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Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Lexi

Lesson 18 from: Senior Photography

Kirk Voclain

Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Lexi

Lesson 18 from: Senior Photography

Kirk Voclain

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18. Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Lexi

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Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Lexi

few things are reference is the sort of set up of this whole room is I'm assuming the camera can see this main light. This is my main light on this side. And then I'm assuming the camera can see this kicker light. And you are for sure see, in the background going on behind me, we're gonna use these as I talked about before as a pair. I'm gonna also set it up in such a way that I I do the, um the main light over the subject and we're gonna do that's first. We're gonna go from there, make some cool head shots. The studio in here is sort of set up very similar to mine a little bit. Have a much higher ceiling in here than that. I do those lights across the back wall there. What they are doing is there acting as my kicker, that I'm excusing my fill light that I talked about. And those two lights are spitting out each about watts. Right now they're firing against that back wall there, lighting up that whole back wall, and then they're coming in my direction, creating a fill on me right here...

about where I'm standing About 55.6. The main light is giving me approximately F eight. Where it's at. This is about F 5.6 coming into the camera. But of course, it gives you about F A because of the fact that it shoots into the camera. And then all of that light bounces onto the background and creates a little bit light across the background. So that is my basic set up. We are going to try our dog, going us to get the real life thing. So we'll start with Lexie since she's standing there first. I'm a bring Lexie in, and we're gonna do kind of a basic headshot of Lexie using this background and my main light. So what I want you to, Lexie, I want you to stand right here, Bank. I want you to stand with your feet about that far apart and you hips pool and onto this direction. OK, follow me. So I'm by the way, I don't know if you caught that very, very often. That is what I do. I will literally show them. I will do the pose for them that I want them to do and then have them do it. If you can do it, they can typically do it. So do that for me standing right there. Awesome! Awesome. OK, what? I want you to modify your just a little bit. I want you to turn more to me. This way. Turn, turn, turn. Good, good, Good. Which feed separate? Just living more awesome that you, but poke out real hard that way. Awesome. Real hard re you heart? Great. Start bringing you face way into this shoulder. Great. Little bit more. Great. Stay looking over here. Me just lippy Suhair. Awesome then. So we talked about it ahead of time. How I have the light nose is going in this direction. So I want the light on this side going into the nose. If you can see that on camera, the light is touching. Here, here, down the cheeks on the chin. That is all it's doing. Then the kicker light in this particular situation is gonna come right at the same angle is the main life. And I'm a stream out like down the side of her face. So this is very real. As far as how I do it. Okay? What I want you to do, Bay, I want you to lean in with your shoulders like that. Awesome. Bring you face slow. Say, looking at me, I'm a covering. In fact, you know what this happens. I'm assuming this happens. You guys a lot when you shoot in your studio is that little piece of hair. I talked about it yesterday. The eighties was like the best hair time ever sprayed up hair. Boom. It didn't move. Now it's all over the place. So the hair is not cooperating. So guess what I'm doing. Just work with it. Watching to do this? I believe it in the face with the heck. Awesome. No smile. Totally serious. Lean into a sugar just like that. Chin down just a little bit. Awesome. Right there. Right there. Right there. Beautiful. Beautiful. Stay looking in my camera. Also. Dull Move. Love it big right there. One. Right. Awesome. Okay, good. I'm assuming that's gonna pop up on the screen because, man, it looks good on the back of the camera. So let's see, that pops up. It does. So you see what I mean on what you're seeing on the screen at this point in time, Do you see how the light on the right side skimming down her hair? That's that kicker light. Lighten up. The hair she looked noticed the background, the backgrounds giving me this nice even. Look, it's because of all the light in the room bouncing on the background Now, I could make that background much lighter, much, much lighter. But just simply putting background light on it. Or I could literally pull her farther and farther away from it and make the background much, much darker. Okay? And so then the main light is providing all the light on the face of the hair is then covering up one eye. And that's just kind of a crazy thing that I've been known to dio. All right, so now, of course, is the mom. And the more more the Southern on the pas pas gonna buy that? What do you all think? No, not gonna buy boyfriend. How about the boyfriend? Oh, yeah. Boyfriends digging it. But does the who has more money? Boyfriend. Mom? Mom, who should I make? Who do I need to make the happiest mom? Okay. So, in an effort to keep mom happy? I told you ahead of time. I typically shoot six yesterday, six shots in each outfit. So we're gonna literally do that with Lexie. The only thing different is because of time constraints. Because of moving around the studio because of cameras and all those types of things. I'm gonna do all six shots of Lexi on the same background. That's the only thing different that I'm going to do than what I would typically do in my real life studio. Cool. So far. So I would do something like this that makes the boyfriend's happy. Now, the next thing I got to do, I gotta do it. I'm like, I got to do something to make Mom happy and mama and aunt in the noon and all them other people who have the real money. All right, so in this case, that means she's an awesome smile. If you caught that awesome file, see, awesome. So I gotta pull that in some kind of way. I got into a shot that Mom and Dad, who is the next most critical is not gonna be too freaked out about this outfit because of the way it cuts are in the bus area. Okay. You gonna be cautious about those kinds of things? So I'm always This is all in a motel Yo, today that these all stuff stuff that the senior would never here. But this is what goes on inside my mind. I'm thinking about all these types of things. So what I'm trying to do now is let y'all here with the brain with the thought process behind this thing. Cool. So far. All right. So with that said, the next thing I'm looking for that mom shot. I'm looking for that mom shot. So what I want you to do this time is is I want you to roll you toes this way again. I want you to take this foot the one that's closest to the camera. I want you to poke it out to the Karen factor, touch my toe right there. Awesome. And then let your hips go. That way. This time. Awesome. Better. Better, Better. Better. Yes, Do that. You do seem to be better than me. More better. A little more hip going on. Beautiful. And I want you to do this with your fingers. It's not in the picture. But don't you do that? Nice. Good, good, good, good. Very nice. And now we run thing real quick. Yeah, this cameras life, do you notice? I also knows a lot of photographers doing this with the main light, which is? It's pointing now straight at the subject. What that does is it creates a more straighter or directional type light. In this scenario, I'm wanting it to be nice and soft. So what I'm actually doing is I'm lighting her from the back of the soft box notice top boxes way back here. And the bulk of the light is way up into the front over here. And so it's like the light is actually blowing past her. But in actuality, it's hitting her long combined that with what's happening with the fill light, and you're getting this nice wraparound effect. So that's basically how that's working. So getting that if you do that one more time, but you do it so much better to me. Awesome. Thank you. Uh, yes, definitely with the nice pretty smiles. Nice focus. Uh huh. Like that. Beautiful. Beautiful to do it on three sugar right there. When axel are beautiful. Now that's your nice A typical mom. Dad, Mama and the noon. That kind of stuff. Cool. So far, we digging it. All right, boot. Next. What I want to do come see this way back is I'm a lower my background just a wee bit about there. I'm gonna warn my subject that there that you cannot lean against this background. OK? Because if you do, you're gonna fall because there's nothing behind it. But what I want you to do is pretend you're leaning on it, okay? And what I mean by that is this. I want you to stand right here, and I want you. You can. When you do this, you're gonna feel it hit you in the back. So I mean, I can feel a hit in my back when you feel hitting you back. That's where I want you to stop. And I want you but your hips to the right. I want you to bend your left knee and I want you touch your hands out here. Cool. How will the other good, huh? I know you're thinking right now you're thinking man, I wish I was him. I know. I could hear. I know what you think it's OK? Feeling good being that need. Okay. I watch what I want to do with Disney. I want you to pull that knee. Awesome that your foot kind of kicked just a little bit that your hands stretch out great. Little more hip Stop. Let your shoulders do this. Stop! Bring you face a little Stop. Awesome, huh? Uh huh. Excellent. Okay. After I shoot this, don't move, okay? I just want you hang with me right there just for a second. Totally serious. Could be my all the way closed. Love it, Love it. I got one little wrinkle in that background irking me. So just hang with me. This Israel. This is exactly how it happens at the studio notice. I did not take the picture before fixing this little wrinkle that's bothering me. I won't fix the wrinkle. And then I took the picture that will save you. Here's what goes through my mind. What happens in my brain is this I say to myself, Can I fix the wrinkle faster in photo shop? Are Can I fix the wrinkle faster with my foot? In this case, that's a hard fix. Okay, so it was faster for me to go over there and fix it with my foot. But there are some situations where it's faster to fix in voter shop. And so I will up to do it that way. So anyway, that's just a thought. I'm a big believer in getting it on camera. Awesome, sugar. Nice. Look, do this with your hair. I just wanted to cover that one. I again. No, I just wanted to cut. Yes. Huh? Would you lean into it? Stop. Leaned his shoulder stop role, you face slow. Slow. Stop. Uh huh. Loving it. Right. They're bae one, right? Let me look How? Keep doing what you're doing. You looking fabulous, Okay? And it's not unusual for me to take the g and do this crazy video like that and make a little short video of her that either incorporate into a little slide show later. Okay, Now you can relax. And did you see how crazy I was? Not nearly as good as the creative live team who is making everything all nice and beautiful for you guys? Minds shaky and very empty. V ish. Okay, High. No copying with video of their All right, So now when I want you to do next, what do we want you to do next? I got the more moss covered. I got the boyfriend covered. You know what? I want to do? Something a little radical. I start walking towards me. Walk, Walk, walk, book book. Excellent. And what? I want you to turn your toes a little bit in that direction. Awesome. I want you to take your right foot. Cross it way over your left foot like that? Some. Then when I want you to put your right hand on your hip, uh, lean into it all better than that. Better than that. Don't do that crawl. You bring your shoulders to me a little bit. I want you to grab your skirts on the outside. Both hands, both hands. Then I want you to hug that to you like that. Excellent. Now lean into it. Stop when you face way into here. Stop! Don't move. Love it. Love it. Don't move. Stay looking in my camera. So I hope you all we're seeing to How did you catch that? I'm not really meet a ring. All I'm doing is using the modeling light to show me exactly how much light I'm seeing. Hit the face. We talked about that in the last segment, you see, and how I'm doing it. If you notice in that picture the way it's those images that are coming out on the screen are pretty much right on exposure. Waas. Maybe a slight tweaking before. Right now, they print the close to right. And that is because of the way those lights work possible. Awesome. Excellent. Very nice. Beautiful. Good. Bring you face a little more into the shoulder Bay. Stop. Then I need just the beginnings of a smile. Don't smile. Just think about smiling. They're awesome right there when I got dog. Don't make me mad. That one. Tip three. Excellent. Beautiful. Relax again. Uh, now we look Rufus. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Okay, good. Then what I want you to do while I have you here, I want you to shoot straight on to me. Much of the Venus, which he what you put your hands on and either hair kind of grabbing here a limit at the time and go up high a little bit. Stop, Stop a little bit. One elbow a little bit right there. Bring this like that. Stop this over a little bit lower. Stop. Okay. Still like that? Like that for a second. Excellent. One piece. Hire a need. Right there. Would tick off the moment. Uh huh. Excellent law. That Uh huh. Excellent. Like that? Uh huh. Yeah. Cool. Cool. Excellent ride there. But you looking fabulous. Time to do it. On three. Again. One. Great, beautiful. Oh, you're just good at this man is like cheating shoot chain tell you. All right, so that anybody count coming. Did I shoot five five? So I've kind of basically covered all the bases at this point, all the different scenarios. The moment is the and news. Okay, Joes, all that kind of stuff. I did some close ups. I did some full length that did some 3/4. I've basically covered all the bases, and I got one shot left and often times if this was a real senior, and instead of having to talk to you guys, I'm talking to her. I'm asking about ideas. What? Your plans, which going to do in future? Blah, blah, blah by now on and developed a nine idea. So what? She loves what she does in love and were shooting accordingly. In this case, I'm kind of free, William. Okay, I'm just kind of making it up as I go, but I'm just trying to show you his basic of way of doing it. But very, very, very typically, at this point, I don't have anything left necessarily that I would want to do. So I get to do something that I want to do. All right. So what I would love? I'm gonna put the students toe work really quick. Really quick. And I'm a need at least 12 I know at least three. Yo, what I need for you to do is I want to shoot this Sort of like what we said, where this is right up on top of them. And this this is not the easiest thing to do on a stand. So, what I need wanna yo on that side holding this like, from right there, Look well, like that one here, one here, hands, and I need somebody on the other side. Yeah, yeah. Apollo, you pretty cool. I mean, yeah, Utah. No, I I want one hand here One in there just to hold this up about here. Guys, back up a little bit, little bit, because I'm shooting right here, right between you, Okay? And he go Well, so you could be the reflector dude. And I need this under her, and I'm a shoot on top of that, but under y'all okay? That kind of thing. Yes. Okay, then Silver back up to me, guys. Awesome. And you cannot mess this listening up going. What we need is you can see why shooting this with the rails would be a lot easier than what we're gonna do here. But it's gonna be It's gonna give you an idea what I'm wanting to do, so Alright, guys, ram that thing down on my camera. Great. Thanks. And pointed. It should be pointed right at her. Okay. And this a little bit down, like, yes, at her neck. Say, Okay. I want you to start dropping your chin, drop your chin, drop it and stop like that. And what I want you to do with your face that you face relax so much that you live. Thank you. That Russell little closer to her with silver. Good living Tippett down closer to her hand. Stop. Awesome. Like that should be looking great. Great. Don't move. Nothing back right there. Went to great. Awesome. Beautiful. Okay. Yeah. We can all relax, Russell. You throw it on the side, guys. Throat is back on a on the stand from, if you don't mind. Got me. Okay. So you can see the damage up on the screen. So it is very flat lighting. Yes, but it is more like what you see in kind of a magazine effect. OK? It is incredibly. That's our I don't know about that. It is an incredible effect, especially for the model e. Look, they love. Am I right? This is This is a typical model head shot, you know? I mean, so they did ask me to provide them a model. Headshot. And so that is what I did that primarily for. But like I said earlier yesterday, most every senior that I've ever met they want to be a model, right? So if you do these types of modeling type things, they are going to absolutely love you. So I'm gonna go have and I'm a turn off in my mind. The entire camera world. And I'm just gonna pretend this is the real senior just for half a moment. And we just did the last six pictures and just show you a conversation that very much happens. This is not set up. So I'm really interested to see how this works. So who knows what likes he's going to say? But I would typically go to this. I just did the last shot click. And this is very typically what would happen. Was that not fun or what? You have at least half a good time. Okay, Cool. I bet by now you wondering, uh, what would they look like? Alright, come see? Come see? Come see, I won't show you. Here, look, let me show you what it looks like. And on the back of the camera Now, real quick before even showing to you. What you're about to see is what we photographers call raw files. What that means is it straight out of the camera? No enhancement, no enhance, no retouching. Nothing has been done to it yet. Okay, So when you look at the back of the camera, if you're thinking to yourself Oh, my God, Like this awesome. Were you really gonna freak out when I get done doing all my magic? Okay, so But if by the same time, if you look at and go I don't like that, by all means, I want you to tell me. And I'm serious. I really do. If you don't like it, you absolutely cannot hurt my feelings. I want to know, but more important than I don't like a car. I want to know. Why don't you like it? Okay. Can you do that? At least for me? Awesome. So literate. Literally. I want to know if you don't like it. I don't like it. Tell me why. OK, anyway. But then there's that, By the way, I see that line and that line. That's not really there. That's just camera stuff. Okay, So anyway, there's that and there's that, And, uh, that lot more crop gonna happen to this, maybe even a crack running down the wall. You know, that little piece of floor, right? They're not gonna be there on gonna make one for the moments. Keep the moments happy, and then, you know, for the boyfriend. And then that's not you. And back where we started. Cool. Happy? Not happy. Happy skeleton. 1 to 10 9 Half working for 10 next time. Okay, so let's pretend. Just pretend. Stop camera, dude. Pretend, um, we don't like we don't, like, watch going back up. I don't like that one. Okay, watch. All right, So bamboo and so There you go. Happy. Not happy. Happy. Okay. Anytime that you don't like. Okay. Like Okay, when I get to the one you don't like, but always tell me which one. That one. Okay, so what is it you don't like about that one? Um, hair? Okay. Okay. What is it, like the hairs to wavy? Or is the fact that covers an I, um two waving. OK, so you would. You kind of, like, correct me if I'm wrong. You like the way it straight or here? Like in this image as opposed to the wavy swinging swirly. Like this big swirly thing right here. Okay. What about the post? You like to pose? Like the pose? I just don't like the hair thing. Okay, so if we could do this, but without the wavy hair thing, then you would be happy. Okay, So what? Let me show you show you what I'm actually talking about. And then what I would do is I would do it again. But without the weird way, the hair thing that she just told me she didn't like. Then I'm okay. Let's pretend we're looking at it now. And I would say, OK, now, this is what I just did. And this is the woman that you didn't like this. What? I just did this. The one you didn't like. Which one do you like Better? The new one of the old one. The new one, The new one. Okay, well, if I delete this one, that's okay. Okay. Boom. Tip that and all right. And delete. All right, There you go. All right. So that is pretty riel, as far as how I do that. And did you catch how I literally showed her the images on the back of the camera? Now real quick. There's a way to do that. I actually have a WiFi transmitter on my camera that as I'm taking the pictures, it's being transmitted into the main frame of my computer. So right now, at creativelive that have me tethered. And so that's why you're able to see the images pop up on the screen. In my world, I have a little WiFi transmitter that's on the camera. That allows me to sin the images into the mainframe while I'm taking the picture. Now what also happens is Mom has my IPad and it's and it's sitting there in her lab. There's a little device called a Cam Ranger that I got from Duri's and you. When you go click with my WiFi transmitter, it sends it to the my Way mainframe with the Cam Ranger. It sends it to the IPad. And so Mom is seeing the pictures as they pop into the into the IPad. It is unbelievable how powerful that is, because Mom is literally getting to see it. And I am listening. As much as I'm listening to the senior girl, I am also at the same time listening to Mom and I'll here behind me. Bad smile on a fake smile. Thanks, my man. You know, sometimes they literally get verbal like that with me. Oh, Mom, is that a fake smile? Yeah, that one's fake. Oh, wait. Took away while you there. Come on. Think of Billy Bob, You know, Boom. And I'll get the shot and Mama go. Okay, now, that's a real smile. Okay, Awesome. So again, all of this kind of goes back to yesterday into the marketing part of it in that I listen to people, I listen carefully. What they have to say so is to understand exactly what they want. So I'm betting there's a question out there right about now. Am I right? There is. Okay, Barmak before we started. So one Sandrine Want to know where you get your backdrops? Danny? Manufacturing. Okay, Denny mfg dot com. Okay. All right. And caddies wondering if what do you do if you're just starting out and can't afford multiple backdrops? Okay. I love that question. What are you going to do if you can't afford multiple backdrops? I just want to make sure you heard what she just asked me. Here's a true story. When I first got started, I could not afford any backdrops. I still have this background to this day and I still use it. I went to Walmart. I got me painters, drop cloth, black written die and rubber bands, and I made a tie dyed effect. I dot dipped it into that and I hung it up on the wall and that was my very first background. It becomes so popular that literally I still have it. It is in bad shape, but every nine in I pull it out and I'll do a photograph on it. Now I know you think in tie dyed curly cart Really sixties. Really? It doesn't look like that. It just has this black and gray kind of pattern to it. And it made it almost looked just like the last thing I just did accept a black and gray and then I could take a gel. I could put a jail color gel and turn that red, okay? And so I did. That's what I did. Boom, boom, boom, boom shoot. Now, to show you how far I was willing to go, I went to a buddy of mine in town who had a studio, and we were talking having coffee. And I said, Listen, what do you do with your black paper when it gets all, you know, messed up? Because people walk on it, cut it, throw it in a garbage, I said, Next time that time comes call me. I'd like to do something and having that be okay. He said, Sure. So when he we cut it, I rolled it up, then crumple it up and took it home. Well, that black paper has two sides. Not I chose you, How hungry I waas. I unrolled that thing and used the back side of the black paper. And he had some white at the time and used the back side of the white. As so I. I literally built a reputation as the guy with so many backgrounds with a piece of used black paper in a piece of used white paper and our tie dyed background that I got from Wal Mart. And I would just simply throw different colors on it and create all sorts of different effects. So don't tell me it can't be done because it can be. But you have to think you have to be a little bit out of the box. And so there's that. There's material that you can go by for, you know, in in the cheapo bend that they self of $2 you can take a piece of it and put it behind people and the list goes on and on and on. But what you're seeing the used today is from Danny Manufacturing. Cool questions. I love that story, Kirk. It's true. Wait, Do you hear the story about building my own soft box? I still have those two I PVC pipe, and I sat at my mom's sewing machine and I went and I literally sewed it based on what I thought a soft back and it was clunky and it was weird, But were you d I Y master? No excuses out there in Internet land. No excuses way. Don't question from Miss M. Melendez. Do you have all your seniors get makeup? And is that an in studio service in South Louisiana? Makeup is a thing, and no, it is not something I do. They typically show up, made up, looking awesome.

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Senior Portrait Retouching

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Enjoyed the course from start to finish especially all the marketing, advertising opportunities and pricing ideas. My wife and I spent Labor Day re-watching the marketing and pricing section and came away again with so many great ideas. Workflow and shooting the pics is more my responsibility of my business and his posing, lighting and workflow is awesome...In the beginning of the course I was disappointed in the actions as freebies but the more I got into the course and especially the last day with workflow, I broke down and used the Pro4um coupon from the swag bag and joined. That's what really made the actions more valuable because when you join the Pro4um, you get the entire setup for Kirk's workflow. The bridge setup, the scripts etc...I greatly appreciate what Kirk taught in this course and his passion for this line of business because it's helping WHP in every area from start to finish with our buisness!...Thanks Kirk and Thanks creativeLIVE for having Kirk do this Senior Photography course!

Leroy Tademydandp

If you want to take you photography to the next level you need to buy this course. Great content with an experienced passionate instructor who is also quite entertaining. Kirk's knowledge of marketing, cameras, and workflow are second to none. I urge you to do yourself and your photography a huge favor go to the top click the green button that says BUY! If you don't your missing out.

a Creativelive Student

His work is amazing and he has been a big font of inspiration for me... I wish I could be there to be part of it, live... :-)

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