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Selling Products on Instagram

Lesson 10 from: Sell More With Instagram

Sue B. Zimmerman

Selling Products on Instagram

Lesson 10 from: Sell More With Instagram

Sue B. Zimmerman

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10. Selling Products on Instagram

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Selling Products on Instagram

if you don't know, this is This is cookie from Segment one. And if Cookie can pay attention and watch me teach Instagram all of you can Cookie is coming on later again of the stay tuned for cookie. Um so I want to do a little recap of what's going on since yesterday, with people that have been watching thes air notifications coming in on my phone, and I'm going to switch to my phone shoot soon. But I first want to start here. I have someone that sent me this, this message saying how swollen his thumb is because of all the instagram love that he's getting. And he just got for 4 50 new followers. So I know this is going on. All of you are connecting with insta gal live in the community, and it's so awesome. I'm seeing every single one of your post, and I wanted to also give a shout out toe water online. Who is one of the jewelry makers deep. I want to show those key chains that he is actually crafting. As he's watching here he is watching the video of Chocolate, Johnny and I as he's work...

ing, and Watto online actually made for me. I mentioned this yesterday a shape of the Cape Key chain for my store in Cape Cod. In addition, he has made all kinds of shapes four leaf clovers a cat, and the 4th 1 he sent me is just this really cool graphics. So there he is working. Here are some of his great products. Be sure to connect with him on Instagram and see all of his great creations with what he's doing as he's watching, as I'm sure a lot of you are. I want to see those behind the scene photos because they're so fun for for me to look at and check in with all of you. And then, of course, there's the artist whose drawings So someone was drawing a picture of Lisa as always, talking with her on the Google hang out. And then I had someone tell me that they redid This is someone cupcake stylist from Australia who loves chocolate Johnny. She redid her profile picture, and then I have someone an artist saying You've gotta check out Thean Road, the ink road. So for all of you artists out there, that is a beautiful account to follow the in crowed. So I'd like to go to my phone just to show you a few more notifications that have popped up. Now, remember I told you that you see 80 at most. So if you have a very active account, like a lot of you should be during this up live broadcast in mind is like blowing up. So I have to get in there as frequently as possible. But I want to show you some of these notifications. So so many pretties is coming up on a Google hangouts soon. All excited to be ready to go design remix is also coming up on a Google hangouts soon, and she's being featured. You definitely want to stay tuned for this. They're gonna be on tomorrow. And here's just a behind the scenes of what they've got going on. And so much love. Avocado shirt company who was on the Google hang out yesterday, is thanking the amazing account that's putting together these awesome collages from all the guests that are coming on. So you definitely want to get in there and check out some of these posts that are being tagged in single live and Here's one that you absolutely want to stay tuned for. Later holic Polly Nichols, who is an amazing graphic designer fashion illustrator. She's a fashion illustrator, and she I cannot wait to get on the Google. Hang out with her. You guys are really gonna learn a lot from her. So just so much love. I appreciate all of it. I am reading every one of your comments, and I know that the in live guest as well are connecting to all of you out there. Chocolate. Johnny, I'd love to hear from you to hear what you're what everyone back home is saying. It's amazing After I finished with the with the show and I had just had time to get on Instagram I mean, I had comments like when I visit Australia, I'm definitely going to visit your store. Chocolate Johnny. Great job needed. Can't wait to see you. Way to go, mate. Family friends were saying, you know, you're looking good out there. Well done. So it's just been amazing. And I really, really appreciate everyone's response has been fantastic. Awesome. I want to welcome our new guest today, Amy. And if a me if you want to grab a mic and just introduce yourself. That'd be great. Amy joined us in the audience today who you are, what you do and why you came. I am a me see Meyer and I am the owner of Fabulous on film. I have 16 years experience as an actress, director, producer and ah, also as an acting coach. And I've recently started working with entrepreneurs and speakers, helping them master their message on video. And I fell in love with Instagram. When I saw the 15 2nd Videos, I thought a knave Ridge commercial is 30 to 60 seconds long. How can I get a message across in 15 seconds without sounding like high by my stuff? So I contacted Sue and had a one on one session with her to learn more about Instagram, and it's just been amazing the things that I've learned and when I do apply things, I turned to my husband and say, Oh my God, it worked! So it's It's something that I'm working with all of my clients on and trying to, uh, not only do little instant spots, but also tips with video. Great. Thank you. Alright. So back to the keynote. Um, this showed up in my inbox this morning. And, yes, I was up at 4 30 again because I live in Boston. I did check a few of my emails, and I wanted to bring this to your attention because Camba just announced a design school on their website. So for all of you that saw the amazing Rachel yesterday give the demonstration of camera, this is just something to add to your arsenal that you can equipped yourself with to go in there and learn from them. It's like design school, and it's free. So definitely check this out. I also want to give a shout out to the person that clarified when Rachel was on stage. And she's like, I don't know how limelight did the grass. We had a fan out there telling us So isn't this awesome? That's the power of everyone staying tune and really being a part of this community and sharing the knowledge that you have with all of us. So thank you so much for that. One of the things that I wanted to bring to all of your attention is I created this slide this morning in dip tick. I mentioned this a couple times yesterday. It's one of my go to APS. If I want to put two elements together and color me happy Melissa is here in the audience. I'm gonna have you grab the mic in a second. And I just wanted to let you know that we have hashtag tips for musicians and crafter. And if you're in money and business, or if your jewelry maker, author or if you're in the health and Wellness field or if your graphic designer, we put together this download as a bonus for you with relevant hashtags so that you do not have to do your hashtag homework that can really take up to three months to curate and figure out what are the relevant hashtags for my industry. So I wanted I went in cause I wanted. If I'm gonna talk about Art and Hashtags and its visual, of course I went in to find someone's art that would be relevant. And, of course, I stumbled on Melissa's account. Most of her images now have text overlay because she understands the power of text overlay, so I'd like and then this is beautiful. I grabbed that I took a screenshot and I want to give her a huge shadow. Definitely check out her account, but also wanted to to hear from you and how you're leveraging your art and your jewelry making because you're showing two different elements. And a lot of the people listening are artists and our Julie makers. So you hit a nice demographic. Exactly. So I've been combining. I have been getting back into my painting. So is trying to think of a way where I could touched both sides of the customers, the jewelry makers and designers and people who are buying my jewellery along with different artists. So I've been incorporating watercolor into my pendants, rings and earrings. And this was actually a piece I did with layering with stamping and painting and textures. Are you? So you selling this off of instagram? Are you getting traction from your already? I'm actually connecting with other artists with this on. This makes it easier to connect with other people that are doing the same thing as May And I've met a lot of people who are actually jewelry designers and artists as well. So you're growing up. You're growing a community example, it have the same kind of talents and interests, and you're collaborating Exactly. People that enjoy painting and art photographers, Andriy re designers, too. So it's not just the jewelry designers. It's also artist, right that I'm eating. Well, you are very much the people watching today, so I wanted to give you a shot of his great Thank you. So I'm gonna actually teach you how to post and how to sell on Instagram. I thought it be a really great idea for me to take you through the process from my phone and give you a demonstration. And I wanted to talk to you about that. You know, the different ways that you can sell. So yesterday, when Shara was on stage, wasn't it amazing when she went to her closet and she talked about how she's making money? So every single artist and person selling a product, creating jewelry or selling art can absolutely have that strategy. Maybe if you're discontinuing something as well cause her prices as you saw, were so inexpensive for what she was selling. So selling it is she's just didn't want to give it away. I wanted to get back some revenue in some way. So she the or $15 price, I'm sure after yesterday she sold a lot of those shirts she had on there. So all she did simply was used a little. You can go into one of these third party absolute and create a dollar sign and put it on top of your photo that you want to sell your product. Now, she mentioned she didn't stage those pictures perfectly because she didn't have time. Normally, she would take time and put them on her body and model them. So that was her quick way to get it out there. But I'm sure, and you'll get some tips for me today how to stage what you're selling. We're going to talk about photography and having a storefront so that you can sell and make more money. Every single one of you watching can absolutely do that. Um, so also, we talked about the mock geo tag where you can literally send somebody to the product that you're selling. If you haven't Etsy store, you can have them land on the page that you're selling that product. A lot of the big brands do this. You might see it. I know that anthropology is Is that one of the accounts that always puts the exact item that you could easily go to the website and find what you're looking at in that picture. So remember that that mock geo tag is definitely a placeholder that we talked about yesterday. That I demonstrated. I'm gonna show you again today on how to get eyeballs on a post beyond just the description and beyond just the post. So let me go to my phone and show you, um I'm gonna actually queue up a post that I had prepared for you from yesterday. Just might just take me seconds. So I am on my soupy Zimmerman accounts. And thanks to all of you, I have now over 500 new followers beating you by a little. Yeah, thanks for that. So this is my personal account, but I do, as you can see, share some tips, and I'm absolutely sharing what's going on here on creativelive on my personal account as well as my business accounts. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna start. I queued up the picture. Um, right here. So this is one of the products that I sell in my store thes air, handmade ropes of Maine bracelets. They're actually made out of ropes. Remember, I'm the nautical girl. I sell anything and everything that has to do with nautical. These were actually featured in Elle magazine and they're sold in J Crew. She's from Maine, and I just love that they're handmade. She went too risky. She's a true artist and is really doing phenomenally well. And I discovered her a couple years ago when she just started. And she has so much business, she has a hard time keeping up with it. That's what I want to happen to all of you. The good problem, right? So we talked about. Once you upload that photo, you have the choice with the wrench to go in there and adjust the picture. Or you could do the simplest thing, which is to tap on that starburst and let it automatically adjust for you. And once you do, you just click on the check mark and click next. Now I queued up mine in my notes. We talked about this yesterday. I always go to notes. I would if I'm going to strategically post something with purpose and not try to be sales e, but really have a thought provoking post. I always go to my notes to do this. Um, otherwise, I'm just talking to my phone and doing it quickly because I want to get a post up. So let's go here. So I want to point a couple things out, too. So I wrote up the post with the lines that I talked about and again, This is a bonus that I have. I have a video on exactly how to do these micro blog's where you have the lines and you have everything laid out that you really can read it easily. So I did everything here on the top sentence. You're going to see something that I didn't talk about yesterday. It's gonna be interesting when I copy and paste it over. So this is where you check your spelling. And occasionally, even when you post, you do get a misspelled word and have to delete it and start again. But I haven't already here. So hold. I'm tapping on this, selecting all I'm copying it and I'm going back to Instagram. And now I'm gonna paste it right here. So there it is, all in the post now. The lines actually looked like they wouldn't line up when I share this. But magic happens when you dio, so I'm gonna press, okay? And you can tag people when you post, or you can tag people after. So if you're in the middle of the post and you're like I forget their user name, you don't have to stop. You can post it and go back and find the user name. But if you, um forget completely and you need to search it, you have to get out and start again. So that's a little glitch, I think in the app. But it's okay. I know how to do it. I know the workarounds. So now we're going to share it. And remember, you can share to Facebook and you can't share to Twitter. And we're gonna be talking about that on day three, with Nathan Latka and Kim Garcia coming on and talking about the power of sharing multiple platforms. And this is one of the beautiful things about Instagram. It's not just instagram where you grow a community, it's these other platforms that you can share to whether it's tumbler or foursquare or Twitter or instagram, our Twitter or Facebook, you can share out to your platforms, and this is like the power of growing your platforms. So here we are. I'm going to click the blue share. It's uploading and here's the Post. So isn't that magical how the lines just look perfect. So here's the little new thing. I want to teach everybody everyone in the audience like pay attention and everyone out there like Like make sure that if my screen is minimized like you maximize this because this is a big one. So I want you to know that the first sentence that you have a user name So Sue be Zimmerman is selling the ropes. Amane, I turned that into a sentence in this micro box. So if you're on your featured account, the INSTAGRAM expert is gonna teach you this tip today you can use that your name, your user name is the start of a sentence or thought or statement and start there. Now, if I didn't want that to be a sentence, I would have had the bar place differently. So ropes of Maine is who I'm tagging in the Post. You guys can all check it out to go look there if you want. And, of course, I put my little nautical anchors to make my my thoughts stronger. What didn't happen because of my spacing that I would normally go back and fix Is that the Sue Be doo dot Cape cod, which is one of my featured accounts. That is my store. When I click on it, it takes you here. And by the way, I'm at 9 48 I really want to see 1000 here, just that turning of the number. So I'm going back. So I use when I give a shout out to someone that I admire. I love. I really want to help them. I put their name three times, and there's a reason that I do that, and usually it's stacked. Usually it's stacked 123 and I just missed the spacing on this. It's because I really want someone to tap on them, And when people see an account three times, it's just human nature to click on it. It's like you're doing. It's just like it's taking up a lot of real estate in that pose, and it's gonna get your eyeballs over there. So if you really want to give a shout out to somebody else, this is my little strategy of putting it. Three. I like odd numbers. I always like odd numbers with design work. It's the power of 359 12. Like just you know, it's just the power of the design. So I do it in three and then I have my call to action. Have a posting strategy. We're gonna do the HASHTAG strategy in a minute, going to do the engagement strategy soon, and we talked about a geo tax strategy. I'm gonna go in and show you a mock geo tag that we did. And here's that call to action. Leave a comment if you want free shipping so I would sell this typically in the summer, selling it all day long. I don't, as we talked about earlier, really want to do a lot of online selling them and start bringing more over to Instagram. This is my solution. Showcase my products. Take some of those tips that I learned from shower, where first person to comment gets sends me their email. I can send them that PayPal and I could make the sale right in instagram. So you all can be doing this as well. So now I'm gonna go back Three magic buttons under every photo on instagram. This I calm the three magic buttons. This is the back end. When you click on it, it takes you back here. So if you made a mistake with this post, you can delete it. You can share it to Facebook or Twitter. Um, you could share the Earl. If you want to share that in the email, you can email the photo, and this is what we tag people. So this would be, um I think I said it. The ropes main. Yes, some searching. And there is the right tack. So I would tag the artist or the designer or the crafter who supplied the product. I would also tag my account sue be doo, because that's where you can buy it. So those are the two tax I would do for a post like this. Any questions in the live audience? I had an experience where I've seen something similar, but they've tagged may with 5 30 other people. You wouldn't do that would you? I got it. No, it remember we talked about this yesterday. Everything is strategic. Everything is authentic and nothing is fami. Build the relationship first and the sales will come. Yes, given Mike, just to clarify If I was to buy one of those bracelets, I would actually go to your online website, purchase it, then leave a comment and get free shipping. Good question. So right now it's a little confusing cause I'm doing it is a demo, and this isn't really set up accordingly. I do not have these on my website. I have inventory limited in matrix. I sell him as fast as I get them. They're like $68 handmade bracelets and they're one of a kind because they're all handmade to some degree. So, um, so it takes a little bit, you know? So here I would I am doing this like in the, um to teach, so that you could know that you can actually have this as a strategy. So right now, my goal eventually gonna be to sell on Instagram. So taking people to my page is not gonna have the product on my page anymore. Okay? That's what I'm doing. So this is gonna work for me, and you need to decide what's gonna work for you. Okay, so let me just move this along a little bit. So that's the tagging. And then remember, we did the mock geo tag. Let me just go in there real quickly and do it. We have to make sure settings privacies off. Privacy setting is on right now. I'm gonna shut privacy setting off. Turn off. Now I can go back and do that mock geo tag. Oh, so I cannot do the Mach two attacks. I already did the post. So remember I said yesterday that you need to do the mock geo tag when you do the post. So I'm not gonna delete this and do that. But again, this is one of the bonuses where I go over exactly in a video. How to create that mock geo tag that we actually went through yesterday. E would have this go to Scooby Doo. So if I was physically at my store right now, I would use the rial geo tag plus miles away so it would be a macho Texan. You would cease to be dio okay? And I would put anchors in with it as well. So any other quick questions while we wait for the transition? That's good. Joining us so close. So I I don't I actually think I tagged you in a post yesterday with, like, a whole bunch of other people. Um um So I I posted a photo that was like a composite of, like, tons of photos of people that I've taken fine. And I tagged them all perfect. And then, like a couple of people that I know personally. Okay, So tagging all of them, Because there and it is personally, if you want to get those other people's eyeballs on it because you know them personally. Totally fine. I was tagged on a fight off a product that I didn't even know what I'm thinking. So that when you Yeah, eyes this guy, why is this guy tag that he was doing it constantly? I would actually block that person. That would annoy me. Right? So I'm giving another shout out here. I want you just see that the bio is all really great And more importantly, that the shop the shop of what he's posting It's very clear of what he's selling, and it's all that's the look and feel of your feed that you want to have. And here's another example of that Sunstone by Mitzi She's the one that made me that instead, Gal, I've bracelet. I love that when you pop into that her feed. This is how it feels. You feel those beads in those handmade products that she's making right? So this is like, really what you're aiming for that hyper focused look and feel within the feed?

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

7 Instagram® Time Saving Tips
Sue's Top 10 Instagram® Strategies
Cure Your Hashtag Headache
IFTTT Bonus Kit
Reswag Tutorial
Ninja Tips
How to Create a Microblog
Insta Flipbook
KickStart Kit
A Beginner's Guide to Instagram®

Ratings and Reviews


What a phenomenal course. Thank you, Ann, and the team at Creative Live for this jam-packed class. I'll be honest, when I signed up I wasn't sure how there could be three days worth of information on Instagram. However this content-rich class was filled to the brim with wonderful ideas, tools and inspiration for cultivating success on the platform. I'd been struggling with attuning as to how to best use Instagram for my business - I didn't want to be posting pictures of my lunch, cat or shoes; and I didn't want to simply recycle graphics from Facebook. What I really wanted was to learn how to fully utilize this platform to build my tribe, market my business and connect with others. This course delivered all that and more. Sue is a great teacher and her heartfelt style of marketing and sales really fits with my own approach to business. Every day I learned dozens of ideas that I could immediately implement and my mind is buzzing with inspiration and ways to authentically use Instagram to connect with my tribe. I've been recommending this class to everyone I know. I loved it so much that I purchased Sue's first class, Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses. A lovely bonus of taking Sue's classes is that you can connect with her Instagallive tribe, too. I've been meeting wonderful people and making great connections in the community. If like me, you're a solo-entrepreneur looking for a way to bring authentic marketing to your business, I highly recommend Sue's classes. (P.S. I was blessed to get to attend this class in studio at Creative Live. It was beyond amazing. If you ever get the chance to go to a Creative Live event in-studio or take one of Sue's live classes or events, do it. You will come away feeling inspired and energized for sure!)


Thank you to Sue and to Creative Life and everyone who helped for this course. I enjoyed every minute. So many great tips, amazing guests, useful informations. The amount of information is amazing! I could watched all over again. I'm so grateful for Creative Life community to have such a great course like Sell more with Instagram with Sue was. the course really have helped me grow my Instagram account. I have leared so much from the first course, but now I learned even more and I'm doing on IG better and better every day.

a Creativelive Student

Buy Sue';s course. It's a no-brainer that you will NOT regret! Sue highlights real people with real businesses and demonstrates how they are building their brands and sales on Instagram. She walks you through the process of effectively setting up your Instagram page, teaches you about different types of accounts and how to determine what is best for you, highlights how to develop strategies for growing your presence on Instagram, and shares information about how to implement engagement strategies. Also included: the importance of being authentic and how to do that, providing value to engage followers, running contests, encouraging user-generated content, creating graphics, the best apps for creating graphics and managing accounts, how to get and interpret analytics, how to improve your account based on analytics, and so much more. Her enthusiasm is contagious and you'll look forward to the new content and audience interaction in each new video. These videos are FUN to watch! Every business should be on Instagram, but first watch Sue's course to learn how to be there effectively and sell your product or service. You will not regret this purchase!

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