Segment 1 - Physical Fitness for Creatives
Lesson 1 from: Session: Physical Fitness for CreativesKelly Starrett

Segment 1 - Physical Fitness for Creatives
Lesson 1 from: Session: Physical Fitness for CreativesKelly Starrett
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1. Segment 1 - Physical Fitness for Creatives
Lesson Info
Segment 1 - Physical Fitness for Creatives
Wait you again through the audience I'm chase jarvis I'm a photographer it's the only car I've ever had until I co founded creative live with my good friend craig swanson who's not with us today he's up in seattle I'm also the ceo but the reason I'm standing on stage here today is because I am pressure creative and I'm busted my I've been a photographer my whole life it's little the only career prior to taking over as ceo at creative life that I've ever had and in the course of that ten, fifteen years I've really become busted up I got busted up ankles, knees, hips, shoulders the whole deal and that's through a handful reasons I mean just think of the modern life of not just a creative but what we live in today and if you are creative like me your craft has a whole bunch of things that get you out of whack like holding a eighty two two hundred nikon lands on the front your head this things like fifteen pounds and here I am and I do this ten hours a day for ten years what does that do t...
o my shoulders, my neck, my back uh also we travel I've traveled all over the world one hundred fifty thousand miles a year for the past ten years united airlines loves me but I hate sitting in those seats and it's we're not really really good for you and also traveling so much I'm sleeping in like my sleeping changes literally every night different amount of sleep different beds all over the place s o that wreaks havoc on the body and also let's face it as a creative you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk in front of a computer writing typing whatever your thing is he spent a lot of time sitting there doing repetitive motions so I spend hours and hours and hours sitting that also busts you up you may have heard the phrase sitting is the new smoking so it's kind of for these three reasons that I wanted to have uh basically it's a little bit selfish that is my lucky day because I'm going to get put back on the road to health that's the reason I've never open to show anywhere any show before anywhere with shorts on but I mean that today because I have an amazing guest uh this guest is a complete rock star in his world he's a guru of fitness he's a best selling author I consider him a close personal friend on he's going to bend me like a president put me back into shape please join me in welcoming dr kelly stowe rhett about a triple take better right? You go around breaking the ice uh um just a reminder that you can ask questions of myself and or kelly that the course the session kelly we're gonna actually breast, isn't it? Two segments? Um, the first segment that we're going to go into is around maintaining your body. This is why I feel like the luckiest man in the world right now is you're gonna show me how to fix all those things that I just want our piece of cake. No problem, you're like twenty two we don't have to be twenty one years of damage just going easy, perfect, perfect, ah, little bit older in twenty two, but we'll get to that later. So the first segment, I really want to focus on maintaining your body. You do have a previous course on creative life called maintaining your body were actually hoping that folks, if you bought that class or if you buy this class, that this little segment that we're doing here will be included in that that's just at creative life. Dot com slash kelly on I want you to walk me through all the things that we're going to fix this stuff, or at least get me on the road to that, and the second segment is about your new book called ready to run. Co authored by mr t j murphy he's back there he is, the editor in chief of competitors er and traffic magazines go where you guys just turn that book and it's coming up soon it's a print, you know? And I was laughed that t j is the most famous talented friend I have maybe second. So he's a savant, and I can't wait to chiller rules don't cool, we'll talk about ready to run your new book in the second segment, but again, for now, I want you to walk me through a bunch of stuff you're going to break me down, and a lot of this stuff again is just a top level that points to the class that we've already done with called maintaining your body doesn't mean that was a year and a half ago. Yes, you know, that's, a lot of water under the bridge or we tried to do a year and half ago was create a blueprint in a template for here's the structure and how works and how and how you should take care of it. But we didn't get into so many of the adaptation errors that you brought up that's the stuff, now that we're, we're focused on its public health, you know, one great that's why this is a great analogy, your great, uh buddy a great compadre with of course we've already done what we're gonna learn today and the maintaining your body which is on the network already to go check it out that being said I'm your guinea pig and for the next hour in this segment I would love for you to twist I mean, we can sit weaken, stand I could move these couches I'm yours I told you what I think my three biggest problems are you I'm sure you can tell me a bunch more problems that I've got uh but I'm your guinea pig again read it again he's meant so a couple things we should talk about is that chase moves really well he actually has a movement practice you trained well, you really are doing so much of the right things, but what might still feel so but well, you know, the problem is that when we are sort of addressing, you know, this area of performance and sort of optimized human function, right? How how do we live the fullest like expression of what it means to be human? What we've we've done has said, hey let's redefine mobility let's give people a template for fixing their their soft tissue problems let's give them the tools for understanding the motor control the technique of what it means to be human but that's only two thirds of the problem when we sort of build a scheme of for understanding, he sort of the performance right and on the way we kind of track these things is that, you know, I get injury prevention, I get injured resolution in the bargain, but if I really keep my eye on function and better being a better human than the performance, things sort of dribbles backwards, but one of the biggest sort of errors we see is sort of this environmental lifestyle adaptation air I live it and you cannot you can be a ninja on the other side's right and roll and you know and do all the things you need to do an exercise, yeah, punk rock, but the problem is, if you're still, you know, stealing on this other side, you know, one of my good friends is a kind of alan limb he's ah, exercise physiologist to the stars around cycling, right? Just brilliant athlete really coach, and he says, you can't cheat your physiology, and so I think the problem is for a long time, we've leveraged the fact that we are immaculate human beings and haven't done immense capacity to eat little chocolate doughnuts and smoke cigarettes and still win world championships in spite of that, and if we really kind of get to the bottom of this, you know, no one really sort of is grows up maybe my children are different, but no one grows up with the embodiment of this is how you're supposed to move and this is how you're supposed to eat, and this is how you're supposed to sleep and what ends up happening is that we sort of get by anyway, we we, you know, win nobel prizes anyway, and then suddenly something pops up, you know, the check engine light comes on, you're like, I understand, you know, I've always run my car like this I don't understand what's going on, so no, what we want to do for people say, hey, look, there's a whole bunch of things that you can control that make a huge difference in terms of the quality of your mental function, the sex, you're gonna have the skin quality, you're going tohave, but I have attention now that's all that my skin facts today is a personal pr I'm not talking about sexually warren tom personal p s I put my makeup on this morning she's the are are, you know, person was like, you know, she's like you are really tan, I was like, because I'm on the jackson tan plan and the jacksons hand plan is about sleeping mohr that's about being in the sunlight more and unfortunately, you know, we see professional athletes is an example sometimes get injured or pulled out professional soldiers, and they get sent to these camps where nutrition is taking care for them and imagine, like a professional athlete, spa, right where you get to warm up for an hour and you get to cool down for now and you get a massage and you do recovery, work out he strength training, you bliss out and get mental coaching and people like I feel so great a problem solved and then with suze, you go right back into your life as a soldier, professional athlete, mother, father, business, creative person that is not the way the world works at all, and we have to have a better set of tools that really allows us to do make do with what we have and sort of optimize the fact that we're going to get hammered and we're making basic errors, and we can talk about this today. Great, I you just outlined basically the reason I'm standing, I don't normally host I host a show called chaser of a slide, but when I knew kelly was in the building, I took the other host and hidden it somewhere, and I just wanted to be able to be like coach to manipulated and bent around by you for ah, at least where we got now, we've got fifty minutes in this segment, and I don't know if you want to break him down by functional areas. Maybe I should start out by telling you a little bit about my background and again, my goal is I am hopefully in some way, shape or form relate and connect back to everybody out here at home, in the, in studio audiences and the folks here and that you're working hard core creative were like you said it just a part of life. Your mother, father, dad, husband and life gets busy, you have to travel, and if I think I'm probably the most broken because I travel hundreds of thousands of miles, not just the occasional one, and I've been hank holding twenty pounds in front of my head, terrible posture like this for the last ten or fifteen years, and I think that whether you're a photographer, a designer or whatever it is that you do in life, hopefully there's a lot of overlap with my problems and the problems that you all out there world face, they are ubiquitous in nature, I mean, completely universal to all of us. This if we just look at the studio audience, how many of you guys slept nine hours of sleep last night, it's, laughable, ok us misunderstood, raise your hands so ok, so nine hours and how much you guys have a training practice like a striking addition practice, right? That means that most of your training like demons because the internet now it's full, like, I know how the tour de france guys, you know, girls train, you know, we're buddies with these people, we know how the olympic lifter strange and go online and see what west side is doing. I mean, the bag is out. I mean, my mom dead, lifts, right and talks about eating paleo so my mom is talking about her personal pr on the dead lift on our official me, then something has changed in the world. What we're seeing, though, is, as we have optimized our workout function, you know, and now we're seeing that some of the low pick hang for has been picture where we're making some of these basic areas. So how many people got eight hours of sleep last night? All right, so that's, like four or five you great less than six hours around six, raise your hand physics, so six means that you're thirty percent immune compromised, so don't worry about that, just your main function, and this is what's really crazy you are pre diabetic prom for the next twenty four, forty eight hours that that blood shock to the system that that poor sleep your body treats that like it is a primary threat and you were just talked with dave aspirin you khun manage that for twenty four hours you do not need to sleep the night before world championship or a big event you can do that. But what happens the next night and the next night? And we start to see this cumin of michael trauma I personally feel that, like aiken aiken go for our sleep. I am and I mean, I literally took ten years of my life and bragged about on ly needing for asleep. Oh yeah, you know, we always last that bill clinton people like what about bill clinton? He only slips like four hours a night. I'm like bill clinton died, he physically died and then we kept him alive with modern medicine way start it's hard. I'm like, great example, perfect. Next question, guys on the topic of sleep and you recently went on, not recently, but joe rogan's podcasts and you got a chance to go in his isolation tank, right? We didn't go in his isolation and we can talk about down regulation well, we have to talk about you hold that idea because, you know, so much of what it is that we're doing is modern, you know? Virtuosos and creative like people is that we are how many of you guys have had, like six cups of bulletproof coffee this morning you woken up, you had nine espressos, herbal, soy, decaf child out and I but I got the rest of us, you know, we spend a lot of time getting up. I mean, six our energy five hundred you drink three have espresso of t I do all these things and we are terrible at coming down, which is one of the problems. So one of the things that we don't understand is that we came about these concepts and they became important to us and jermaine our life because they were messing up our athletes. And so I understand that you may not be an athlete at home, but our whole model is to take what we think is best practice at the performance level like formula one, and we spend those concepts backwards. In fact, we don't think something is is valid unless for us it translates from moms and dads, grandparents all way down to my daughters, those the schema has to be the same and sure, they've very degree a little bit like kids need a little bit slighted nutrition and maybe you know, pregnant lady that right? But the bottom line is though we have toe on ly reason we ended up caring about this is that we saw that the sleep was such a big impact on our athletes work with the san jose sharks, their coach, their strength nation coaches mike potenza brilliant really coach and one of the things that they were seeing was that those guys were traveling in so many different time zones and competing so you like it's no big deal to the sharks they compete but the sleep with search of stanford says that for every hour of change it takes an entire day for your body to catch up. We're going to london and rough well if you're not if you're going to stay for two weeks now, you just take about right? So you know, the real question is what happens and how do you manage that? Because, you know, we started seeing this that we started seeing this in the quality of our tissues and our athletes that we were dressing all of the big you know, red flags and that we had this underlying pathology is you know, we're eating better now I think most of the people are pulling out the process foods were taking fish oil and we're trying to do the right things but what's happened is we're still leaving some of these big problems, and we're pretending like it doesn't matter because you're still extraordinary. You still get a lot done in spite of the fact that you're sleep deprived. One of these that were big fans on is measuring this it's, observable, measurable, repeatable phenomenon than crossfit that's. The thing that matters most to us is a physical thing for some trained, if I can't see change, experience change, there's no change, and one of these that we did at home was we bought a glucose meter from, like, eight bucks at walgreens because I was traveling, you know, teaching like you aton every other weekend, I was traveling for about five years, and I would come back, and I feel wretched, and one of our friends asked, is that yours? That sorry, okay, I ate something on one direction. One of things that happened was that we, uh, I start taking my blood glucose when I got back the next morning and it was wildly diabetic, like my fasting blood glucose was off the chart, so it almost doesn't matter what I eat. It doesn't matter how I train, what only matters as well, how do I mitigate some of those factors? So that's the sum of things we've got, we've got a jill down all right, great. I think you described in the last several minutes articulating what all the different folks out there feeling what I'm feeling my sort of three areas the my craft the thing that I do every day we're talking about or have that every day for the previous ten or twelve years hold the camera really busted up uh sleep and because I travel a lot that's another like function here that I want to get to in the next twenty minutes or so and then the last one it was my last one oh yeah just on on the plains it's crucial I'm sitting for next sometimes eight to ten hours at a time or I mean let's face it if you're an illustrator, you're sitting down if you're like way so it you know, work you don't have to that's true and you know we'll talk about that a great deal is that we're not sitting right now and you guys were sitting factor I don't get a camera on the audience for me. Great. Now watch this sit up don't sit like sit up like you are actually like human beings eso what happens? How difficult is it to maintain a good position? You're sitting? How many of you guys have meditated an hour of meditation pretty easy to do right maintain a perfect position for an hour right. No deal. Well, what's gonna happen is and are. One of the coaches are jim's can call palley genius freestyle movement thinker. And it was a national champion gymnast. And one of the things that he's big on is saying, how do we block patterns? What does that mean is that we'll give an example when kids jumping land, we teach them to jump in line with your feet together so that when they land, even if they don't have the skill or strength, hope they can tear their a c l z, just locate their knees or do any damage. So they're blocked when we have kids. Joe about the airplane in the military way, teach them to jump in land with your feet together because what they found was that feet together landing. No one got injured right when we saw fewer injuries. Ok, so one of the questions is how do we block your environment so that you don't end up defaulting and compromise? Is technology going away? Joe and I were just in korea, and they spend an average. The national koreans are the most connected people, the south koreans. Are the most connected people on the planet and they're spending four hours a day on their smartphones four and a half hours a day right, which is not different than many of us think united states is two and a half hours a day is how much time you're spending been over on your on your smartphone right? And so we blame the technology it's not the technology is not the camera you you were always shooting always creative and what changed? You know who would do the camera heavier all the sudden and someone hit you and then you know, you know, so something changed what changed was our capacities to sort of buffer that which is so common for all the pilots we see all that everyone else so one of the things that we want to talk about is how do we know manage the situation in a way that I can optimize and protect myself in these block pattern so the main thing around this is do you have a movement practice? So is running a movement practice running is a very infrequent one for me, but I do it because I couldn't do it from anywhere in the world. Great, I have my other movement practices I see dave warner up in seattle across at level four cost fit he's really put me on a good path right now that's the reason I'm not standing like right now let's let's talk about that for a second so the one thing he described was exercised right running is movement great but do you express all the things that your body is supposed to do when you no no it does like to things you extend the hip you neutral the spine and that's it right? This is your this is your running motion which is a tiny, tiny sliver of all the things that human should do um right about common people ride bikes seriously here not a movement great job and how many people swim big swimmers not moving practice craig job exercise right? And the problem is we've been confusing I need to exercise with because that's how I'm gonna keep my heart alive and so people are doing the right things that you travel you like okay get some work done I gotta stay alive and I don't want to get too fat because that's not funny right in my own mind and so that's actually how I think about it it's not I don't wanna get fat I want to get to, you know, mitigate that I write just doughnuts and you're not you're always the last booth looking back just like you know that thanks so the key here is that you need to develop a moving practice one of the things that were strong advocates of and are moving practices crossed it and take the exercise intensity out of it and what we're doing is we're asking people to do the things that their body should do ok, so you need to develop a move in practice that could be yoga and there's plenty of dvds throw that yoga dvd in there on new travel or it's on your laptop and suddenly you've got a portable movement practice and you have to have a move in practice every day yes, every day that is a gold mine of sweat every day well, you could be sweating, but sometimes I get e just learning right low and what you need to look at is that pallotti's crossfit yoga these are codified systems of movement swinging kettlebells efficiently and really forces into exposing the human us into moving in a way that supports the rest of the movement. That is what I loved about your last creative life class maintaining your body is you gave like is a very much a system a construct that was easily follow ble that showed people how to move healthy and you just very prescriptive and that's what a guy like me needs I don't really need like a here is just one thing you need to go adapted all the place because I'm not good enough at your craft to adapt it myself so again referencing because earlier class maintaining your body great blueprint for me to be ableto I have something I can stick with and know how to move my body, so I hope you're together, we're told, and what we're seeing is that people are working the limits of the understanding you're doing what you were taught or you should with the internet tells you, hey, I just had this health scare him to go run a marathon to get healthy like whoa, whoa, what? Well nor even prepared for that, and that really does set us up for what t j and I tried to do and ready to run was saying, here are the movement skills that are required to be able to run correctly. You do have this basic range of motion. So the first thing for most, the thing that you can do is start to develop a practice. Okay, so that's that's a longer conversation means you might need a coach or a teacher. And if you're serious about maintaining this, you know, and we see this everywhere, I mean, let's, let's, take this down. Tto the fact that my wife and I coached our local swim club, we did the strength conditioning. So these air young kids in the swim team and when I asked a lot of them show me the streamline position there are no problem coach and I was like well that's not a streamlined position full range of motion of the shoulder is all the way here we saw their full half of the kids couldn't even get into the position to swim kids kids rubber well evidently not even more rubbery right back in the day we were rubber right presidential physical fitness test made us right remember that do you your stud they're sittin reach you crush that yeah go ahead let's fire some questions off and he wants a I wantto again try and relate myself toe as many people that it's impossible I did have a very athletic youth yes, like part of my life I went to college on a soccer scholarship I got really busted broke both my ankles twice dislocated shoulder full rebuild ni full rebuild and you married a yogi? I did literally my wife. Yeah, my wife kate is a become yoga instructor on so she helps me a little bit but I come from broken was once a high performing athlete no just enough to be dangerous and I think that I feel like I'm a line with a lot of the people that are in my social sphere in my group or creatives here in the audience in the in studio because we think we have been given the tools to fix ourselves but I don't know we have the ability to but we haven't really been given the tools like I don't know what to do I think I'm gonna go run a marathon to get healthy, but I find that that actually makes me more injured and and you know that what we see is two things one is we take you where we find it and it's a moving target, you're never going to be in this often my state, why going have a baby let me know how that goes for you how's your sleep after that you have two babies, what happens? Go and start a business, you know, like all work for yourself suddenly, you know it is a disaster we laugh that having children is like a vampire like you want to have beautiful skin don't have a kid on I got to cut you off this morning in the mission was a jerk, but he's just sleep deprived because he has a baby like, cut him some slack, you know, there's that internet I mean, going around, so be kind to people there fighting battles you know nothing about it was like there just have children, I haven't slept for how they got off a red eye, so I mean that's, I feel like you needed a mind back story and I think we're from there that. But the folks in the city audience would come from broken thought. I knew just enough to fix myself. Turns out, I don't wanna learn today.
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