Sharing Albums on the Web
Lesson 2 from: Sharing, Publishing, and Archiving in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt

Sharing Albums on the Web
Lesson 2 from: Sharing, Publishing, and Archiving in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt
Lesson Info
Sharing Albums on the Web
So once you found your images and you've shared him to a album now you may want to actually go in and share that entire album to the world. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna share based on albums. So you put the images you want into an album and then all you have to do in order to share one of these albums is just right. Click the album and then you can say share, too. And of course, you have the ability to share it to, as we mentioned earlier. Ah, White House Custom color is a option for sharing these air. Basically like plug ins on DSO. I can share toe White because how White House custom color. I can share it to blurb so I could make a book, but it's just gonna open blurbs, bookmaking software, and it's going to share to that software. Or I can share it to adore Adobe Portfolio, which is my website so you can create your own Adobe portfolio website. You can put your own you earl on it, and it's it doesn't cost you anything extra because you already are paying for Adobe service t...
hrough the creative cloud that you're paying for. So you already have this. So if you're interested in up in your website or making it easier to add things to it, this is a great way to do it. And if I do that, it's going toe. Add it to its own Um, album. And if you want more information on that, we've already covered it, adding to portfolio through other through light room. Classic. So that's in a previous lesson in this class. But you can add to any of those, or you can stay inside of the light room ecosystem, and you can use the share and invite that Sharon invite. Just simply click on that, and it's going to tell you it gives you a dialog box. You have to enable the sharing options. And then, once you've enable the sharing options, you have a couple options here before you have to go to the Web to adjust some of the settings on your website. So I'm gonna I can either choose to let anyone watch it, or I can invite people to it. So I'm just going to say, anybody can see this. Here's the link to the website. And then here's an invite I can add invites and tell that invite to that email person can on leave you. This guy can contribute etcetera so I can share these out. I can also change the display options. I can tell it what kind of grid I want. Tohave, I can tell it whether it's light or dark. Um, Aiken, I can also in the settings allow people either to download J pegs or not. I can show metadata. I can show file location information. So all of these types of things here allow you to kind of set the site before you ever go there. And once you've done that, just hit the done button. Let's copy the actual website and hit the done button. And once we've done that, we can go to our website, type in the address and hit enter. And because the images were already online, it doesn't take any timeto upload, um, push him to the Web site or anything. It's just already made. The website is already to go, and then I can go into my website here, and I just go there by going to Adobe are sorry to light room dot adobe dot com. Sign in, and then you can go into any of these websites that you've created and simply start editing them. You can actually add text to them, etcetera, and we've covered this again in another lesson, coming straight from like Room Classic. But this is how you get there. From light room. Desktop is just by right clicking and either share it directly to portfolio, which is actually a much easier and nicer way to connect than classic. Classic doesn't connect to portfolio quite as easily as it does here, so that's kind of nice to have that button or share an invite. And if you share an invite you're staying within the light room ecosystem. You're not sending it to a portfolio that has its own custom. You are l. You're actually sending it to a little tiny bit link on Adobe, so it's like a small adobe link that you're sending people to, and they're always going to see that link. So if you want a personal, personalized website that has your own you Earl, you got to go to portfolio for that. So, and that's how you would share those images out to the Web
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