Instructor & Class Overview
06:04 2Materials & Tools
15:37 3The Sylvie Dress - PDF Pattern overview
06:04 4Choosing Your Size
07:52 5Cutting out the Fabric
06:22 6Interfacing the Waistband
05:39 7Stay Stitching the Bodice
06:35 8Creating Darts
18:34Sewing the Bodice
11:22 10Adding the Waistband - View A
31:41 11How to Make Piping
07:15 12Sewing the Piping to the Waistband
05:32 13Adding the Waistband - View B
06:09 14Sewing the Pockets
17:33 15Sewing Skirt View A
31:59 16Sewing Skirt View B
12:24 17Adding the Invisible Zipper
29:10 18Making Your Own Binding
03:46 19Applying the Neck Binding
23:14 20Applying the Armhole Binding
11:41 21Hemming the Skirt
06:04 22Modeling the Skirt
01:57Lesson Info
Sewing Skirt View B
Now we're going to focus on the skirt for view be so this is more of a pencil skirt sheep again the bodice is the same and that piping is optional so really the main decision that you want to think about aesthetically is whether or not you want a full gathered skirt or more of a tailored skirt I like to think of them more like just the feel I I'm going to go somewhere like a maybe a wedding or a little more formal I tend to lean towards wanting more of ah papered tailored skirt where gathered skirt to me feels like spring and fresh and like I'm gonna go to a picnic or something but that's obviously just depending on how you style it how you want to wear it so this is a little bit more of a fitted skirt I've already sown one of the skirt backs to the front so there's the skirt back here and the front and of course earlier we already did all of our darts but now I'm going to sell the remaining skirt back piece to the side seem this is a pretty straightforward side seem like we've done in...
the past we're going to do as we've been doing where we pin at the edges as well as at our nagy our notches here in the middle and then of course we want to put a few pins in between those anchor points it's more or less a straight seem, except it does have a bit of a curve at the hip to allow for the curves of our body. Of course, one note about sewing a skirt like this with the dirndl skirt, it's a rectangle and the tops and bottoms aren't really that big of a difference, but with a score like this, it has a little bit of a curve, which enables the bias, and I really recommend always sewing towards the ham because of the fabric stretches and moves at all if the hems air uneven, it's not really that big of a deal because you could shave off and either quarter of an inch to level it. But if you go the opposite direction and the waist theme is off a little bit it's much more noticeable, so I'm always wanting to so towards my hand when he used a regular straight stitch on because this is a permanent step chime of course, back searching, and we're using our five eight seem allowance here's, that little bit of a curve, as always, we're stopping for everything on well, back of the end, we're going to trim and finish the seam, just as we've been doing throughout the project on I'm going to trim this seem allowance in half again. As I've been saying all along, if you have your own personal preference for finishing that is completely fine or maybe you want to sew this part with a french seem that's fine as well however you choose to do it is perfectly fine switch to my three steps exact and so all the way down on that one and just as we've been doing, we're gonna want to press that seem but because it has a pretty significant curve at the hip we're going to use our hand and just want to be conscientious of that curve so when I walk through that part as well in case you've never really pressed a curve before we're going to press our side seam on skirt b but we have this curve where our hips are so we want to place our pressing ham underneath there is if we don't you can see that it's not then a lie flat it's got this little pucker to it right but we can't really press it without something under there to take the place of our hip curve we're going to press the seam allowance towards the back just as we've been doing you can see that pressing ham really helps take the place of that hip curve we'll press all the way down towards the hem pressing the same allowance towards the back and then we'll flip it over and just giving a little bit of a press on the right side as well. Now it's ready to attach to our waist fan and our bodies now that our bodies and skirts are fully assembled for view be time to put the two together we're going to put our bodice right sides together with our skirt and as we usually do, we have all kinds of not watches and seems to line up with I like to sew this part with the waistband up because that has the piping on it and I think it's a little bit easier to do it with the waistband facing you, so we're going to anchor it at all of those key spots the side scenes, the center back and of course, the center front but unlike the skirt for view, eh? There isn't any gathering or anything like that were simply just putting these two pieces together an irregular seem very much like when we attach the waste ban to the bodice it's just going to be a straight seem all the way across, so we've pinned out of those anchor points and now we're pinning in between and we'll do the other side righty once we're all pinned it's time to show them together because of that piping I'm going to switch back to my regular super fun if we want to get our stitch as close to the courting as possible so that the stitches right up against the courting, just like when we attached the waistband to the bodice upper the same situation is true, and we did that because I need to move my needle to get out of the way of my zipper foot. I'm actually going to be stitching an eighth of an inch to the left of my five eights mark, so four aides or half so again, be sure to keep in mind what you've moved your foot or your needle over, and to take into account for that zipper foot and make sure you actually move that same amount over on your seem, allowing smart. So when a back stitch, of course, permanent stitch and I can feel my courting is right there and I'm just going to stitch is close to it as I can, but I should be all set if I so right at my half inch mark, as always big aware of everything that is underneath and making sure that all of your access dress fabric is out of the way and you're not accidentally getting something hot underneath. And then we get to the center back way, our backs to tina's unusual, that is our seem there, so just like we've done on all of the other seems we need to finish the theme allowance edge on the inside of the garment. So here we are on the outside, we have that beautiful piping above and below our waist band and on the inside we have that same seem allowance that we've been doing all along our five eight seem allowance, so just as we have here on the side seams we've trimmed in exact wouldn't do the same thing here where we trim the seam allowance and have three steps exact it or of course, again, if you have a preferred method like with your surgery or something that's completely fine as well and then we'll press it will be pressing the seam allowance up towards the way stand because this is just a regular seem I would just press it as usual there's a little bit of a curve here at the side seem for our hips. You might want to put your pressing ham under there, but it's not quite like pressing gathers because it's pretty much just a straight seem. This is the last moment we're actually going to sea view be for the remainder of the class because everything from this point forward is identical. Whether you're doing view a or view be will be moving on to the zipper, the arm binding than that fighting in the ham and that's exactly the same for either of you no matter if you're doing piping or either skirt it's all the same so we'll take one last look at our beautiful piping and say goodbye to this dress for the moment and move on to the next step with the a.
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Ratings and Reviews
Esther Gonzalez
Great lessons, very detailed and explained clearly. Patterns are easy to work with. Highly recommend it to anyone who loves sewing or is even new to sewing because it won't leave you confused
Maureen Nevers
I loved Christine's clear, pleasant style of instruction. Unfortunately I had to stop watching 1/2 way through - is there really a dog barking in the background through the whole video recording?! Even if I could tune it out (it was pretty faint mostly), my 2 cocker spaniels were not fooled! Perhaps I'll try to resume watching with headphones ... Wish that had been addressed at the time of recording or editing, though 😐