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The Power of Custom Hashtags

Lesson 18 from: Sell More With Instagram

Sue B. Zimmerman

The Power of Custom Hashtags

Lesson 18 from: Sell More With Instagram

Sue B. Zimmerman

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18. The Power of Custom Hashtags

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The Power of Custom Hashtags

we're gonna be talking about the power of a hash tag. So this is a perfect example of a hashtag I created that I thought would be unique to this course and creativelive. But guess what? There are thousands and thousands of people using instant sale. So I'm gonna instruct all of you to put the word live after it instant sale live, and that would be curated within this community. So if you are having sales in your business and you want to share those with us in addition to insta gal, I've insta sales live would be a unique hash tag to what's going on here. It creativelive with that said, the power of a hashtag. So we've been talking a lot about Hashtags and you heard Holly talk about Hashtags and that at the beginning, when she was first on Instagram like a lot of you are, she started using the 30 hashtags that you're allowed to use and because she didn't know which ones were gonna work for her. And she also shared that it took her six months to really hone in on four that are working fo...

r her now, granted, she has over 14, followers and she's been on Instagram for using it strategically for a year. But because she gives so much value in every post and she's oh so talented people are following her for her inspiration on. So we're going to talk about ah, custom hashtag and how to use it to create user generated content and to direct people to your custom. Hashtag And one of mine is my hashtags to be tips that we're gonna talk about a little bit in a little bit. But if you want to check that out while I'm talking about my unique hashtags and showing you what works Well, um, of course, Holly drew some pictures for May because that's what happens when you get connected with people on creativelive that love instagram you partner. So these are hashtags, of course. Instead, gal, I've You're all a part of that hub. This was a hashtag created for my live event sale to your success Boston. And if you want to reach out to some other awesome people in another community, I strongly suggest checking out that hashtag as well. Um, anyone here using a hash tag strategically creating ah hashtag hub meaning ah, community. So when I say hashtag hub, I feel like that is your own unique community. And that's exactly what's happening here on creativelive. Anyone having success in their hashtag hub? Let's hear size share. I mean, I shared yesterday that, you know, spare upgrade was mine and and it's like it's I think it's general enough that people have a connection because I want to talk about as more is like a movement. Not necessarily that it's related to me, but it's like your spirit, you know, like you upgrade, battling, sell, it works for you. It's great. And if you are thinking of one that you want to use, you can even share that as well. And five audiences called. I think I've been doing this wrong. So my like one hashtag that I use in love is just Caroline white photography. And I just I just put that on photos that, like are very meaningful to me. But I don't think I haven't encouraged anyone else to use it. So you're gonna learn something. OK, OK, you're not doing anything wrong. Okay? Okay. You're just using a hashtag against your name, and that's okay too, because you're creating a digital photo album of things that you like that are unique to you and you're not. You're using it on every single picture, just the ones that I really, really like. So basically what you're doing is you're segment menting out of your hole. Instagram feed the ones that are more meaningful. So that's your hashtag cub of another photo album. A special essentially. And if you want to point people to that photo album, you would do a call to action for them to go look at that so you might create awards, swag app or another app saying, Come out, come check out hashtag Or, if you like this photo, like Seymour like it using that Hashtag yes, absolutely so so user generated content is actually an art. And, you know, to get to get other people to post on your behalf is like such an honor when other people feel like your content is so great. Um, a really good example of a large brand that gets a lot of user generated content is Dunkin Donuts, because they everyone's drinking coffee every day and eating their donuts and taking pictures of them doing it on their way to work. And, um, you know what? Wherever they may be. And so Dunkin Donuts has decided, why not celebrate the people that are buying our products and post that instead of always posting um, like, really high quality dunk pictures of donuts and coffee so they're bringing their community in is a big part of their strategy. I think they do a beautiful job with that. Um, so here is a hashtag that Rachel who you saw yesterday created I, of course, got a chuckle out of this when she had the challenge on instagram for other people to take a selfie of them. Think this was the initial post on the right. It was a quote that we have that's bu be authentic and, um, shine on instagram. So that was the post. And she told other people to do a selfie and say, Sue bee made me do it. So we got on, and this was like after she did it. I don't know how many have come in since, but this is exactly the idea of user generated content bringing people in giving them a challenge. I wasn't selling anything here. This was playful, obviously. And the taffy box Who you saw the beautiful necklace it's you made for me, Instigate alive is like, Hey, I'm going to do this. This is fun. And I got a few people that did it Said you totally made me put my face on Instagram. I've never shared myself. I am not comfortable doing that. I'm somewhat of an introvert. I don't like people to know who I am. And, um, that that just made me smile and say, like, this is part of Instagram. Everyone wants to know the artisan, the creator behind the business. And we talked about this yesterday when Lisa was on the Google hang out. And I told her, You know, I want to see more You You're the owner of this company. On looking at his brownies and confectionery, I want to know who's making it. So it's really important to humanize it. So this was a fun little hashtag playful, you know, just playful way to do. Ah ah hashtag anybody getting ideas from this smiling thinking of some Did you see what what tell May share you have to Did you do a Scooby Doo made me do it. You do what you dio just hashtagged of the my hand, Stan, both with you. Oh, yeah. Okay. And you added that to it. Okay, so that's crashed tagging a hashtag. So here we owe. So I'm gonna explain what that is because this is opportunistic. So Paul's thinking Wait, I want to be part of that hashtag feed. So I'm gonna use Sue be made me do it, and I want everyone listening. Now you can go back to any Instagram photo as long as you haven't used 30 hashtags and add this hashtag We've come in just a little bit, but maybe so you could just explain it very simply. How do you know if a hashtag is actually working? How do you know if it's working? You're getting abroad one or one that you're coming up with. She just just so so engagement. So it's all about engagement. Are you getting engagement on your post? And if you are, What kind of engagement are you getting? Are you getting people that are saying follow for follow shot up for Shout out? Look at my bio. I'll make you money or in getting engagement from people saying I saw you on Creativelive chocolate, Johnny. And I love that you're giving away 90 kilos of chocolate. Like what? Whatever it is Or is it, you know, beautiful necklace that that was like So is it really authentic engagement that they really know you or they just leaving a comment to get a follow on Lee toe unfollowed you the next day. So, to the question asked its You know, when you're getting authentic engagement, it sounds good. Now on, she has just days away to track then the hashtag to see not just engagement than to track see how they're successful. There s so Icona Square is a great online web based tool that is free. I'm gonna be talking about that more later, and you can absolutely look at your hashtags to see which ones are working for you. One thing I don't think matters, But maybe you can clarify urban moons asking, Do they need to be case sensitive? No, that sounds good. Any questions from our studio audience? No, not thinking that. Julie? No. For you raising your hand there. Yeah, Yeah, Laura, neither. Mike, It's just a quick question. What are some of your tips on how to research Hashtags. Um, so you so it takes time so I would kick, I would get a spreadsheet together and I would write down my key words or the words that I think people would use to find me. And so sometimes what I tell my clients to do is get a group of your good friends together into a focus hashtag meeting and say, What are words that you think of when you think of May? And I'm not saying generous and I like I think of my business, so get specific with what words they might see think so, you know, like authentic high energy, passionate like, what are these words surrounding your business that people would use toe, find you and then search them on instagram and do market research because you can do your own research on instagram? We've talked about this in the explore button. You can search Hashtags and see what other content is being created within that same hashtag. And are those people the kind of people that you want to attract to your business And so, you know, going in there and doing the research and then you can just keep on your spreadsheet. What you're thinking as you look at these hashtag so are there some in particular that you're thinking of? Um, well, I am. Well, the obvious would be angel readings. Um, angel messages, spiritual inspiration. So those three I would write those down. Go in there. Look at how many other posts are there. Scroll through the posts, See which ones catch your eye, See if you like them. If you do see who they are following go into who they're following and start the process again, you can dig deep into every hashtag Great. Thank you. Yes. And something that I just did as well as I found someone who was my ideal client doing something similar, if you will. And looked at her post and saw her list of hashtags. So it was a really great idea for just way for me. It is. So what if some of those half sex want to share and, like ST What? Yeah, absolutely. I got a list. Um, so words of wisdom, self love be the light life coach. Inspiration, motivational quotes, motivation, fear fighter, soulful heart, truth, wisdom, wise woman, old soul, spiritual those great. There's a really good And so I think those were work for both of you as well. Yes, sir. No, sir. Yeah, share. Definitely. Yes. There's ah website that I found a long time ago. And again, if I felt more confident in my hashtags strategy, I'd be utilizing this more. But I think it's something that would be great for everyone to really find similar Hashtags. So to expand your hashtags, it's hashtags dot org's, but there's no A So it's h s h t a g s dot org's and it'll show you across all social media platforms. But it starts with Instagram because it's that's the most hash tag. Prolific, but so, like, I'll put in cosmetology student or hairstyling student and as a hashtag. And then it will show all the posts that have that. And then all the other hashtags of those kids are tagging their images with Yeah, so So So since you've been here since yesterday to today, have you changed up? Any of your hashtags are in my notes? I have because right now, while I'm here, I'm all instagram. Live images have not been putting. So have you discovered some hash tags that you think would work? I think so. But that brings up a question that I was going to ask a little while ago. Like, how long do you keep testing like? Like, let's say you're doing five or six hashtags at one time, right? What's your process? What? How would you recommend you testing? Which ones? Air working in which ones air Just taking up space. I mean, do you have a system that you? Yes, well, it took me a while, like holly to know which ones were working on. But the beginning it was more broad, like entrepreneur, social media, and I still occasionally use those. But those move so quickly because everyone else uses those. So, um, I'm talking about the space of Instagram instagram marketing instagram expert Instagram webinars learn instagram eso people that air searching, not just instagram You can't hash tag instagram on instagram. It's a dead link. So just really knowing what people search to find me. Um, you asked me how long it took, so no, it was actually it actually as a testing strike, because again, if you have, like, yesterday were saying If you're new and you're trying to build a following. You want to use more Hashtags? Well, you might have a lot of really junkie hashtags in there, but you wouldn't know which ones were junkie, necessarily. And which ones weren't. So I right, Well, I mean, maybe there is a way to know, and I guess that's what my questions. So I I would suggest putting hashtags in groups of 65 groups of six. And then you can rotate out ones that you think aren't working. So you're not looking at 30. You're looking at sex. And so you saw me East white, delete Throw it in the trash and refresh. You can only do 30 on a post, so after 30 you're going to get a read notification like no more hashtags can be added to this post. Um, this is a relatively new used to be able to just constantly be able to refresh your hashtags. So, um so you really want to be strategic? And I actually recommend if you have over 200 or followers that you're you're at a state of you can try 68 instead of 30 but you know, people with are starting out there just trying to get more followers, you know? And they're using very broad hashtag girl red, you know, orange that. I mean, they're just they're not relevant. Hashtags. It's just really to get more likes and followers. I really think the magic comes when you attract your ideal follower, even if it's a one follower a day. Because you're so much better off having that targeted follower that really likes you and likes your content and wants to give value. How do you differentiate her? Hashtag is across social media platforms. Should you be using the same ones for across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, I dio and Google? Plus I used among Google Plus, So I'm not really heavy on Hashtags on Facebook. I use them when it's relevant to the post. Instagram is really like you said with my jam. Who was? I love that Hillary. That was great. So that's where I use most of them. But on Twitter, I tweet with one or two hashtags at most in a tweet by using the same ones. Yes, it depends on the event or where I am in the relevance. It's always the relevance of the hashtag and again, the more specific you can get. And it comes with the success that you experience on Instagram Catherine. Sorry. When you delete a hashtag, do you have to also delete the post to start all over again? Are you just deleting the hashtag? Well, if you put your hashtags in the initial description, which I always say you should not you have to delete the whole post. If you're putting him and them in the comments below, that's where you can delete them. And I've talked about on YouTube I have a video where you can go and see exactly how to delete. Ah, comment or your hashtag So will that bring it up to the top of the feed again? No. So you no longer can use the same hashtag to get to the same to get to the top of the feet. People were spending all day just to keep getting to the top of the feed and using it that way. And, you know, I think Instagram caught on and allows you to use that hashtag wants in that post. So when you go to refresh, it's with six new ones. But if you use the six different ones. Doesn't you? Will go to top. Yes. Was that clear for everybody? Okay, just a second ago about relevance and Hashtags. Since I do a lot of outdoor an adventure photos, I will use Hashtags for different feature accounts, maybe to get featured or Teoh connect more with people who use those hashtags. But I also found that some of the ones that I was posting like, for example, if I had something that was a really incredible experience, I would put I started using hashtag unforgettable moments because for me it was unforgettable. But then I was looking at that hashtag and it was for jewellery and diamonds. And like that, so has nothing to do with if somebody's looking through the hashtag, it's irrelevant for me. So that's part of the discovery. So you really need to know if the hashtag that you're using So my one of my my course that I have is called insta results. I don't like using that hashtag on instagram because it's the body wrap, um, before and after posts. So I show up with all these before and after weight loss posts, and it's just doesn't work for May, So you want to remove yourself from a hashtag hub. If it's what's going, they're gonna be. There isn't gonna be what you want. Your ideal clients toe land on visually hashtags and length of it. We're not. When I first watched you on the first CREATIVELIVE. Course, you told me to do perfection chocolates, and that's unlucky 221 post. But is that too long? Should I when you put it up there? Is that Is that hashtag too long? Does people are turned off by that? Because then I put perfection. Chocolates give away and it's that long and I'm thinking it doesn't matter. That s so it doesn't matter the length of the hashtag in the comments. If you're going to come up with your own unique hash tag, I think the shorter the better. It, um, as long as it's memorable and yours is memorable because it's the name of your business and you don't Are you dominating that? Hashtag That's 221. I'll just tell you that it is their user generated content. Yeah, there's a few people. I mean, the perfect example was just now I've got I've got the hashtag perfection Caramel, koala bear. I mean, that's really long, but someone now has just found it and posted it on there with the hashtag and I clicked and I went Oh, well, wait. So someone someone had called perfection Chocolate caramel perfection that caramel koala bear and someone else did what? That someone else saw it and put it in their post. Oh, so did they re post it? So they used it without me even knowing. And then I've looked at my 10 s o. In what context did they say it just love, love what you did, enjoying what you're doing with Sue Love the merchandising. Can't wait to come to Australia And it your caramel Qala bay. Oh, well, that's there you go. But my thing is, it's so long. Is it off putting to some? Yeah, I have to think a little bit more. It is long, And I think if you play off the world the word koala What was a unique type of quality? Perfectly the type of quality that it's called the caramel koala bay? It's not unique. It's just, uh oh, no, But I thought you said said. There's rear quality. That's cool. We might at that perfection chocolates. And so I think you can play around. I mean, it sounds like your chocolates are well known. You have an established business, unique hash tags to the products that you're selling is really great. I just used to be due for my products and then I'll use nautical. I'll use preppy. I'll use anchor and all you starfish, those air broad hashtags and other people use. But they search frequently. And so when they, um when they land on it, they might see my post. So you're saying you put Sue be doo and then under that the next five hashtags hashtag Scooby Doo and then the next And that should bunch of six. I do Scooby Doo When I do all my locations, yes.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

7 Instagram® Time Saving Tips
Sue's Top 10 Instagram® Strategies
Cure Your Hashtag Headache
IFTTT Bonus Kit
Reswag Tutorial
Ninja Tips
How to Create a Microblog
Insta Flipbook
KickStart Kit
A Beginner's Guide to Instagram®

Ratings and Reviews


What a phenomenal course. Thank you, Ann, and the team at Creative Live for this jam-packed class. I'll be honest, when I signed up I wasn't sure how there could be three days worth of information on Instagram. However this content-rich class was filled to the brim with wonderful ideas, tools and inspiration for cultivating success on the platform. I'd been struggling with attuning as to how to best use Instagram for my business - I didn't want to be posting pictures of my lunch, cat or shoes; and I didn't want to simply recycle graphics from Facebook. What I really wanted was to learn how to fully utilize this platform to build my tribe, market my business and connect with others. This course delivered all that and more. Sue is a great teacher and her heartfelt style of marketing and sales really fits with my own approach to business. Every day I learned dozens of ideas that I could immediately implement and my mind is buzzing with inspiration and ways to authentically use Instagram to connect with my tribe. I've been recommending this class to everyone I know. I loved it so much that I purchased Sue's first class, Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses. A lovely bonus of taking Sue's classes is that you can connect with her Instagallive tribe, too. I've been meeting wonderful people and making great connections in the community. If like me, you're a solo-entrepreneur looking for a way to bring authentic marketing to your business, I highly recommend Sue's classes. (P.S. I was blessed to get to attend this class in studio at Creative Live. It was beyond amazing. If you ever get the chance to go to a Creative Live event in-studio or take one of Sue's live classes or events, do it. You will come away feeling inspired and energized for sure!)


Thank you to Sue and to Creative Life and everyone who helped for this course. I enjoyed every minute. So many great tips, amazing guests, useful informations. The amount of information is amazing! I could watched all over again. I'm so grateful for Creative Life community to have such a great course like Sell more with Instagram with Sue was. the course really have helped me grow my Instagram account. I have leared so much from the first course, but now I learned even more and I'm doing on IG better and better every day.

a Creativelive Student

Buy Sue';s course. It's a no-brainer that you will NOT regret! Sue highlights real people with real businesses and demonstrates how they are building their brands and sales on Instagram. She walks you through the process of effectively setting up your Instagram page, teaches you about different types of accounts and how to determine what is best for you, highlights how to develop strategies for growing your presence on Instagram, and shares information about how to implement engagement strategies. Also included: the importance of being authentic and how to do that, providing value to engage followers, running contests, encouraging user-generated content, creating graphics, the best apps for creating graphics and managing accounts, how to get and interpret analytics, how to improve your account based on analytics, and so much more. Her enthusiasm is contagious and you'll look forward to the new content and audience interaction in each new video. These videos are FUN to watch! Every business should be on Instagram, but first watch Sue's course to learn how to be there effectively and sell your product or service. You will not regret this purchase!

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