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Review of the Workflow

Lesson 7 from: Sharing, Publishing, and Archiving in Lightroom Desktop

Jared Platt

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7. Review of the Workflow

Lesson Info

Review of the Workflow

no matter what program you're using, whether it's light room classic or whether it's light room desktop, you need a good workflow. And that workflow is critical to the success of every photographer, especially working photographers, because we need to get things done very quickly, and we need to make sure we never lose a file. But even if you're not a working professional photographer, you still don't want to lose files, and you still don't want to waste time. You would rather be working on images getting great quality images as quickly as possible, so the workflow surrounding light room desktop is quite actually very simple. In fact, light room desktop was created to try and simplify the entire workflow system. So the workflow is this. You're going to take the images from your camera through the card, and either you're going to put them into light and desktop and import them into the inte light from desktop, and it's going to put them in a very specific folder that it chooses. It's go...

ing to organize them. You get to tell it what Dr to put it on, but it's going toe organize for you, or you can take that same set of images, and you can put him into your phone, or you can put him into your IPad. Um, and as long as those air running light room, they will take those same images, import them into your mobile device, and then either one light from desktop on your computer or light room on your IPad are going to send them up to the cloud. The cloud is then going to broadcast them to every single device. Some devices you can choose to just have previews showing on the device so that you're not taking up space on the device and others you can choose to have it download the entire full raw file so you conceivably could have, you know, five or 10 copies of the same file on every single device. Or you could have just the original copies on the on your computer and in the cloud, and everywhere else would be just seeing a preview. That's up to you. But those images have been delivered everywhere based on that light room ecosystem. Once the images air inside of light room, the real key is to organize them based on albums. Now they're organized by date, regardless, because the metadata is already there. Um, light room can also organize them by people because it can intelligently figure out who is in the photograph so you can find him by people you can find my date. You can also find them by visual searching because of sense. A. Because all your images air in the cloud and they're being looked at by an artificial, intelligent computer. So you have the ability to look through the images based on albums or based on searching, and you're going to go through the process of selecting images, flagging images if you have any HD ours or, if you have any panels, your going to stitch those together immediately inside of the grid. And then once you're done with all that selecting simply filter, which is right up here in the top, you're gonna filter for the images that you've selected or that you've starred. And those are the ones you're going to start working on. And all of your work is going to be done over on the right hand side of light room desktop in your editing area here. And then, of course, as you finish those global adjustments. Then you'll start working on the finer tune adjustments in localised areas, like burning and dodging and smoothing skin and removing blemishes and things like that. If you need some additional assistance from something like Photoshopped, that's when you go over to the file menu and you export or edit those things in photo shop. It will then send it back to light room desktop so that you will have both the photo shop and the original image in it. Once we've got all of our editing done in external sources like photo Shop. Then we go into the process of reviewing those images, putting them in other albums for different uses and sending them out, and whether that's we send him out through using those connections to professional services like White House custom color, or whether it's we export J pegs and send them to people on a disk, or maybe on a Dropbox or something of that nature or making AH website directly here inside of light room or sending to adobes portfolio websites. Either way, that's fine, but we're sharing those images out directly from light room, and not only can we share him directly from light from desktop. But we could also grab our IPad or our phone and weaken click on the same images. And we can share those images out to, say, Instagram or Facebook directly from the interface here inside of Light Room Mobile as well. And then once we're done and we've delivered the job and the client's happy with what we've done, then we just simply go to the grid into the job that we finished, which is should be organized in an album. Um, and we're going to make sure we export all of those as an archive copy that we can put away somewhere. And once we've archived, it will save a couple of those images for ourselves to stay inside of the light room ecosystem, and the rest of them will simply hit the delete key, and it will delete it from are hard drive from the cloud and from every other computer, and it will kind of clean itself out. And so you're the amount of space you're taking up in. The cloud will increase with each job you do or with each travel that you go through, and then as soon as you finish those, it will drop back down and you'll keep a little a small segment of those images, and then it will increase with the next job, and then it will drop. And then the next time you go to Europe, it will increase in the little drop. In the next time you go toe South America and take pictures, it'll increase and then drop. And instead of keeping all your images forever on the cloud and all your images forever here on Ah, given hard drive, you're going to just kind of ebb and flow. And your your portfolio of images will slowly grow over time. And it'll take a long time to fill that entire one terabyte in the cloud. And however many terabytes you have here a home. So that is the workflow surrounding light room desktop. It's a little bit different than the light of the workflow that surrounds light from classic because light room classic, you get to choose a lot more, and it's a lot more of a workhorse. It's a little bit faster, selecting images a little bit faster, synchronizing changes and things like that. But there is something very beautiful about the simplicity of light room desktop, and the workflow is quite simple because lighter and desktop is doing pretty much everything for you. All you have to do is remember to delete the images that you no longer want to use, and that is the total work for flow for light room desktop.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Workflow in Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom Mobile Cloud
Adobe Lightroom Image Pipeline System
Black & White Preset Collection
Color Art Pro Profiles