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Review of the Day

Lesson 24 from: Senior Photography

Kirk Voclain

Review of the Day

Lesson 24 from: Senior Photography

Kirk Voclain

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24. Review of the Day

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Review of the Day

And if if the Internet world is looking at my list tomorrow morning, we can start out with adding a few things to the workflow. Or we could just go What's already there, Boy, that I just open myself up. Can't. So let's talk about this review, okay? There's with some of the things that we talked about today all of different equipment that I use and why all of this stuff that 1/2 my big deal with equipment is this. If you're going to be a professional photographer, you have to use professional equipment. But don't put yourself so far and this is the jungle. This is the jungle that we do is is photographers. Don't put yourself in in so much debt because because we do love we do so love the gadgets and the toys that we can absolutely walk through a trade, show it some photography, convention somewhere and go. I want one of these and a woman of these and I want one of these. Okay, now, if you're a photographer, let's back up a little bit if you're not, marketing is sound and you have a good...

strategy and a good plan and you put it all together and you got that word of mouth marketing and people are starting to come into your studio and you got some pretty good photography to back it up. Here's the reward. When you go through a trade show and you start looking at all the ties you can become a guy like me who walks to trade show now's and goes. Got it, Got it, got it, got it, got it, got it, got it, Don't want it, Got it. Tried it, Didn't like it, Got it, got it, got it, got it, got it, got it. Okay and leave the trade show so it believe it or not, you can get to that point. That's why have all these cool toys because I'm able to do these two things that we talked about the last two days. All right, so that as you go gold for the day start making that marketing work for you start putting into place. Start improving your photography to the best you can with what you've got, because I know the pain. I know what it feels like to wish you could have this piece of equipment. If only gonna have this. Oh, my God. All my problems would be solved. Well, man, that's great. Look forward to the time when you can make what you have pay for and by that. Okay? All right. We talked about the light hitting the five points of the face. That's the reason why I have this image here. This is a really flat image. Done, really, really close. It was done, just like you can actually look at the eyes and you can see that the lights see how it member had following Leroy Jam that light right on top of my lens. Well, you can see that light inside there with the with the angle that it is. That's that four by six laying right on top of my lens and causing that been that you see in the top light. The light that you see on the bottom of her eyes is the mirror that's on the table, and it's reflecting light back into her eyes, and then the rest that you see the eye happening in the eyes was done inside photo shop and will again play with that tomorrow. But notice that light is hitting her in the forehead. Noticed that light is coming down the nose. Noticed that light is underneath the two eyes and notice that light is on the chin and then it wraps around the cheeks and it creates that five point to the light concept that we talked about earlier. The two z rol doll. Forget about the 20 The customer has to have something. Make sure them two things are on a different plane. Okay, One hand high, one hand low there. Standing here. Bend the knee, bend the shoulders. Whatever the case may be, keep them two's of whatever they have twos doing like this all the way down their body. We talked about studio lighting. How I use my studio lighting. How I meet her, my studio lighting, all that stuff. How I use the modeling lights toe. Actually, give me the proper exposure. Okay? That's something that I do a lot. We did some natural light on the on the roof. We was kind of quick and fast up there, but that was the principle that you saw behind it. Just take that principle and then put it in, say, an environment underneath the tree are down the street or whatever to take the case may be. And then we talked about underwater photography for a little while. So those are all the things that we did today. What is going to happen tomorrow? That was gonna be my next question. Now you're reading. In my mind, I kind of had a feeling you would want to know those things. So tomorrow is absolutely all about workflow. Okay, once you have the marketing working for you and once you have the photography and you've gotten to the point where, boy, I mean, you don't not even think in the studio where it is just like second nature and you're moving right along. The next step is to get to the point where your workflow is your friend, not your enemy. Okay. There are all sorts of things that we could do to keep this thing moving as quickly as possible to turn it into it, if at all possible. Your buddy, um, get home faster after a session. That's my objective. I want you to get home at night. I don't want you living in front of the computer, Okay? Even if that involves buying two computers and setting up some sort of cloud and Dropbox or something like that on your system. I'll tell you what I do so that whenever I do have a long system, I'll show you how I do and what I do. Bridge, adobe, camera raw. I do not use light room. So we're gonna talk bridge and why I use bridges opposed to light room. I'm a show You, in fact, exactly what I do. We're gonna talk about photo shop. We're gonna talk about actions. If hopefully I don't see why we wouldn't have the time fart. But my plan is to build some sort of action for you tomorrow. That does something so as I can I don't want to just give you just unfortunately hurts my feelings when I see people. It happened to me just recently. I'll just tell you a quick story. This lady called me up and said, Hey, you know, I was on the pro form and I had this this action and I don't have it anymore. Can you send it to me? And it was the most basic of actions. It was the simplest action, and I thought, My goodness, that's just all these years she had this action and doesn't even know how to make an action. So my objective tomorrow is to quit giving you fish and show you how to fish. Okay, so we're gonna make an action once you understand the principles behind it, how it's done, how they're made, and then train yourself to sort of. Here's the hard part. Think like photo shop, making inactions. Nothing. Not okay. I'll show you some really cool fund speed tricks that will speed up your world right and show you how I do that Stuff and tricks that's gonna make your photography look better right now. Right now. Instantly. Boom. Tomorrow you will be better a better photographer because of these tricks. The better photography where he talked about that more they want to buy, the more they want to buy, the more money we make. That kind of stuff

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Senior Portrait Retouching

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Enjoyed the course from start to finish especially all the marketing, advertising opportunities and pricing ideas. My wife and I spent Labor Day re-watching the marketing and pricing section and came away again with so many great ideas. Workflow and shooting the pics is more my responsibility of my business and his posing, lighting and workflow is awesome...In the beginning of the course I was disappointed in the actions as freebies but the more I got into the course and especially the last day with workflow, I broke down and used the Pro4um coupon from the swag bag and joined. That's what really made the actions more valuable because when you join the Pro4um, you get the entire setup for Kirk's workflow. The bridge setup, the scripts etc...I greatly appreciate what Kirk taught in this course and his passion for this line of business because it's helping WHP in every area from start to finish with our buisness!...Thanks Kirk and Thanks creativeLIVE for having Kirk do this Senior Photography course!

Leroy Tademydandp

If you want to take you photography to the next level you need to buy this course. Great content with an experienced passionate instructor who is also quite entertaining. Kirk's knowledge of marketing, cameras, and workflow are second to none. I urge you to do yourself and your photography a huge favor go to the top click the green button that says BUY! If you don't your missing out.

a Creativelive Student

His work is amazing and he has been a big font of inspiration for me... I wish I could be there to be part of it, live... :-)

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