nervous. It's all good. OK, It's you and me, baby. Okay, so first share with everyone what you do, how long have done and talk about your creative life story. Your journey. Oh, my God. Will this, like this means so much for me to be on creative life like creative life has without a doubt changed my life. Um, I think the first creative lie, of course I ever took with Zach and Jodi Gray. I thought it was supposed to be a wedding photographer. I realized I wasn't. I thought I was supposed to be a boudoir photographer. I wasn't And, um, soup Rice has changed My life and Krista Meola and Matthew Jordan Smith. And the list just goes on and on forever. Basically, um and you were kind of done. You told me you were down and out with your Yeah, eso eso. Part of why Creativelive was was so important for me is that I discovered it at a point in my life when I had just lost all of my archives and all my equipment to a burglary. I had no insurance. I had no cloud storage, get cloud storage, get insurance. So I was like being antisocial, not leaving the house being like a hermit. So I needed something to feel connected to get me going. But I like that was very safe. And creativelive was definitely that thing for May along with with the school, of course. And, um I mean, I I was making basically no money. Like, three years ago. My photography business was like it was, like, kind of a side thing. And I was acting, and it just I mean, it's completely different now. Yes. So talk about that. So So you watched all these amazing photographers on creativelive and you were inspired and and decided to do just what you were watching. I decided Teoh to do photography full time. I'm so happy that I left acting. It's hard, horrible industry, I think, especially for young women. Um and I just threw myself through creativelive and through B school into marketing and instagram and Facebook and just taking tons and tons of photos. And I really wanted Teoh surpass any of the photos that I had lost in my burglaries. So that was a big motivated motivator for me. Um, you can really turn like those losses into integrate things. I think so. How long ago did you get on Instagram? You said I spoke and I think it's like, 2.5 years ago. I don't know. I mean, I'm sure it's even on it for a while. Yeah, but like, I mean, when I first got on Instagram, even though I was like a photographer, I didn't even connect that. It was like they were connected. It was just photos of my cat like that. And I'm not I'm not a photographer, so I think most people start the dog. Can't know what I was doing. Okay, so when did you start realizing how powerful it was for your photography business. I mean, I guess, like about like, a year and 1/2 ago, maybe. Like, I think, like a around the time that I photographed Marie for Leo. She's such a big deal that I was like, Well, maybe I should do something with, like, put these photos out. There are, um and I just started looking at what other people were doing and just kind of trying things out and trial and error, and I'm still doing that and it's been great. Eso a lot of what you do, which I think is so amazing, is that you've chosen to travel around the world doing your photo shoots. So you decide, either by clients hiring you where you're going next, whether it's Paris or Australia or, you know, I'm always looking in your like on a plane with one suitcase. I just don't how you do that. I put the packing list on my instagram. I photographed like everything in my bag, and I raise a list. I'm doing that one carry on, she goes, and I'm doing that for my next trip, which is toe like I think four countries in two months. So yes, so she's become a photographer who loves to travel. And she finds clients in those locations because she's leverage social media to make amazing relationships, whether it's Facebook and now Instagram and you seem to get booked wherever you go. Right? So about that, I used Hashtags like I'll use hashtag Los Angeles photographer Chicago photographer. I try to plan ahead like a couple months before I'm going somewhere, and sometimes I go based on where I've got interests and sometimes I'd go just because I want to go there. And then I'm like, Well, maybe all like, I might get a client, get a client in Bangkok over Christmas If anyone needs a photo shoot like That's where L V for Christmas in Bangkok And, um, you know, I really like connecting one on one. That's really important to me, because I I want to really like the people that I photographed, and I want to get a sense of them that they like me. So I do. I do the direct messaging on Instagram and on Facebook, and, well, we talked about that at the beginning, how important it is to have photos and a representation of yourself. And it's equally as important toe love your photographer and feel connected to their energy. So the real you comes out. Yeah, and I know that you're so good. I've seen your pictures. So I'd love for you to talk about you know, you're posting strategy. So on break, I did spend some time going through there, and there's some amazingly gorgeous professional photo photographs of people that you have photographed and were not allowed to show you a stream because we don't have releases on them. But everyone can go to Caroline W photo to start looking through her stream. And so you you celebrate them your clients, you also do some beautiful shots of yourself, and then you like behind the scenes, which I love with you with your camera. My live rat. I was so surprised that people seemed like pictures of me being a photographer just as much as Absolutely I that was totally surprising to that is like take this message away behind the scenes of what you love to do most often gets the most likes. People love to see you in action and like when I do a Webinar. I'm like, OK, I have on my Lululemon workout clothes I've got my snowball Mike, my desktop, my IPod They love that. Like, what does it take to put on a webinar? Because it isn't easy. And so people just engage in that. So to your point behind the scenes with your camera is perfect. It's huge. You also are very philanthropic. And you have, uh, missions for some of your photos and you give you do contest. So I'd like to talk about that. Okay, I'm so grateful that my photography business has grown and I'm just I'm just so lucky that I'm able to take time off and dio cause work. And I have, like, free photo shoot giveaways to raise money for the global autism project is something I'm doing right now. And I'm actually visiting Panya, the girl that we raised money for I think it was a cry. I'm visiting her in Bangkok and I'm actually meeting her for the first time. So we raised $10,000 for her this summer, and that was really inspired by, you know, soup rice, that she did this photo shoot in Paris for free for this woman could cancer. And I mean, if you want todo straight and I was like, That's what I want to do Because what is the point of being successful? It's the point of being successful is not just to be more successful in by stuff, you know. So yes. So we're hoping to raise $25,000 for the global autism project. And then I'm going with, um, to make many documentaries in India and Kenya this entire on. It's just they're just amazing people. And it's just such an amazing cause. Are you raising money through Indiegogo or through? Like, what? What's the source for people to donate? It's through crowd rise. But I have, like my instagram account profile eso whenever anyone starts falling, Caroline, you can see those causes that she's clearly so heartfelt and passionate about. Yeah, this is great. So I mean, so she is not obviously your typical photographer. She she loves to travel, so she's taking her passion to travel to find her clients. So talk about your success. Like you were down and out. No money. Yeah. Press every lost everything. So where are you now? Um I mean, I don't we don't talk about the I'm doing really well and you're doing great. I'm taking two months off this winter, and I'll still have my assistance, like keeping, keeping stuff going, you know, doing post production and stuff. Um, so you have a comfortable lifestyle doing what you love, and you have a team of people that help you do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it all grew very, very slowly and organically. And, um, it was a lot of trial and error, and it was a lot of mistake making. And yeah, So if you bring it back to Instagram as your platform, I just want to hear from you. Like, are a lot of your new clients that are seeing you traveling with those relevant geo tag hashtags that you're using when you travel? Because that's very strategic. Are they finding you on instagram? Yeah. Saying I need to hire you. I actually got a client. Who? I did this like girls weekend, like in the desert. I didn't bring a professional camera with me. We just did this like witchy women's weekends, like white dresses and sunsets. And it was totally all IPhone photography, and I just was posting and I got a client from that, and it was IPhone photographs. It wasn't professional photographs, but they got, like, the feeling of like off what I'm into. And so it doesn't have to be, like, perfect photographs, right? Even if you're a professional, right for that, you're endorsing that with the I mean, it's all you need is what's in your pocket. Yeah, And you have your phone and your you could give your phone to someone else. Like I do it. I took your phone. It's a I'm gonna take your photo on your phone so that you have the photos, all of the photos. You can add it them you can post them. I don't have to send them to you, right? So I'm a big fan of like, lots. I mean, walking on photo shoots with Cruz phone is this. His cameras is like because there's just so much like moving around. That's great. I I'm so thrilled with your thanks. She's great. So does anyone have, like, we have another photographer in the room? And if there's anybody listening Live would love to hear some questions for Caroline because she's very inspirational. Her journey's been very good. Cloud storage and get insurance. Do it like do it right now, Yeah, seeing how you're using it so differently from how you I'm using. I work more with my local market, whereas you're using it to travel. And I do that in terms of venues, a different places locally. But I love how you're using in such a different way. I think that's the cool thing about Instagram is you can customize it for your brand in your business. So I love it. Kiddos to you. Yeah, and it's just like I get so much inspiration from Instagram. Like I have gotten so many photo shoot ideas and business ideas from photographers. And I will text photographers and say Where did you take this picture? Like I just moved to this neighborhood and I want to take a picture right there. I can't believe how many other photographers were like, You take a left here and then there's a hole in the fence and I'm like, this is like, I can't believe, like, how much I was like, I'm just gonna ask you how much sharing and caring the generosity just blows my mind more than any other shoot locations. Makeup artists. Uh, where'd Glenn close like? The resource is air just And there are so many photographers on instagram, so it's a very, very saturated place. And so the fact that you've carved out this really great niche of traveling, doing what you love making money, having the lifestyle and giving back philanthropic Lee is just great. And how long So this journey has been a year and 1/2. How long? Two years. I joined B School in February of 2011 I think, which was right around right after the burglary. And that's the same time I discovered creative life. So it all kind of happened at the same time. Um, I think that's Krista Meola, Isa be schooler. And so that's like how it all happened. And, um, yes. So how long is that since February to those 11 I don't know. Like what month she turned. She turned her whole life around in 3. years, and she's she's doing what she loves. And I didn't I didn't know that this was gonna be like what I wanted to do. Like I I was really all over the place I was acting. And so you can a lot of people like Well, I don't know what my business is supposed to be like. Just you can start marketing and building your list on Instagram and everywhere before you really have a fully formed idea joint share what you love and you'll just connect with people that connect with the same thing. Yeah, so I love that you're saying that and I've mentioned in bringing my daughter on the third day, and this is exactly the story that she's telling. No, but it's like you're you're like foreshadowing. What's to come, Which is, you know, is like when you start the market, you could do market research on Instagram. You can start a business on Instagram. You don't have to have a website. You don't need any money. You can just start putting pictures up there often with my store. I will show pictures of things that I think I want to sell. And based on the response I get, I know if I should bring it into the store. So I haven't even owned the inventory yet. I'm test marketing is bringing in, so I've done that like I've I've been posting like photos of, like, people in the water. Like to my clients Really want to get in the water like that could be real uncomfortable. So I'm planting seeds, Like of what kind of photos I want to dio and seeing which clients were like, Oh, my gosh. Yeah, let's do that. So yeah, a great Mark Douglas t and says, Caroline, you shot my headshots on Sue has helped me with a great acting role through instagram. So say hi to both you and thank you don t 03 So, yeah, I want to get the So here's what we're gonna do, because we do a frame shot for all our B schoolers and we know you're watching, right? We know you're out there, right? Yeah. What do you wanna like skipping? Is the only one getting like, taking that seriously. Caroline, w photo. You get around the block ahead way right. That red light ready? Really Care? I thought you were an actress. I quit acting over here. Oh, right. All my guests get a frame shot. That was so great. So inspirational. So awesome.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

7 Instagram® Time Saving Tips
Sue's Top 10 Instagram® Strategies
Cure Your Hashtag Headache
IFTTT Bonus Kit
Reswag Tutorial
Ninja Tips
How to Create a Microblog
Insta Flipbook
KickStart Kit
A Beginner's Guide to Instagram®

Ratings and Reviews


What a phenomenal course. Thank you, Ann, and the team at Creative Live for this jam-packed class. I'll be honest, when I signed up I wasn't sure how there could be three days worth of information on Instagram. However this content-rich class was filled to the brim with wonderful ideas, tools and inspiration for cultivating success on the platform. I'd been struggling with attuning as to how to best use Instagram for my business - I didn't want to be posting pictures of my lunch, cat or shoes; and I didn't want to simply recycle graphics from Facebook. What I really wanted was to learn how to fully utilize this platform to build my tribe, market my business and connect with others. This course delivered all that and more. Sue is a great teacher and her heartfelt style of marketing and sales really fits with my own approach to business. Every day I learned dozens of ideas that I could immediately implement and my mind is buzzing with inspiration and ways to authentically use Instagram to connect with my tribe. I've been recommending this class to everyone I know. I loved it so much that I purchased Sue's first class, Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses. A lovely bonus of taking Sue's classes is that you can connect with her Instagallive tribe, too. I've been meeting wonderful people and making great connections in the community. If like me, you're a solo-entrepreneur looking for a way to bring authentic marketing to your business, I highly recommend Sue's classes. (P.S. I was blessed to get to attend this class in studio at Creative Live. It was beyond amazing. If you ever get the chance to go to a Creative Live event in-studio or take one of Sue's live classes or events, do it. You will come away feeling inspired and energized for sure!)


Thank you to Sue and to Creative Life and everyone who helped for this course. I enjoyed every minute. So many great tips, amazing guests, useful informations. The amount of information is amazing! I could watched all over again. I'm so grateful for Creative Life community to have such a great course like Sell more with Instagram with Sue was. the course really have helped me grow my Instagram account. I have leared so much from the first course, but now I learned even more and I'm doing on IG better and better every day.

a Creativelive Student

Buy Sue';s course. It's a no-brainer that you will NOT regret! Sue highlights real people with real businesses and demonstrates how they are building their brands and sales on Instagram. She walks you through the process of effectively setting up your Instagram page, teaches you about different types of accounts and how to determine what is best for you, highlights how to develop strategies for growing your presence on Instagram, and shares information about how to implement engagement strategies. Also included: the importance of being authentic and how to do that, providing value to engage followers, running contests, encouraging user-generated content, creating graphics, the best apps for creating graphics and managing accounts, how to get and interpret analytics, how to improve your account based on analytics, and so much more. Her enthusiasm is contagious and you'll look forward to the new content and audience interaction in each new video. These videos are FUN to watch! Every business should be on Instagram, but first watch Sue's course to learn how to be there effectively and sell your product or service. You will not regret this purchase!

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