Archiving Images for Storage
Lesson 6 from: Sharing, Publishing, and Archiving in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt

Archiving Images for Storage
Lesson 6 from: Sharing, Publishing, and Archiving in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt
Lesson Info
Archiving Images for Storage
once you're finished with a set of images, say a job or some place that you've traveled or maybe did a portrait session and all of your images that you brought in are in a specific album. Then you want to export those images to an archive because you don't want to keep piling on new images, new images, new images without getting rid of some of the old images. And so we want to get rid of images that we're never going to use again. We can keep the images that we want to keep for our portfolio, but the images that we've already delivered, and in my case, because I'm a wedding photographer, I'll bring in an entire wedding into an album I'll sort through. I'll find the selects and have the rejects, and I'll adjust all the selects and then I'll deliver all of those is J pegs. And remember, you just simply go over to the share option and export high resolution J pegs and send him the client or put them on a website. However, your however you are delivering, delivering your images as J pegs i...
s fine, but once your images air delivered to the client or say they If if you're not working professionally, if you're just sharing them once, you've actually delivered those images and you know Okay, the vast majority of these images I don't really need to ever look at again. I just want to look at my selects my favorite images. Um, that's when you need to get rid of the bulk of the images. And so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you how to get rid of a set of images, and you can do it either as an entire bulk of images. So you could say I'm done with this whole thing and I want to get rid of it because it was just a portrait session. I'm not really interested in keeping any of the images. I just did it for the client. Get rid of them. Or you could say, you know, I'm going to keep on Lee the very best images. So instead of keeping all of this stuff here, these are all just the basic images. And remember, I've got the HD ours that I created on the panels I created somewhere else. And so these are the images that I don't necessarily need I put all the HD ours up here, so let's see. Where are they? Say, there they are right there. That's one of the HD. Ours is right there. So I'm gonna go back to the images that I don't need any more. I've collected them into a collection, and I'm gonna highlight all of those images. The first step in archiving is just to get rid of not to get rid. The first step in archiving is just to make a duplicate copy somewhere on an archive drive for me. I have an archive drive once a year. I buy a new drive and I just plug it in. Once it's plugged in, I can put anything on it. So 2020. I'll just put all of the images that I shot 2020 on that archive drive. You could also put them on, say, an unlimited Google drive, and you would have it in the cloud as storage. Um, but remember, you only have a terabyte, generally speaking with adobe, and then you have to buy each new terabyte, so that can get fairly expensive. So it's better to either have a drive to put all of your rejected photos on or the photos that you don't necessarily want to look at. But you want to keep him just in case your client comes back for him. So you're gonna put those on an external drive, and the way you're going to do is you're gonna highlight the entire set, and then you're gonna go to the share icon, and you're gonna come down and export the original. But instead of exporting, I mean, you can export the original press plus settings if you'd like, because that's faster. But my preference would be toe export through the dialogue box. So when I click on it, it gives me the dialog box on the right hand side. And I would prefer to export the D and G's because if I export D and G's, all the settings that I've used go with him, and so it goes out together. So each image has its own little database that has all the changes that I've made to it. However, the downside to that is that it's gonna take a little longer because I asked export F a different image instead of just copying the information out actually has to make a new file. So to save time, we're actually going to just export the original plus settings, which again is just like exporting a DMG, but faster. So I'm gonna click on that export original plus settings. It's gonna ask me where to put it, and I'm gonna go in and find a drive to put it in as an archive drive. And we'll just pretend that this traveling drive is my archive drive, and I'm gonna create a folder that has the name of the job on it. So I'm just going to say this is 2020 02 To underscore Platt underscore HDR and Pano images. So that was kind of the job. Um And then I'm gonna hit, create and hit export. And it's simply taking all of these images taking all of the settings and changes that we made to them. Stars, flags, adjustments. And it's sending him out. And it's done. So now that it's done, I could find those images just by going here. Ah, and there's the job, and there's all the settings you can see. The original file is here. And then here's the ex MP data, which is the changes that we made to it. So now that we have all of that imagery that is backed up somewhere else so we don't need it anymore, then all we have to do is come back into light room and we just need to get rid of these images. So if we right click these images, we can delete all photos right here. Delete 35 photos and the dot dot dot means it's gonna ask you a question when it opens. When you click on that, it's gonna ask you a question. So any time you see something, dot, dot dot there's gonna be some kind of a dialogue box. So I'm gonna click on that and it's gonna ask me, Do you really want to delete these? Okay, it's gonna delete him from your albums. It's gonna delete him from your photos. It's going to delete him from everywhere. So be careful. The only place it's not going to delete them is if you have light room classic running in the ego system. If it delivered those images toe light room, classic light room classic is gonna hold on to him because light from classic protects all images. It won't let images get deleted without you specifically telling it. I want to delete these images, and so it's going to delete it from the Web. It's gonna delete it from all my ipads is going to delete it from all of my from my light room desktop catalog, but it's not gonna delete it from light from classic, if that's in your ecosystem. So I'm gonna click, delete and scroll out. And now those photos are gone and notice that the collection is synchronizing because it's now saying, I'm going up to the cloud and I'm deleting all these files and then it's done. They're all gone. But if I need to find them again, they're right here in the deleted images and they'll be there for 30 days. I think that's what it said. 30 days anyway. Maybe it was 60. I can't remember. I never can remember, cause I know if I delete something, I don't want it anymore, but it will be there for a certain period of time, and then you can always go back and get it and pull it back or after the whatever the way grace period is, it's going to just drop off. So you have about 30 days, I guess Teoh to make sure that you meant to delete it. So just to recap the archive process you're going to, you're going to go to an album that you already have for the job. So you have this job and you have an album. You're gonna go to that album. You highlight everything and you go over to this share option and you export the original images, plus their settings to an archive. Dr Put them in their own unique folder. Once that has happened, then you can do whatever you want with these images because you have an archived copy of it. So at that point, I'm going to collect the images that I want for my website or that I want to keep in my portfolio. And those are the images that I will take and move over to another album so that I have them saved in a different album. Once I have the my favorites saved in a different album, I want to remove them from this current album just by hitting the delete key. That way everything that's left over is totally delete. Herbal immense. When I'm going to right, click it and I'm going to go down to the delete option, which is right here. And then when I click that delete option, it's going to ask me if I'm really sure that I want to delete all of those images and they will all be deleted from the cloud. They will all be deleted from all of my devices. Except if I happen to have light from classic involved, they will still be in light room classic as a on additional copy. So that's how you archive.
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