Day 1
1Day 1 Pre-Show
10:04 29:00 am - Why Does this Class Matter?
39:15 3What Do You Want From This Class?
29:46 4Getting the Word Out
29:31 5Aggressive Marketing
25:49 6Marketing on a Budget
20:34 7My Pricing Strategy
30:19Pricing Catalogs
34:35 9Pricing Q&A
18:27 10Radical Pricing and Most Successful Advertising
20:26 11Pricing Phone Call Example
32:59 12The $2000 Average
23:04 13Day 1 Wrap-Up
04:21Day 2
14Day 2 Pre-Show
10:58 15Equipment and Indoor Lighting
30:27 16Outdoor Lighting
14:52 17Posing Indoors and Outdoors
33:51 18Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Lexi
27:31 19Indoor Shoot: Senior Boy, Shawn
18:37 20Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Raven
19:53 21Shoot: Outdoor Rooftop
34:49 22Scratching Things off the Board
28:56 23Underwater Photography
52:57 24Review of the Day
07:09 25Day 2 Wrap-Up
04:17Day 3
26Day 3 Pre-Show
10:17 27What's Left on the Board
15:06 28Speeding up Your Workflow
35:13 29Workflow Q&A
23:38 30Overview of Adobe Bridge
45:05 31Camera RAW Workflow
30:22 32Perfecting the Eyes and Proof Building
45:54 33Sharpening, Album, and Action Building
35:20 34Thanks + Credits
03:29 35Colors and Backgrounds
34:13 36Liquify Tricks
21:59 37Day 3 Wrap-Up
08:39Lesson Info
Indoor Shoot: Senior Boy, Shawn
So I just wanted to point out again with the senior guy is some of the stuff we talked about just demonstrated If we're going to pose him like this, give me a little turn. Looking at that camera with the red light, he trips his head like this to those shoulder that is farthest from the camera. Okay, if I don't if he does this, it looks feminine. And I'm a show. You show you in the car. I'm not gonna take a picture like that, But I'm opposing the wrong way. And what happens like I said earlier, is you will bring the light into his uncomfortable space, and he will try to get away from it. You'll do this in his head, pulls away, and he goes into that feminine tilt. So Austin Times, seniors, no matter what I do know how much I talked to him. Sometimes literally. I have to do this. I have to go, dude. Right there, right there. And I will grab them and move them into place. So is to make sure they get to the where I want. So since since he's looking cool right there, we don't shoot back shoo...
t that main. I'm a shoot him with my canon. It iss legally. All right, Let's see, man looking good digging it, digging it, looking right here. May. Awesome, dude. Right there went to great. Awesome. Oh, yeah, that's looking cool. Now, one of the things that I absolutely love about this exact background which I do have in my studio, is the fact that I can shift the look of this background just by moving him around the background to this feet more out, Uh, little stop. Okay, so this is one I'm right now. Break the rule that I just told you. I I am going to pull him. And what I'm gonna do is his head is now gonna tilt away from the main light tomato, your nose falling to me like here's knows, going this way but way to make her in Maine Lights on the wrong side. Okay, A He's a guy. So if he looks a little bigger than normal, I don't know. The guys don't seem to get it hyped up about that as the girls be. I'm gonna rim him out a little bit and make it way more fun. Watch this get you in focus, bud. Excellent. A very nice. Very nice. Very nice. Awesome. Right there, but one cool, cool Lebanon. Let's see what that looks like. I'm not used to having a monitor pop up. Yeah. There you go. So again, I get around a little bit more of a dramatic effect. Also notice how I totally changed the background just by shifting him around the background. Did you catch that? Okay, great. So next. What I want to do is I got a kind of follow my same pattern that I did before with senior girls. And that pattern is to produce images. I gotta do one to make the moment was happy. Okay, So watch. I know this because I shot the image of him a little while ago. But you're catching this, that he's got a camera where we have to watch this camera. Okay. When I want you to notice you see this I right here. See how skinny that I is this I hear. See how big that I is. So I'm always looking for things like that. Let me check. Yeah, This is definitely more squeaky than that. I Okay, every human on the planet has these defects. Every one of us. Okay. And the ones that don't They're in Hollywood, okay? And they're they're famous, you know, Denzel and all around Tom Cruise and Marilyn Monroe and all the rest of them that if they're the ones who don't have these defects, okay? Or they have really good stylist. So our job, our job as photographers, is to take these defects and make him better. So remember what I told you earlier? I said, the closer you are to something, the bigger it becomes, and the farther you are from something, the smaller it becomes even very slight and subtle. So we've got a little squeaky I on, we got a bigger I. So what do I want to do? I want to put Do I want to put it like this? No, because the bigger eyes getting closer and closer to the camera, even we're only talking a few inches. So I want to make sure my partner turns this way. And now the squeak your eye is closer to the camera and the and the bigger I is farther from the camera and what happened is it sort of evens out those eyeballs and then the rest you do in photo shop. Okay, I know that's cheating, but that's the truth. Okay, so then I want you to wait. Didn't we just Yes, we did. So instead what? I want you to Dio. Yeah, we're gonna do this. I want you to put your thumbs in your back pockets. But your feet do like that again. Hips going that way from me. Cool role. You showed us towards me. Stop. Uh, don't wrinkle up that forehead. Bring you face slow. Slow Stop! I need to like this dude to one. To click Click. Don't move after the 1st Excellence, make sure my kicker isn't the rights, but nice for this 1st 1 I need the big old moment. Smile. I know you have teeth cause I've seen them. Excellent. Making them more miles have watched. Don't. Here's something I have to do with boys a lot. Watch this. Why Don't smile. Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile. Bull. Yeah, that's very, very common. It's like they always last how you laughed. They always do that and get to the real thing. Yes, Awesome. Right. Awesome. Now I didn't mean to do this to you on purpose. But you did it without even subconscious. Notice the tilt of the head. See, it happens. It happens a lot. And they but because the lights over here, he's pulling away from it. And before long, boom. You got him in the feminine till tippy head for me. Like that. Stop! Bring you face social. Stop! Awesome! Love the smile. Love it, dude. Right there. 123 Good. While I have you there when I want you to do Is that your feet separate? Just a wee bit more. Uh, roll You showed us to maced. I got bring you face slow, slow Little cocky has low chin down slow Awesome like that Awesome. Keep him out all the way Closed. Hang on, I'm hurrying right there, But on 3123 Excellent Fun, fun, fun. Come on, There it is Awesome! Oh, dude, Digging it. See that light on the right side? Reminisce face, That's I love that. I just love the look about. So that's one That's two. That's three. That's four that we've shot. OK, so now what I want to do you want to try to get somewhat of a full length, somewhat of a full length of him. And there's more than one way to pull off a full link. You don't have to have a whole life on the problem. You don't have to have a really big studio to pull off a full length. And I wanted to show you how you can do that. A lot of times a little bit lower, you can do it. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going on about that high. You can do it by simply setting them on the floor. Okay. And all these backgrounds that I have today are only 10 but tens? Yes, by all means. Is it one of those wrinkle free type? Yeah, Denny, Freedom cloth. They call it Freedom Cloth. That's a pretty cool. Yeah, it's really neat, because, I mean, once you get the initial wrinkles, the shipping wrinkles out of it, it absolutely you can just come ball them up in the corner. And they released a wrinkle free. I mean, when you see the ones, I don't know if you see it over here, that that where they picked it up from, it was just balled up in the corner. It's very, very, very cool. All right, so here we go. Awesome. Sit flat on your butt feet. Going that way on the thing, Get scooch a little bit closer to the background. Awesome, huh? Very good. Very good. Been your right knee up for me and put your left foot underneath like, Yes, sir. Very good. I want you to put your right arm across your knee. Very good. I want you to push your butt to the background a little bit. Excellent. Make that need Touch the ground. Just like that. Very, very cool. All right, let's do it. Okay. Let's see what you look like. Very good. Very good. Loving it. All right, but looking great. Good. Living. A little bit of a smile. Not a big old monster. Smiled ass when I'm talking about. Excellent. Right there. 123 Very cool. Very cool. Very nice. Okay, so just like that, I've done five images on if you counted. We actually did six, but one of them I was making a point about the head tilting Stand back up coming. And I want to now show you a crazy trick and I'm surprising the the crew here. Don't surprise me, Kark. I'm gonna just still steal this plug. No, I'm not. Oh, I'm driving in bananas right now. You should see him. I'm going to steal this plug Can show you all kind of a cool trick. Okay, so you don't bought all this fancy lighting, right? You bought all this stuff? Unhook that for me. Behind you, G o. So even bought all this fancy lighting. Look at him. Look at him back there. They're all scrambling around. I love he didn't tell us he was going to do that. So no, no big deal. So you don't bought all this fancy lighting. And now I'm gonna show you how you can do something really crazy with one of these. Okay? Bought all this fancy stuff, and I started playing with this a little while back. And it is unbelievable. The crazy stuff that you can get with just that it from a stove? No. Is a shop light you get from Walmart or Kmart anywhere? I mean, you know, But I did bring you the good one that I have from home. Okay, look, do me a favor. Lift this up a little bit. Jump off that I'm with that. Up to where? It's at least over his head. Okay. And I'm a steel chair while I'm here. Here you go. Hold on for just two seconds. Libit hard guys a little bit higher. And that's that'll Work. That's good. Okay, man, here's what I want you to sit right there and legs going like this. No one? No, not now. Like that Way. Like that way. Uh huh. Good one, knee a little bit. Go. In fact, go up on a toe. Uh, awesome. Awesome, huh? Poki facing my camera living more awesomely Eileen Anti elbow. Okay, Just be a professional guide dog. And I love that. Come on, make my job easy. Love that. Alright, Paolo, come see buddy. You're gonna be a month. My dad here. All right, Dad, I want you to hold this. Just let this go over your shoulder like that for me. I want that out of my way. Right there. That'll work. And that hand. Okay, I'm a tell you to go up down background camera. You follow. And when you get to the spot where I want you gonna hold it there for me. Okay, so hold at ST straight. Now, Boy, are we breaking the rules now or what? All right. We're like, Oh, God. Kirk has made all these thinking rules. I wrote every one of them down. Now, what in the world is he doing? I cannot believe he's gonna cause me all this anguish when I just got all the rules learned. All right. Yet, Dad, closer to the background. Keep going. Stop A little bit closer to the windows. Good. A little closer to him. A little closer to the background. Awesome. Little bit closer to me. I'm sorry. Nice right there. Good. Chin down for me, but just won't turn back up Slow. Stop, Dad. A little bit closer to me, bud. A little bit more. Let the more loving, more loving, more living more. Stop right there, guys. Hold my phone Right there. Awesome. Wait one more time. You almost have really, really good balanced light in here. That's all I got to say. All this stuff in here is causing causing the most balanced lighting. Unbelievable. Right there, Bud. On three again. No one more time. One more. This is the best one right there. Yes. OK, you can relax. So what? I'm what that did is unfortunately, you're not going to get the exact effect. You going to just get a piece of the effect flood got back in, if you like. There you go. Um, you're just gonna get a piece of the effect that you're going to see on the camp on the monitor. Right now, it's usually a way way more contrast than that. It's also way, way more yellow than that whenever I shoot it normally. And it's not happening because of all the creativelive lights. But it is close to the effect that I was looking for this really strong down light, thes hard, hard raccoon eyes and kind of just this really crazy effect. So try that. Just try. Go get you. Were the shop lights just unbelievable. Some of the crazy things you can actually pull off with that. Okay, that was six images. I'm a show him to him. Just not going through the whole thing, cause you all saw me do it, but just so he could see him. But there you go by. Is that not that Not that that that and that and dirt and not that. And that may be black and white, by the way. And that. And that's not you. You do look good. Cool. Happy. All right, put the outside thing on. Awesome. All right. And, um, I knew that Raven comes in. And by the way, this if you all could change to my other background, that would be incredible. So just a little bit of a Let me throw this to the chat world. But you have a question for me about now. Yeah, we do. So we have a number of questions of how Maney headshots versus full body shots of the six photos taken. And then how Maney, Horizontal versus vertical shot. If I knew the answer to that question, I would have long ago package it, packaged it into a pdf and put it out there. There is no rhyme or reason. The next question is, Well, Kurt, Window, I tilt and window. I'm not tilt. And again, I have no idea the answer to that question. The next question after that is when they're leaning to the left. I noticed you tilt to the right. But when they mostly tilting to the right, you also tilt to the right. How do I know when to tilt to the right and window until I don't know the answer to that either. It is. It is. It is mostly a feel thing. I tend to follow those two z rules that I kind of told you earlier you could see it on the screen right now if you drew a line through his eyes and a line through his shoulders, in the line, through his hands, in the line, through his knees, all of them are all on different angles. And then based on that, I sometimes tilted one way or the other, and it's sort of a field. So it is again. We're gonna call it artistic expression. You do it feels good. So on that light, can you tell us it again exactly where you got that light? What light bulb setting that you have that lies like a 60 watt bulb? 100 watt tells the details. I don't know. I don't even know. It's a It's a sylvania. Okay, Okay. And it is a 120 volt, 100 watt bulb. Especially designed screw in caliber, photographic caliber. Screw in light, right? Only get these from Cavey. Non. Just no man is just boring Shop light. You can find these everywhere. Why is it all wrinkled up? Because sometimes I I like to have it stripping like this. And then sometimes I use it wide open. You know, I've been known to use it like this. Like if you're again my subject and the cameras on a tripod, I'll do some weirdo things like, Oh, they're like in the way that look, click, click, click. You know, that kind of stuff. So it is. It is something I don't do a ton of images that way. I highly recommend you do not do a whole session that way. But maybe for one random shot here and there to create variety, you know, you're gonna love this. You are going to move this. And by the way, if you can't find him at your local Walmart, I'll be happy to sell you this one for $ because mind works way better than anybody else's. Just a piece of crap. Light is one last question. Wait. A question on how how long do these sessions take? Is one person sessions? Are we seen? You know, this is maybe, like 10 minutes. This is pretty riel scenario. The only thing it takes a little bit longer. But then again, it's faster. You see, for me to change the background, I just do this. I slide it across the world and boom, it's in place for me to move the light. It's all hanging, and it just I go swish over to here and swish over to their You know, it's it's much quicker, but and so I very rarely will do all six images on one bag, and I never say it. I never shoot all six images on one background. Okay, it's It's always different. It's floating in its floating out. And again, that's all about variety. The greater the variety, the more moms give you this. I love it. This is when they karkh. I just don't know. I just don't know which one to get there. Also good. Here's a crazy idea, mom, Animal, you know, and that's what I want. I want them to not be able to decide which one to get and have to buy them all. Dorn
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Enjoyed the course from start to finish especially all the marketing, advertising opportunities and pricing ideas. My wife and I spent Labor Day re-watching the marketing and pricing section and came away again with so many great ideas. Workflow and shooting the pics is more my responsibility of my business and his posing, lighting and workflow is awesome...In the beginning of the course I was disappointed in the actions as freebies but the more I got into the course and especially the last day with workflow, I broke down and used the Pro4um coupon from the swag bag and joined. That's what really made the actions more valuable because when you join the Pro4um, you get the entire setup for Kirk's workflow. The bridge setup, the scripts etc...I greatly appreciate what Kirk taught in this course and his passion for this line of business because it's helping WHP in every area from start to finish with our buisness!...Thanks Kirk and Thanks creativeLIVE for having Kirk do this Senior Photography course!
Leroy Tademydandp
If you want to take you photography to the next level you need to buy this course. Great content with an experienced passionate instructor who is also quite entertaining. Kirk's knowledge of marketing, cameras, and workflow are second to none. I urge you to do yourself and your photography a huge favor go to the top click the green button that says BUY! If you don't your missing out.
a Creativelive Student
His work is amazing and he has been a big font of inspiration for me... I wish I could be there to be part of it, live... :-)
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